The Hanging Academy - Cover

The Hanging Academy

Copyright© 2016 by Cardaniel and A. P. Damien

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Amy Cameron's father bought Miranda Warren, a Hanging Girl, as a birthday present for her brother Andrew. After watching Miranda hang, Amy knows what she wants to do with the rest of her life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   Incest   Brother   BDSM   Snuff   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Public Sex   Prostitution  

The Next Morning

I sat at one of the computer hutches in the library, resting my cheek on my left hand, as the video on the campus intranet began playing.

For the first few seconds, the screen showed an empty private room in the Party Pavilion. Then Runner appeared in the doorway, holding Jimmy Pellis by the hand.

I bit my lip anxiously. I wished I’d been able to tell Runner what I read in Rochelle’s and Jimmy’s faces while we were still in the main room, but the opportunity had never come up. On the screen, I could see, even more clearly than before, what Jimmy would want from Runner; it was not behavior that would come naturally.

I watched Jimmy now, as Runner turned to face him. Jimmy’s eyes ran up and down Runner’s body, his mouth open, his eyes wide. I knew what I was looking for, and helplessly wished I could tell Runner, the image of Runner on the screen from fifteen hours ago...

“Take off your clothes, Jimmy.” Runner’s voice coming from the screen startled me, coming so close to what my own voice was saying automatically inside my head.

Pellis scrambled to comply, ripping off his tie and thrusting it into his coat pocket (there, thought so), peeling off his coat and the rest of his clothes and dropping them on the floor. Runner stood with his arms folded in front of him, a small smile on his face. I was slammed by an intense deja vu feeling, and struggled to identify the source of it. Runner had never been alone with a guest before, so I was completely mystified by this feeling.

Moments later, Jimmy stood before Runner naked, with a huge fleshy rod pointing upward from his crotch. He looked pale, swaying as if he might faint. Runner’s smile grew. He turned around leaning forward from the waist slightly to emphasize his butt. He put a hand on his right buttock and asked. “Do you want these, Jimmy?”

That’s it!! I thought. That movie!! The one Runner, Jana and I watched a couple of weeks ago. Runner is acting out a scene from the movie!

I watched as Jimmy nodded rapidly, whimpering softly. I mouthed the next line. “What are you going to do for me first, Jimmy?” Runner’s voice wrapped itself sensuously around Jimmy’s name.

Now I knew where Runner’s behavior came from. But a new thought left me even more amazed. Yes, right, Runner is copying what he’s seen on TV. But it’s exactly the right thing! This was the need I had read in Jimmy, the interaction he wanted with perhaps the hottest boy he had ever been alone with. Whether something about Jimmy had reminded Runner of the movie, or whether he had read the seaman’s desires and searched his memory for something that fit, either way he had reacted to Jimmy perfectly. Very few First Year students would. And he’d had far less instruction than a First Year would have had by the time of their first party.

Jimmy stammered, “I - I don’t know.” He didn’t seem to have seen the same movie. I wondered whether that was good or bad. At least it would make the scene seem more spontaneous to him. And probably no less memorable.

Runner, still with that smile, snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor. Jimmy looked at the floor and, uncertainly, dropped to his knees in front of Runner—exactly the right thing.

I knew what was coming next, and smiled. Jimmy stared up at Runner, nearly drooling, and Runner started to sway his hips sensuously directly in front of Jimmy’s face, his fingers playing with the waistband of his boxers. “These are so uncomfortable,” he purred. “Would you take them off for me?—No, not with your hands,” Runner went on, stopping Jimmy as he began to reach up. “You want to touch me with your hands, don’t you? If you make me happy first, you can touch me.” I guess Runner didn’t recall some of the unfamiliar words in the script of the movie (“You have to earn it”), but had understood the essential idea from following the action.

Jimmy, breathing raggedly, looked at Runner helplessly. “But how...?” He pantomimed pulling down Runner’s boxers, as if to say, I need my hands.

Jimmy was being considerably more dense than the actor in the movie, but Runner didn’t miss a beat. He bared his teeth and clicked his upper and lower teeth together, a pantomime inspired by Jimmy’s.

Jimmy gasped as he caught on. Nervously—visibly shaking—he leaned closer to Runner’s hip, pressed his face against it and closed his teeth around the waistband. He could only manage to pull it down a few inches. Then he knee-walked to Runner’s other side and, again with his teeth, pulled down the waistband from there. At last he worked it down far enough that the boxers fell to the floor. Runner casually kicked them away with one foot.

Runner undid his vest then, folded it carefully, and laid it on a chair. He unbuttoned his shirt and slowly pulled it off. His sleek body slowly gyrated in an almost hypnotic dance. Runner threw the shirt beyond Jimmy, his arms still upraised, continuing the dance.

Jimmy watched him swaying naked just inches away, and could barely breathe.

Runner lowered his arms now, still swaying, and ran his hands down his torso to his hips, then his buttocks, with his eyes closed. “I feel so grimy, Jimmy.” I recalled Runner having to ask what “grimy” meant. As closely as Runner was following the script, he kept remembering to replace the movie character’s name with “Jimmy.” It was a marvel to see.

Runner looked directly into Jimmy’s eyes now. “I want you to lick me clean, all over. Then you can touch me.” He pointed to his feet to indicate a starting place.

Perhaps it was the camera angle, but Jimmy’s erection looked still larger than it had been at first. That’s probably getting pretty uncomfortable, I thought. But I was sure Jimmy didn’t care. He followed orders, licking the top of Runner’s left foot, and running his tongue gradually up Runner’s leg, moaning with his arousal. If this lasted very long, he would have an astonishing case of blue balls.

Runner made Jimmy detour around his crotch (“That’s for later”), but did allow him to kiss his nipples. Jimmy rose to his feet, and moaned more loudly, Runner caressing the back of his head, holding him close. Jimmy raised his hands to feel Runner’s chest while he sucked, but Runner pushed them gently away with the backs of his own.

Reluctantly, it seemed, he continued upward. As he got to face level, Runner took hold of his head, tilted his face up, and kissed him, hard and deep.

It looked as though Jimmy nearly fainted at that point.

Runner broke off the kiss. Locking eyes with Jimmy, he pointed downward. “Now finish the job.”

Jimmy dropped back onto his knees, licking Runner’s cock eagerly, moaning continually. Runner grasped his head more firmly than before, pushing deep into his mouth. Jimmy had to pause frequently to catch his breath. Once again Runner pushed Jimmy’s hands away from his thighs. At last Runner stiffened, quivering, threw his head back, and came down the sailor’s throat. After Runner got his breath back, he murmured, “You’ve been a good boy, Jimmy.” Runner pulled Jimmy up to his feet again, turned him as he walked around him and gently pushed him back toward the bed. “Lie down.” Jimmy lay on his back, his erection pointing straight up, hard and long enough to make a more than adequate tentpole. Runner spread some lube on his rear entry and knelt on the bed, straddling Jimmy. He positioned his ass directly above the pole. Then he lowered himself onto Jimmy’s erection and took him inside...

Runner started moving, sliding up and down Jimmy’s maleness. In a hoarse whisper, he said, “Hands, Jimmy, use your hands now. Use everything.”

Jimmy reached out, seeming to want to touch everything at once, stroking Runner’s thighs, his hips, and especially his buttocks. Jimmy moaned in pleasure as he caressed them, kneaded them, ran his hands all around them. He gasped each time Runner hit bottom on his maleness, moaning in between. Runner bent forward, his mouth and tongue finding Jimmy’s. He gathered Jimmy’s upper body in his arms and pulled them together, chest rubbing against chest.

I was staring at the screen, my mouth open, breathing hard, rubbed the crotch of my shorts. I saw Jimmy spasm, his sudden cry muffled by Runner’s mouth against his, as he erupted into Runner. Runner spurted at almost the same moment, enjoying “both pleasures.” They both held each other tightly, then both slowly relaxed as the orgasm waned.

Afterwards Runner raised himself slightly, gave Jimmy one more light kiss, and crept forward along his body and rolled them on their sides with Jimmy’s face against his chest. They both lay quietly, Jimmy with his hands cupping Runner’s buttocks, until a pinging tone signaled that their time was nearly up. Raising up to give Jimmy one more kiss, he began getting dressed. Jimmy, as if in a deep trance, did the same.

I glanced at the clock and realized I needed to get to Holden’s and Hamish’s room for a hanging practice session. But first ... I would stop by my own room for fresh panties.

“Amy!” Hamish greeted me at the door of their room. Hamish and Holden were both out of their clothes already, and Hamish eagerly handed me two lengths of rope.

Holden said with a grin, “We want to show you what we’ve worked out.”

I waited while they set the nooses around each other’s neck—they liked to do that themselves—and then I tied their hands. I pulled the lever and stepped back, watching the two brothers hang.

Holden bore Hamish’s weight first. Their lips touched for a light kiss, and then Holden, raising his thigh between Hamish’s legs with obvious effort, lifted Hamish by the crotch several inches, enough so that he could kiss Hamish’s nipple. Letting Hamish sink down again, and kissing him on the lips again, Holden relaxed his legs. Hamish lifted Holden in the same way, briefly kissed Holden’s nipple, then lowered him again. They went through a second cycle, then Hamish signaled for me to raise the platform.

Holden, face glowing, breathing deeply, looked down at me. “Did you ever do that with Grant? Tell us you didn’t! We wanted to see if we could come up with something new!”

I shook my head slowly, my eyes wide. “No, we never tried that. I don’t think it really occurred to either of us. I’m not sure we would have done it. You’ve got an advantage in being lighter than either of us; as long as your legs are strong enough, you can manage it. The only thing is, you look like you’re really straining. The audience likes it better very smooth and natural.”

Hamish nodded eagerly. “Oh, we know! We want to keep working on it to get a lot smoother, and we’re doing some new exercises to build up our thigh muscles.”

Holden added, “And the butt. You can really feel it there.”

I laughed. “I’m sure. You tire more quickly too, don’t you? Is this going to take away from the total time of the program?”

Hamish responded, “It would if we had to do a show right now...”

Holden continued for him, “ ... but we’re going work on that too. If we can make the transition smoother, that will also help with the breathing...”

Hamish finished the thought, “That and the muscle strength together. We just need to keep practicing it.”

I nodded. “Okay. Now take another couple of minutes, and then I want to see your other moves. Without the new one, for now.”

Both nodded, and Hamish spoke. “Amy, I wanted to ask you...” He stopped, and bit his lip, his smile suddenly a little shy.

I was about to prompt him to go on, but then was able to read it on his face. I smiled, deciding to make it easier for him. “You want to sleep with me tonight?”

Hamish blinked in surprise. “How did...? Oh yeah.” He grinned. “I have to get used to that.” He knew how Noosemeisters could read body language, but not much about how it was done. “So it’s okay?”

Holden broke in, “Runner can stay with me, unless he already made plans with somebody else.”

I reached up to put my hand in one of Hamish’s bound ones. “Of course. I was hoping I could get a chance to get to know you better.”

Hamish beamed at me. “Great!”

I backed away. “Okay, get yourselves ready. I want you to start with the chest bumps, and go from there.”

The boys both nodded, and closed their eyes, getting their breathing back to normal.

I was just opening my door when I heard a bark to my left. I turned with a smile to welcome Puppy, and my jaw dropped. I stared as she came bounding toward me: her hair was now bright pink.

Puppy began licking my leg, and I squatted down to put my face in range. Stroking Puppy, I looked up to see Jordan peeking around the corner, grinning. “So how do you like it?”

I stammered, “What ... how...?” I blinked hard. “How did you get her to sit still for it?”

“She wanted it that way.”

I stroked Puppy’s hair, looking like so much cotton candy. “She told you that?”

Jordan nodded. “Well, pretty much. We were going by the salon, and Mona was coming out. She’d just finished getting her hair turned blonde—you know how she changes it a couple of times a year. Puppy saw her and kind of started dancing around, barking. Not mad, you know, the happy bark. She knew who Mona was, but she was giving Mona this really puzzled look, and she really seemed fascinated with the new hair color. Then she ran up to the salon’s full-length mirror and started looking at herself really intently, like she thought her own hair might be a different color now too.”

Puppy was very familiar with her own image in a mirror by now. It had been Emma’s idea that if Puppy could see that she looked like all of the people around her, she might realize she was human as well, and perhaps would think that she should be able to do what the others could do—including talking. Puppy quickly learned that the image in the mirror was herself, and she enjoyed looking at it. But so far there had been no sign that she’d been inspired to try to imitate our vocal sounds.

Jordan continued, “I was thinking she might like it to be another color, so Mona and I took her to the library and brought up a girl’s face on the computer screen, and started changing the hair color. I wasn’t sure at first if Puppy caught on to what the idea was, but at least she kept watching. Then Mona started getting silly and tried some really goofy hair colors, like lime green, sky blue. When she got to pink, Puppy started barking and making these really excited whimpering sounds, seeing this girl with pink hair. So we took her back to the salon. She was really sweet through the whole thing, so I knew she knew what they were doing. And you should have seen her looking at the mirror when they got finished. She touched her hair, then she gave her excited bark. Then she bounded off as soon as Gwen took the gown off her,. She’s been showing it off to all her friends.” Jordan laughed.

I squatted in front of Puppy, put my hands on either side of her face and looked into her eyes. “You like that, Puppy?” I ruffled Puppy’s hair, very short but nicely trimmed like my own, and bright, glowing, almost fluorescent pink.

She barked excitedly.

I grinned up at Jordan. “Wonder if she’ll drag one of us back to the salon to do it again when she starts seeing dark roots.”

Jordan laughed again. “Probably.”

I thought back to the painting at Steffi’s house, including the puppygirl with every hair on her body dyed green. I looked between Puppy’s legs. “Wonder if she’d want her bush pink too.”

Jordan looked at me in surprise. “We never thought of that. I should get to studying, though. Test in physiology tomorrow.”

I shook my head. “Oh, I didn’t mean right now. There’s no hurry.” I waved to the departing Jordan, opened my door and let Puppy precede me inside. Puppy ran quickly to the mirror I’d set down at floor level for her a week ago. Puppy often examined herself, but never so happily as now.

I grinned. As rarely as Puppy demonstrated people-behavior, it was funny to see her showing as much vanity as any five other girls combined. “Lunch, Puppy?”

Puppy turned and barked at the familiar word.

I grabbed my food card and a leash for Puppy. I had made it a rule that whoever took Puppy to the caf should keep her on a leash there, so she wouldn’t help herself to interesting-looking food on somebody’s plate. Puppy wasn’t officially a slave, of course, but she wore a new leather collar for the leash. She was accustomed to the arrangement—in fact, she sometimes picked up the leash in her mouth as a sign she was hungry. She padded alongside me toward the caf, seeming more eager than usual, no doubt wanting to show off her hair.

I returned cautiously to the library after lunch, suspecting ... yes, Runner was there, at a table near the new section of childrens’ books. Runner was totally absorbed; he didn’t notice me coming in. Normally I’d have walked over to see what he was reading, starting a discussion full of questions from Runner, but I didn’t want him looking over my shoulder while I reviewed his second bedroom session from last night.Each computer was equipped with headphones. I made it to the computer undetected, and sat down to watch the video.

The video resumed from the point I’d left off viewing earlier. I would have fast-forwarded through the interval of Runner dressing in his slacks, shirt, and vest, but I watched the usually uninteresting process with fascination. It was impressive that Runner seemed so comfortable with brushing his hair into shape, a skill so recently learned, but ... well, that’s just him.

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