An August Affair - Cover

An August Affair

Copyright© 2021 by Kin Asdi

Chapter 9

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Gerald, a successful lawyer, was about to start a new assignment. Knowing he would soon be working for weeks on end he decided to take a hike in the forest and was lucky to find tracks of a huge grizzly bear. During the search he bumped into a woman and they had to face the bear together but managed to escape into her cabin. Gerald spent the night with the beautiful woman but she told him the next day to forget her telling him never to look for her again He left but he was resolved to find her

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   Sex Toys  

The silence was a little awkward as the two families walked into Hazel’s hotel room. Hazel’s father instantly grabbed the remote control to turn on the TV. The large screen came to life, showing Gerald and Lenna’s first kiss which was accompanied with the text, “Second engagement announced.”

All people in the room cheered and Lenna’s mother said sincerely, “Honestly, my dear Gerald; your velvet tongue has saved the day.”

“Listen up!” Kennith said as he turned up the volume a little.

The reporter’s voice sounded delighted as she said, “It seems that Miss Sharp had jumped to the wrong conclusions; Gerald McCrawl not only had met the two royal members but had saved Princess Charlene Henrietta’s life as well. It seems that Mr. McCrawl was taken away by Lady Lenna’s charms and the spark fully ignited when they worked together for 4 weeks. Investigative reporters have independently confirmed this situation was arranged by Lady Lenna herself as a way to further woo Mr. McCrawl.”

“What a romantic story,” continued her fellow reporter, “I’m sure we’re going to see some lovely footage of the two engagements very soon.”

“Indeed we definitely will. Now; other news,” the first reporter said with a serious voice, “In...”

Kennith switched off the TV and as he pulled Hazel into his arms he said, “So my future queen; I’m proud of how you managed to play the audience that skillfully.”

“Indeed,” her father conceded, “You had every single person’s attention in that room. Well done Hazel.”

“Thank you dad,” she replied meekly, “I’m glad it all worked out as we hoped it would.”

Lenna’s mother smiled as she said, “Silvia will be thrilled to hear the good news.”

Lenna stood next to Gerald, holding his hand firmly as if it might disappear into thin air as she asked her mother, “I know you have to go back but when do you think we should have our engagement?”

She pulled her daughter in her arms and said soothingly, “We have all the time of the world sweetheart. I think you two should live together for a while and as soon as you are settled we’ll set a date.”

Lenna nodded being relieved she could do it on her own terms.

“Right,” said Kennith, “We better pack. I don’t think it’s fair to let Silvia wait so long for us to arrive.”

As the family Grimaldi hugged their goodbyes Hazel’s father said to Gerald, “It seems that I owe you an apology.”

He looked at the man, realizing he would be alone again and said soothingly, “No apologies needed sir. I would’ve done the same if I was in your situation.”

“Indeed,” said Tom as he joined the conversation, “I think it’s great Lenna has you for a partner; I couldn’t have wished for anyone better.”

Gerald chuckled meekly and replied, “Thank you sir.”

“Come on Tom,” Lenna’s mother said, “Let them pack. I would hate it if I knew they have to drive in the dark.”

“Hey sleepyheads,” Hazel said as she kissed him on his forehead, “We are there.”

Gerald blinked with his eyes, and as he realized Lenna was using his chest as a pillow he gently patted her firm bottom.

“You heard your future queen,” he said upbeat, “Time to say hello to Silvia.”

She looked up with a dazzling smile and he couldn’t resist kissing those beautiful lips.

“Hmm, nice,” she purred as they had stopped.

“Oh alright,” he responded with a chuckle and kissed her briefly once more, “Now move your lazy bum.”

He shivered a little as he climbed out of the car as he acclimated himself to the fresh cool air and as he helped Lenna to get out the car an older lady stood waiting for him.

“Good evening,” she said with a soothing tone as she gently patted Lenna’s arm as she passed the woman, “Welcome to Casa de Verano Mr. McCrawl. As you’ve already guessed I’m Silvia the caretaker of the cabin.”

“Thank you. Pleased to meet you Silvia and please call me Gerald.”

“Good to know Gerald,” she purred, “let’s meet up with the others so I can explain the arrangements I’ve prepared for you all.”

“By all means, Silvia,” he said smoothly, “I’m looking forward to enjoying the fresh mountain air.”

“It seems I have to thank you for saving Hazel’s life,” she said as they walked up the stairs, “And I’m pleased to have someone in the cabin who knows how to perform first aid.”

Gerald laughed as he followed the sturdy woman into the luxurious living area and said, “Thank you but I sincerely hope my skills are not needed any time in the near future.”

Her smile reached her eyes as she responded, “I agree but I’ll sleep a lot better knowing you can take care of any emergencies.”

Lenna hugged Gerald and as she let him go again she said, “I’m pleased you like my future fiancé.”

“Hmm yes,” she said with a naughty twinkle in her eyes, “I’ve made up two beds for you all.”

Suddenly there was an uneasy silence in the room as they all looked aghast at the woman.

“Oh come on now. You can’t fool me,” she huffed and continued to tell her instructions in a way as if it had always been the case, “Kennith and Charles have the room at the west wing and you three have the master bedroom.”

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