Getting Married Set Me Free - Cover

Getting Married Set Me Free

Copyright© 2023 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 4

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Getting Married Set Me Free from my strict Catholic upbringing

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Heterosexual   Fiction   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Nudism  

Day 5

I woke up to the feeling of Dylan slowly fucking me and after we’d both cum I looked at the clock and saw that Dylan had woken up 30 minutes earlier than I expected. When I asked Dylan why, he told me that he had set the alarm 30 minutes earlier so that we had time for a love-making session to set him up for the day,

Dylan left for work with me promising to wear my Lush vibrator all day so that he could pleasure me whenever he wanted to.

After a long session in the bathroom finishing what I wasn’t able to do when Dylan getting to work on time had been the priority. Then I decided that I needed to go to the nearby supermarket for a couple of things that I could do with getting. Dylan had told me that we’d do a weekly shop online but he hadn’t got around to setting it up.

I chose to wear a short tank top with spaghetti straps that was made of very thin cotton and my nipples made 2 nice bulges in it. For a skirt I chose a denim micro skirt that the back is just long enough to cover my butt, but at the front it only just covers my slit if you are looking at me from less than a couple of metres. Any further away and you can make out my slit and protruding clit which still hasn’t decided to have a rest and hide behind it’s hood.

Before I put on the 2 inch heeled sandals I slid my Lush into my always wet these days, pussy and sighed, waiting and hoping the Dylan would pleasure me quite soon.

I looked at myself in the mirror and saw the pink antenna sticking down between my legs and thought that maybe I should take it out until I got home but instead I bent the antenna so that the end was between my butt cheeks.

Satisfied with my looks I grabbed my bag and left the house.

It was an unusually very pleasant day with not a cloud in the sky and I decided that when I got back I would do some sunbathing in the back garden. My all-over tan was still golden brown but I wanted to hang on to it for as long as I could.

I felt bare, exposed, horny, close to being illegal and very good as I walked along, the gentle breeze rushing passed my pussy as I walked along the streets which got busier as I got closer to the supermarket.

As I walked along the supermarket aisles I notice a couple of guys do a double-take, and one youth openly stare at me. I so wasn’t used to that happening but I guessed that Esther 2 would get used to it, especially as it made me feel good.

I stopped at the feminine hygiene section to get some tampons. I’d never used them before because my mother had told me that they were ungodly. Since I no longer wear knickers, pads were out of the question from now on. As I picked up a box of tampons I remembered what my doctor had said when I was getting some contraception, that my periods would get a lot lighter, or even stop altogether. I hoped for the latter but was preparing for the former. I was sure that Dylan hoped for the latter as much as I did but I was sure that he’d help me with the instruction of how to insert a tampon.

Hoping that I got the right tampons I went and paid then left and headed for home.

As I was walking I decided to take a short diversion and cut through a corner of the big park that was on my way. It was still mid morning and I couldn’t see anyone in the park so in I went.

I had to step over a big puddle from the previous nights rain and as I did so I felt the antenna fall out from between my butt cheeks. Looking around again and still seeing no one I put my hand down to push it back between my butt cheeks, but instead I straightened it out so that it was pointing down to the ground.

Smiling to myself, and hoping that at least one man would walk by and see it, I continued walking. Unfortunately, I didn’t see anyone else by the time that I exited the park and headed for home.

Back home I stripped naked, got my phone, ear buds, towel and sunblock and went out the back garden to where the sun loungers were. I looked around and saw no one in the gardens of the houses either side, nor in the windows, nor in the trees at the bottom of the garden (the house backs onto the park and is shielded by some trees and bushes).

I got myself organised, covered myself in sunblock then relaxed on the lounger. The sun felt different to what it was when I was laying on the beach on honeymoon.

Nevertheless, I was going to enjoy myself listening to my music and looking at some of the photographs from the honeymoon that Dylan had transferred to my phone.

I must have nodded off because I suddenly heard male voices coming from the garden of one of the neighbours, my phone having come to the end of my music playlist,

“It’s a girl, no tits but a funny pink thing where her cock would have been if she’d been a boy.”

“She has got tits, just small ones, I bet that they’d look bigger when she stands up.”

“Yeah probably, she must be young because she hasn’t got any hair on her pussy, I wonder how old she is?”

“I guess that she’s the wife of the guy that was going to live there, dad said that he was getting married so she must be at least 18. You can’t get married until you’re 18 can you?”

“I dunno, never needed to find out.”

“How the hell have you managed to get to 18 without knowing anything about girls Jason?”

“Never really been interested in them, too much fun playing video games.”

“Well look and learn Jason. I think that that pink cock thing is a vibrator. I don’t think that it’s switched on because she’s awfully still.”

“So do vibrators make a girl jump around like she’s got ants in her pants?”

“Bloody hell Jason, you really do need to get a girlfriend.”

“Not everyone is like you Tony, so how many girlfriends have you had in your 18 years on this earth?”

“Four, and I’ve fucked my current one.”

“Lucky you Tony.”

“Maybe lucky you Jason, with a neighbour like her, she might be a nympho and put out. How long is it before we go back to university?”

“Six weeks, but she’s married, she’s not likely to put out so soon after getting married.”

“You never know, maybe you should go round and ask if you can borrow a cup of sugar of something Jason.”

“Is that the ‘in’ chat-up line these days, is that what you used Tony?”

“Quiet, she’s stirring.”

I heard no more but wondered if I really had an 18 year old male virgin living next door. Then I realised that I had been a 20 year old virgin. I suddenly felt a little sorry for him.

Anyway, I restarted my music and turned over and relaxed again.

I quickly nodded off and had a really weird dream. Dylan and I were on the nude beach that we went to on our honeymoon and for some strange reason I went for a swim on my own. I swam really far out and then I saw a shark swimming in circles around me. I really started to panic but just as the shark came straight at me with its mouth wide open, I was plucked from the sea by 2 men on a boat that I hadn’t see approaching.

I’d been rescued by a boat load of men but none of them gave me anything to wear and instead of the taking me back to the beach they sailed away and made me their naked slave. I had to feed them and fuck them for weeks before the police came and rescued me.

Then the police were just as bad, they took me to their police station and all of them fucked me in a prisoner’s cell before one of them left the door open and I managed to escape. I ran and ran through the crowded streets until I got to the hotel where Dylan was waiting for me.

Then I woke up when the Lush burst into life. I turned over, pulled out my ear buds, spread my legs wide and my right hand went and cupped my pussy because I thought that my clit was going to be shaken off. Dylan had started one of the random app options and I was the girl on the receiving end.

Over the next hour or so the vibrator drove me crazy, sometimes making me cum, before switching off and letting me partially recover before it started again. Sweat was pouring off me and I was getting tired.

It was only when it finally stopped that I wondered if the 2 guys next door were still watching me. I also wondered what they thought of the show that I was putting on, even if it wasn’t totally voluntary.

That day Dylan’s evening meal was ready for him when he got home but it had to go into the microwave before we got around to eating it. As we finally ate it I told Dylan about my weird dream and asked him if he knew what it meant.

“Probably nothing but maybe you subconsciously want to be a naked sex slave and get fucked by lots of men.”

“Maybe, it would be nice to get fucked non-stop.”

“I’ll do my best to do that Esther, now, tell me what happened when I switched the vibrator on. What did that random setting do to you? How many times did you cum?”

I told him everything then he said,

“I wish that I could have seen what it was doing to you Esther. You do realise that you could have stopped it all just by pulling it out of you?”

“Of course I do, but it felt soo good.”

“Okay, sometime soon we’ll find the time to properly experiment with it and try all the different settings. Hey, turn around, I want to see your butt, see if it’s still a bit red from yesterday’s spanking.”

I did, and it wasn’t.

“Do you want me to make it red before your naked yoga Esther?”

“We haven’t got the time, we have to leave soon to meet Tom and Lucy, I don’t want to be late for my first lesson.”

We got ready and left with me wearing another of my new dresses. This one has a flared skirt part and the breeze in the Underground played its part in me wondering if I had forgotten to put anything on below my waist.

We stood at the end of a carriage and Dylan put a hand up the back of my dress and played with my pussy, nearly making me cum, before we had to get off. As we were leaving the station Dylan asked me if I’d like some stranger to play with my pussy like that when the train was crowded.

“Yes I would, but only doing that, I wouldn’t want to be fucked on a train by a complete stranger.”

“I’ll have to take some days off and we can hit the rush hour, see if you can get groped like that.”

“That sounds nice.” I replied.

“What sounds nice?” Tom asked as we met up.

“Oh nothing.” I said, “Hi Lucy, Tom. Shall we go Lucy, I don’t want to be late.”

Lucy and I set off to walk the short distance to the class, Lucy handing me one of the rolled-up yoga mats that she was carrying and Dylan went with Tom to the pub.

“Are you nervous Esther?” Lucy asked.

“A little bit.”

“You’ll be fine, and the exercise will do you good.”

Lucy led me to a sports hall and we went straight in and into this big room where I saw 6 other girls in various states of undress and one very naked youngish woman setting up a music system. When she saw me she left what she was doing and came over to us.

Lucy introduced me to Amber who welcomed me then told me to follow what the she was doing and do just as much as I could, telling me that it would become easier, and more beneficial, as the weeks went on.

“Amber,” Lucy said, “would you believe that Esther was still a virgin a few weeks ago?”

I blushed and said,

“Lucy, you didn’t have to tell Amber that.”

“That’s okay Esther, the important thing is that you are here and willing to give it a go. I promise you that you will feel a lot happier with yourself after this lesson, now strip off ladies, we need to get started.

I was naked in seconds and Lucy was just as quick, her not wearing any underwear as well.

Amber got the class started and I quickly realised that I knew next to nothing about yoga and certainly didn’t realise that a lot of the poses involved leg spreading, even thrusting your spread pussy up in the air.

Okay, I’ll admit that I was nervous and a bit embarrassed at first but I soon started to relax and actually enjoyed doing it. I guess that the calming music and being told to think of a pleasant and quiet place helped. Also, the fact that my body was going into positions that I imagined Dylan’s big cock entering me, helped, and after about 30 minutes I was quite happy and not at all concerned that 8 other young women were seeing my spread, wet pussy and my little tits.

I took sneaky looks at the other women and most of them had hard nipples and damp, if not wet pussies, Lucy’s looking as wet as mine felt. I also couldn’t help noticing that a couple of the other ladies (not Lucy), had big inner labia, one hanging very low. I was pleased that my pussy lips were very small.

A couple of times I saw Lucy looking at me and when our eyes met she mouthed the word ‘okay’ to which I nodded my head.

We must have done a couple of dozen different poses and I found some of them really hard to do, and to hold them for the required number of seconds, as well as the others were doing them, and by the time Amber said that the session was over I was quite tired and sweaty.

Amber came over to me and asked me how it had gone for me.

“Good,” I replied, “I didn’t know much about yoga before tonight and I never expected it to be so hard work and exposing.”

“Yoga isn’t meant to be sexy Esther,” Amber replied, “it’s meant to relax you, make you feel feel good about yourself and to strengthen your muscles including your heart and lungs. We don’t do Kegel exercises here but we do do other poses that strengthen you pelvic muscles. You’ll ache in the morning but I promise you that you’ll ache less and less as the weeks go by Esther. By the way, Kegel exercises are good for you and your husband will appreciate you doing them. Will I see you next week?”

“Yes you will Amber, thank you.”

With that Amber slipped on a dress, picked up her belongings and left. I turned to Lucy and asked her if there were any showers there.

“Yes, there are, but all the other ladies don’t use them, probably have a shower when they get home. I didn’t use them because I’d have been on my own, but we can go and see if they are working if you like Esther.”

“Yes please, I don’t really want to be all sweaty when Dylan jumps on me later.”

We put our dresses on then went to the ladies changing room where we found the showers. They weren’t that nice but they would do.

As we were showering I asked Lucy what Kegel exercises were and she told me, adding that she liked having a tight pussy for Tom to penetrate, and that he liked her that way as well.

I practised doing what Lucy described whilst still in the shower with Lucy watching.

“That’s it Esther, do around 50 of those each day and Dylan will never tire of fucking you.”

I made a mental note to do just that.

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