The Hanging Academy - Cover

The Hanging Academy

Copyright© 2016 by Cardaniel and A. P. Damien

Chapter 14

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 14 - Amy Cameron's father bought Miranda Warren, a Hanging Girl, as a birthday present for her brother Andrew. After watching Miranda hang, Amy knows what she wants to do with the rest of her life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   Incest   Brother   BDSM   Snuff   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Public Sex   Prostitution  

For the first time ever, I sat in one of the seats in the demo room—on both other occasions I’d been in the room, I’d had a special task to perform that had kept me standing throughout the event. I smiled, thinking how lucky I was to be sitting down this time. I’d only been able to start sitting again a few days ago. The bruises on my butt had faded at last. Grant was beside me, holding my hand, his shoulder rubbing mine. I didn’t feel any particular tenseness in Grant’s grip—as recently as a week ago I’d felt his stress when with other students, as he consciously suppressed his previous habit: to belittle and humiliate them. He seemed relaxed now. Progress.

The other members of the First Year class were assembling around us. A last couple of stragglers were taking their seats facing the empty area where Susan was hanged a month ago.

Bridget finished checking off the last name on his list, and nodded to Gil, who stepped into the center of the room and cleared his throat. In a few seconds the babble of students died to a murmur and then silence. Everybody listened as Gil started speaking, referring to notes so he wouldn’t leave anything out.

“Okay, your first party is coming up on Friday, so you’ve got three days to prepare for it. The First Year class is big enough that only half of you will be needed to perform host duties. The rest of you will staff the video monitors to observe the activities and behavior of the hosts. Those of you on monitor duty should keep in mind that you will have a number of different responsibilities. One, you’ll be expected to protect the host you are observing, though in practice they are rarely in danger. Two, you’ll write a short report later, summarizing your impressions of the host’s performance.” Gil smiled slightly. “We expect you to evaluate your host objectively, but if you do have some axe to grind and intend to grade your host unfairly, keep in mind there will be other people reporting on the same host, and the host can get even with you when you swap roles for the next party.” There were some nervous titters at that.

Gil went on, “Three, and this is most important: you’ll be expected to make your observations into a learning experience for yourself, just as the host will find himself in a valuable learning experience. As the hosts learn by doing, those of you on monitor duty will learn by observing.

“The hosts at this first party will be the students with the best grades in your Sexuality class. Of course, in Sex class you have only responded in writing to questions about sexual theories and hypothetical situations. The parties are going to be your opportunity to show that you can perform as well in practice as you do on paper.

“Those of you who are hosts: You have until Friday evening to get yourself ready for the party. I understand some of you have already scheduled appointments at the hair salon, and as usual there’s been a rush on the cosmetics counter at the student store. Once you get your hair done and pick up your party outfits, I want you to stop by my room, in costume, so I can clear you for the party. All of our party costumes are sexy, but of course, not every costume is necessarily appropriate for every hairstyle or body type. Once Bridget or I give you clearance, you’re good to go.

“Those of you serving as monitors should take the time over the next few days to familiarize yourself with the equipment. We don’t like hearing while the party is in progress that you’re having a hard time following your host partner with the camera, or can’t hear what your host or any guest with him is saying. The time to be figuring out how to do all that is now.

“As you probably know, Perry will be the student hanged at the party.” Gil paused and looked around, seeing several solemn nods. “His roommate Garrett will be on monitor duty, but will be excused for the last hour to keep Perry company, and one of the Second Year students will fill in for him on the monitor. I know all of you will take some time in the next few days to say goodbye to Perry and give him some encouragement.”

Everyone could see Perry sitting in the second row of seats. Garrett, his roommate, sat beside him, holding his hand. The girl on the other side of Perry patted his arm, and Perry smiled at her in return.

“Okay, now pay attention while I read out your assignments...”

I wasn’t surprised to hear that both Grant and I would be on host duty. Darrel would be my monitor, watching and listening electronically as I mingled with the guests and eventually took several to bed. I felt a thrill of anticipation as I visualized meeting some new people and getting to know them briefly—and trying to read them, the way Miranda could. In Sex class, sensitivity to a guest’s inner desires was indeed one of the topics, but it was understood that a special knack, such as Miranda had, was needed to become truly proficient at it.

I brought my mind back to the present, as Gil was reminding us about handing out our private-party chits. “You’ll start out with three of them. As soon as a guest asks you to go private with him or her, give the guest one of your chits so the guest can use it to purchase a ticket. We call that validating the chit. Then you lead the guest back to your assigned room, or he or she might meet you there. After your one-hour session with the guest, come back to the main party hall and mingle again. We know from long experience how many guests to expect, and most likely all of you will have at least two private parties. If you give out all three of your chits, tell any other guest who hits on you, very politely, that you’ve finished for the night. Don’t worry about any guest getting they’ve generally been to enough parties that they understand. Even if they’re new, they understand that polite behavior is a condition of membership.”

Tammy asked in a puzzled voice, “Membership?” I blinked at the question, and was prepared when I felt Grant’s sudden tight squeeze of my hand. There were a few muted snickers I could hear around the room, but no sound from Grant, nor any sign that Grant was incensed at a question no student would ask if he had read the student handbook in detail. Jackie’s head suddenly swiveled toward us, watching, for any sign of the old Grant returning.

Gil answered patiently, “Attendance at the parties is restricted to members of the Hanging Academy Support Society, who have paid thousands of dollars for their membership, and that just gets them the right to purchase a ticket to come to the party—and a ticket is not cheap, so not all the members are going to come to every party. Validating a private party chit costs even more, so you can feel very proud that one of the guests wants to spend time with you. Some, of course, will only be there to watch Perry hang.”

Lucas said, “I guess membership is still cheaper than buying your own Noosemeister, right? I was just thinking members kind of have a better deal than people who buy their own Dancer. They get to watch a lot of hangings, not just one, though the students they see aren’t fully-trained graduates, and they don’t get any of the student’s thanerone.”

Gil held up his hands. “Oh! I see what you’re thinking. They didn’t feel a need to make this point in the handbook, but anybody who buys a Noosemeister also gets an automatic membership in the Society. So it really is a better deal to buy a graduate...”

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