Trophy Girlfriend - Cover

Trophy Girlfriend

Copyright© 2021 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 6

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Caleb slowly introduces Cora to Candaulism and Cora embraces it.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Gang Bang   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Safe Sex   Public Sex   ENF   Nudism  


They woke still spooning and continued where they left off before Caleb was forced to halt the fun so that they could get to work on time.

Cora’s bathroom routine was a little rushed but her whole pussy was nice and smooth as she stepped into one of her summer microdresses. It was when Caleb slapped her butt that she remembered the previous morning’s spanking. She pulled up the back of the dress in front of a mirror, looked at her butt and said,

“If I’m not careful someone is going to ask me how my butt got as red as it is.”

“Thanks for reminding me Cora.” Caleb said.

“Reminding you of what?”

“Nothing dear, I hope that you have a good day at work. Tomorrow will be a nice day for you to wear something as well as a dress, something that will let me make sure that you have a great day.”

Cora was a bit puzzled but didn’t say anything and soon they were both driving in different directions to their respective work places.

Halfway through the morning Cora went to do her regular teasing of Mr. Hope and just as she was about to end the display of her bare butt and pussy to him he said,

“Cora, a minute please.”

Stood in front of Mr. Hope’s desk she heard him say,

“Cora, I have received a video on my phone from a number that I don’t recognise which might just explain why your buttocks are so red this morning.”

Cora’s face started to turn red, She knew exactly which video he was talking about and she knew who had sent it to him.

“Is there anything that you want to tell me Cora?”

There was a few seconds silence before Cora replied,

“Well Mr. Hope, I’m guessing that it was my boyfriend that sent you the video, he joked that he might. I’m sorry that he sent it and sorry that you have to see it. I’d be very happy if you were to just delete it.”

“Not so fast Cora, are you admitting that it is you in this video because the video is of a girl’s backside getting spanked. The whole video is only 2 minutes long and doesn’t show the girl’s face. There is audio but the voice isn’t very clear so it was only when you bent over at the filing cabinet that I thought that it might be you.”

Cora was kicking herself. Caleb must have edited the video and only sent Mr. Hope part of the original video. She could have denied that it was her in the video and Mr. Hope couldn’t have proved otherwise.

“So that IS you, totally naked and getting spanked?”

It was too late to deny it, too much of a coincidence, so she meekly said,

“Yes sir.”

“Well Cora, You have changed quite a lot in the last few months. When you started here you were a demure young lady who dressed like she was going to Sunday school, but look at you now, clearly not wearing a bra and clearly not wearing any knickers, and a skirt that barely covers you genitals. I bet that if you were to lean back just the slightest little bit I would be to see your genitals.”

Cora guessed that that was partially because Mr. Hope was sat down but she decided to test the theory and leant back a little.

“There, I told you Cora, I can see your vulva and clitoris.”

Cora got a burst of confidence.

“Well Mr. Hope, what happens now? You can’t go to HR because of what you said previously, and you have promised to oppose any change to the company dress code just so long as I don’t talk to Mrs Hope so what next? Your actions in staring at me every time that I get something out of that filing cabinet, and today’s questioning me about my private life, even if you have been anonymously sent a video of me, in my private life, in an act of sexual foreplay, leads me to think that you have some sort of personal, romantic interest in me.”

“No, no.”

“And as you know Mr. Hope, any such interest would be against company policy, so would talking about my accidental exposure at that filing cabinet and staring at my accidental exposure right now. You do like what you’re looking at Mr. Hope don’t you?”

“Well of course Cora, what man wouldn’t like to see what I’m looking at right now.”

“Oh Mr. Hope, you’ve screwed-up again, you’re letting your penis rule your brain, you can’t deny that you like looking at my pussy. Tell you what Mr. Hope, I’ll let you look at my pussy whenever you want if you look favourably on me when it comes to salary review time.”

“Cora, you’re forgetting that I have a video of you getting spanked and you weren’t making much of an attempt to keep your legs together. The amount of vaginal secretions on show tells anyone who sees it that you were highly aroused which makes it a video that many, many men would like to possess.”

“Maybe so Mr. Hope, but there’s nothing like the real thing is there?

“That’s true Cora. Tell you what, I’ll say nothing and think favourably about you at Christmas and you keep letting me look at your butt and pussy, and the occasional look at your tits would be nice as well.”

Cora smiled and went to the top of the zip of her dress. It went from between her breasts to the hem where it could easily detach. Cora pulled the zip down from top to bottom, freed the sides of her dress and held them wide open for Mr. Hope to see her totally uncovered front.

After a few seconds Mr. Hope said,

“Thank you Cora, you make an old man happy and I hope that you continue to do so.”

“Anytime that you want Mr. Hope.”

Cora zipped up and went about her day feeling very proud of herself and she just knew that Caleb would be proud of her when she told him.

Back at her desk Cora was happy and the rest of her day went quite quickly.

That evening Cora asked Caleb about the video and he confirmed that he had indeed sent an edited version to Mr. Hope. When Cora told Caleb about what had happened Caleb told Cora that he wished that he’d sent him the full version.

TUESDAY The following day Caleb got Cora to wear her remote control vibrator to her workplace and he told her to take her phone with her wherever she went. She was a little apprehensive but Caleb promised to not turn the vibrations up to full intensity at anytime during the day.

Cora was still apprehensive because she’d be walking around in a microdress with the pink antenna of the vibrator sticking out below the hem. She knew that Mr. Hope would notice but she was no longer worried about him, it was the other men there. She’d had comments about her short skirts but this was different, she had no idea how they would react.

Mr. Hope did notice, and Cora put on a little show for him as she bent over at the filing cabinet. She waggled her butt a little and repeatedly contracted then released her vaginal muscles so that the pink antenna was doing a little dance for him.

“Cora, a word please.”

Cora shut the drawer, stood up, turned and walked over to him.

“Cora, you appear to have something sticking out of your vagina, what is it?”

“It’s a vibrator sir.”

Just by pure chance Caleb gave Cora a quick blast of full intensity vibrations and Cora gasped, lifted her right knee and crossed her thighs.

“Sorry sir, my boyfriend just turned up the vibrations to full intensity for a few seconds.”

“I beg your pardon, how is that even possible?”

Cora smiled at Mr. Hope’s lack of technology know-how and explained how it worked.

“That’s amazing Cora, so if I had the app on my phone, I could control the vibrator in your vagina?”

“Yes sir.”

“So how do I get this app?”

“You want to control MY vibrator, shouldn’t you be getting one for Mrs Hope?”

“On thing at a time young lady, let’s get me able to control yours first.”

Cora was almost dumbstruck. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing but at the same time liked the idea and was almost certain that Caleb would agree but she didn’t want to set it up without his permission. Her pussy was his pussy and he decided what happened to it.

“I’ll need to check that with my boyfriend sir.”

“Fair enough, we’ll talk about it in the morning.”

Cora left, Caleb had left the vibrator running on a low level of vibrations and Cora was enjoying the experience.

Cora noticed the other 2 guys in the office were looking at her when she walked around but neither of them said anything to her about her skirt, nor what was hanging below it.

Just before her lunch break Cora realised that she needed to go down on the shop-floor to get some documents. She’d already been down there once that morning but everyone was too busy to really notice her but when she went down the stairs she realised that there was hardly anyone on the shop-floor.

Cursing herself for the bad timing she turned and started to go back up the stairs when a male voice said,

“Well look at you Cora, that’s one hell of a dress that you’ve nearly got on, what can I do you for?”

Cora realised he’d deliberately reversed the last 2 words but decided to ignore it.

“I was just looking for Andy, he’s got a document that I need.”

“He’ll be in the break room, go on in, I’m sure that he won’t mind.”

Now before It tell you the next bit of the story I have to tell you that there is a girl apprentice working on the shop-floor, Sally, the only female who works on the shop-floor.

When Cora went into the break room she was shocked to see Sally with her overalls down around her ankles and bent at the waist, Sally wasn’t wearing anything under her overalls and her bare butt was being fucked by Andy, the man that Cora wanted to see. At the other end of Sally’s torso, her head was bobbing up and down on the cock of one of the other guys from the shop-floor, her head doing its best to look up to the man’s face.

Cora just stood there in silence, not believing what she was seeing. After what seemed like hours but was probably only a few seconds, another man said,

“Hi Cora, did you want something or have you just come to show us the rest of that cute body of yours?”


“Well we’ve all seen your butt and pussy as you go up those stairs so I thought that you must be here to show us your tits and let us have a good look at that pussy of yours with half of that vibrator sticking out of it.”

“No, I just wanted something from Andy.”

“Well as you can see he’s a bit busy at the moment. You’ll have to wait for your turn.”

“No,” Cora replied, “I didn’t come here to get fucked and you’re not going to fuck me.”

As Cora said that she crossed her arms under her breasts but all that did was raise the front of her dress a bit revealing the front of her slit and clit to the guys in the room.

“Go on Cora, get that dress off.” Another man said, then the others started chanting,

“Off, off, off, off.”

Cora’s bad look, or was it good luck, struck again as Cora’s phone did 2 things, firstly she got a text message from Caleb saying that he thought that she might be bored as it was lunchtime, and secondly, he ramped-up the vibrations so much that Cora gasped and crossed her legs trying to put pressure on her pussy to alleviate the vibrations that were sending her pussy crazy.

One of the men in the room realised what had happened, told the other to shut up then he said,

“That vibrator has just burst into life hasn’t it? Either you’ve set it to give you random bursts or someone is controlling you. Which is it Cora?”

Well Cora wasn’t exactly thinking straight and replied,

“My boyfriend.”

“Well, the man said, if your boyfriend is doing that to you I’m sure that he won’t mind if you strip for us.”

Cora looked at him, then at Sally who was still getting fucked, her much bigger than Cora’s breasts swinging about, then at the man who had just spoken to her.

“Come on Cora, you know that you want to.” The man said followed by the others again chanting,

“Off, off, off.”

The vibrations weren’t decreasing and Cora’s arousal was rapidly increasing so she reached for the hem of her dress and pulled it up. Two seconds later she was more naked than Sally was.

“Lay on the table and let us watch you cum Cora.” One man said.

Well Cora’s legs weren’t at their strongest at the moment so she did lay on the table, what’s more, she spread her legs wide apart and gripped the sides of the table with her hands.

The vibrator, along with her knowing that a good half a dozen men were seeing her naked, pussy spread and approaching an orgasm made it arrive much quicker and she verbally let them all know that it was about to crash all over her.

She was totally unaware of her surroundings for a good minute or so as her body jerked and shook until the waves passed when the vibrator finally stopped.

Cora got up onto her elbows and looked around. Two different men were using both ends of Sally’s body and her tits were still swing around. All the men in the room were either watching Sally or watching her as she decided whether to be embarrassed, ashamed, mortified or happy. She chose the latter knowing that Caleb would be happy with her.

Cora got to her feet and picked up her dress. As she started to pull it down over her head Andy said,

“Same time tomorrow Cora? Now what was it you wanted from me?”

Cora told him and he told her that it was on his desk. As they walked there Andy said,

“Cora, on a lunch break we often have photographic sessions in the break room with Sally as our model, I’m sure that a few of us are wondering if you would care to join us, be another model for us?”

“I’m assuming that you mean nude model Andy?”

“Is there any other kind?” Andy replied.

“I’ll think about it but don’t get your hopes up.”

“Oh by the way Cora, great video, I liked the way you willingly bent over that chair. Was it the same vibrator that you’ve got in you right now, and was it switched on?”


“The spanking video. I have no idea who sent it to me and it took ages to download, but it was great. If you fancy making another we can do it here one lunchtime, the lads would be only too happy to help you.”

“I’ll let you know.” Cora replied as she picked up what she had gone to the shop-floor for and headed back up to the office where she opened the text app on her phone and sent a message to Caleb telling him what had just happened.

Cora quickly got a message back telling her that she was a good girl and that she should do as requested the next day’s lunch break. Cora happily got on with her work knowing that she had pleased Caleb and had some fun in doing so. She couldn’t wait for the next day’s lunch break and she hoped that Caleb would start up her vibrator again before she got home.

He didn’t but she got home first and seconds after she saw Caleb’s car pull into the drive her vibrator burst into life at full blast and she was squirming and dancing about as he came through the door. With the vibrator still on full blast Caleb hugged and kissed Cora and he told her that he loved her.

As he broke the kiss he reached down and flicked her clit causing the building orgasm to explode out of her, nearly causing her to collapse to the floor.

It was a long, intense orgasm helped along by the vibrator and Caleb continually flicking her clit, and when it finally started to subside Cora hugged Caleb and told him that she loved him too. Then she asked him to turn the vibrator off so that she could get the tea ready.

Over the meal Cora went into more detail of what happened to her at work, both with Mr. Hope and in the shop-floor break room. Caleb told her that he was happy for her to do whatever she wanted to do but if she was going to let them fuck her she was to tell them that they had to wear a condom. The 2 reasons that Caleb gave for that were firstly that he didn’t know if all the guys would be infection free, and secondly, he didn’t really want Cora to have to sit in puddle of their cum all afternoon.

After Cora had cleared away Caleb told Cora that they were going to the gym. As Cora gathered her gym things together she was a bit nervous. Caleb was going to have her wear just the white microdress and trainers. She knew that it would mean that she would be exposing her pussy to goodness knows who, that wasn’t the real problem, she was worried that some miserable sod might complain to the management and get her, and Caleb thrown out and Caleb not able to go there again.

That didn’t happen although Cora did have men looking at her just about all the time that they were there. There were about 8 or 9 men there all doing their own thing but their routines were disturbed as they kept stopping to look at Cora as Caleb took her through his routine which included a number of floor exercises and some time on most of the different machines.

Cora did exactly what Caleb told her to do even when it meant that she had to open her legs wide or stick them up in the air, occasionally meaning that she was exposed from ankle to waist.

Every time that Cora’s legs were spread wide Caleb so wanted to rub a finger along her slit but he resisted, trying to keep his instruction on a professional basis and not give anyone the reason to say that they were taking part in some sort of sexual adventure.

Cora also wanted Caleb to touch her pussy but she understood what Caleb was trying to do. However, that didn’t stop Cora’s pussy from getting VERY wet, and whenever she had to spread her legs that fact became very obvious to all the men who saw her pussy.

Cora had seen the exercise bikes in the gym and she was sure that some time sitting on one of those saddles would give her some relief but Caleb bypassed the bikes as they went round the room. The net result was that when Caleb said that they were done Cora was one very sexually frustrated young woman and as soon as she was in the showers she relieved some of that frustration with the fingers of her right hand.

The rest of that frustration was relived in the car park when they got back to the car. Caleb took Cora round the back of the car, told her to take her dress off and fucked her over the back of the car until they both orgasmed. During the drive home Cora told Caleb about her session in the shower and he told her that he was happy for her.

They fucked again when they went to bed, then going to sleep in the spoon position with Caleb’s soft cock resting just inside Cora’s vagina.

WEDNESDAY Cora woke in the same position that she went to sleep in, the only difference being that Caleb had a morning woody so she slowly moved her butt backwards and forwards until he woke up.

At Caleb’s request Cora again wore her remote controlled vibrator to work and again she let Mr. Hope have a good look at it as she bent at the filing cabinet. Cora had already decided that she was going to do that every day even if it meant that he would see the string of her tampon when she was having her period.

“Cora, a minute of your time please.” Mr. Hope said as Cora was starting to stand up straight.

In his office Mr. Hope continued,

“Did you ask your boyfriend about the phone program for that thing between your legs?”

“Oh yes Mr. Hope, if you let me have your phone I’ll install it for you.”

He did, and Cora stood tapping away at his phone as she stood in front of him holding her dress close to the bottom of her tits so that the front hem rose enough for Mr. Hope to be able to see her slit and clit.

“There Mr. Hope,” Cora said, “you can just slide your finger up and down on the screen and the vibrations will increase.”

Cora gave Mr. Hope his phone back, and even though she was expecting him to practice using the app she gasped as the vibrations suddenly went up to the max.

When Mr. Hope slid his finger down the screen Cora said,

“Yes, you did that to me, but please remember Mr. Hope, when the vibrations are any more than on the minimum I won’t be able to concentrate on my work and I’m sure that you don’t want me to become unproductive, especially as you have told me that you are going to give me a big pay rise at Christmas.”

“Point taken Cora, I’ll just give you the odd, sudden surprise if you look like you are daydreaming.”

“Anything else sir?”

“No Cora, you can get on with your work now.”

About an hour later Caleb startled Cora with a quick burst of vibrations half way through the morning but it only lasted a few seconds then at lunch time Cora headed down to the shop-floor.

As she entered the break room she again saw Sally taking cocks at both ends but this time she was totally naked, her overalls and shoes in a pile on the floor in a corner.

“Come on Cora, get ‘em off.” One of the workmen said.

“Where’s the cameras and lights?” Cora asked.

The response was that nearly all the men there got out their smart phones, turned on the flash light app, and pointed them at Cora.

“So you want me to take my dress off? Then what?”

“Get up on that table and spread your legs for us.”

An expressionless Cora started unbuttoning her dress but inside she was excited and her pussy was tingling something rotten.

“No undies again Cora?” One man asked as her naked body came into view.

“She hasn’t been wearing any for weeks.” Another man said.

Cora climbed up onto the table and the men directed Cora into different poses both on her back and on her hands and knees. Needless to say that in every pose her knees were wide apart and Cora heard lots of camera shutter sounds and saw lots of flashes.

“How do we switch that thing on?” One man asked as he pointed to the pink antenna sticking out of Cora’s vagina.

“My boyfriend controls it from his phone.” Cora replied as she tensed then relaxed her vaginal muscles causing the antenna to jump up then fall back down.

“Shit, you need to tell him to switch it on every lunchtime Cora.” Another man said.

By that time Cora was again on her back with her legs spread wide and her head turned to one side. She was watching Sally get another load of sperm in her mouth and all over her face. When the man finished painting her face Sally looked over to Cora and smiled. Cora smiled back and decided that she’d have to have a chat with Sally.

“So would your boyfriend get upset if we were to touch you Cora?” Andy asked.

“No. I told him what happened yesterday and he said that touching me was okay.”

Well that was like taking a sheet of glass from between a joint of meat and a starving lion, all of a sudden Cora was closely surrounded by men and hands were going everywhere.

Poor Cora had never had so many men’s hands on her body and the feeling was just too much for her. The excitement of the situation boiled over into a very pleasurable orgasm involving shaking and jerking, none of which stopped the men from groping her which only extended the time of Cora’s orgasm.

When she finally started to come down from her high most of the men had gone but Andy and Sally were still there, Sally pulling on her overalls over her naked body. Cora got off the table and just stood there watching Sally.

“So Cora,” Andy said, “Is this going to be a regular thing Cora, you coming down here on a lunchtime and getting your kit off?”

“Do you want it to be? What about Sally here, I’d hate to spoil any of her fun.”

“Believe me Cora,” Sally said, “having another girl here will take some of the pressure off me, these guys all want me every day and it’s wearing me out.”

“So all the guys want to fuck me as well as Sally?”

“Are you joking Cora, like Sally you have one hell of a hot body and every one of those guys, and me, would love to fuck both of you every day.”

“Err Andy, lunch break is only 60 minutes long so you’re going to have to come up with some sort of rota because I sure a hell aren’t staying back after 5 o’clock, I’ve got a boyfriend to keep happy.”

“So have I.” Cora added.

“And you’d better get a whole load more condoms because that box is nearly empty and I’m not doing it bareback with any of you.” Sally said.

“And I’m guessing that you’d want the guys to always use condoms Cora?” Andy asked.

“Of course, fingers and mouths won’t make me pregnant but cocks could give us something nasty and if one of you gave us something then you’d all get it.”

“One pallet load of condoms coming up girls. How many guys can you cope with each day?”

“I’ve been taking 3 in each end each day,” Sally said, “but that’s too many, I’m getting knackered. What do you think Cora, a maximum of 2 in our pussies and 2 in our mouths each day?”

“That’s okay with me but can we make it just Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, have a day off from the fucking on Wednesdays, give us a chance to recover?”

“I like that idea Cora.” Sally said.

“Okay girls, this girls making the rules could go too far if were not careful, Cora, maybe you should get dressed and go back upstairs, and Sally, you have work to do.”

“Okay boss. I’ll be there in a minute.” Sally said then she turned to Cora and continued,

“Cora, next Wednesday when we get the lunch break off, do you fancy going for a quick drink and a chat?”

“Good idea.” Cora replied.

“Sally, work, now.” Andy said.

Sally and Andy left and Cora started to get dressed.

Cora had just started working again when her vibrator burst into life and she got a text message from Caleb.

“Sorry it’s late, big job on, hope you had fun.”

Cora had to sit at her desk trying to keep still and quiet for the next 10 minutes until Caleb witched the vibrator off.

Back at home Cora was eager to tell Caleb about her day and Caleb was eager to tell Cora about what Harry and George had found. Caleb was a gentleman and let Cora tell him all about her day first, and in particular what she had agreed to do each lunch time, and it wasn’t until they were driving to the swimming pool that Caleb had the chance to tell Cora that they were going to Jack and Willow’s house on the Saturday to talk about a holiday.

Rose was on duty in the reception of the leisure centre and she smiled at them when they walked in.

“There’s only a handful of people here so you should get some privacy.” Rose said as she gave Caleb the change.

“Thanks,” Caleb replied, “maybe see you later then.”

This time Cora was more confident about wearing the bikini that Caleb bought her and it clung to her tits and pubes as soon as she pressed the button on the shower.

David the lifeguard paid them no attention as he looked down from his high up chair and Caleb was a little disappointed that neither of the 2 old men who were swimming lengths pains any attention to Cora’s near nudity.

After their swim Caleb decided to take a chance with Cora’s bikini and he led her into the changing rooms then pulled on the strings releasing the bikini.

“Not going to the sauna this week?” Cora asked.

“Yes we are but I thought that you could leave the bikini here tonight.”

“But what if there are other people there, more than just Ben?”

“Then they’ll get a very pleasant surprise.”

“Well if you’re sure?”

“I am.” Replied Caleb as he took her hand and led the totally naked Cora out of the changing room and along the deserted corridor to the sauna room.

As they walked Cora decided that she didn’t feel any more naked than when she had the bikini on.

Caleb let Cora go into the sauna first and they were both a little disappointed when they saw that there was no one else in there, not even Ben. Cora lay on the bottom bench seat with one leg on the bench, bent at the knee, and the other leg dangling down to the floor. Caleb sat at her foot and reached over and idly toyed with her clit as he started to tell her what he knew of what Harry and George had managed to find for a holiday and to remind her that they were going round to Jack and Willow’s house to find out more and maybe book it.

Cora was well on her way to an orgasm when the door opened and Ben walked in. Caleb didn’t stop what he was doing and Cora didn’t try to close her legs.

“Hi guy’s, Ben said, “got held up by an accident but at least I’ll get 15 minutes of remarkable scenery.”

The rest of their sauna session went much the same as the previous week, including Rose joining them and both girls making themselves cum for the guys.

THURSDAY Caleb didn’t need to ask Cora to wear her vibrator to work, he didn’t need to, it was already in place when Cora came out of the bathroom.

When Cora went to THE filing cabinet and bent over she deliberately clenched then released her vaginal muscles over and over causing the pink antenna to dance around for Mr. Hope to see. Cora was rewarded with the vibrator bursting into life at max vibrations, causing Cora to jump a little and bang her head on the cabinet.

Fortunately it wasn’t a hard bang and Cora soon forgot about it. Mr. Hope hadn’t forgotten about the power that he had over Cora and for the next 30 minutes Cora squirmed and wriggled about on her chair not managing to get any work done.

When Mr. Hope shutdown the app Cora took a long, deep breath and wondered if she should start bringing a towel to work to sit on.

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