An August Affair - Cover

An August Affair

Copyright© 2021 by Kin Asdi

Chapter 2

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Gerald, a successful lawyer, was about to start a new assignment. Knowing he would soon be working for weeks on end he decided to take a hike in the forest and was lucky to find tracks of a huge grizzly bear. During the search he bumped into a woman and they had to face the bear together but managed to escape into her cabin. Gerald spent the night with the beautiful woman but she told him the next day to forget her telling him never to look for her again He left but he was resolved to find her

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   Sex Toys  

Gerald shook his head as he remembered how her combat jacket moved up by every jump, revealing her well-toned bottom which was covered with the cute looking underpants. He still couldn’t believe she had kissed him and he desperately longed to feel those soft lips again.

He quickly opened the front of his rucksack where he had a spare set of clothes and a few wet flannels to wash down his sweaty body. He hated to drive back in sweat soaked clothes and now he could use it to be with this amazing woman without being embarrassed about being sweaty.

Within a few minutes he was ready, and dressed in some comfortable clothes he walked barefooted to the large windows which gave him a magnificent view of the forest and its beautiful valley. As he stood there he noticed the tile floor was heated, realizing this cabin was more an extremely luxurious holiday house.

He looked around admiring the elaborate amount of art which was displayed on the walls and in the many glass cabinets which made him feel a little uneasy. Hazel’s family must be extremely rich to be able to afford filling their holiday house to the brim with expensive looking pieces of art.

He himself was not short of a bob or two but he estimated that whoever owned the cabin must be a millionaire. He reckoned, since Hazel behaved as if she knew this place, she was a member of the wealthy family.

He heard a door open and as he turned towards the sound he was completely awed by the metamorphosis Hazel had undergone; the green and dark grey streaks on her face were gone, revealing a nicely flawless bronzed skin. Her dark chestnut hair beautifully framed her narrow face and her full red lips were turned in a disarming smile.

She was wearing a black ruffle tank top and a matching short skirt which showed off her amazing legs.

“Oh,” she purred as she checked out Gerald’s classy pants and fancy casual looking shirt, “I like.”

“Ditto,” Gerald said as he walked towards the beautiful woman, “I did like the feisty look but now you’re breathtakingly beautiful.”

“Oh you flatterer!” she gushed with a beaming smile and then pulled him closer to give him a passionate kiss.

As they parted she inhaled deeply and said, her voice an octave lower, “What on earth have you packed in that rucksack of yours? Clean clothes and a shower?”

Gerald laughed and then said, “Yeah it’s much bigger on the inside but I still have to figure out how it works that way.”

“Oh no,” she sighed as she rolled her eyes, “Please don’t start with those cliché quotes.”

“Sorry,” he bantered, “But I just couldn’t resist that slam dunk, dear Hazel.”

“Yeah right,” she said with a huff as she hopped towards the open plan kitchen, “Care for something to eat?”

Only then he realized his body was in desperate need of something substantial in his stomach and said casually, “I think I can eat a horse.”

“Oh drat,” she responded as she opened the enormous fridge, “I don’t think Silvia has cooked that much, but let’s start with this.”

Gerald was shocked as Hazel started to unload several plastic containers with food. She giggled as she saw his face and purred as she pointed at a large mahogany cupboard, “Why don’t you have a look at the wine cabinet and choose a wine which will go with roast pork.”

“Alright,” he said a little subdued, suspecting he would find top of the bill wines in the massive cabinet, “What do you prefer?”

“Anything but red,” she said as she transferred the containers into a microwave.

Pleased he knew a little about wines he opened the beautiful crafted large doors and was pleasantly surprised that the white wines were already chilled in a separate cooling unit inside the cupboard.

“Who is Silvia?” he asked as he checked the chilled bottles.

“Oh,” Hazel responded offhandedly, “She takes care of the cabin.”

“I see,” Gerald said distractedly as he realized there were only premier Grand Cru wines stored in the cabinet. His eye fell on a Chardonnay which he once had the privilege to taste, knowing the bottle would easily go for 175 dollars.

“Glasses are in the cupboard on the left,” Hazel said as she scooped the steaming hot food onto two plates.

“That smells delicious,” he said as he walked to her, carrying the bottle and two glasses.

Her face colored a little red as she said, “Thank you, I’m an expert in warming up food in a microwave.”

He laughed and then gently rubbed her arm as he conceded, “This is 1000 times better than what I can do in a kitchen. My best friend once said that I could even burn water.”

Hazel smiled, knowing all too well he tried to make her less uncomfortable and she changed the subject by saying, “Well, I see you’ve managed to pick my favorite wine.”

“That’s remarkable,” Gerald responded a little taken aback as he poured her a generous glass, “I knew this wine was great but actually all the wines in the cabinet are quite exceptional.”

Hazel laughed and as she raised her glass she said, “To an amazing adventure.”

He touched his glass against hers, the crystal ringing in a clear tone and said, “One with a happy ending.”

They both took a sip, their eyes focused on each other and Hazel moaned, clearly enjoying the wine and said, “Gosh, I needed that.”

They sat down on the bar stools and Gerald’s first bite of the food exploded in an amazing bouquet of flavors in his mouth, understanding why Hazel wouldn’t even think of cooking something herself.

“I know,” hazel said as she looked down at her plate, “Silvia is an excellent cook.”

“She is,” he replied softly, “I also like the amazing view.”

“The cabin is at the top of one of the highest hills,” she explained but then her face changed into a sober expression as she continued, “It’s beautiful but I really hate it when there’s a thunder storm. Even knowing we have the best available lightning protection.”

She looked up and as soon as she saw the grin plastered on his handsome face she growled, “It’s because you’ve saved my life and that you’re so incredibly sexy otherwise I’d kicked your tight butt out of the cabin.”

Gerald finished another bite of the delicious meal before he remarked unperturbed, “Oh I see, perhaps it’s best to wait until your ankle is recovered before you try to kick my tight behind.”

Hazel huffed but she couldn’t keep a smile from appearing as she continued enjoying Silvia’s roast pork. She kept on eating, realizing she was famished as well and she actually didn’t mind the comfortable silence.

She was the last to finish and as she noticed Gerald was looking at her while enjoying the wine she suggested, “Let’s go to the sitting pit to relax a bit and we can light the fireplace.”

“I’d love that,” he said warmly, “I’ll bring the wine.”

“Great,” she purred and continued, “I guess I’ll bring myself.”

“You want me to carry you?”

“No no no,” she hastily replied as she saw his cute concerned expression, “I’ll be fine, honestly.”

Gerald smiled and as he bowed his head a little he said playfully, “As you wish, my Lady.”

“Oh please,” Hazel gushed as she rolled her eyes.

He knew there was more behind her theatrics but he decided to leave it and enjoy the moment with this incredibly beautiful woman.

As soon as he saw the pit he knew she wanted to do more than just relax and as he had placed the glasses on the small surface Hazel joined him.

They both were on their knees and Hazel crawled towards the fire place which was already set up, ready to light.

He couldn’t keep his eyes from her shapely behind which was hardly covered by her short skirt and he was actually a little disappointed when she sat down as she used a pencil shaped lighter to start the fire.

He decided to lie down, enjoying the view while sipping the exquisite wine. The surface he was lying on was comfortable, like a sturdy mattress and as he looked around he found an old fashioned iPod connected to an audio system. He browsed through the songs, realizing they were somewhat dated but then he found a playlist which would suit the current situation.

As soon as he started the music Hazel cooed, “Excellent choice, I love that playlist.”

“Glad I can please you,” he replied with a dark tone.

The fire was already emitting a comfortable warmth as she crawled, like a predator hunting its prey, towards him.

She carefully climbed on his hips and bent forwards to kiss him tenderly on his lips. As she got up again she moved her fingers to the buttons of his shirt and whispered, “You took care of me. Let me take care of you, Gerald.”

Speechless he nodded slowly as he allowed her to open up his shirt and he shuddered a little as she placed feather light kisses on his chest.

“I like men who take care of their body,” she purred as she traced with her index finger his well-formed pecs.

With a dazzling smile she quickly removed her tank top and with a graceful movement of her delicate fingers she unlocked the front fastener of her bra, relieving her magnificent breasts from their confinement.

She sighed in delight as she rubbed the soft skin of her breasts, making her dark brown nipples stand out even more.

Gerald’s hands suddenly decided to move on their own towards her gravity defying bust and as he gently cupped them he whispered, “So beautiful.”

Hazel closed her eyes as she thoroughly enjoyed his gentle touch and begged, “Please, honey. Pull on my nipples but be gentle.”

He did what she’d asked and smiled as he clearly could see she liked it and he got a little bolder by softly pinching them as he pulled. He knew by hearing the soft gasps escaping from her kissable lips he was doing a great job.

“Gerald,” she feverishly gushed as she suddenly opened her eyes, looking straight at him, “Please tell me you have some condoms stashed away in your rucksack.”

He gently pulled her down for a long hot kiss and as they stopped he had to clear his throat before he could say, “You’re sitting on them.”

“Oh you naughty boy,” she purred with a happy smile, “how considerate you are.”

“I’m an opportunist,” he replied with a satisfied grin plastered on his face.

She giggled and then said resolutely as she deftly unbuckled his trousers, “I want you naked. Now.”

Gerald wasn’t prepared for the feisty woman’s action and before he knew what had happened he found himself adored by a delighted Hazel, completely naked.

She straddled her lithe body on his thighs and as she caressed his throbbing member she purred, “I’m a lucky girl.”

“Are you now?” he asked with a chuckle as he lovingly caressed her strong thighs.

“Oh yes I am,” she cooed as she handed him the corner of her skirt and commanded seductively, “Pull.”

He loved the idea and gently pulled at the silky fabric, thoroughly enjoying the way the skirt was smoothly slipping off her hips. He deliberately slowed down at the end to extend the moment of suspension, contemplating she probably was wearing a sexy undergarment and he wasn’t disappointed when the skirt’s fabric slipped away completely.

The lace of her blood red panties was delicate, hardly covering her private bits and he could see the sexy little dark triangle of pubic hair.

With a naughty smile plastered on her pretty face she guided his hand to the side of the flimsy fabric, indicating the sexy lace pants had cute little bows.

“Oh, I like,” he murmured as he traced his finger over her flat stomach, just above the lace fabric.

She shivered as goose bumps appeared where Gerald had touched her skin and moaned softly as he grabbed both halves of her firm butt. He had the urge to slap the soft flesh of her amazing bottom but decided to tease her a little more and slid his hands to her firm breasts.

“Please,” Hazel groaned as he softly pinched her nipples, “Stop teasing me.”

He chuckled as he moved his hands back to the firm yet soft flesh of her delicious behind but then he gave in to her request and pulled at the two bows, pulling slowly the tiny triangle of fabric from her divine body. He brought the soaked fabric to his nose, inhaling the heady scent of her sex.

In the meantime Hazel had moved her hips forward, her slick nether lips sensually sliding over his rock hard girth.

As she bent forward she pulled the thong from his face and brought her full lips down to kiss him on his forehead. Gerald slowly moved his hips, enjoying the body contact and whispered, “This feels amazing.”

“Glad you like it,” she responded huskily as she pushed herself up again and then slid down, freeing his member from its warm confinement.

Hazel’s smile was a little tense as she showed the condom and said, “Time to give your friend a jacket.”

Gerald was pleasantly surprised how skillfully and fast she had rolled down the rubber over his painfully erect cock and within moments she guided him inside.

“Oh fuck! Yes,” the ecstatic brunette gushed as she slowly allowed him to enter her silky depths.

Gerald kept his eyes on her as he tilted his hips, changing the angle of penetration, reaching other areas of her inner channel and glowed with pride as he saw her eyes were getting bigger.

“Oh my,” she gushed, “That feels different.”

“You like?” he asked as he rocked his hips to slowly piston in and out of her sex.

“Yes,” she panted, grinning from ear to ear, “Never thought it would be so nice.”

Gerald managed to keep a straight face as he came to the conclusion she never had sex with a man and decided to bring her pleasure up to the next level. As he pushed into her he gently pulled on her protruding nipples and Hazel moaned loudly as her body suddenly rushed towards the amazingly strong climax caused by the skillful attention. She rested her hand on Gerald’s shoulders as he started to increase the speed he was moving into her.

Her beautiful face showed the most amazing expression as she reached her high, uttering a silent scream and Gerald knew he was close as well but managed to extend her pleasure wave by gently grinding his pubic bone against her clit.

“That was amazing,” she said lazily as she moved forward, deliberately pressing her warm breasts against his chest.

“I’m glad you’ve enjoyed yourself,” he said warmly as he slowly started to rock his hips again.

She sighed happily but then her face turned serious as she gushed, “You didn’t have yours yet, did you?”

He slowly shook his head as he moved his hips a little faster, slapping his pelvis against her firm bottom.

“Let me do it,” she almost pleaded as she intensified the movement, “Tell me what to do.”

Gerald gasped as she squeezed her inner walls and said hoarsely, “Keep on doing what you’re doing and please don’t stop until I ask you to stop.”

Her smile was cunning as she replied with a sultry voice, “Oh, suddenly we have a lot of demands.”

He could muster a smile as he was rapidly reaching an incredible climax and playfully slapped her bottom’s perfectly round cheek.

She squealed loudly but kept up her amazing movements and soon enough Gerald was in heaven as the beautiful woman tipped him over the point of no return and his whole body shuddered as he came. His movements were powerful, trying to bury himself deeper into her by each trust and it was as if her enthusiastic encouragements kept him in an euphoric state forever.

Gerald’s heart started to beat a little faster as he saw Hazel’s enchanting smile when he stepped into the sitting pit again.

“Hey handsome,” she purred as he lay down next to her but then her face turned a little red as she asked with a small voice, “Erm, what did you do with the condom?”

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