An August Affair - Cover

An August Affair

Copyright© 2021 by Kin Asdi

Chapter 8

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Gerald, a successful lawyer, was about to start a new assignment. Knowing he would soon be working for weeks on end he decided to take a hike in the forest and was lucky to find tracks of a huge grizzly bear. During the search he bumped into a woman and they had to face the bear together but managed to escape into her cabin. Gerald spent the night with the beautiful woman but she told him the next day to forget her telling him never to look for her again He left but he was resolved to find her

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   Sex Toys  

Lenna was mesmerized by the lazy movements of Hazel’s breasts, which jiggled in the rhythm Gerald was pounding into the brunette. She held her tongue out, licking Hazel’s deliciously hard dark brown nipple every time it passed her mouth.

“Oh my god Lenna,” Hazel moaned, “You’re such a tease! Please honey, play with the other one as well.”

Lenna giggled as her hand slowly caressed her lover’s trim stomach before she reached out for the other breast. Her delicate fingers cupped the soft and pliant flesh and she gently started to pull at the perky nipple, goading louder moans from her lover.

Gerald stared into Hazel’s enchanting eyes, being thrilled by the fact Lenna was helping to give the woman the best time of her life. He had trouble keeping the steady rhythm as he wanted to bury himself deeper into her silky depths.

“Gerald,” Hazel whispered as she was about to crash into her second high, “Kiss me.”

He moved forward and carefully, trying to avoid crushing Lenna he brought his lips to her, tasting Lenna’s juices on them. He deepened the kiss as he noticed her channel was getting tighter by the second, knowing she was at the verge of cumming again.

The first time she came when he fucked her doggy style while she was eating out Lenna. He had loved to see how her firm bottom rippled in an enticing way as his hips slammed into her warm flesh.

Their kiss was feverish, battling with their tongues and it was Lenna, who triggered Hazel’s mind blowing climax as she suddenly sucked as much flesh as of the woman’s breast in her hot mouth.

Hazel arched her back, pressing her other breast against Gerald’s chest as he kept on rocking his hips against the solid flesh of Hazel’s legs until she begged, “Please Gerald. I can’t take any more.”

He stopped moving and after he had given her a gentle kiss he slowly withdrew his erection from her soaking wet pussy. Lenna looked at him with a cunning smirk as she purred, “Lie down, handsome. I want to ride your magnificent hot rod until you cum.”

He chuckled and growled, “How can I resist such a hot cowgirl. Show me your riding skills you little minx.”

As soon as he was lying on his back Lenna slowly crawled towards him, sliding her hands over his thighs. She gently cupped his balls and as she let them roll over her fingers she spoke in awe, “Poor you! They feel so heavy. You must be at the verge of having blue balls.”

“Lenna!” chided Hazel with a giggle, “Stop procrastinating! Go and fuck him senseless!”

“At once, my lady,” Lenna said playfully and as soon as she guided the plump head of Gerald’s cock into her silky entrance she exhaled deeply while fluttering her eyelids, enjoying the fact his wide girth was stretching out her pussy.

“Oh yes,” she murmured as she slowly moved her hips up and down, using his sturdy length to scratch her inner walls.

He pulled the woman closer and kissed her passionately and as soon as they came up for air she gushed, “Oh Gerald, this feels so good.”

Suddenly he felt dainty fingers worming themselves between him and Lenna, moving to the location where the two were joined.

“Sit up sweetie,” Hazel purred into Lenna’s ear, “I want you to cum at the same time.”

Gerald loved to see the two women move as one, riding his steel hard cock and he had to admit; he never had thought it would be so unbelievably sexy. Hazel’s full ruby red soft lips tenderly caressed Lenna’s slender neck while nimble fingers were plucking Lenna’s large puffy pink nipples. He knew the black haired goddess was on the edge of a huge climax as her pussy walls were vigorously clamping down on his girth.

The comfortable friction of her pussy was starting to be too much for him and he couldn’t postpone it any longer.

His hips started to jerk and he grabbed Lenna’s pliant yet firm flesh of her wonderful bottom, trying to have more leverage to push his cock just a little deeper. His breathing became labored as he increased the tempo, slapping his hips against Lenna in a blur.

“Yes!” screamed Lenna as she felt Gerald’s cock became even larger and a moment later she enjoyed Gerald’s pulsating girth, knowing it was delivering its precious load. The idea that one day Gerald could get her pregnant in this way was enough to trigger a mind blowing climax.

Lenna shuddered as waves of pleasure coursed through her body and she almost passed out by the sheer amount of delicious sensations the two lovers were administering. She slowly collapsed on his broad chest, enjoying the fact she was sandwiched between him and Hazel. She loved to hear the comforting sound of his sturdy heartbeat and as she traced little circles with her finger on his skin she murmured contempt, “That was amazing.”

Mark stared out of the window, hardly noticing where the luxurious car was driving to. His mind was still reeling about the disturbing events which had happened this evening. He came to the conclusion he felt betrayed by Leonie and even the fact she had chosen to end their relationship in such a terrible way didn’t give him any piece of mind. He still had trouble to fathom the fact she had held a grudge all those years, even worse; she was planning to kill him!

“Sir,” the driver said politely, “We have arrived at your house.”

Mark took a deep breath, knowing he had to face his wife, who would be devastated about what had happened. “Thank you Jerald,” he said subdued, “Are you going to pick me up tomorrow?”

“Yes sir,” the young officer said with a smile, “I’ll be your designated driver until your car is repaired, sir.”

“Excellent,” Mark replied with a friendly tone, “I’ll be ready at 8:00 hours.”

The man nodded and as soon as Mark had closed the door the luxurious sedan accelerated away, leaving Mark behind at the concrete drive of his home. As he turned to walk to the house he saw Esther standing in the doorway, waiting for him. His heart started to beat faster, realizing she already knew there was trouble.

“Hi honey,” he said as he stepped into the house.

“Oh Mark,” Esther said soothingly as she gave him a big hug, “I’m so sorry you had to deal with it on your own.”

He sighed, not really understanding why she wasn’t an emotional wreck herself, said stoically, “I survived.”

She kissed him tenderly on the lips, ignoring the lingering smell of tobacco she replied with a chiding voice, “You’ve been too good to Leonie.”

“Huh?” Mark responded surprised.

“Oh come on darling,” she said with a disarming smile, “She has been hitting on every single male of the McCrawl family for years.”

“You knew,” he whispered in awe.

“Yes,” she said demurely.

“So why didn’t you intervene?”

Her smile was mesmerizing, reaching her beautiful green eyes, and responded, “Oh Mark. I knew you’d never go that way, as your little brother wouldn’t have to deal with her as well.”

“Gerald too?” Mark asked bewildered and then he smacked himself on the forehead as he grumbled, “My god! How stupid could I be.”

“Don’t be so hard on yourself, Mark,” she said soothingly.

“I should’ve asked for a replacement straight after she tried to seduce me,” he said meekly.

“But you did give her a second chance,” Esther said with a cunning smile, “Even after her blatant attempt to convince you otherwise.”

Mark shook his head as he remembered how unperturbed his wife had responded about the fact that Leonie had positioned herself on his desk, completely naked. He however, was completely shocked seeing her beautiful body, her unblemished pale skin glowing in the morning sun. He couldn’t believe his eyes as he saw her pert breasts which were blessed with golden brown nipples, proudly standing out on those delicious mouthwatering mounds. But it was her cunning smile, knowing she had his undivided attention that made him realize that he could never have a romantic relationship with her.

He had curtly addressed her as Miss Sharp and had ordered her to get dressed before he had walked out his office. He was certainly impressed with her rich vocabulary of swear words she had thrown at him. It had taken him a few hours to come to the conclusion Leonie had to choose; Accept the fact they would never have a relationship or leave his office, permanently.

He sighed deeply as he realized she was gone forever and said mournfully, “I just don’t understand why she held a grudge all this time.”

“Apparently you weren’t the only one she held a grudge against,” Esther said as she guided him into the living room, “Gerald has had to take the rap for her wrath as well from what I’ve seen on the news.”

“Tell me Mark,” she continued somewhat subdued as she poured him a drink, “Why was Kim involved in this as well?”

“He is a McCrawl,” he said soberly as he accepted the glass from her, “She had wrapped him around her little finger.”

Esther gasped, “Oh no!”

“They were seeing each other,” Mark said after he had taken a sip from his drink, trying to sooth his dry throat, “They’d planned it all along; they wanted to frame me and Gerald.”

Esther began to quietly cry for her son; and after she had taken a deep breath she asked with a broken voice, “What will happen to Kim?”

“He will face trial for being involved with insubordination,” Mark replied softly, “and for being an accomplice in an attempted murder.”

“So he will end up in jail,” she said flatly as she stared out of the window. Then she suddenly turned to her husband with an angry expression edged on her face as she retorted, “Maybe this will be the best thing to happen to Kim; He will finally get the chance to learn what life is really about.”

Mark was dumbfounded by her sudden outburst but then he realized she didn’t feel guilty about the misstep of their son. He put down his glass and as he hugged the wonderful woman he said soothingly, “I think you’re right and I’m pretty sure he’ll survive.”

“I guess so,” she said with a small voice, “But how about you?”

He looked at her askance, admiring her enchanting green eyes he said sincerely, “I’m so happy I’m with you Esther. I would’ve been an emotional wreck if it wasn’t for you.”

She kissed him tenderly on his lips and then chided softly, “I know Mark but I will stop kissing you if you take up smoking again.”

He shuddered as he recalled the evening and then said meekly as he handed her the hard case with the cigarettes, “I guess keeping these on me wasn’t such a good idea.”

“Oh Mark,” she gushed with a warm voice as she hugged him fiercely, “I love you so much.”

Gerald woke up because a warm soft body was pressed against him while a dainty hand was exploring his chest. He gently stroked the smooth skin of the arm as he said softly, “Good morning, Lenna.”

The hand stopped and strands of black hair fell over his face as she moved over his shoulder to kiss him. Her agile body slid over him and as soon as she could see his face she asked, “How did you know it was me?”

He pulled the woman closer and as he enjoyed her feminine curves he said, “Just a lucky guess although I seem to recall Hazel is an early bird.”

“Hmm,” Lenna purred as she noticed the excited state of his member, “Someone else is happy to perform in the early morning.”

Gerald chuckled as he moved his hips forward to slide his girth up against her stomach and said, “Most mornings it will be happy to greet you in such a way.”

“Erm,” she said a little unsure, “You need to get a release?”

He nuzzled her nose and said soothingly, “There’s only a slight desire.”

“Good,” she said clearly relieved, “Because I’m quite tender down there.”

“You and Hazel were amazing last night,” Gerald said sincerely as he gently caressed her back, “I’m so glad it all worked out so smoothly.”

“Yes,” she purred, “We came to the same conclusion. We think it’s because you can keep on going for such a long time.”

He thought about it for a while and responded, “You know; it’s very relaxed because it feels so good and there’s no pressure to perform, at least that’s what I feel when I make love to you girls.”

“Well,” said Hazel as she sat down on the bed, “You sleepyheads better run for the shower; you have about 30 minutes to get ready for breakfast.”

Gerald wanted to follow Lenna as soon as she had climbed out of the bed but Hazel grabbed his arm, indicating she wanted to speak with him. He gracefully let himself drop back on the bed and asked with a demure tone, “My lady wants to speak to me?”

Hazel’s smile was cunning as she traced her finger along his chest, following his muscles down to his well-formed six-pack.

“Ah yes,” she said haughtily, “I need to have a word about your behavior in public.”

He raised his eyebrows as he repeated, “My behavior in public.”

She sighed deeply and as she took his hand she said softly, “We have to be extremely careful Gerald. Your attention should be solely on Lenna. There will be cameras everywhere and any misstep of either you or me can jeopardize everything.”

He knew what she was talking about; The press would scrutinize any footage of them for any hints. “Let’s make sure that your father and Lenna’s parents are positioned between us. It will be a lot harder that way for us to catch each other’s eye.”

“Right,” she said with a funny smile edged on her face as she patted him on his leg, “You better help Lenna wash her back.”

Gerald raised his eyebrows several times as he asked, “You’re going to join?”

She gave him a chaste kiss and said meekly, “My dad wants to have a talk with me and Kennith.”

“Okay,” he replied with a warm smile as he climbed from the bed, “I’ll make sure we’ll be spic and span in 20.”

Hazel admired his naked body and couldn’t resist touching his chiseled chest as she whispered, “I’m so looking forward to going to the cabin again.”

“Oh?” Gerald asked, surprised, “When are we going?”

“Straight after the press briefing,” Hazel chortled, “Just the 5 of us.”

“Hold that thought, Hazel,” he said as he walked to the bathroom, “We’ll be there before you know it.”

“I’ll try,” she said as she ogled his amazing physique and she couldn’t stop herself from giggling like a little girl as Gerald took a pose to show off his muscles.

Hazel had just closed the door to Lenna’s room when a sturdy knock at her room made her jump. Kennith smiled meekly as Hazel walked towards the door, cursing softly about her father’s annoyingly blunt way of knocking.

“Who’s there?” she asked curtly, knowing he wouldn’t have stopped ranting about the fact she had opened the door without asking who was at the other site.

“Open the door Hazel,” her father said gruffly and as she rolled her eyes she opened it ajar, waiting for him to enter the room.

“We need to talk,” the regal man said as soon as he had closed the door, “I don’t like that your fiancé’s sister is involved with this McCrawl person.”

Hazel’s breath hitched as she looked at her father, completely shocked by his condemning statement.

Kennith cleared his throat and as he walked towards Hazel he asked, “May I ask you what is bothering you sir?”

“It’s very simple,” George said resolutely, “Since the McCrawls are involved everything has gone pear shaped.”

“I beg to differ sir,” Kennith said soothingly, “You and I would’ve lost the one and only woman we love if it wasn’t for Gerald McCrawl.”

The man looked at the couple, knowing the young man had a point but still he had the feeling something was seriously off. He stared at his daughter who looked with awe at her fiancé and he could see they were very close. He cleared his throat and said, “I do appreciate your point Kennith and don’t get me wrong; you are absolutely right.”

This time Hazel couldn’t refrain herself from saying, “I actually like the fact that Lenna finally has found someone with whom she is in love and who is capable of dealing with the pressures of being a royal.”

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