Getting Married Set Me Free - Cover

Getting Married Set Me Free

Copyright© 2023 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 2

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Getting Married Set Me Free from my strict Catholic upbringing

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Heterosexual   Fiction   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Nudism  

I woke up the same way as the previous day and then we had more fun as Dylan shaved me again. After breakfast we packed a bag then headed off the bus station. I was a little apprehensive, but excited about going out wearing only a slightly see-through cover-up and not even having any knickers or bikini bottoms with me, but Dylan liked the idea as much as I did and he promised to look after me.

As we walked, and at the bus station, I looked at all the men around me to see if they were staring at me and I have to say that I was disappointed that none of them appeared to notice that they would be able to see my tits and slit, and my butt, through the fabric of my cover-up.

Dylan bought our tickets then we waited for the bus. Dylan was stood behind me with his arms round me and as his hands wandered up and down my cover-up I started to feel quite horny, especially when his hands wandered either up and caressed one of my tits, or down and cupped my pussy, pressing on my clit.

We were lucky to get a seat on the bus and Dylan’s hand went straight to my bare thigh and slid up until his little finger touched my bare pussy. My bag was on my lap so I wasn’t worried about anyone looking down and seeing what Dylan was doing to me.

The bus filled up and people were standing in the aisle. As the bus moved off my horny state got the better of me and I opened my knees and slid my bag down onto the floor. Not closing my knees I looked down and confirmed what I suspected, that my cover-up wasn’t covering my lower stomach or bare pubis, and Dylan’s fingers were on my pussy and they were making little movements.

I looked up at the people stood in the aisle and saw 2 men looking down at me, or more importantly, at my pussy area where they could see that I was knickerless and Dylan’s fingers working on my pussy.

The tingling in my nipples and clit got stronger and I wet Dylan’s fingers a bit more. It was then that I realised that my pussy had hardly ever been wet before I got married, but since then I couldn’t remember a time when it was dry, apart from a couple of seconds after I’d showered and then dried myself.

I didn’t have any more time to think about that because the bus arrived at its destination, a big car park beside a lot of sand dunes. I couldn’t see the beach but I guessed that it was along the path through the dunes where I could see a few people walking.

We got off the bus and started walking in the same direction that everyone else was going, through the sand dunes, and we quickly came to an amazing beach gently sloping down to the blue sea with hardly any waves. To each side of us were long stretches of the soft, white sand and a scattering of people enjoying the relaxing ambience.

“Wow,” I said, “this is nice, where would you like to setup our little camp Dylan?”

“How about right here? Everything is perfect and you can display yourself to everyone as they come and go.”

“Dylan, you make me sound like some exhibitionist whore trying to drum up some business.”

“Sorry love, but you can’t deny that you have become the first part, an exhibitionist.”

“Hmm, I guess that you’re right, but it’s all your fault for being such an amazing, sexy man.”

“Hang on a minute, you’re blaming me for you wanting to show your naked body to every man on the planet?”

“Yes I am, if you hadn’t of asked me to marry you I would still be that shy almost introvert little girl.”

“Okay, you got me there Esther, but I’m not complaining, are you?”

“Gawd no, I love the new me. Can you rub some sunblock on me please.”

Just as soon as we’d got our towels spread out I took my cover-up off and stretched my arms high in the air. I felt amazing standing there, totally naked on a public beach. It felt so natural, so free and so sexy. I looked down at Dylan and just wanted him to fuck me right there but I wasn’t feeling that brave so I dug out the sunblock and passed it to Dylan.

Dylan paid particular attention to my tits and pussy, making me cum just as a group of young people arrived at the beach and walked passed us. Dylan later told me that they’d all stared at me as they walked by. That made me feel good as well.

Dylan told me which way to lay on my towel so that my feet were pointing in the direction of the sun, which coincidentally was towards the direction that people were arriving from, or had Dylan specifically chosen that spot for that purpose? I wondered and decided that Dylan was actually helping me to feel good.

“Should I spread my legs or cross them?” I asked.

“Well Mrs. Hargreaves, if you spread them the sun will tan your inner thighs and pussy, and you will be very exposed to people arriving. Also, you spread eagle on a beach will make a great photo for our special album.”

I giggled a little, tingled a little, and spread my legs quite wide. Dylan also dived into the bag and got out his phone.

I didn’t count the number of photos that Dylan took, but it must have been in double figures, and I wondered if he was zooming in on my pussy on some of them. I hoped so.

With my sunglasses on, I watched everyone who came onto the beach via that path and was pleased that quite a lot of them, mainly the males, had a good look at my pussy. I suppose that they looked at my tits as well but with them being so small, and me laying on my back, there wasn’t much to see.

I wondered if any of those people who looked at me realised that I was also watching them as they looked at my pussy.

We went for a swim and a fuck, Dylan is good at holding me up so that my face is directly in front of his and his hands are under my butt as I wrap my legs around him. Dylan let me slide down a little and I discovered that his hard cock was pressing on my entrance. We had a nice, long, slow fuck.

We also went for short walks both ways along the water’s edge. Dylan said that it would give us a little exercise but I just wanted to be seen and to look at all the cocks. I knew that they come in different shapes and sizes but those walks were a real education for me.

Around the middle of the afternoon, Dylan suddenly jumped up and started taking more photos of me. After a minute or so I saw a group of 5 young men walking onto the beach, all wearing jeans, T-shirts and carrying motorcycle helmets. They stopped near Dylan and watched as I got to my feet and started doing silly poses as Dylan clicked away.

Then Dylan turned to one of the young men and asked him if he would take some photos of me and Dylan together. That made some sense because I didn’t want to be the only one in all the photos in our special wedding album.

The guys replied,

“Sure, but can we take some photos of your lovely girlfriend with our phones?”

Dylan looked over to me, saw the smile on my face and replied,

“No problem, after you’ve taken some of me and her you can take as may photos as you like, I’m sure that she will be happy to pose with each of you and all of you together.”

The guys liked that idea and crash hats and backpacks hit the sand as one of them used Dylan’s phone to take some photos of Dylan and I together.

“Bend over with your back to the guys and I’ll pretend to spank you Esther.” Dylan said.

I quickly realised the view that I would be giving the guys as I spread my legs wide and I heard lots of camera shutter sounds. When those sounds died down Dylan said,

“Okay guys, thanks for that, now it’s your turn, who’s first?”

One guy came over to me and put his arm around the naked me and I heard more photo’s being taken, some of them from Dylan’s phone.

All 5 guys took turns standing next to me with one of their arms around me, then Dylan said,

“Group photo time guys.”

I went and stood in the middle of the group and one by one photos were taken with the guys changing places. Just as I was thinking that the fun was over, Dylan said,

“Okay, can the 2 of you on either side of Esther squat down and Esther, can you put you arms round their shoulders?”

We did then Dylan continued,

“Good, now can you 2 guys stand up straight and put an arm round Esther to keep her up in the air, Esther, can you hold on to their necks?”

All 3 of us were a little puzzled but the 2 guys holding me up weren’t about to take their hands off me as Dylan continued,

“Good, now guys, with your outside arm can you reach in and lift Esther’s legs please?”

As soon as Dylan said that, everyone of us knew what was going to happen and up went my legs and out as they were pulled leaving me spread wide, even my pussy lips were spread wide open.

Dylan didn’t need to tell everyone to start taking more photos as I heard shutter sounds clicking away.

Everyone wanted, and got a turn at holding me up, including Dylan, and I’m sure that some of the phones memory cards must have got quite full. By the time that no more photos were being taken I was really horny and as the guys left I turned to Dylan and said,

“Will you take me in the sea again please Dylan?”

We almost ran into the sea and seconds later I was kissing Dylan and riding his cock.

Once I’d recovered and Dylan had lowered me to the bottom of the sea I said,

“Wow, that was a bit of quick thinking by you Dylan, thank you. I’m sure that some of those photos will be in our special album.”

“Yes, and what do you think of the idea of printing some of the photos, enlarged to say A2 or A1 size, framing them and putting them on the walls at home?” Dylan asked.

“I love it. I’ve been thinking too, you know that you shave me every morning, well I’ve read somewhere that some girls get some sort of laster treatment to kill the hair follicles so that they never grow again, can we look into that please?”

“Sure, I thought of that too but shaving you is so much fun that I wasn’t going to mention it for a while.”

“I’ve thought of that as well, you can still shave me even if there’s no hair there to remove.”

“Hmm, not just a pretty face and an amazing body, we’ll look into that when we get back to England.”

Dylan kissed me again and I felt his cock get hard again and pressing against my ribs.

After swimming around until Dylan’s cock had gone flaccid again, we got out of the sea and went and air dried ourselves as we relaxed on our towels. My brain was thinking about getting some laser hair removal treatment and wondering if it would be woman or a man that did the job and after a while Dylan said,

“Are you getting horny again Esther?”

“What makes you think that Dylan?”

“Well your legs are wide open and you’re playing with your clit, that man walking along the water’s edge has been watching you for ages.”

“Oh, I didn’t realise.” I replied and moved my hand from my pussy.

“Hey, I didn’t say that I wanted you to stop, it’s just that you looked miles away.”

“I was, I was imagining a man using a laser on my pussy to get rid of all the hair.”

“You want a man to do it, I assumed that it was only women that did it.”

“You might be right Dylan, I was just daydreaming.”

“A little fantasy, what other fantasies have you got Esther?”

“Well, they’ve all changed now that we are married, I used to have romantic fantasies like you read in those romantic novels, the ones that my mother didn’t like me reading, but now all I can think about is you forcing me to show my naked body to lots of strangers and fucking me in front of them.”

“I don’t think that there would be much forcing involved Esther.”

“I’d probably be too shy and nervous to instigate it myself but once I got over that I’d love every second. That’s if you didn’t mind other guys fucking me.”

“Well let’s hope that that shy and nervous part of your brain gets over-written, or whatever, with the new exhibitionist you and I’d like to see you gang-banged by other guys.”

“You really have changed me Dylan, you’ve made me come alive. I love you Mr. Dylan Hargreaves.”

“And I love you too Mrs. Esther Hargreaves.”

I giggled a bit, still not being totally used to being married and having a new name.

We eventually decided that it was time to leave that beach and we packed our belongings. I guess that I was really getting used to being naked because we were getting near where the people were waiting for the bus when Dylan asked me if I was going to ride on the bus naked.

I seem to remember blushing a little as I put my bag down, got my cover-up out, put it on and replied,

“Oops, naughty me, maybe you should spank my bottom when we get back to the hotel.”

“There you go mentioning spanking again Esther, I’m starting to think that you want me to spank you.”

“Maybe, I don’t know, the idea sound great and that electricity that went from my butt to my pussy was nice, but I’m not sure about the pain.”

“I’ll just do what I said before, just order you to strip, get over my lap and just do it sometime. Surprise you, but I will stop just as soon as you ask me to, I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Maybe I will like the spanking pain, I don’t know.”

“As I said, baby steps, but not right now, although I’m guessing that some of the people waiting for the bus might enjoy the entertainment.”

“You wouldn’t?”

“No I wouldn’t Esther, your butt is safe for now.”

There weren’t as many people on the bus so we got seats and we were soon walking back to the hotel. This time I wasn’t looking around to see if anyone had realised that my cover-up was slightly see-through.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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