Senior Constable Anne Kensington - Cover

Senior Constable Anne Kensington

Copyright© 2022 by Uniformity2022

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Thomastown 'Uniform Branch'... Rebecca 'Becky' Campbell was a notorious local prostitute - Senior Constable 'Annie' Kensington a former 'Miss Victoria Police' cast aside from the 'Public Relations' Division and banished to Melbourne's hard Northern Suburbs to work 'General Duties'

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Reluctant   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Hermaphrodite   Fiction   Crime   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Facial   Oral Sex   Petting   Prostitution  

Senior Constable ‘Annie’ Kensington closed her eyes. She exhaled slowly.

Candice ‘The Cunt’ McNamara had told her everything. In part, Rebecca ‘Becky’ Campbell had inspired the brunette policewoman’s unfortunate nickname – not that it had really been Senior Constable ‘Candi’ McNamara’s fault. Nor had the young prostitute been to blame.

The secluded alleyway belonged to Sandra ‘The Countess’ Avalon and her prostitutes, or so ‘Probationary’ Constable Brandi Lee Williams and Senior Constable ‘Candice’ McNamara had confessed to the former ‘Miss Victoria Police’ earlier in the day. There had always been a few complaints about Sandra’s prostitutes. That was nothing new. But, ‘The Countess’ had her ‘friends’ within the Victoria Police – neither the Criminal Investigation Branch nor the ‘District Support Group’ had ever arrested the ‘Pimp’ or her girls. That left only the ‘Women Police’ from Greensborough and the local Thomastown ‘Uniform Branch’ to which Annie now found herself a member of. And, ‘The Countess’ had dealt with Brandi Lee and ‘The Cunt’ already...

“Annie...?” queried Becky – again, she slowly traced the woven ‘Victoria Police’ patch on the blonde’s shirtsleeve as she waited for the former ‘Miss Victoria Police’ to speak,

“What is that you want to ask me, Annie?” the prostitute demanded to know...

“Well...” the policewoman whispered. Pausing, she opened her eyes.

In her mind, she had pictured Becky ‘eating’ Senior Constable Candice McNamara!

The twenty-six year old blonde could almost feel the kneeling prostitute’s tongue violating her brunette colleague – the image had been so vivid. She tugged at her shirt collar...

“So...?” Becky prompted.

Annie slid her hand beneath her uniform shirt – she massaged at her shoulder.

Her eyes were hidden beneath the brim of her policewoman’s uniform hat. Senior Constable

‘Annie’ Kensington’s uniform shirt felt as if it were three sizes too small as she took a moment

consider her question. Annie’s glistening metal ‘Victoria Police’ capbadge catching the young prostitute’s eye,

“Do you really have sex with your customers here, Miss Becky?”

The prostitute confirmed it with a nod...

“But...?” gasped the policewoman.

Slowly, Becky ran her fingertip around Annie’s issue nametag,

“Not very fuckin’ Romantic, I know...” she whispered to Annie,

In her mind, Annie could now see Becky ‘pleasuring’ an anonymous man,

“ ... I know, Annie...?” continued the prostitute,

“Business is fuckin’ business, Senior Constable Kensington?”

Annie nodded, unable to speak for a moment or so...

“Mostly ‘blow jobs’...” Becky then added – the former ‘Miss Victoria Police’ responded with a groan,

“Quick and nasty...”

Annie couldn’t help but blush again,

“Do you like ‘cock’ too, Annie...?”

Raising her hand, she pressed a fingertip to the policewoman’s lips,

“That’s really none of my fuckin’ business, is it, Annie?” she conceded, licking suggestively at her lips – Senior Constable ‘Annie’ Kensington shuddered. She closed her eyes again,

“I just bet you like ‘cock’ huh...?”

Annie could picture Becky in her mind again. The young prostitute, kneeling just where she now stood talking with her – Rebecca ‘Becky’ Campbell contentedly ‘sucking’ a customer’s ‘cock’ in the alleyway off Settlement Road,

“I know Joanna does...?” teased Becky.

Senior Constable ‘Annie’ Kensington opened her mouth.

Without really thinking what she was doing, the former ‘Miss Victoria Police’ took the prostitute’s finger between her trembling lips,


Becky was surprised. She hadn’t quite expected that reaction from the policewoman!

Obediently, Annie began to ‘suckle’ Becky’s finger,

“So, you like that, do you...?” purred the prostitute.

It seemed so surreal. Unexpected...?

But, after what had happened with both Senior Constable ‘Candi’ McNamara and ‘Probationary’ Constable Brandi Lee Williams, was it not really inevitable?

The finger slid from the policewoman’s mouth. Annie groaned again.

“Y-Yes...” was the policewoman’s reply after a further moment’s hesitation.

‘Candice – Senior Constable Candice McNamara?” Becky queried – Annie opened her eyes.

“Candi...?” she gasped.

Becky lowered her hand,

“I think,” Annie now suggested in a whisper, “It might be time we found you somewhere more private, Miss Becky?”


The policewoman offered the prostitute a reassuring smile...

“That’s why Candice sent me...”

Pausing, she tugged at the sleeve of her uniform shirt - but for ‘Probationary’ Constable Brandi Lee Williams and Senior Constable Candice ‘The Cunt’ McNamara, Senior Constable ‘Annie’ Kensington could never admit to anybody else at the Thomastown Police Station how she now felt about Rebecca ‘Becky’ Campbell,

“It’s for your own good...” she warned.

Becky opened her mouth to respond, but words failed her,

“I don’t want you to get into any trouble, Miss Becky...”

The smile had disappeared from Annie’s face,

“It seems, that ‘Wild Bill’ Donovan’s going to ‘arrest’ you later this afternoon?” she explained,

“That’s why I’m here, Miss Becky...”

Candice had told her everything. The former ‘Miss Victoria Police’ knew only too well that Senior Constable ‘Wild Bill’ Donovan had caused Rebecca ‘Becky’ Campbell problems in recent weeks – he was becoming just as problematic for the policewomen at Thomastown too!

“He’s working the ‘divvy van’ with Candice - that’s why she sent me, okay?”

Becky nodded slowly. She understood only too well.

And, there would little her ‘Pimp’ could do...

“Candice wanted me to warn you, Miss Becky - she doesn’t want you humiliated again...?”

The policewoman’s voice trailed away. Becky muttered an obscenity.

Senior Constable ‘Annie’ Kensington glanced back at Settlement Road – she watched in silence as a trio of unsuspecting schoolgirls wandered passed. They seemed to not notice either her or Becky as they headed towards High Street. No doubt, they were headed towards Dimmatina’s Café - Rebecca ‘Becky’ Campbell smiled to herself. All three teenagers wore their short-sleeved white uniform shirts knotted ‘halter style’ about their slender waists, just like her. The prostitute too, knew where they were going. Dimmatina’s Café was proving a popular ‘watering hole’ for a few of the local ‘Delinquents’ as it was with Sandra ‘The Countess’ Avalon and her prostitutes. It was run by a former prostitute, Samantha Richardson, and so was quite ‘off limits’ to the ‘likes of Senior Constable ‘Annie’ Kensington and both ‘Probationary’ Constable Brandi Lee Williams and Senior Constable Candice McNamara...

“So then...?” whispered the prostitute.

She hesitated. There was still no sign of ‘The Countess’...?

Annie nodded.

“You know huh...?” Becky asked, though she already knew the answer,

“Y-Yes...” confirmed Annie – Candice had told her all.

Five days earlier, Senior Constable ‘Wild Bill’ Donovan had been working the Nightshift with the newly-promoted Senior Constable ‘The Cunt’ McNamara – the twenty-five year old brunette had little ‘General Duties’ experience despite her five years in the Job. Candice had been seconded to the Thomastown ‘Uniform Branch’ only a month before Annie. For almost all of her career in the Victoria Police, she’d been stationed at the Greensborough ‘Women Police’ Division, so at least she knew ‘B’ District and Thomastown. Nonetheless, her new ‘Officer in Charge’ had been less than impressed. He hadn’t wanted a female police officer. And, Senior Sergeant Barry McKnight had not wanted Senior Constable Candice McNamara in particular. He knew that ‘The Cunt’ had been caught in a ‘compromising position’ with another policewoman. And, he also knew that it had been the estranged wife of his former ‘Divisional Inspector’ that Candice had been ‘busted’ with – Inspector ‘Lucky Phil’ Tennyson was a friend of his, and so, he hadn’t wanted anything to do with Candice...

It had been no surprise, that he was just as unimpressed by the arrival of the former ‘Miss Victoria Police’ too,

“I should’ve known that Candice would tell you?”

But, it had been Senior Constable ‘Wild Bill’ Donovan who caused problems that night.

Handsome and arrogant, the twenty-eight year old former ‘Olympian’ had forced the prostitute to perform fellatio on him - along with Candice, he had caught Becky in the alleyway. It had been a little after midnight. Rebecca ‘Becky’ Campbell had just finished with a customer.

And, the young prostitute was still on Parole.

Candice had been forced to watch Becky ‘suck’ the policeman’s ‘cock’...

“Is that really why you’re here, Annie...?”

Annie nodded. She tugged at the sleeve of her uniform shirt again.

“There was a ‘complaint’ on the phone about you...” Annie explained.

She still couldn’t quite believe what she had just done with Becky...? But, she tried to focus on the matter at hand – Candice had asked her to ensure Becky was not in the alleyway...

“I didn’t realise what the consequences might be until I told Candice, you see...?”

It had been Senior Constable ‘Annie’ Kensington, who’d taken the telephone call earlier,

“It seems, somebody reported that you’re back working here again, Miss Becky...?”

“Then I am in trouble...?” asked Becky with a sigh. Annie paused a moment.

“I don’t want to get arrested by that ‘pig’ again, Annie?” whispered Becky – the former ‘Miss Victoria Police’ glanced back down the alley towards Cliveden Court and sighed,

“I don’t want anything to do with ‘im...?” the prostitute added...

“Well, he can’t arrest you, if you’re not here...?” Annie suggested.

Becky nodded,

“Candice sent me to make sure of it, Miss Becky...?”

The prostitute loosened her hold on Annie’s arm,

“I know what happened with ‘Wild Bill’ and Candice?” admitted the policewoman.

Becky nodded again. She owed Senior Constable Candice McNamara - the policewoman had been trying to take care of her since that night – Senior Constable ‘Wild Bill’ Donovan it seems, had carte blanche to what he liked on the Nightshift, and he’d forced Candice to ‘pleasure’ the prostitute after he’d ‘cum’ all over her. ‘The Cunt’ had performed cunnilingus on Rebecca ‘Beck’ Campbell...

“Candice huh...”

“Candice...” confirmed Annie in a whisper.

“Thanks...” was all Rebecca could say in response.

For several minutes, nothing was said. The occasional car passed by on Settlement Road.

The former ‘Miss Victoria Police’ run a fingertip down her left shirtsleeve and watched at the prostitute dropped her cigarette butt to the ground. Saying nothing, Becky quickly extinguished it with the heel of her stiletto.

“Seems, I owe you too...?”

“N-No...” was Annie’s answer,

“I owe my thanks, Annie...” suggested Becky, moving a little closer to the policewoman.

“My pleasure, Miss Becky - what about your ‘Pimp’ though?” Annie responded – Becky could only shrug. It was still a little early for ‘The Countess’ or the other prostitutes. And, there’d been little the ‘Pimp’ could do about Senior Constable ‘Wild Bill’ Donovan...

“So, does ‘The Countess’ take care of you...?”

“Y-Yes...” Becky answered – Sandra ‘The Countess’ Avalon had proved herself to be far more caring than any other ‘Pimp’ within ‘B’ District. That much Annie did know. Senior Constable Candice McNamara and ‘Probationary’ Constable Brandi Lee Williams had reassured Senior Constable ‘Annie’ McNamara that the ‘Pimp’ could be relied upon. ‘The Countess’ had been instrumental in a reduction of ‘Street Crimes’ other than Prostitution.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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