The Hanging Academy - Cover

The Hanging Academy

Copyright© 2016 by Cardaniel and A. P. Damien

Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Amy Cameron's father bought Miranda Warren, a Hanging Girl, as a birthday present for her brother Andrew. After watching Miranda hang, Amy knows what she wants to do with the rest of her life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   Incest   Brother   BDSM   Snuff   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Public Sex   Prostitution  

Two Days Later

I spent most of two days trying to figure out a way around the jail’s visitation limits. Any time I wasn’t coaching Holden and Hamish, eating, sleeping, or making love with one of my friends, I worried at the problem. I’d communed with Miranda again, and gotten nothing. Then I’d gone down to the Hall of Honor and stood there, looking into Grant’s eyes for over an hour. And gotten one word: Dean.

I went to ask Tina for an appointment.

The Next Morning

“You can go right in,” Tina told me.

The Dean waved me to a chair as soon as I walked through the door. “I assume you want to ask a favor.”

“It’s about Andrew, my brother. As you saw at the meeting, he really has changed. So much so, that I now think of him by a new name, ‘Andy’ instead of Andrew. But he’s still stuck in the past, worrying about what he did to me. Regret is good up to a point, but he needs to move past it. As long he’s stuck there, he’ll never get into the Academy because his focus is divided. And that will be a shame, because I think he has to ability to be second in his class, just as I was, or even first ... unless another Grant shows up to outshine him. But to free Andy from Andrew, I need to get physical with him. Hug him, wrestle with him. Maybe even fight him. And the jail visitation rules require us to stay on opposite sides of a table, and the only contact allowed is a handshake.”

The Dean thought for several seconds, then said, “I see no objection, but I just don’t think there’s anything I can do about this problem...”

If the Dean can’t help, why did Grant send me to him. But the Dean went on. “ ... You may have forgotten that you have two very good friends outside the Academy, either of whom will be glad to help you in any way they can.” He pressed a button. “Tina, there’s a phone number for Mr. Smith’s office at National Technical Services attached to his contract. Would you call and find out if he’s willing to talk to Amy?”

“Right away.”

The Dean and I chatted about Holden and Hamish and my other friends for a couple of minutes, then the intercom buzzed. “Mr. Smith will be happy to speak to Amy Cameron.”

“Connect us, please.” The phone rang, and the Dean pushed a button. A female voice said, “Please hold for Mr. Smith.”

“Okay.” The Dean answered.

There was a brief pause, then, “Hello, Amy, Dean Porter. What can I do for you?”

I explained about Andy and the visitation problem. There was a short pause, then Benjamin said, “I don’t immediately see what I can do, but I have a large legal department at my disposal. I’ll put them on the problem and call you back within two days — and I’ll be very surprised if they can’t find a way.”

“Thank you ever so much, sir.”

“Please, call me Benjamin, just like before. And I’m really happy to do anything I can for you. And I can assure you that Calvin feels the same way.”

“Thank you, Benjamin. I really appreciate that.”

That’s fine. Goodbye, and I’ll be calling you back as soon as my team finds a way.” I heard the click as the phone was disconnected.

“Is there anything else you need, Amy,” the Dean asked.

I smiled and shook my head.

“Try to stay loose. Tina will summon you as soon as Mr. Smith calls back.” He nodded toward the door.

The Next Afternoon

Runner and I were enjoying the afterglow after making love with Puppy. Holden and Hamish had introduced her to a new refinement: Runner under her tail while I licked her pussy.

The speaker made that crackling noise, then Tina’s voice said, “Amy Cameron, please come to the Conference Room at six PM.” Runner and I exchanged a look. Should we eat dinner early? Runner shook his head. Right. Benjamin was coming earlier than he’d said. We’d celebrate afterward.

I looked at the clock. We had plenty of time. We continued stroking Puppy as she recovered from her new pleasure. Then we took a leisurely shower. Partway through, Runner sat on the floor and licked me, holding me up when my knees started to give way. Then we washed off the new sweat, got out, and toweled ourselves dry.

The Dean was already waiting when I walked into the Conference Room a few minutes early. I sat down, one seat away from him as before. Benjamin walked in about five minutes after six.

“Hello, Amy. I’m here with good news for you, although there’s a bit of risk attached to our solution.”


“Have I mentioned that NTS’s legal team is really sharp? Well, they are. Legally, Amy Cameron became my slave when I signed the contract and paid the fee. Well, technically Amy is Calvin’s slave, but Calvin approves of this plan.”

What? The Dean nodded, so I shut up and listened.

“The standard powers of a slave-owner include selling or renting the slave.”

“Your purchase contract forbids re-selling or...” the Dean stopped, then added, “without permission of the Academy.”

“Exactly. The head of my legal staff contacted Mr. Wainwright.” Benjamin looked at me. “Your brother’s arraignment is tomorrow morning. Wainwright has reached a plea bargain with the DA’s office. If the judge approves, Andrew Cameron begin serving it immediately, with credit for time served.”

The Dean was smiling. So was I.

“Now, suppose Calvin rents Amy to Andrew for one week...” Benjamin paused and looked at me.

“Then Andrew will be entitled to a conjugal visit from ‘his’ slave. We’ll have a private room. And no limits on contact.”

The Dean pressed a button on his desk.

“Yes?” Tina asked.

“Pull Amy’s purchase contract from the file. Make out our standard letter giving permission to resell a slave, and fill in the details for Amy, but substitute ‘rent’ for ‘resell’.

“I’ll have two copies for you in fifteen minutes.”

The Dean turned back to Benjamin. “Coffee? No, you prefer tea. And perhaps a pastry while we wait?”

Benjamin smiled and nodded, then turned to me. “You do realize there’s some risk here? Legally, you’ll be Andrew’s slave. He can do anything he wants to you, as long as he doesn’t damage you permanently. Even if he does, it would only be a misdemeanor, “vandalism of a slave”. Even if he kills you, it would be “Intentional Destruction of Property.” And nobody monitors those conjugal visit rooms. They have a computer with speech recognition for the word ‘safeword’ — if you can get it out in time.”

“Andrew won’t harm me,” I answered, “not even humiliate me. He doesn’t want to. And even if he did, it would wreck his chances for becoming a NooseMeister, and he wants that more than anything. I’ll be okay.”

“Just wanted to be sure. My lawyer will pass the word to Wainwright and he’ll tell Andrew.”

A kitchen slave came in with a tray. “My legal department also checked up on Wainwright,” Benjamin told us as he sipped his tea. “The scuttlebutt seems to agree on three things. First, nobody likes going up against him. One lawyer told me, ‘He knows every trick in the book, and wrote two of the chapters.’ Second, nearly all his clients and former clients are happy with him. Third, nobody has ever seriously suggested that he’s done anything illegal or unethical. Just the occasional joke that he ‘must be cheating’ because he wins so often, but nobody has said, ‘He did this unethical thing.’ Looks like he’s an honest weasel, even if that sounds like an oxymoron.”

Tina arrived a few minutes later with the form. The Dean signed it, gave one copy to Benjamin and the other copy to Tina to file. Benjamin finished his tea, dropped the form into his briefcase, wished me “Good luck,” and got up to leave.

“Go, have dinner with your friends. The kitchen will bake fresh pizza.” I thanked the Dean and went celebrate with my family in the Caf.

Two Days Later

We went through the same procedure as before. Officer Odell must have remembered us, but he checked our IDs and papers just as thoroughly as the first time. And I had to go through a body cavity search to make sure I wasn’t bringing in drugs.

Bruno wasn’t happy about having to wait outside, but he sat down on a bench and did his best to look non-threatening. I went into the room, put a manila envelope on the bedside table, and sat in a straight-backed chair. A guard brought Andrew in a few minutes later.

“Amy, it’s so good to see you again.”

“You, too. Now we can be together, alone, with nobody to tell us not to touch.”

“Yes. Yes.”

I hauled off and slapped him, hard. He curled his hands into fists. “What the...?

“That was for the slave contract and the tracker.”

“Oh. Yeah.” He stood there, looking down.

I slapped him with my other hand, rocking his whole body to one side. “And that is for whatever plan you had, that I short-circuited by running to the Academy as soon as I got the acceptance letter.”

“And one for Purity Island,” Andrew said, eyes still down.

“Yes,” I said, and slapped him a third time, not so hard. “And this is for Purity Island, too.” I grabbed him and kissed him.


“Purity Island wasn’t all bad. I met two new friends there, friends I love dearly. If you hadn’t had me kidnapped there, I’d have never met them. I figure I came out ahead on that deal.”

Andrew looked thoughtful “Hmm ... maybe you did. So, did you arrange this whole rent-a-slave thing so you could slap me silly?”

I didn’t correct him on whose idea this was. “The exact opposite. So I could slap some sense into you.”


“It’s good that you repent of what you did before, Andrew. But you need to get beyond that. It’s not enough to say, ‘I’m going to stop being evil.’ You have to find a way to grow into the you that you can be.”

“Which has what to do with the price of slaps in jail?”

“You planned bad things for me three times. I escaped all three times, and all three times I grew into a better, stronger Amy. Now I’ve hurt you three times. You’re taking society’s punishment, here, in jail. Now you’ve had punishment directly from me. Can you forgive yourself now? Can you grow into Andrew Cameron, the NooseMeister who graduated at the top of his class?

“I see. Or at least, I begin to see.”

“Good. Then I can stop punishing you. And you can stop punishing you. Okay?”

“Okay. So, that was the reason for this visit? To ‘slap some sense into me’?”

“Partly. But ... remember in the Conference Room, you said you would do anything to make up for what you put me through.”

“Yes. And I will. Just name it.”

“I want you to do one more thing for me. Get into the Academy and become a NooseMeister. Be the best NooseMeister you can be. Then we’ll be square. All right?”

Andrew breathed out. “Whew! That’s a tough order ... But I’ll do it,” he said, and shook my hand.

“All right, then.” I grabbed him and kissed him. “And remember, this is a conjugal visit.”

“Meaning we can have sex?”

I bit his ear gently. “If you want to.”

“Do I ever! Do you have any idea how sexy you look, standing there? Of course you do. You’re a NooseMeister. Being sexy is your whole life, up to the moment you dance your life away in a noose, and you’re sexy then, too. Right?”

“Right. You’ll be even sexier when it’s your turn.”

“I hope so. But I don’t want to just have sex with you, Amy. I want to make love to you. Please let me make love to you, Amy.”

I hugged my brother and kissed him again, stroking his cheek with one hand. “Yes.”

Andrew deepened the kiss, pressing himself against me. I let my hands roam up and down his sides and over his chest, and he moaned. He turned his head and breathed warm air on my ear, nibbled it lightly, then slid down to kiss the side of my neck. He unbuttoned my blouse, took off my bra, and worked his way down my chest to my nipples. He stayed there while I caressed his cheeks and neck, until I started to scream from the pleasure.

I was almost ready to collapse, but he finally switched his attention, kissing his way slowly down my belly, tonguing my navel, while his hands unzipped my skirt and pulled my panties down. He stared at my pussy for several seconds. He made me think of one of those dogs who reacted to the sound of a bell — nearly drooling.

Andrew guided me to the bed, and gently pushed my chest. “Sit down, please?”

I sat.

Andrew spread my legs and knelt between them. He started licking my labia, slowly. It reminded me of Puppy, and I started to giggle ... But the effect was a great deal more than affection. When I felt like I would burst from frustration, he moved to my entry and curled his tongue to get it inside. Then slowly on to my clit, licking it again and again, flicking the tip with his curled tongue while his fingers moved inside me. The state I was in, it took me less than a minute to cum.

Andrew backed off as he heard the change in my screams, but he kept his fingers inside me as my cunt contracted around them ... Then he looked up and smiled at me. “I’ve been wanting to do that since I figured out my real goal in life,” he told me. “I wanted so much to give you pleasure.” He licked my juices off his lips.

“Well, you succeeded! Wow!”

“Pretty good, huh? As I improved my behavior, I got more free evenings. I hired an escort to teach me how, then went to hookup clubs to find femmes to practice on. I’ve gotten pretty good at pleasing males, too.”

When I was able to stand up, I went into the bathroom, dampened a washcloth, and cleaned Andrew’s face. Then I took his hands and pulled him up to a standing position. I pulled him into a hug, plastering my body against his. Then I kissed him again.

“All that stuff I did to you...” he said, “it was not only mean, it was counterproductive. Showing you that dungeon just tipped you off to my plans, so that you ran to the Academy and escaped me. And that whole thing with Purity Island ... I still couldn’t have you as my pleasure-slave. It hurt you and it didn’t do a thing to make me happier.”

“Hush,” I said, covering his mouth with mine. “It wasn’t all bad. Listen and learn the good side. Okay?”

“Uhhh ... Okay.”

“Because Dad bought Miranda for you, I met Miranda. And she befriended me and gave me a letter of recommendation to the Academy. And because Miranda let me watch you in the tent, I got her head. A lot of good came of that.” I kissed him again.

“By showing me your dungeon, you pushed me to run to the Academy. And because I checked in early, I met Larry and Laney. They were my best friends for almost three years, and we loved each other until it was time for them to leave for their hangings.”

I told him about how I would commune with Miranda whenever I didn’t know what to do, stopping occasionally to kiss his cheek, his ear, his neck ... How Miranda had helped me save Grant from an early and ignominious death. And how Miranda had told me what to do to help free Andy from his guilt.

“And when you showed up at that party, with whatever plans you had for humiliating or hurting me, I turned to my roommate Grant, and we worked out that having-sex-while-hanging trick. Which not only put my services out of your reach, it was incredibly good sex as well. Other students are coming up with even better variants, so you not only helped me, you helped the Academy as a whole.”

Andrew had been rock-hard after pleasuring me. As I talked to him, he got distracted and he would start to soften up a little. In that tight hug, I could feel when that happened, and I would rub my pelvis against him to get him hard again.

“It’s just too bad you sulked off after the first pair-hanging, when a private room with me got too expensive for your budget. You missed all those shows we put on. You would have loved those so much, you would have been so excited, you would have cum so hard! And you missed Grant’s own hanging, done before a Party just like our pair hangings. That’s the only really bad thing that came of your evil plans: that you missed out on a really great experience.

“Andrew,” I said, looking him in the eyes and breathing gently on his lips, “Please promise me that you will never miss out on a good experience again. Now matter how disappointed you are, there are always other good things. So don’t let one failure keep you from other good things. Okay?”

“Okay,” Andrew said, breathing hard.

“And let me tell you the best part. Because you’re going to get some of the benefit from this one.” As I talked, I kept my eyes on Andrew’s, but my hands began removing his clothing.

I reminded him of how I’d met Runner and escaped from Purity Island. By the time I finished, Andrew was as naked as I was. I picked up the envelope and pulled out an 8”x10” photo of Runner in his party outfit, and another of him naked.

“Wow!” Andrew said.

“Yeah. Wow. Runner is my roommate now. It turns out he’s a natural as a NooseMeister: beautiful, smart as a whip, and the only he thing he loves more than trying out ‘new ways to sex’ is hanging.”

“But how does that affect me? He’ll be graduated and hanged by the time I get there.”

“At least two ways. First, he’s bound to invent new moves, new techniques to make hanging even sexier. It’s just the way he is, always trying things and finding out what works and what doesn’t. You’ll get the benefit of the new moves he works out, you and everybody who comes after him.

“And second, remember that he’s an escaped subling from Purity Island. He had almost no interaction with other people until I met him. He came here knowing nothing about our culture, history, anything. He didn’t know how to read or do simple arithmetic. He’s learned a lot, but there’s still a lot more he needs to know before he can qualify as a First Year student at the Academy.

“Andrew, Runner is going to be there when you start at the Academy. And he’ll want to have sex with you, both because you’re my brother and because he wants to try sex with everybody at least once. He’ll probably be a Second year student when you start. You’ll get to see him, naked. Learn from him. Share a bed with him. Now do you see that my side-trip to Purity Island is going to benefit you, as well?”

“Oh, my. Oh, yeah!”

“Andrew ... remember when you got a chit for a private session with me?”

“Like it was yesterday.”

“Would you like to find out what would have happened if you’d come to me like any other customer, just looking for the thrill of sex with someone who practiced hanging by her neck every day, or the pleasure to be gotten from somebody who always knew what you really wanted?”

“I’d love to.”

“Okay, then.” I sat on the bed next to him and gave him a Holden-Hamish kiss-lick. Oh, yeah, that turned him on! I kiss-licked my way down his body, giving special attention to his nipples, his navel, and his inner thighs. “Roll over,” I told him.

He turned over, and I kissed the back of his neck, then down his back, giving some extra attention to his butt. Then his thighs and the backs of his knees. A gentle push and he turned face-up again. I breathed on his belly, his thighs, teasing him. I spent a while just breathing warm air on his cock-head, then grabbed it with one hand and took it in my mouth. I tongued the slit, then licked all around. I pulled off and did the kiss-licks down one side of his cock, then back up to the head, then down and up the other side. And then, slowly, down and up the underside.

Andrew was breathing so hard I thought he’d hyperventilate and end up in the infirmary, so I slowed down a little. I pumped my hand slowly up and down a few times, then wrapped my lips around it and started sucking him in and out, slowly.

I continued working him in and out of my mouth, my hand pumping him to match, except every once in a while I stopped and gave him a few kiss-licks. Eventually his moans quieted to a desperate whimpering, and I sped up again, moving my head up and down as fast as I could, except that a few times I stopped just long enough to give the sensitive spot another kiss-lick. Andrew whined as I sucked him, then went stiff and quiet. His semen wasn’t as tasty as Grant’s —jail food was heavy on meat and light on fruit. But I swallowed it, partly for symbolic value and partly because I just like semen. Then I looked up at Andrew’s face and realized that he had fainted from the pleasure.

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