The Bus - Cover

The Bus

by Techman1952

Copyright© 2022 by Techman1952

Science Fiction Sex Story: A bus with 29 girls and a Chuck, the driver, and father of one of the girls, are violently transported to another planet far from Mother Earth. How will they survive! Please let me know what you like or don’t like about the story, I would also appreciate your votes!

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Mind Control   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Restart   Zoophilia   Science Fiction   Aliens   Extra Sensory Perception   non-anthro   Incest   Sister   Father   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Female   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Small Breasts   Nudism   .

Bob Gibson was driving a bus with twenty seven Teen Fem Vanguards to the Wilderness Jubilee, the culmination of these girls’ hard work earning several Achievement Medallions in the Wilderness Camping group of subjects, and were about to become Wilderness Experts. The Jubilee was a camping/awards presentation affair, since his daughter Julie was one of the girls getting awarded and he had a chauffeur’s license as well as a commercial one, he was well qualified to drive the bus.

Julie had become involved with the Teen Fem Vanguard’s after her mother was killed in an automobile accident caused by a drunk driver. TFV had been founded by some women in 1995, who were disillusioned by the other girls organization’s stance on sex. In the other organizations lesbian and bisexual girls were welcome in a “No ask, don’t tell!” scenario. This was unacceptable, because it suppressed the girls freedom of speech and didn’t let the girls enjoy their choices much less discover what and who they were sexually. Straight, Bi and lesbian girls were encouraged to join Teen Fem Vanguard and find out who they were. Sexual relationships were encouraged! In fact they had several Achievement Medallions for having different kinds of sex!

Teen Fem Vanguard’s Goal or Mission: “Changing the sexual perspective so that women shall truly be free!” was something Julie’s mother had believed strongly about, she had been bisexual and had suffered with the different prejudices and restrictions placed on her by parents, church, schools, and society in general because of it! Chuck would do anything for his little girl!

The levels were divided by age; the first level were called Plebes - 12 and 13 years old. The second level were called Scouts - 14 and 15 years old. The third level were called Pathfinders - 16, 17, and 18 years old.

Julie, his daughter, had finished the Plebes and advanced to the Scout level and was now halfway through that level, school had just let out for the summer. She was looking forward to getting more Medallions, especially the ones she was prohibited from getting because of her age! But now that she had turned fourteen she could start getting them! She had the first three, and was looking forward to getting the rest, these are a small portion of the ones available! He was looking forward to “D” himself! Achievement medallions; A. Survival expedition, she had. B. Primitive Backpacking she had. C. Advanced primitive camping, she also had. D. Seduction of father or father figure E. Seduction of mother or mother figure F. Seduction of grandfather or older man. G. Seduction of grandmother or older woman. H. Seduction of male or Female teacher I. Trying sapphic sex even though you’re straight J. Biological and Botanical studies, which included Beastiality, vegetative, and fruit sex. And culminating in K. An Orgy/Marathon sex event.

On the bus were twenty seven girls, fifteen Scouts and twelve Pathfinders, along with two former Pathfinders as chaperones, everyone was well behaved, quiet even during the storm.

They had just left a huge gas station/convenience/gift/fast food store, with the cleanest and largest restrooms they had ever seen! It was a destination all by itself! It was an outfit out of Texas called Buckee’s. He had filled the tanks of the bus with diesel. They had been on the road for about ten minutes when a storm came out of nowhere! Lighting, thunder, everywhere! Lighting so close you could hear the snap and pop clearly over the thunder, and the thunder was deafening! The cloud to cloud lightning was amazing! Up ahead appeared a hole that seemed to be twisting counter clockwise. He didn’t think anyone else saw it, it was coming closer, and closer, scared to death. He started to hit the brakes, but before his foot could reach the pedal they went into the hole and with a bright flash came out the other side. Suddenly the road was gone, the bus was bouncing over small trees and brush, slamming on the brakes didn’t help, they had been doing 65mph and being in the air half of the time didn’t help the stopping distance. But the tree they were approaching certainly would. He yelled to get down, and then Chuck’s world went black!

Thank God Chuck had yelled to get down, some of the girls had some bruises but no broken bones. Among the girls that is, Chuck wasn’t as lucky! His air bag deployed or he would have been killed! His seat belt held his body in the seat but his left arm came off the steering wheel and was flung forward into the dash breaking the Ulna bone in his forearm. It was a clean fracture. He was going to be bruised over a large part of his body, but he would live! It was daylight out but the light was different, very strange! Everyone picked themselves up. Making sure the key was off, they didn’t need a fire! Then they pried the folding door open and scrambled out and into a strange new world! Literally, it was NOT earth. Everything was different, the light, the plants, the trees, and their weight, they were lighter, not enough to fly, but lighter! As they looked around, sounds, forest sounds began again. The crash must have been loud! Now the sounds seem to be coming back as if switches were being flipped one at a time. None of the sounds were familiar, no crickets rubbing legs together, no frogs, no grasshoppers. They began to see some of the insect-like things making noises. They were noticeably larger! When a mosquito-like bug buzzed them they scrambled back on the bus as quickly as they could! What would you do if an eight inch tall mosquito buzzed you? They managed to close the door, all the glass was in good shape, everyone hoped nothing could get in!

The chaperones examined Chuck, Julie was looking after him as well as she could. They made him as comfortable as they could, then she looked at his arm. Definitely broken! Debbie found the bus med kit, it didn’t have a splint, she had the girls look around for something that would work. Fran Johnson found a semirigid plastic under the seat cushions three inches wide and eighteen inches long. It was too long, Julie said her Dad always carried a knife in his front right pocket. She put her hand in the pocket, she had to go deeper, a smile came on her face and she admitted to accidentally grabbing his dick. She didn’t play with it, and kept feeling around until she found the knife. She also remembered that he always carried a bag of emergency tools and that it had a roll of Duck tape in it. We looked around for the bag and found it under the driver’s seat. She tore off ten strips of the tape, then asked some of the girls to hold his shoulder and upper arm still. Then pulled and twisted his forearm until she felt the bone snap back into place! Thank God he was still unconscious when they did this! Using two of the pieces of plastic cut to length, one on either side of his arm, she began to apply the tape in three layers, when finished, it was a pretty good approximation of a cast. Then she made a sling. Re-examining his head she found an area that worried her, they would have to monitor it.

Debbie Smith, was 23 years old, a nursing student in her third year. That was how she knew how to set the bone. But she’s afraid that if something major happens she will quickly run out of her limited medical knowledge!

The sun went down and the sounds changed, the flying sounds disappeared, other more guttural sounds became more prevalent, some of the sounds were terrifying. They established a watch so that two girls were awake at two hour shifts all night long. Nothing came close but it was never totally quiet. As the sun came up the sound shifted once again, back to the sounds they had heard when they first arrived. As Scouts and Pathfinders, they realized they had a problem, their survival depended on finding food and water, they had to go into survival mode! They had been drinking ice cold soft drinks and bottled water that was in an ice chest. One of the girls was going to drain the water from it, luckily someone stopped her before she did. They were all hungry also. Debbie had everyone pool all the liquids and food. Everything was searched, luggage, purses, all the compartments on the old yellow school bus, there weren’t many. Under seats, everywhere! The pile of food was small, made up of mostly candy bars and a few energy bars. Counting them we had twenty two bars and three small travel bags of chips. The water and soft drinks they had left, totaled thirty six, fifteen soft drinks and twenty one waters, four of which were partially full in varying amounts. The ice chest had approximately three and a half gallons of water. All of this for thirty people who need 3 quarts of water a day! They had 7.3 days worth of water for one person! In three days they were going to be very thirsty if they didn’t find some water! Food wise they had about seven days before they would start dying. So they needed to find water and food!

Debbie explained to the girls that they were in survival mode, they had been through the courses. Now they needed to put that training to use! She organized search and exploration teams. They armed themselves with clubs by taking apart benches in the bus, using the metal tubing of the frames. It wasn’t much but it was something. She formed five teams of four and two teams with five. Leaving one team on the bus to watch Chuck and rest. After making sure to emphasize staying together, look for edible plants, succulents that hold a lot of water, seeps and ponds, insects that might be edible and be a source of water. Anything that might help them survive. She also told them that one team member should watch out for flying threats like the mosquito-like bug. Each team had four empty water bottles to bring back water.

Agreeing to stay out for two hours then report back to the bus, the six teams left in six different directions. Debbie’s team had stayed with the bus. She gave Chuck some water, his condition was about the same. In her mind she gave him 60-40 odds of making it, the lower number represented survival. They stayed close to the bus but still looked around a bit. About fifteen minutes before the teams were due back she started standing on top of the bus, looking for them. One team was fifteen minutes late, the rest came in later than that but none later than two and a half hours. The news was discouraging: two teams found flowing water, one girl sampled it and was immediately violently sick! The other team found the same, with the same result. The other four teams had found some promising plants, but the person trying a very small piece of the plant also got violently sick. The reason they were all late was having to practically carry the girls who had gotten sick.

The teams that had found water brought back full bottles of water. Using some diesel from the almost full tanks by using a small vacuum hose from the engine, Debbie siphoned some into empty water bottles. She started a fire, then using the bus’s air cleaner lid and an emergency raincoat, she poured water into the air cleaner top after heating it on the fire to red hot. Steam flashed upwards and hit the raincoat condensing back to a liquid which she collected in a bottle with the top cut off. Letting it cool, and praying the condensed water would be free of whatever made the girls sick, she took a small sip, it didn’t taste at all, as distilled water shouldn’t. About five seconds later she was throwing up, convulsing so hard she thought she would die! She wished she would die! But she didn’t die, not yet, at least! Whatever was in the water, it evaporated with the water. Their chances of survival went down to almost nothing!

They still had a lot of daylight, so the teams went out again, for four hours this time. Debbie went out with her team and Julie’s team stayed with her Daddy. They were out about an hour and a half, half hour past where the previous team had stopped to turn around, when they encountered a marsh. In the marsh was a purple leafed plant similar to cattails at home, maybe just a little bit larger and more solid looking. Cattails always seemed spongy or porous to her, but this plant was smooth on the outside. Cattails also had a stem that protruded from the top, this plant was smooth, it looked like a sausage. She touched one and it secreted a milky white liquid, several drops onto her finger, she licked it off. Big mistake, she was sick again! Not as violently though, maybe they could get used to it over time, if they had any that is, time she meant. Looking at it closely, it was shaped like her pink dildo in her suitcase! She felt a strange tingling at the base of her brain, a compulsion. Suddenly she was horny, it was here, and she was here, and though it was unlike her to be doing something like this, she grabbed the stock of the plant and stuck it in her pussy, in front of the rest of her team!

Yes, she always went commando, a habit she picked up when she was a TFV Plebe! That is part of their uniform, a button down the front dress that went to mid thigh with no underwear! All of the girls were dressed without underwear.

It felt so good it was still oozing that liquid, she wasn’t feeling sick, no, far from sick she was feeling wonderful! Six strokes in (and out) and she was cumming continuously falling on the ground trying to catch her breath and composure, embarrassed as she could be! She realized that she was no longer hungry or thirsty! But why had she shoved that thing up her twat in the first place? That is not one of the protocols for testing the suitability of a plant for consumption. And the orgasms one after the other were incredible! Looking at the other girls, she asked,

“Do any of you feel horny, and feel like fucking your self with one of these plants?” Everyone shook their heads no! Still in too much shock to respond verbally she guessed! As an experiment she asked Cathy Abernathy to touch a still living plant, then suck her finger with the white milk on it. No more than five seconds later the plant was bent over and pumping in and out of her pussy! She began to orgasm, multiple ones like Debbie had had! When she recovered they shared how they felt. She, too, was no longer thirsty or hungry! Debbie suddenly realized that neither one of them had removed the plant from their vaginas!

“The rest of you do the same, lick some juice off your finger and fuck the plant!” They complied and the other two girls were screaming out in orgasms, they needed to leave but they just couldn’t seem to want to get up, or was it off. Unquestionably the longer they had the plant plugged in, the better they felt. Why had she gotten sick after licking her finger and the other girls didn’t? Was she in control of herself when she shoved the head of the plant in her pussy, or was the plant controlling her? Suddenly, a thought burst into her head.

“Let’s take off our dresses and dig out the plants by their roots, wrap your dress around eight plant root systems, wet the dress and let’s get back to the bus as quickly as we can!” She practically yelled. Each of them dug up the root systems of eight plants, wet their dresses, then wrapped the roots. They took off running, something they couldn’t have done an hour ago. She felt like she could run forever! They made it back to the bus in less than an hour and none of them were even breathing hard! They were the last ones in, she remembered a wet area not far away, they transplanted the thirty two plants there. Then they told the other girls to strip and touch the heads of the plants and lick the milk from their fingers. Just as they had done, they all impaled themselves on the heads of the plants. And like them they all began to have soul rocking multiple orgasms. Sated, they lay on the moist ground, not even thinking about taking the plant out of their pussies. Smiles on their faces! They all knew that they would survive! But what about Chuck? He doesn’t have a pussy, would it work in his asshole?

Four of them picked up the still unconscious body of Chuck Gibson and with the help of other girls got him through the doorway of the bus, they carried him over to the plants they had named Typha. It was the next morning the girls had slept well now that they were no longer thirsty and hungry. Amazing how the lack of the threat of your impending death does for your ability to sleep. They removed several of the benches from the bus and arranged them around the Typha in a circle. With the seats several inches above the muck of the marsh, it was much more pleasant to get fucked by a Typha’s sausage without getting muddy and wet. They had named the plants Typha because they all agreed that was what they should be called, in reality the plants themselves had communicated their name to the humans. They lay Chuck down on a bench, stripped him of all his clothes, drew back his legs exposing his asshole to accommodate the assault that was to come! Some very slippery face cream was applied to the orifice with first one finger then two, stretching and lubricating as they prepared it for the large diameter of the Typha’s sausage.

During this anal massage Chuck’s brain began to register feelings that at times were somewhat pleasurable but very unsettling sensations that were coming from his nether regions. Then when the sausage was inserted, he became fully conscious in an instant while bellowing out in outrage of the violation of his body’s most private place. Had the girls helping not had excellent reflexes they would have been pummeled by this right arm as it swept quickly across and down his body in an attempt to bar entry of whatever was penetrating his previously virgin hole! His left arm tried to follow suit but was restrained by the sling. Chuck’s outburst had startled the girls, however they recovered quickly and surrounded him by using calming voices and relaxing touching of his face and chest and tried to calm him. Julie’s voice reached through the fog and confusion of his highly confused brain, enough that he finally relaxed. He relaxed further as his legs were lowered and his exposure reduced.

As he continued to become more aware of his surroundings through his other senses, he slowly opened his eyes to gaze directly into the eyes of his daughter Julie. Julie explained what they had been attempting to do and why to her father. He told her that he was still hungry and thirsty. Sharon had just disconnected from a Typha sausage and overheard the comment. There had to be a way of feeding and hydrating him. Just as before a sudden overwhelming urge came over her. She straddled Chuck’s face and sat on it, sliding her pussy onto his mouth yelling at him to suck her pussy and drink her juices! He did and after the first taste he began to eat her with enthusiasm. He started yelling “More! More!” As Sharon began to run out of the juices, her’s and the Typha’s. Anne West was just finished with her climax, Sharon grabbed her and sat her onto Chuck’s face, ambrosia, Chuck guzzled the combined juices down. He was feeling better with every swallow, Anne started to cum, and cum! Soon Chuck cried out again “More! More!”, and Sharon grabbed Kaylee Allen as she was just finished with her orgasms on the Typha sausage. Transferring her onto Chuck’s face! The cycle repeated three more times before Chuck went to sleep with a smile on his face.

All of the girls’ bruises from the collision with the tree were gone, they all felt better than they had ever felt before! When Chuck woke up he felt great, no pain anywhere, his arm seemed to be fine, his head was good, the bump was gone too! He stood up, without becoming dizzy. He removed the sling and moved his left arm, flexing his fingers, no pain! He looked at his “cast”, he had to admit it did a good job, and Sharon’s inventiveness was really very clever! But he wasn’t looking forward to taking the tape off of what up to now, or the moment he removed the tape, had been a very hairy arm! He decided to wait a few days.

They noticed that the insects that had bothered them before, no longer came close. Debbie continued to have flashes of inspiration that she began to realize were coming from the Typha plants. She was the only one of them to ever receive these “inspirations”, perhaps because she was the first to interface with them.

After everyone was awake, they had a meeting about the Typha. What was happening to them? They were being fed, they had water, they were healthy, but what was the cost? How are they to repay them? What did they want? Isn’t it sad that they are so shaded that they automatically assume that there is some kind of sinister reason for any help given to them? They decided that they would thank the Typha for saving their lives, especially in such an enjoyable way, and establish a new life on this strange and different planet. Free to develop a civilization free of the need to work, other than doing things to improve their way of life. Making love to one another without religious or moral condemnation, free, truly free to establish their own path of existence!

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