For the Love of Family - Cover

For the Love of Family

by wheelchairman85

Copyright© 2021 by wheelchairman85

Incest Sex Story: A sex story featuring a stepsister and stepbrother who are part of a loving family.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Tear Jerker   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   Spitting   .

Saturday February 9th 2013 a cold morning In the midwestern United States.

29 year old dance instructor

Brandy aubrie peyton lives in a Luxurious and spacious mansion. With her wealthy stepfather.

Mister Bruce lexington

her mother Carol Simpson peyton

And her 26 year old disabled stepbrother Bradley lexington.

Who was born with a severe case of cerebral palsy.

His arms hands and fingers are very deformed and the muscles are so weak that doing the simplest of things such as dressing eating and bathing.

That most folks take for granted he can’t do them without help.

He also has severe back pain and no amount of prescription. Or over the counter pain medication will relieve him of the pain.

But the leg muscles work in a limited way. So he can use a walker to get around from place to place.

And with a great determination he can force his hands and fingers to grip the handles on the walker very tightly. But he has to move slowly because if moves to fast he risks falling down.

Bradley also tires very easily.

Because of the physical energy that he has to exert to move around.

Mr. Bradley peyton has been to hell and back but some how in some small way he finds the strength to keep going. His philosophy in life is

“if there is a will there is a way and I damn sure have a lot of will.”

After a very long cold winter night Brandy takes a hot shower before leaving for work. After she has finished her shower.

Brandy came out of her bathroom. Wearing nothing but her red satin bathrobe And carrying a towel in her hands.

She uses it to dry her hair once it is dry. Brandy sits down on her bed and proceeded. To apply lotion her legs softly and sensually.

Brandy massages each one of her long legs. Until the lotion was thoroughly rubbed into the skin on her legs.

Then she takes off her red satin bathrobe. And she starts looking for something to wear.

After searching for quite a while.

Brandy puts together an outfit to wear to work. Then she got dressed in her outfit.

Once Brandy was finished getting dressed. She went down stairs to eat breakfast. When she reached the

dining room.

Brandy was served breakfast by the family chef victor. As she is eating Brandy notices. That her Brother Bradley is not a the table she looks at the chef and she says to him.

“Where is bradley?”

“His nursemaid olivia has already fed him his breakfast. And he is in his room he wanted to wait for you to come down so you could eat together.”

“But because you took so long to get dressed. Bradley got hungry and he decided that he couldn’t wait any longer.”

Brandy finished eating her morning meal and She got ready to leave for work. As she is leaving Brandy bumps into her stepbrothers nursemaid olivia. “ Where’s Bradley?”

“He is in his room sitting in front of a window watching cars go by. Every day when you leave for work. He sits by the window and watches you leave and he stays there until you come home.”

“He only takes a break from doing that is when he I feed him his lunch and his dinner or when he needs to use the bathroom.”

“Occasionally he will watch t.v. but mostly he just sits there and he waits.

On Wednesdays he cries. Because you have to stay late at the dance studio. When you go out with your friends on Friday night he sits at home and cries”

“Because he can not go anywhere on his own and met women or go out on dates or experience the wonderful joy of sexual pleasure.”

“When you or your parents go to one of the fancy parties that are thrown by your parents wealthy friends. And he is not allowed to attend because of his disability.”

“Instead of staying home in protest of there actions or bringing him along. With you despite what the invitation says.”

“You go to the party without him and

he feels like shit and that he is worthless and that life is not worth living.”

“And for God sake Don’t get me started on your dating and your sex life. When ever you go out on a date. Or sneak a guy into the house for a sexual tryst.”

“He can hear Everything!!! Even though your room is on the 3rd floor he can hear Everything!!!”

“And he gets upset because he feels that he is unworthy of romance and sexual pleasure because of the disability he was born with.”

“Why won’t he tell me or our parents these things himself?”

“Because he thinks that none of you care and he is afraid that you won’t take what he says seriously.”

“I recently made a list of all of the people who give a rats ass about Bradley. And your name is not on the list. His father’s name is not on the list. And your mother’s name ain’t on the list either.”

Brandy looks at the nursemaid and she says to her. “ Are you suggesting that I begin to having a sexual relationship with Bradley?”

“Because if I do and our parents or other members of the family find out about it. There will be consequences major consequences.”

“No Brandy I am not suggesting that you start having a sexual relationship with Bradley. But if you did I say to hell with the fucking consequences.”

“If your parents or other members of the family where to find out about it I and the rest of the staff will protect your secret and you if necessary.”

“Now I know that your parents won’t change because they think that they are to old. But you are still young enough that you can change your behavior. And I hope that you will change.”

After there meeting was over with Brandy left for work. When it is lunch time. Brandy sits down and eats lunch. With her best friend and fellow dance instructor Jessica duncan in the lunch room at the dance studio.

“Brandy you look like you have something on my mind.”

“Jessica I do something on my mind but it’s personal very personal.”

“Come on Brandy you can tell me if you can’t tell your best friend who can you tell?”

“Alrighty I will tell you but I must warn you. What I am going to tell may scare you to death.”

Then Brandy proceeded to share the entire conversation. That she had with Bradley’s nursemaid Olivia earlier that day. When she finished Jessica looks at Brandy and she says.

“Brandy if I may be completely and brutally honest with you. Brandy you have been a major bitch toward your stepbrother.”

“When you should have stood up for him you didn’t and that is cowardice. Full blown cowardice You have also been extremely selfish.”

“You are right I have been been a major bitch and I have shown cowardice and I have also been selfish. Now how do I fix this?”

“Brandy you can’t go back and change the past. But starting right now you can start being a better stepsister.”

“Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how I can start doing that?”

“As a matter of fact I do have a few suggestions for you.

First go out on a weekly date night with him.”

“Second When you are invited to one of your wealthy friends fancy parties.”

“Look at the invitation closely if you’re stepbrothers name. Is not on the invitation call the sender. And see if it was a mistake if it was Not a mistake.”

“Stay home in protest if you do that you are sending them a message.”

“If my stepbrother is not invited.

Then I will not be attending.”

“And you need to do the same thing when you’re parents are invited to a fancy party held by there wealthy friends. And you are invited to attend with them. But bradley is not.

Stay home and encourage your parents to stay home as well.”

“But if they won’t stay home in protest of there son being excluded then that is on them.”

“Now regarding the idea of having a sexual relationship. With Bradley that is your decision. But if you decide to do it now would be the perfect time.”

“Your parents are in jamaica and they won’t be home until near the end of April. And if you do get caught the staff said that they would protect your secret.”

“Bradley needs to be shown what love and sexual pleasure is and it would be best if he was shown these things.”

,” By a woman who has a gentle touch. And it’s not incest since you are not related by blood.”

“Now one more why don’t you take the some time off from the studio and come back. when your parents return from there vacation in Jamaica in late April”

“You have lots and lots of vacation time built up. Use some of it for god sake.”

That night after she finished work for the day. Brandy stopped by a nearby lingerie store. And she decided to do a little shopping. After parking her car Brandy went into the lingerie store and she begins to look around.

As she is looking around The beautiful dance instructor.

Spots a beautiful black night gown.

“This is a lovely night gown I wonder if it comes in any other colors?”

An employee comes up to her and she says to her. “ Can I help you find anything?”

“Yes as matter of fact you can help me. Does nightgown come in any other colors?”

“Yes it comes in the following colors

1. Black with Green straps.

2. Dark green with black straps.

3. Red with black straps.

4. Pink with black straps

5. Dark Blue with gray straps.

6. Gray with black straps.

7. Purple with black straps.

8. Bright Green with Gray straps.

After buying two of each color of this nightgown. Brandy pays for them. Next she leaves the store gets into her car and drives straight home.

When she arrives home Brandy goes to her room and puts her new nightgowns away.

Once they are put away Brandy leaves her bedroom and she immediately went to Bradley’s room. And she saw him sitting in a chair. Watching cars go by she quietly goes into his room and strokes his hair.

Using the limited leg strength that he has Bradley turns the office chair around.

“My dear brother I need to talk to you about something important very important. Bradley i have been a major bitch toward you and I have been selfish as well.”

“I have also shown cowardice

When you should have stood up for you I didn’t and that is cowardice. Full blown cowardice.”.

“Now I know I can’t change the past. And I can’t take back the pain that I have caused you. But from this moment on I am going to try to be a better stepsister.”

“Can you find it in your heart to forgive me for my behavior?”

Bradley looked at his stepsister and he said to her. “ Yes I can forgive you for what you have done.”

Bradley tried to lift his arms up so that he could embrace her. When Brandy saw him try to do this.

She put her arms around him instead.

And unfortunately do to there different body positions.

His face landed on her full set of Natural 34D cups her soft full globs of flesh felt so good against his face.

The soft and wonderful scent of her exclamation brand perfume.

Filled his nose and a bradley wished that her breasts were uncovered.

Brandy felt her nipples begin to harden and she thanked God. That the tank top she was wearing under her dress was made of good and strong material.

Because if bradley saw her erect nipples. The young busty dance instructor would die of phenomenal embarrassment.

She she looked down and saw the bulge in her brothers pants.”

“I am sorry about that my dear sister it does that all the time. I have no control over my erections. It stands up when ever it wants to.”

“Brandy pulled down her brothers pants and his boxer shorts. I am going to help you with your erection problem I am going to kiss it I am going suck on it and lastly I am going to lick it.”

When she started kissing it all over bradley felt waves of pleasure running through him.

Brandy suddenly swallowed his member and used her warm and very wet sexy mouth tongue and lips.

She gently sucked on it and her tongue slithered over every inch of his penis, sending feeling of joy tearing through his body.

Bradley thought that he would never be allowed to enjoy the experience of receiving a blowjob. But here he was experiencing his first blowjob.

“Oh Brandy yes!”

She kissed every inch of his penis over and over again. Brandy opened her mouth as wide as she could As the busty dance instructor is sucking on his erect member she fought the urge to gag. “Oh my God!”

Her heart raced as she sucked harder.

She gently pumped up and down on his shaft. When his erection subsided Bradley thanked Brandy for his very first blowjob.

“It was my pleasure baby it was my pleasure.”

Later on that night Brandy slips out of her bedroom on the 3rd floor.

Her destination her stepbrothers bedroom on the 1st floor. When she gets there Brandy opens the door and She. See’s her disabled stepbrother laying on his bed trying to masturbate.

His nearly naked body is covered in sweat she goes into the bathroom and wets a soft washcloth with cool water. After wringing it out Brandy enters his bed room closes the door behind her.

Then she sits down on the bed beside him and starts to gently wipe the hot sweat off of him with a soft and cool washcloth.

“Hey there kiddo how are you tonight?”

“Brandy I am ready for more sexual pleasure with you tonight if you want to do it again.”

“Yes Bradley I want to do it again baby I definitely want to do it again.”

Brandy helped her brother sit up and placed some pillows behind him.

She hugged him softly and kisses him tenderly on his cheek.

Before massaging his chest and arms in a sensual manner.

“I got you a special present for your viewing pleasure after I got off of work today. I stopped at a nearby lingerie store and bought a few things. And they are for your viewing pleasure only.”

Then takes several steps away from bed. And does a few turns so he can see the entire night gown. Then she lifts it up a few inches so he can see the panties that she is wearing under it.”

“Thank you for my special present, you look hot and sexy in that black nightgown.”

“Thank you Bradley it comes in several different colors and I will wear a different color nightgown every night.”

Brandy Lightly kisses him on his forehead. And she sensually runs finger tips over her brother’s hairy chest. Then she runs her fingers through his hair.

Then she softly resumes running her right hand up and down her brother’s chest. Then she begins kissing him in a sinful and sensual manner.

Before pulling away slowly

“Brandy thank you for touching me it feels so good to be touched by a woman. In an intimate manner i also love your kisses. Are you sure you want to do that? after all we are family.”

“Yes I am sure are there any specific sexual things that you want to do? or do you have any specific sexual fetishes?”

“Yes there are a few things and they are very specific.” So he tells her about all of the sexual things. That he wants to do and about the specific sexual fetishes that he has.”

“Well it looks like I have more some shopping to do. Since most of your sexual fetishes center around items of clothing.”

“Now is there anything specific that you want to do first before I make love to you?”

“Brandy may I see your bare breasts please? I have never seen a woman’s bare breasts before.”

Brandy smiles and she says “ yes you may see them honey.”

Then she slips her thumbs into the green straps. On her black night gown and let’s fall on to the floor next to stepbrothers bed. Now wearing nothing but her panties.

Brandy straddles his legs so that he can see her bare breasts.

“May I touch them I promise I won’t do it for very long it’s just that I have never touched a breast before. And I would like to touch one. If only for a few moments.”

Brandy looks at her brothers deformed right arm wrist hand and fingers. And she lifts it up and places against her right breast.

And holds it there with her own hand since his hand and finger muscles are so weak he can’t hold it there himself.

As her brother bradley is enjoying the experience of touching a woman’s breast for the first time in his life. Brandy quietly curses God for thrusting this disability upon her stepbrother.

After touching her right one Brandy decides that is only fair that she permit him to touch the left one.

So she carefully grabs his left hand and places it onto the left one and holds it there with her own hand.

When her hand starts to get tired. Brandy carefully removes his hand.

Looking into his eyes and smiling softly the disabled young man says.

“Brandy thank you for allowing me to do this.”

“Your welcome Bradley you are welcome. Welcome it looks like your member is ready for another blowjob.”

Brandy removes some of the pillows from behind him. And she helps him lay down on his back. Then she placed them under his head so he can really enjoy the sight of her giving him his second blowjob.

Brandy removes her brothers pants and boxer shorts and drops them on the floor next to her nightgown.

She started stroking his erect penis softly. Every five minutes she leaned forward and licked the head of his man missle sensually.

Her mouth opens and closes around the head of his member. She slowly slides it into her mouth inch by inch.

Until the whole thing is in her mouth.

Then she slips it out of her mouth.

And she starts stroking his shaft

“Mmmm your member tastes so good and it feels good in my hands.”

Brandy puts it back in to her mouth and starts Sucking on it again doing her damndest to get it deeper and deeper into her mouth.

Brandy gingerly grabs her brothers hips and she begins moving her head up and down as rapidly as possible.

She cups his swollen testicles with her gentle hands.

As she sucking on his erect member and moving her head. Up and down over and over again.

The sounds of gagging and slurping

Escapes her mouth. She slowly slides her mouth off of his manhood a trail of her saliva can be seen between the head and her lips.

She smiled lovingly at him before opening her mouth again sliding his sex rocket back into her mouth massaging his testicles with one of her hands. and placing the other one into her brief panties and slowly starts rubbing her soaking wet Kitty.

She says to herself.

“I want to feel this thing buried inside of my kitty.”

She ever so slowly slides his member out of her mouth. Then she spits on it and starts stroking it again. “ Bradley your member feels so good in my mouth and my hands.”

She starts sliding her wet smooth sexy hot tongue up and down his shaft. “ Bradley are you ready for me to make love to you?”

“Yes I am ready but I don’t have any condoms.”

“It’s alright Bradley I am on birth control pills.”

Brandy got off of the bed and removes her black panties. Then gets back on the bed.

Straddles her brothers hips Slides his member. Into moist silky smooth soft kitty. And she begins to ride her brother.

When she thrusts downward.

Brandy rubs and massages her thighs. As she is riding her stepbrother. Brandy uses her thigh muscles to squeeze his hips. And she uses the muscles of her kitty to squeeze his member.

“Mmmmm this feels so good Bradley it feels so good.”

Brandy Lowers her body all the way down and sits on his body his member still buried inside of her kitty.

She slowly starts moving up and down on Bradley’s penis her hips rocking back and forth sensually

Her sexy body is trembling from the pleasure she is receiving.

She presses her hands against his chest leans down begins kissing his chest softly. Between kisses she says

“Oh my God I had no idea this would feel so good Bradley this is so wonderful I should have made love to you sooner.”

Suddenly her body Starts shaking as her orgasm hits her body she feels like she is in an earthquake. Brandy’s sexual fluids begin gushing out around his penis and soaking his testicles and thighs

“Oh oh oh hell yeah ohh my God oh shit holy fuck fuck fuck!”

“Bradley I Love you so much and I want you to know my body is all yours. Every inch of my body is yours.”

She begins Kissing his body over and over Brandy gently kiss his ears her kitty muscles clench tightly around his member.

When her Kitty muscles relax

She slowly slides his member out of her kitty and lays down next to him caressing his face and periodically kissing his face chest and stomach.

“Oh crap sweetheart I don’t want to cut our post sex cuddle short. But it’s nearly 5 A.M. and Olivia will be up soon. And if she catches us in this compromising position we could get in trouble.”

So she puts her black nightgown back on. Then she grabs her black panties. “ I want you to have my black panties. As a souvenir of this special night.”

“And I don’t want you to worry I have plenty of black panties that will match up with this nightgown.”

She places it in one of the empty drawers of his dresser.

Then she goes back to her room on the third floor of the mansion. After quietly climbing the grand staircase. When she reaches the 3rd floor.

Brandy gets into her bedroom as quickly as possible. After closing the door behind her she lays down on the bed.

After sleeping for a couple of hours. Brandy wakes up. Her entire body smells of forbidden sex. She takes a shower and as she is showering It hits her like a ton of bricks.

“Holy hell I gave my stepbrother two blowjob’s!!! And I made love to him!!!”

“And we both enjoyed it my God!!! We both enjoyed it!!!”

After washing away the smell of there forbidden sex. Brandy put on her robe and left the bathroom. After putting lotion on her long legs.

She slipped on a pair of thong panties a pair of blue jeans and a crop top.

That showed off her sexy toned flat stomach muscles.

Then she left her bed room and went down stairs for the morning meal.

When she gets to the dining room. Brandy pulls out a kitchen chair.

And she sits down near Bradley. As she is sitting at the table eating her food.

The young lady thinks about the special thing that they had shared the night before. And she hopes that he wants to do it again. But if was uncomfortable about continuing there sexual relationship.

Brandy would not force him to do anything that would hurt him. Because she has already hurt him enough already.

When he is done with his breakfast. Olivia wipes his mouth and face. Then she grabs his walker and he slowly. Very slowly leaves the dining room and goes into his bedroom.

And he sits in his office chair that faces the window.

As victor and the other kitchen staff are cleaning up the kitchen. One them says “what kind of god unleashes that much pain on one man?”

Another member of kitchen staff says “ A very cruel and very uncaring god.”

After she is done eating her own breakfast. Brandy goes into her stepbrothers room to check on him.

When she gets into the room. She See’s that he is watching cars go by. Just like olivia had told her the day before.

“I am going to be a better stepsister toward Bradley come hell or high water. I am going to be a better stepsister to him.”

So she tips toes into the room. And she ever so gently taps him on the shoulder. He turns the chair around and when he saw Brandy standing in front of him. “ Why aren’t you at work?”

“Bradley as you know my behavior toward you over the years. Has been horrible to say the least.”

“But I am going to change. And my friend and fellow dance instructor Jessica Duncan gave me a few ideas on how to do that.”

“First I took some time off from work and I will return to my job when mom and dad come home from there vacation in Jamaica in April.

“I have lots and lots of vacation time built-up at work and i am using it to spend time with you. Second we are going to have a weekly date night.”

“Third whenever I am invited to one of my rich friends fancy parties. And your not invited I am staying home in protest of there actions.”

“Fourth when mom and dad and I are invited to a party but you are excluded. I am going to stay home in protest.”

“And I will encourage mom and dad to stay home in protest as well. They probably won’t but I am going to try to get them to do it.”

“Fifth when I go out with my friends on Friday night. I am taking you with us if they say something about it. Then I am dumping them as my friends.”

“Sixth when I come to bed so that I can make love to you. I will always wear something that will look hot on me and will turn you on.”

As she was talking to Bradley the tall busty blonde. Looks at him and she notices that he looks like he is in great pain.

“Bradley are you alright?”

“Brandy i am in terrible pain my back is killing me. Please help me out of my chair. And over to my bed so I can lay down.”

So she grabs her stepbrothers walker and she helped him stand up. Then she carefully grabbed the back of his shirt collar and the back of the waistband of his pants.

And guided him over to his bed then the young lady helped him to lay down. “ That feels better. Thank you for helping me Brandy.”

“Your welcome honey Do you want me to stay in here with you? Or do you want me to leave so you can have some peace and quiet?”

“Will you please stay brandy.”

So she lays down on the bed next to her stepbrother. Then she reaches over and she holds his hand. The young lady looks at her brothers deformed arm wrist hand and fingers.

Then she very tenderly pressed her pink lips against his hand.

And she began kissing it.

Then she moved to his fingers kissing. Each one of them in the most tender and gentle manner possible.

After kissing each one of his fingers. Brandy moved to Bradley’s wrist. Then to his arm she kissed ever inch of his arm. After a while Bradley look turns his head to the left. And when he See’s Brandy showing him affection.

Something he had never experienced before in his life. The young man smiles “ thank you Brandy that feels nice.”

“Your welcome Bradley I need to talk to you. about something that occurred yesterday. When we were hugging your face ended up between my breasts and you looked like you were enjoying the experience.”

“I Also noticed that you looked disappointed because they were not uncovered.”

“Would you like for me to take off my crop top. So that you can bury your face between my bare breasts?”

“Yes I would like that very much.

Are you sure that you want to do it though? I don’t want to do anything to hurt you.”

“Hell yes I want to do it Bradley”

So she helps him sit up and places a few pillows behind his back.

So that he would be as comfortable as physically possible.

Then she got off of the bed slipped off her blue crop top. Then the young woman straddled his legs and with her help.

“He bent his head and gently laid his cheek down on top of her breasts and he closed his eyes. He inhaled her scent and let out a slow groan.”

“That’s it Bradley enjoy the softness of my natural 34D cup’s. They are all yours to enjoy.” After the experience of resting his head against her chest. Bradley buried his face between her breasts.

“Thank you for agreeing to this.”

“Your welcome baby your welcome.”

As he was enjoying her chest Bradley began to cry. “ I am so happy right now. I don’t want this experience to end.”

Brandy smiles again “ I am happy that you are happy my dear brother.” Then she strokes his hair.” After enjoying Brandy’s phenomenal breasts for quite a while.

Brandy grabs her crop top off of the floor. And she massages her brothers tears into the skin of her breasts with her blue crop top.

Then the two forbidden lovers laid in bed snuggling as close as they could get. Bradley looked at his stepsister and he said to her.

“Brandy I’ve been in love with you since the night you turned 16.”

She replied gently while simultaneously running her fingers all over his face and neck.

“Bradley there is something you need to know. I fell in love with you that night as well. As we were sitting next to each enjoying my birthday cake.”

“You kept looking at me and I could tell by the expression that was on your face and the look in your eyes that you had fallen in love with me.”

“I am just so sorry that it took me so long for me to realize it. Instead of expressing my feelings of love for you.”

“And giving you my love and my affection. I ignored them and treated you like shit.”

Then they kissed and cuddled some more until it was time for lunch.

Then brandy got off of the bed. Then put her crop top back on.

Then she helped her brother off of the bed.The two of them left his bedroom went into the dining room and enjoyed their lunch. While they were eating.

The two of them kept smiling at each other in that special way that only lovers do.

When they were finished eating lunch.

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