An August Affair - Cover

An August Affair

Copyright© 2021 by Kin Asdi

Chapter 5

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Gerald, a successful lawyer, was about to start a new assignment. Knowing he would soon be working for weeks on end he decided to take a hike in the forest and was lucky to find tracks of a huge grizzly bear. During the search he bumped into a woman and they had to face the bear together but managed to escape into her cabin. Gerald spent the night with the beautiful woman but she told him the next day to forget her telling him never to look for her again He left but he was resolved to find her

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   Sex Toys  

Gerald felt horrible, his head was throbbing after he just had finished the presentation. He knew he had to hang on for at least an hour because he was convinced they would have a lot of questions.

He looked at the board, which existed mostly of old men except for the CEO who was a woman. She smiled as she said, “Brilliant presentation, you’ve excelled yourself Mr. McCrawl.”

“Thank you Mrs. Gould, but most of the credits should go to Miss Grimaldi,” he replied politely.

“Ah Yes, Lenna,” she murmured with a fond smile, “An extremely bright young woman. We are very grateful you gave her the opportunity to gain some experience.”

“With all due respect Mrs. Gould,” he said sincerely, “I couldn’t have done it without her.”

“We know,” she said as she leaned back into her comfortable chair, “Without her we would have ceased to exist a few years ago.”

She paused, giving Gerald the opportunity to process the little bombshell she had dropped and then continued with a silent but compelling tone, “You understand that this piece of information cannot leave this room.”

Gerald’s eyes were big as saucers as he realized what the CEO just had told him and he gushed hoarsely, “Yes of course, I understand.”

“Good,” she continued with a tight smile, “Since you’re openly admitting Lenna had a major part in the success of this project I think you should comply with her last demand.”

“Oh really?” Gerald responded shocked but then continued curtly, “I’m not aware of any demands she might have imposed on me,”

“Please let me rephrase that Mr. McCrawl,” she said quietly, “She asked me if you were willing to attend a ceremony tomorrow.”

“A ceremony?” Gerald grumbled, still reeling about the fact that Lenna had such a close connection to the CEO.

“It’s the enactment of Charlene Henrietta Bernadotte,” she answered as she pulled an envelope from her handbag.

“And why do you think I should go?” he asked defiantly.

“Simple,” she said quietly, her old grey blue eyes piercing straight through him, “You owe her that.”

As Gerald looked around it was abundantly clear that the others of the board deliberately kept from participating and he knew the CEO had a point. He tried to clear his dry throat and asked, “When is this ceremony?”

As she handed him the envelope she said, “Tomorrow. Your flight is at 11am and you’ll be flying in our private jet. All the information is in the envelope.”

Gerald’s eyes were as big as saucers as he fathomed what she had just said.

“Mr. McCrawl,” she said warmly, “It’s our pleasure. You have served us well and we truly appreciate your efforts.”

He tapped the envelope in the palm of his hand and said demurely, “Thank you Mrs. Gould, who am I to reject such a generous offer.”

“He’s on the plane!” gushed Lenna in disbelief, “He is actually coming.”

Hazel squealed softly as she had to sit still for the makeup artist. “I told you that Mrs. Gould could convince him to come.”

“Still,” Lenna said with a small voice, “What if he freaks out?”

“Stop doubting, sweetheart,” the brunette said soothingly, “I’m pretty sure he knows my real name is Charlene Henrietta and still he has decided to get on the jet.”

“Hazel,” Lenna said resolutely, “I need to make sure he’s not going to make a scene. The press would love to have some spicy news about us.”

“Well you’ve worked with him for 4 weeks,” Hazel pondered and then looked her in the eyes as she asked, “Do you think he would do such a thing?”

“No,” she said resolutely, “He rather avoids an escalation than create one.”

“I thought so too.”

Hazel sighed as she stared at her reflection in the mirror, hoping that her plan worked out. The biggest unknown was the man she had slept with for one night. She had been over this fact hundreds of times, knowing she shouldn’t have such a strong connection with Gerald but she simply couldn’t deny those feelings. It was outrageous, silly, compelling, and miraculous all at the same time.

She had had a very long and emotional talk with her lover, pleading with her to meet Gerald. Lenna had her strong doubts which were amplified by her nasty experience at Yale. Hazel had the good fortune that Gerald was involved with the case at Hunsky and Sons, a firm where Lenna had worked before. In the end she finally managed Lenna to accept the suggestion to work for him.

Lenna touched her arm as she whispered, “Are we still good?”

“Hey honey,” Hazel said soothingly as she looked at her now scared lover, “Nothing will get between us.”

“But it will be different,” she replied with a tremor in her voice, “And I don’t know if I can deal with that.”

Hazel smiled as she asked, “What are you afraid of, honey?”

“Well,” Lenna said meekly, “That I have to share you with Gerald. I mean I still want to have you for myself.”

“I don’t think you have to worry about that,” Hazel said, grinning from ear to ear, “First we’re going to have fun with Gerald and after that we just continue on.”

“Jesus Hazel,” Lenna gushed as her face felt really warm.

“Or,” her lover said as she slowly moved her finger from her neck down, following the swells of her lover’s breasts, “We’ll give him a little show, making him wait.”

Lenna’s breath hitched as she felt the sharp edge of Hazel’s nail tracing along the soft flesh of her breasts.

“Please,” she whispered, “You’re so bad!”

“Now,” Hazel whispered in Lenna’s ear, “Imagine a human strap-on who’s going to please you until you can’t take it anymore.”

Lenna gasped as she imagined Gerald and Hazel were somehow strapped together as they were making love to her, moving as one body.

“Stop, I can’t think straight anymore,” Lenna pleaded but then continued huskily, reaching out for Hazel’s chest, “And if you continue like this...”

Hazel giggled but then stopped abruptly and as she took Lenna’s hand she conceded, “I know this is scary and who knows if it is going to work but I think we should go for it.”

Lenna stared at her not knowing what to say.

“We both have to agree on this Lenna,” Hazel continued softly, “And perhaps it will be tough in the beginning but as long as we all are honest with each other I believe it will work. I want you both, but if it comes down to it, we are forever.”

Lenna nodded as she squeezed her lover’s hand and she confirmed, “We should go for it.”

Hazel gently pulled her lover in her arms and cooed, “I love you so much.”

Gerald sat nervously in the taxi which was taking him to the very, very upscale place that was just outside of the city. He had spent a great deal of time on the internet last night, browsing through the articles about Princess Charlene Henrietta Bernadotte. It was strange to see photos of her beautiful face, taken from so many different angles. There were a few photos where Lenna was in the background together with another man. His name was Kennith Grimaldi and it was speculated the handsome man was finally going to be Hazel’s fiancé. Gerald assumed that Lenna was Kennith’s sister.

He’d been tossing and turning all night as he couldn’t make up his mind whether to go to this enactment ceremony or not. The pivotal moment, where Lenna was so sweet and understanding when he stopped her from kissing him, made him believe he had to go.

Everything he read told him that Hazel was going to be with Kennith but he had a strong suspicion that something was off but he couldn’t put his finger on what.

He decided to go despite the fact he believed the enactment was a legal confirmation of a royal engagement which would mean that Hazel was going to be out of his reach completely.

But: still, there was something really odd about this and he had to find out what it was.

Lenna stood, according protocol, a few feet away from Hazel and her brother, anxiously scanning the people who entered the large room to congratulate the couple. She was well aware of the photographers, frequently taking photos of all the guests including her.

Then the moment crystallized ... he was there; Gerald walked into the hall.

Lenna’s heart skipped a beat as she actually liked the way he stood, wearing his official suit with sentimental ease. But then Lenna couldn’t believe her eyes as Gerald stepped out of the row and slowly walked out of the reception hall.

Shocked, she checked Hazel and soon realized she hadn’t even registered that Gerald had been queuing to meet her. She realized it was totally on her to save the situation and discretely left the room via the servant’s entrance. She knew the layout of the building and rushed towards the delivery entry as fast as she could dare to run on her high heels. She had an advantage and reached the waiting taxies before Gerald had turned the corner. With firm steps she moved towards the main entrance, the clicking sound of her heels echoing over the courtyard.

As soon as she turned the corner she almost bumped into the man she was looking for.

This time they both could stop in time and Lenna said between two pants of breath, “Please Gerald. Stay.”

“Why?” he asked softly.

As she hooked her arm in his she said, “Let’s have a walk.”

“Alright Lenna,” he said with a sigh, “I assume you’re going to tell me a story.”

As she noticed the paparazzi were paying attention to them she smiled as she said, “I will as long as you promise to keep on smiling.”

He heard the telling sound of cameras taking photos and chuckled, “Oh dear, I’m going to be headline news.”

“That’s part of the charm,” Lenna said softly as she directed him into a concluded garden, “These walls have ears.”

“I see,” Gerald said curtly.

“I’m so pleased you decided to come,” Lenna said sincerely, “Charlene is very keen to meet you as is my brother Kennith.”

“Oh,” he replied surprised, “But I don’t want to impose myself.”

“Didn’t Mrs. Gould give you the invitation?”

“She did,” he said slowly, not really understanding what she was hinting at.

“I have it all arranged, you’re sitting next to me at dinner,” she said as she looked with pleading eyes at him.

His eyes grew bigger as he understood there was something going on which she couldn’t say. He thought her smile was so disarming and said, fully realizing his evening could end up in hell, “I’d like that Lenna.”

She sighed deeply and as she gently squeezed his hand she said, “I think we should go and meet the couple. They are probably wondering where I am.”

He had trouble hiding his discomfort but Lenna said soothingly as she gently squeezed his hand again, “They are not what you’re expecting they are.”

He knew she was trying to tell him something and asked as they walked back to the hall, “So it’s not that bad?”

Her laugh was relaxed and as she squeezed his hand twice she cryptically said, “No, they won’t eat you for dinner.”

“Good,” he replied with a wide grin, “But I’m keen to know what’s for dessert.”

“Ah,” Lenna said with a mischievous smile plastered on her face, “I promise; you’re definitely going to love it.”

As Lenna and Gerald entered the reception hall, the queue to the couple was reduced to a few people and the photographers instantly knew they were witnessing a special moment. As a swarm of bees the press hovered around them as they walked to Hazel and Kennith.

Lenna squeezed Gerald’s hand as she looked at his face and was completely awed by the confident way he looked at the cameras.

His dazzlingly handsome smile was genuine as he softly murmured to her, “I’ve had a few moments of fame before.”

Lenna laughed happily as she remembered his famous court case about the twins and floated together with him, comfortably holding onto his arm, towards the couple.

“Ah there you are,” Kennith said addressing his sister, “We wondered why you left so suddenly.”

“Gerald got a little lost,” Lenna said as she squeezed Gerald’s hand affectionately, “But I managed to save him from falling into the dungeons.”

“Ah yes. Nice to meet you Mr. McCrawl,” Kennith said with a warm smile, “I believe I have to thank you for saving my fiancées life.”

“You’re welcome, sir,” Gerald said politely as he looked at Hazel and with a courteous bow of his head he continued, “But it was teamwork and we wouldn’t have survived without my Lady’s apt handling during this certainly stressed situation.”

Hazel chuckled nervously and said, “We were very fortunate we could escape the bear.”

“All’s well that ends well,” Kennith said with a smirk, “And Charlene Henrietta only walked funny for a few days.”

Gerald felt Lenna’s body become rigid and as he looked at Hazel he noticed she barely could keep her composure. He swallowed once as he was trying to keep his cool, feverishly assessing the awkward situation. It was obvious that Kennith knew what had happened in the cabin that night and Gerald’s brains were working at full throttle trying to formulate a coherent sentence. But then he realized he had bandaged Hazel’s ankle. Being relieved he chuckled politely.

“Ah yes,” he said calmly, “I’m afraid there was no other option than to bandage my Lady Charlene Henrietta’s ankle in that special way, sir.”

Then he looked down, admiring the pair of delicate looking high heels Hazel was wearing which emphasized her beautiful toned calves and as he looked up he said to her, “I’m happy to see that your ankle is properly healed, my Lady.”

He could see her visibly relax and her smile reached her eyes as she said, “Thanks to your professional aid, Mr. McCrawl.”

“Good,” Kennith said firmly but friendly, “Do enjoy the reception Mr. McCrawl. I’m sure Lenna is more than happy to keep you entertained.”

“Thank you sir,” Gerald replied politely and as he nodded to Hazel he said with deference, “My lady.”

Lenna sighed deeply as they walked away from the couple and as soon as she knew she was out of reach from the press she whispered in his ear, “I’m so going to kill Kennith.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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