Trophy Girlfriend - Cover

Trophy Girlfriend

Copyright© 2021 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 2

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Caleb slowly introduces Cora to Candaulism and Cora embraces it.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Gang Bang   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Safe Sex   Public Sex   ENF   Nudism  


It was only after Caleb’s cock entered the still sleeping Cora again, after dawn, and them fucking to another mutual orgasm that Cora thought about asking Caleb if he had fucked one of his mates girlfriends the previous evening. However, she chickened out and only asked if they had played ‘the’ game. When Caleb answered in the affirmative Cora didn’t know if she wanted to know the answer to the question about what round 3 was and anyway, she didn’t have the nerve to ask. Instead she just smiled and said that she hoped that he had an enjoyable evening.

Then Cora, thinking about what Wendy had said about candaulism, she asked,

“Caleb, if you are going to get me to play that game again could we play it outside somewhere public where people can see us?”

“Wow Cora, I knew that you were a bit of a closet exhibitionist but I guessed that it would take a lot longer to get you to come out. I’m sure that we can fix up something but it may take a while. In the mean time I’m pretty confident that we can play the game indoors, or maybe in the back garden about once a week.”

“Good,” Cora replied, “you know that it’s all your fault Caleb, it’s the effect that you have on me and the things that you have already persuaded me to do.”

“Persuaded, no, more like helped you to free yourself.”

“I love you Caleb.”

“And I love you too Cora.”

They got up and had a normal Saturday until the evening when it was time to get ready to go to the Summer Ball. Cora spent ages making sure that there wasn’t even a trace of hair below her neck then she did her hair and put on just a little makeup. Caleb was ready to leave and was just watching Cora get ready. After she slipped on the dress Caleb went to her, kissed her then got out of his jacket pocket a new necklace and earrings for her. As Cora was putting the earrings on Caleb pulled the 2 sides that were covering her tits to the middle then tweaked both Cora’s bare nipples saying,

“Got to make sure that they are nice and proud.”

Cora looked down to her chest and saw the 2 pencil eraser sized nipples looking as hard as they had ever been.

“Gawd,” Cora thought, “Caleb really does want me to stand out.”

Then she said,

“I can’t go with my girls out, you got them out so can you put them back in please?”

Caleb did so with a big grin on his face.

As Cora was putting her heels on they heard the beeping of their taxi’s horn and Caleb reached I between the slit at the front of her dress, gave her clit a quick rub then said,

“Let’s go.”

As they walked out to the taxi Cora saw the taxi driver looking at her and she thought,

“Well I guess that he’s the first to see my pussy tonight, I’d better get used to it.”

Caleb held one of the back doors open for Cora to get in and watched as the skirt part of the dress opened revealing Cora’s naked legs, right up to her belly. He smiled as he walked round to the other side of the car and got in.

Cora had tried to pull the 2 sides of the skirt together but they fell between her legs leaving her bare pubes visible but the taxi driver would have needed a camera built into the back of his seat to see anything.

As they drove Caleb talked to the driver about the football and at the same time he had his hand on Cora’s thigh and was rubbing up and down, quickly reaching Cora’s slit. Instinctively Cora spread her legs a little to give him access and by the time that they arrived at the hotel Cora’s pussy was quite wet and her clit was out having had a little attention but wanting more.

Caleb had intended to get out and go round to open Cora’s door but the driver beat him to it and Cora couldn’t avoid letting him have a good look at her bald pubes and slit.

They linked arms and started to walk in. Cora quickly realised that the 2 halves of the front of her skirt were floating back behind her leaving her pussy totally exposed so she asked, then begged Caleb to slow down.

But he didn’t and she was relieved when they got to the door to the ballroom and the skirt part fell back into place, just covering her slit and clit that by then Cora had realised was going to be sticking out from behind it’s hood, and visible to goodness knows how many people for most of the night.

They were met by a man in a tuxedo checking tickets then one of a line of 5 girls in French Maid’s outfits asked Caleb’s for his name then handed both Cora and Caleb little masks, like fancy blindfolds but with holes for their eyes. Cora immediately put hers on hoping that if there was anyone there that she knew they wouldn’t be able to recognise her.

Then the French Maid led them to their table. Again Cora realising that her skirt was flowing back revealing her bare legs right up to and including her bald pubes. Cora tried to avoid looking to see how many people noticed her exposure but she did see 2 middle-aged men staring at her.

At their table Cora was shocked to see one of Caleb’s mates, George, who Like Caleb, hadn’t put his mask on. On both sides of George were girls but Cora easily guessed which one was with George, she was the one who was also wearing a very revealing dress, Cora could see her tits with protruding, big nipples through the thin, semi-sheer material of her top.

“Wow Cora,” George said, “I nearly didn’t recognise you with your clothes on.”

“The old jokes never die.” Caleb replied as he introduced Lucy, George’s other half.”

Cora was dying for Lucy to stand up to see if the bottom half of her dress was as sheer as the top half but she didn’t. What Lucy did do was put her hand out for Cora to shake and say,

“Hi, I heard that Caleb had got a new girlfriend and that she was stunning, George was right, you are beautiful, and I like your dress. I can see that you are going to have some fun tonight.”

“Hi,” Cora replied, “And it looks like you’ll be attracting a lot of male eyes as well.”

“I hope so.” Lucy said.

There were 2 seat free on the other side of Lucy to George and Caleb took Cora to them. Assuming that the girls would want to talk he pulled out the chair next to Lucy for Cora to sit on. Cora was pleased that she didn’t have to worry about her slit and clit being on display for a while. What she hadn’t thought about was that she’d have to turn her upper body from side to side to talk to both Caleb and Lucy.

Lucy and Cora started talking, the usual girly getting to know each other talk whilst Caleb and George had their own conversation, a bit louder so that they could hear each other.

Two more couples came and sat at the table and there were introductions all round, neither Cora or Lucy getting up to shake hands.

As Cora was shaking hands with the second man she saw that his eyes were on her chest. Looking down she saw that both her nipples had escaped from the dress and were proudly pointing forward.

“Oops, sorry, I didn’t realise. I guess that I’m going to have a battle with this dress tonight.” Cora said.

“That’s okay Cora my dear, we’re not offended and everyone has wardrobe malfunctions at times.”

As he was saying that Cora felt Caleb’s hand on her bare thigh near her knee, then she felt it slide up pushing the dress further off her legs. Cora did a silent gasp as the side of his hand touched her clit. She opened her legs a little to give his access then blushed a little when she saw Lucy looking down at her lap.

“Relax Cora,” Lucy said, “there will probably be half a dozen pussies in this room with a man’s hand on them by now, look at my lap.”

Cora did and saw 3 things, firstly Lucy’s skirt was semi-sheer and it too had a split up the front, and George’s hand was between her legs on her pussy.

“Caleb never told me what sort of Summer Ball this is, is it the local ‘grope your girlfriend society’s summer ball’?” Cora asked Lucy who laughed.

“No, nothing like that, it’s the local strippers convention.”


“Just kidding, it’s the local Federation of Small Business’ gathering. Most of the people here run a small business and they like to get together once a year to forget their financial worries and let their hair down. There will be 2 or 3 people ranting on about how to make a business successful soon, then the buffet then the dancing.”

“Oh, okay, can we get a drink here or is the place TT?” Cora asked.

Lucy turned to George, whispered something then George stood up, apologised to Cora and told Caleb that they were going to the bar. Caleb also apologised then asked Cora what she wanted then the guys left.

“Fancy those 2 forgetting about the booze.” Lucy said. “Must have something to do with you Cora, new meat and all that.”

“What,” Cora replied, “Caleb doesn’t treat me like a piece of meat.”

“No, no, I meant that the pair of them like having a new, gorgeous body to stare at and get their hands on. I heard that you played their ‘game’ the other week.”

“Oh yes, only rounds 1 and 2, Caleb thought that I was too tired to do round 3. You know he wouldn’t even tell me what round 3 was but I’ve guessed that it was them fucking me.”

“No Cora, round 3 isn’t fucking, round 3 is them trying to deep throat you. Has Caleb got his cock down your throat yet?”

“Yes, we spent a few days about a month back getting me to loose my gag reflex.”

“Did it work?”

“Yes, I can take all of his cock now.”

“Good, you’ll be okay with round 3 then. After that it’s round 4.”

Cora was a bit shocked, she’d never considered deep throating as part of the game but when she thought back they’d got her on her back on the coffee table, all they’d have to do was pull her up a bit so that her head was hanging over the end and she’d be in the perfect position. Cora was just about to ask what round 4 was when Caleb and George returned. As soon as Caleb sat down his hand went straight to Cora’s pussy causing her to gasp a little as his hand was cold having had a glass of beer in it.

Both guys were carrying trays with 4 glasses on them and Caleb told Cora that they were stocking up ready for when the speakers start. Then he told Cora that there was table service for drinks, that the girls dressed as French Maids would get drinks for them.

Cora had seen the French Maids walking about and hadn’t taken much notice of them but she started to keep an eye out for them. Soon she saw one of the girls carrying a tray of drinks to a nearby table and she saw the girl bend over to put the drinks on the table. The thing was, her outfit included a very short, flared skirt and when she bent over Cora could see both of the girl’s butt cheeks and her pussy between them. The girls was knickerless and Cora wondered if it was just her or all the French Maids were knickerless.

Cora didn’t say anything to Caleb but decided to check the other French Maids if the opportunity arose.

Meanwhile, Caleb’s hand had found its way back to Cora’s pussy and was gently rubbing her clit causing her to worry that he might make her cum. This worry increased quite soon as the first speaker started, Cora didn’t want to have a noisy orgasm whilst the only sound in the room was the speaker going on about something that Cora wasn’t interested in.

It was during the seconds speaker’s talk that Cora’s orgasm arrived. She pressed her mouth lips together to try to keep quiet but some sounds did escape and Lucy turned to see what was wrong with Cora who turned sharply to Caleb to plead with her eyes for him to stop, then she turned to Lucy because she’d heard Lucy whispering something to her.

What Lucy saw when Cora had turned to her was both of Cora’s tits that had escaped from her dress. Lucy didn’t say anything to Cora, what she did do was tap on George’s hand that was on her pussy, and keep tapping until George turned his head and saw Cora’s tits.

George just smiled and like Lucy, said nothing.

Cora’s orgasm subsided, mainly because Caleb had stopped rubbing her clit but he still had his hand on her pussy.

Cora didn’t realise that her tits were out and no one told her, in fact it wasn’t until the third speaker finished his talk that she found out. Everyone was clapping and one of the other men at their table turned for some reason and it was his double take that made Cora look down at her chest. She immediately stopped clapping and straightened her dress. The funny thing was that she didn’t blush or feel embarrassed, but she did reach for her drink and swallow most of it in one go.

Once the applause had died down someone announced that the buffet was open and Caleb didn’t put his hand back on Cora’s pussy, instead he said that they should wait to go to the buffet, to let the rush die down. Cora wondered if it was really so that he could walk her through all the tables letting lots of people see her dress floating back and exposing her slit and clit.

Then she remembered that Lucy’s dress was slightly see-through so people would be looking at her as well.

Lucy turned to Cora and asked her to go to the ladies room with her. As they got up Cora had to straighten her dress and she heard George say,

“Gossip time.”

Cora had to walk fast to keep up with Lucy and she just knew that the dress would be floating back and that her slit and clit were on display but she ignored it as most of the men on the tables that they went passed were already on their way to the buffet.

All the other women at the Ball must have been more interested in the buffet because Cora and Lucy were the only ones in the ladies.

“I like your dress Cora.” Lucy said, “Just the sort that I’d expect from Caleb.”

“Thank you Lucy. It wasn’t quite like this when Caleb bought it, I had to make some alterations for him to be happy with it.”

“Don’t tell me, there was some cord or something up the sides making it possible for you to hide a bra or knickers?”

“Yes, how did you know?”

“I’ve known Caleb long enough and he’s just like George. I swear that he’d have me come here naked if he thought I could get away with it.”

“Caleb said that as well. He also told me that all I’m going to wear for Halloween is a thin layer of paint, go as Cat Woman.”

“Hmm, George was think of that as well. I’ll let him and Caleb sort that out.”

“Your dress is nice too, did George pick it?”

“How can you tell?”


“Yes, he wouldn’t let me wear a slip or underwear, not that I own any underwear these days.”

“Me neither, Caleb didn’t actually tell me to stop wearing any knickers but our love making was so much more intense when I hadn’t been wearing any that I decided to stop.”

“Me too, I take it that the same trick worked with your skirts Cora?”

“Yep, I only have micros and minis now, at least I still have some minis that I can wear for work, I’m wondering when he’ll find a way of getting me to wear just micros for work. Minis are embarrassing enough at times but micros? I guess that the guys at work will enjoy the frequent flashes of my pussy but I don’t know what my boss will say.”

“I’m the same, I got round the boss problem by flashing him first, trying to embarrass him and catching him looking, then threatening to tell his wife.”

“That’s a good idea. I’ll remember that if Caleb persuades me to wear micros. Hey Lucy, after the guys played their game with me the other day Caleb told me that he didn’t use his hand or his mouth on me. What was all that about, why didn’t he have his turn with me?”

“Cora, part of the game is for the host to miss out on the fun then really fuck the brains out of their girl later when they are alone. Caleb did do that to you didn’t he?”

“Yes he did, it was wonderful, so do I assume that it’s the same for Harry’s and Jack’s girlfriends?”

“Willow and Emily, yes, they’re both like you and me. I swear that those guys searched for girls like us.”

“Well I wasn’t like this when Caleb first asked me out.”

“I wasn’t with George to start with, those guys must have devised a plan that they’ve all worked to.”

“I have to say that whatever it was it has made me into a happy girl. Okay, I still get a bit embarrassed when people see my tits or pussy but I also get turned on by it.”

“Me too, I enjoy the teasing. I love it when a man ‘accidentally’ sees my bare pussy and he gets all embarrassed.”

“Yeah, I’ve started to notice that as well, maybe we should try that tonight?”

“You already are Cora, quite a few out there have seen your pussy already.”

“Not all of it.”

Just then the door opened and a couple of girls walked in. They were probably a little bit older than Lucy and Cora but Cora noticed that both girls were wearing slightly see-through dresses and there was no evidence of underwear.

As they walked back to their table Cora wondered if all the girls there, and just about all the women that Cora had seen so far were young enough to be called girls, were knickerless and enjoyed flashing their goodies.

Cora smiled to herself when she wondered if there was a ban on knickers at the Ball. She also looked at all the men around them to see if they were looking her way. Cora felt her pussy get a little wetter when she saw one man looking at her. On top of that Cora was seriously considering that she was an exhibitionist like Caleb had said.

Back at the table both Caleb and George asked where they’d been and grabbed their hands and led them to the buffet. Cora again thinking about the skirt part of her dress that was floating behind her.

When Cora was filling her plate she had to bend and twist a little and Caleb noticed that her left tit had escaped but he didn’t say anything, and Cora didn’t notice right until she put her plate on their table.

“Oops.” Cora said, but she didn’t look to see if anyone had seen her exposure.

What she did say was to Caleb,

“Why didn’t you tell me that my tit was out?”

“Because I wanted people to see it.” Caleb replied.

Cora didn’t bother replying.

At the table, both Caleb and Cora saw another of the French Maids bending over to put drinks on a table and pick up empties. They both saw the girl’s bare butt and Cora again thought about all the girls there being knickerless.

Cora’s, and Lucy’s, pussies got a little neglected when they were eating but Caleb’s hand was back resting and gently rubbing her clit just as soon as he’d finished eating. But when he went to have another drink he saw that his glass was empty. He was just thinking about going and getting some drinks when we saw down the top of a French Maid who was delivering some drinks to the people on the other side of our table. The outfit must have been too big for her little tits and we saw her nipples hanging down.

Caleb called for the French Maid to come round to him and when she did she took the order, but as she was doing so she had to bend a little to hear Caleb and Cora saw that she was looking down at her bald pubes with Caleb’s hand on her pussy.

Order taken, the girl stood up straight, looked at Cora and smiled. When she brought the drinks back she stood in the same place and kept looking down at Cora’s pussy after putting each drink on the table.

Food eaten there was some more talking and Lucy suggested that all 4 guys and the 4 girls go on holiday together, She suggested a villa on the Mediterranean somewhere, a villa big enough for all 4 couples. Both Caleb and George liked the idea and promised to discuss it with Harry and Jack.

Shortly after that the dancing started and before long all 4 were up in the dancing area along with lots of other people. As they danced Cora noticed a few things, firstly lots of other girls were wearing dresses that revealed a lack of underwear especially when the white strobe lights or the UV lights caught them. Secondly, quite a few couples were all over each other, including George and Lucy and Caleb and herself. And with a little help from Caleb Cora’s tits spent more time out of her dress than in. Also his hands kept drifting down her sides and eased the 2 halves of the front of her dress apart meaning her bald pubes were on display quite a lot.

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