An August Affair - Cover

An August Affair

Copyright© 2021 by Kin Asdi

Chapter 6

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Gerald, a successful lawyer, was about to start a new assignment. Knowing he would soon be working for weeks on end he decided to take a hike in the forest and was lucky to find tracks of a huge grizzly bear. During the search he bumped into a woman and they had to face the bear together but managed to escape into her cabin. Gerald spent the night with the beautiful woman but she told him the next day to forget her telling him never to look for her again He left but he was resolved to find her

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   Sex Toys  

As soon as Lenna had closed the door of the luxurious hotel suite she pulled Gerald into her arms. She looked at him, her ocean blue eyes piercing straight through him and commanded softly, “Kiss me.”

His heart was racing as he gently stroked the soft skin of her cheek, and brought his lips slowly to her mouth. He could feel her melt into his arms as he claimed her, their passion flaring up, desperately wanting more than this loving kiss.

There was a loud knock which came from inside the room followed by Hazel’s muffled voice, “Hey you two, let me in!”

Lenna giggled as she reluctantly let go of him and rushed to a door which gave access to the neighboring room. As soon as she had opened the door Gerald’s breath froze in his chest as he saw Hazel standing there, only dressed in her sexy underwear.

Lenna hugged the sensual woman and kissed her lover gently on the lips.

“Go on,” she said sweetly as she playfully slapped Hazel’s butt, “Don’t let him wait any longer.”

The brunette practically ran towards Gerald as she let out a small shriek of joy. He laughed happily as he managed to safely catch her in his arms.

They stared at each other and Hazel said, her radiant smile reaching her dark brown eyes, “Finally, I’ve missed you so much.”

They kissed and Gerald felt the warmth flooding through his body, knowing he was the luckiest man in the world. He was surprised as he felt another warm soft body, hugging him from behind.

“Lenna?” Hazel asked as she nuzzled her face in his neck, “You’re all set for dinner?”

“Yes, I think I need 20 minutes, tops.”

“Good,” she purred as she slowly moved away from Gerald and as she looked at him with a cunning smirk plastered on her pretty face she said seductively, “You know, I’ve promised Lenna a special treat if she was a good girl today.”

His blood was coursing through his body and his heart thumped as he responded huskily, “Did you now?”

She nodded as she moved her hands over his jacket and stopped at his chest pocket. She happily clicked her tongue as she, with deft fingers, retrieved a condom foil package from it. As she slowly stashed it away in the side of her bra she said to Lenna, “Let’s unwrap your present Lenna.”

“Oh goodies,” cooed Lenna as she was still hugging him from the back and she slowly roamed her hands over his chest, “I love presents!”

Gerald enjoyed the feeling of her soft fingers exploring his chest, following his six-pack down to his belt of his trousers. He knew he had little time to kick off his shoes before it became a lot more difficult as his trousers were pooling around his feet. With a little struggle he managed to get rid of his shoes and he was then comfortable letting the girls strip him completely naked.

Lenna purred as her nimble fingers found his erect cock and as she started to gently massage it she said huskily, “This is magnificent.”

“Uh huh Lenna,” Hazel said with a firm voice, “Come here and let me show Gerald how beautiful you are when you’re only wearing your mesmerizing smile.”

The naughty girl giggled giddily as she moved towards Hazel and Gerald couldn’t believe his eyes as Lenna’s dress slowly slid down her body. Her mouthwateringly pert breasts jiggled a little as they were freed from their confinement and as the dress kept on revealing more of Lenna’s unblemished skin Hazel said, “I promised to fuck her with a human strap-on.”

Gerald had a hard time registering what the brunette was saying as the dress slid off Lenna’s hips, revealing the tiniest thong he had ever seen. As Lenna gracefully stepped out of the dress Hazel had already pulled down the G-string, resulting in the beautiful black haired woman being completely naked.

“Sit down on the edge of the bed sweetie,” Hazel said soothingly as she walked to one of the suitcases.

Gerald loved the way Lenna’s well-formed bottoms rolled from side to side with every step she took and he had to swallow several times as Lenna sat down, spreading her legs widely.

Lenna giggled nervously as his cock started to bob to the rhythm of his heart, knowing she was going to have a wonderful time soon.

Hazel smiled warmly as she saw her lover was getting more aroused by the minute and as she took Gerald’s hand she guided him to the bed. She kissed him on his cheek and said softly, “It’s time to kneel, handsome.”

He happily obliged and as soon as he could closely admire Lenna’s breasts he gently took one of her beautiful nipples into his mouth, sucking softly to get more of her pliant flesh inside.

Lenna moaned as she truly enjoyed his attention but Hazel said softly, “Throw some pillows to me honey. He needs to be on the correct height for it to work.”

Within a few moments, Gerald’s knees were supported by a few pillows and his raging erection was in the perfect position to enter Lenna.

All this time Gerald allowed the women to use him as a toy and he thought it was extremely arousing. He heard the telling sound of a foil ripping open and wasn’t surprised that Hazel’s deft fingers rolled down the rubber protection over his steel hard cock. He was eager to give Hazel’s lover a good pounding but he was surprised when he felt Hazel snuggle up behind him.

“Now,” Hazel purred in his ear as she wrapped a long silk scarf around his hips, “We are going to be one and I want you to follow my movements.”

Soon enough he felt the scarf pulling him against Hazel’s hips, realizing he was about to be used as the human strap-on. He had to smile, knowing it was going to be difficult to keep in sync but he was in for a little bit of fun.

“Move a little more towards us honey,” Hazel said to Lenna; and as soon as she had complied, Hazel pushed her hips forward, letting Gerald’s girth slide over the slick labia of the wanton woman.

“Oh this feels good,” Lenna gushed, “It’s so warm.”

Gerald immensely enjoyed what the two women were doing and gasped as Hazel suddenly grabbed his member to align the head of his cock at Lenna’s entrance. He felt the hard push which would have punched his member completely into Lenna’s channel.

“Whoa!” Gerald gushed as he used his strength, preventing it from happening, “Gentle Hazel. I’m not made of rubber.”

“Hmm, a strap-on with a different user manual! And it gives verbal feedback, too!” she joked as she tried to hide her mistake.

“Yes,” Gerald replied with a laugh, “It even has force feedback, how about that?”

Lenna giggled but then said with a demanding tone, “Come on Gerald, I want to feel you inside me.”

As he grabbed Lenna’s legs to have some leverage he pushed in slowly until the head of his cock enjoyed the tight entrance and then he pulled back just a bit. As he moved in and out he counted to 9 and then he slowly moved his whole length into Lenna’s silky depths.

“Now it’s your turn Hazel,” he said soothingly, “It’s a sequence so 8 times shallow and 2 times deep and after that 7 shallow and 3 deep.”

“Oh I get it! That sounds like fun,” Hazel purred, “I definitely want to try that with you after dinner.”

In the meantime Lenna thoroughly enjoyed the way her lovers were pleasing her and started to moan softly as Gerald’s large girth was deeply penetrating her. Gerald moved his hips in sync with Hazel and liked the fact that he could roam his hands freely over Lenna’s divine body. Her firm breasts were blessed with large puffy pink nipples and due to Gerald’s thumbs rubbing over them they protruded proudly, begging to be softly pinched.

“Oh yes,” sighed the black haired goddess as Hazel pushed Gerald’s cock as deep as possible into her sex, “This feels so good.”

“Time to speed things up,” Hazel whispered in Gerald’s ear, “We need to start to move faster while I go to tease her clit.”

He nodded as he was concentrating on not cumming just now and grabbed onto Lenna’s toned thighs to steadily increase the speed he was driving his cock into her. His movements were strong and he felt the scarf cutting in his flesh as he was pulling Hazel’s body along which gave a strange effect to the way he was pounding into Lenna’s body. He found he actually liked it.

“Oh. My. God!” screamed Lenna as Hazel stimulated her lover’s pleasure nob, “Please don’t stop!”

Gerald felt Lenna’s inner channel getting tighter by the second and, knowing she was at the verge of a huge climax, he had serious trouble keeping his focus on pleasuring the beautiful woman beneath him. He too felt the indisputable signs that he was very close to losing control and the only thing he could do was increase the rhythm, hoping it would be enough to trigger her high.

He was not aware of the ripping sound as he started to pound deeper into Lenna’s body, trying to be as close as possible with the wonderful woman. He moved his arms under her body and pulled her to his chest as he kept on bashing his hips against her pelvis.

“Gerald!” Lenna screamed as her climax finally rushed through her body, creating a cascade which triggered Gerald’s climax as well. It was for Gerald as if it had been ages since he had such a powerful orgasm and he was in heaven, feeling his cock delivering copious amounts of potent seed.

“Wow,” Hazel whispered as she hugged the couple, “That was amazing.”

“Hmm,” Lenna purred as she nuzzled into Gerald’s chest, “Now I know why you walked so funny for so many days.”

“I’m sorry,” Gerald said between heavy breaths.

“Don’t,” she responded instantly and after she had kissed his neck she said, “It was amazing.”

Hazel giggled and as she patted Gerald on his back she said, “Alright, you both should have a quick shower. Dinner is in 25 minutes.”

Hazel sat in front of the mirror touching up her makeup when Kennith entered the room.

“Hi,” she said with a smile as she looked at his reflection in the mirror, “Is everything okay?”

He chuckled and, as he shook his head in disbelief, he said, “I thought we would have a low profile engagement but since your lover is in the picture, the press has gone haywire.”

“Oh,” she responded surprised, “I thought that Gerald managed to satisfy their needs?”

“He did,” Kennith said with a sigh, “Until someone from Special Forces decided to leak some info about him.”

“Oh no!” she whispered as her face turned white as a sheet, “How bad is it?”

Kennith started to pace around nervously as he said, “They know that Gerald tried to gather information about the cabin and that your father was involved with it as well.”

“Shit!” Hazel cursed as she remembered the heated discussion with her father about the security breach she supposedly had caused.

“That is indeed what is hitting the fan right now,” Kennith replied softly, “I’ve heard a crazy story that Gerald is trying to infiltrate the royal family to expose a huge scandal.”

Hazel gasped, “What the hell?”

“The worst and most damning is that they are speculating he is after you,” he said with a forlorn expression plastered on his face.

“No!” she whispered, knowing their plan was about to fail.

“McCrawl!” shouted Mark’s superior, “Get your ass in here ASAP!”

Mark cursed as he stood instantly, rushing towards his friend’s office and as he looked into his assistant’s room he thought it was strange she wasn’t in there.

“What’s wrong Fred?” Mark asked as he was about to step into the office but then froze as soon as he saw the large TV showing a photo of his brother next to a photo of Princess Charlene Henrietta with a large caption underneath, “Secret lovers?”

“Fuck me!” he whispered, shocked, knowing all too well that shit was hitting the fan big time.

The sound of someone’s clearing his throat shook him out of his stupor, realizing that his superior was not alone. As Mark turned his face into the direction of the other person, the man spoke softly, barely keeping his anger at bay. “It seems that you know more about what my daughter has gotten herself into.”

He knew now his own career was at risk if he was accused of insubordination.

“All I can say, my Lord,” Mark replied struggling to keep his calm, “Is that my brother is involved with the sister of your daughter’s fiancé, Sir.”

“I see,” Hazel’s father replied curtly, “Then explain why you try to search for classified information.”

“My brother was trying to find Lady Lenna sir,” Mark replied slowly, “But it seems that she has found him first.”

The man sighed deeply as he shook his head.

“Who knew about this?” he asked with a cold voice as he was pinching the top of his nose, “Someone must have leaked this information.”

“My assistant and later my superior when I was dressed down, sir.”

“Get her,” Hazel’s father addressed Fred in an authoritative tone.

“At once my Lord.” Mark’s superior responded with deference.

“What a mess,” he sighed as he rubbed his face, “Especially on the day of the enactment. This will take months before it will calm down.”

“Yes sir,” Mark replied meekly and then continued by saying, “I’ve warned him but he was very resolute to find her again.”

The regal man checked his phone and asked, “Do you have any idea why Mrs. Sharp would have leaked the information?”

As he ran through the last week interactions he had with Leonie and none of them were different and he said, “I’m sorry sir but I haven’t noticed anything on her. I’m actually shocked she’d done such an offensive crime, Sir.”

“Right,” he said as he walked out of the office, “Keep your superior posted as soon as you have more information. I have dinner to attend.”

Only then Mark realized the TV was showing a still of a video footage and as soon as he had found the remote he pressed play. He was totally taken aback by what the press and the paparazzi had come up with, realizing that his brother was in deep trouble.

“Hey what’s wrong?” asked Lenna as she saw the distraught faces of her brother and her lover, “You look like you’re about to go to a funeral.”

“Somehow the press knows about me and Gerald,” Hazel said softly.

“And to make matters worse,” Kennith continued, “They believe that Gerald is using you to infiltrate to reveal a scandal.”

“Oh drat,” whispered Lenna.

Gerald knew instantly that there was only one person who could have leaked the information to the press and he felt betrayed. She had been invited to so many parties, and everybody tried to make her feel welcome, and he couldn’t fathom why she’d done it.

“There’s only one solution to this,” he whispered as he looked at the three stressed people standing beside him, “I have to marry you, Lenna.”

“Of course,” she said with a funny smile, “In due time we can think of such life changing matters.”

“No he’s right,” Hazel murmured as she stared at him aghast, “We have to announce it tonight.”

“Well,” said Lenna flatly, “I’m not sure if I’m willing to pay the price for his brother’s leak.”

“Lenna,” Gerald spoke softly, “I understand you don’t want to be forced into this, but you have to ask yourself how much you love Hazel.”

“Now you have to shut up Gerald!” Lenna shouted, “How the fuck do you dare to question my feelings towards Hazel?”

“Lenna,” Hazel said softly, “If the engagement between me and Kennith fails I’ll lose you as well.”

“But that’s not going to happen!” shouted Lenna, “Everything is already arranged!”

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