Trophy Girlfriend - Cover

Trophy Girlfriend

Copyright© 2021 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 1

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Caleb slowly introduces Cora to Candaulism and Cora embraces it.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Gang Bang   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Safe Sex   Public Sex   ENF   Nudism  

Cora is gorgeous, everyone but her says so. Twenty one years old, slim, 154cm tall, 34A 24 33 figure, cute little bubble butt, shoulder length blonde hair and an angelic face that is so beautiful that she has had a few offers of modelling jobs for cosmetics companies. But Cora has never been interested modelling, all that she has ever wanted was a cute guy for a boyfriend who she could love, worship and one day have a baby with.

Cora met Caleb one night at a party and she was really happy when he asked her to go on a date with him. Even though he was nearly 10 years older than her their romance blossomed and five months later she moved into his house with him.

Early in their relationship Cora discovered that Caleb preferred her to wear skirts all the time, and the shorter the better. Whenever she wore miniskirts or microskirts their love making was much more intense after they got to somewhere private where they could ravish each other’s bodies. Cora quickly picked up on this and soon only wore very short skirts and dresses for their dates, especially as he would help her choose the clothes that he bought for her. She soon realised that she no longer had any trousers or shorts in her wardrobe but that didn’t worry her, her man was happy so she was happy.

Cora was also happy that at her office job there was no dress code and the girls there often wore miniskirts so miniskirts at work was not a problem although she sometimes got the odd comment about her pokey nipples because the blouses that she started buying were made of thinner material and she often didn’t bother with a bra, especially if she was meeting Caleb...

By the time Cora moved into Caleb’s house on the outskirts of a city suburb she had also discovered that Caleb preferred her to not wear underwear as well. The not wearing a bra anytime wasn’t much of a loss to her as she had never liked them and didn’t need one because her ‘A’ cup breasts didn’t need any support.

The not wearing knickers was a bit more of a challenge for her. With her wearing such short skirts being knickerless worried her as she didn’t want to risk inadvertently flashing her shaved pussy, but she’d caught her cute man and she wanted to keep him so she went along with his wishes.

Cora soon discovered that being knickerless wasn’t such a big deal. She knew that she must have had accidents and people had seen her shaved pussy but her world hadn’t come to an end. In fact Caleb’s desire to ravish her body had increased so she decided that going commando was well worth the possible embarrassment if she saw someone looking at her bare pussy.

Early on in their relationship Cora had realised that Caleb was basically a very independent person who didn’t include her in some decision making that she would have liked to be involved in but he always made light of any comments that she made, telling her that she’d be happy with things the way that they were, and she was.

Both of them had their nights out with their mates, although Cora only went out with her mates once per week, Caleb was out with his mates 2 or 3 nights a week, albeit some of those night were at the gym toning his 6-pack body, the body that Cora liked so much.

Caleb tried to get Cora to go to the gym with him but she wasn’t very keen so he didn’t push it. He decided to keep that idea until he thought that she was either starting to lose her gorgeous figure or her resistance wained.

One time when Cora was out with some of her friends one of them told her that Caleb treated her like some sort of trophy girlfriend, just there for him to show her off. This hurt Cora but the more she thought about it the more she realised that it was probably true.

Although Caleb often told Cora that he loved her she had this nagging feeling that her friend was right, there was something that she couldn’t put her finger on that was missing from what she had always thought a normal relationship would be like.

Having said all the above, Cora was happy with her life with Caleb, especially when he took her to places where he would take every opportunity to introduce her to all sorts of people. She was happy when he told her that he was showing everyone what a beautiful girlfriend he had and made light of any accidental exposure of her tits or pussy that happened when they were in such company due to Caleb wanting Cora to wear next to nothing and revealing dresses with no underwear.

When they were alone at home Caleb soon had Cora wearing nothing at all, even when she had to go out into the back garden. This worried Cora at first but Caleb soon convinced her that their neighbours weren’t at home very often and had no reason to look out of their back bedroom windows during the day.

On sunny days when Cora wasn’t working Caleb often phoned Cora from his work and ‘suggested’ that she sunbathe naked, telling her that an all-over tan made her look even more beautiful.

The house that they live in is fitted with surveillance cameras and when he was out Caleb often monitored what Cora was doing at home and if she was still wearing a clothes he would phone her and remind her that she was supposed to be naked.

During some of those phone calls Cora could hear other men talking and she wondered if Caleb was showing the live feeds from the security system to the men around him. Cora asked him about this one time and Caleb just replied,

“Cora, you have a beautiful body that you should be proud of and not be ashamed to let it be seen by anyone.”

Cora didn’t press her query any further but she assumed that her suspicions were correct. She wasn’t too happy about it but she wasn’t about to put their relationship at risk.

Caleb’s ‘boys’ nights out with his close group of male friends weren’t always to pubs or clubs, sometimes they were to one of the guy’s houses for cards nights or to watch many of the big games on the TV. Caleb had told Cora about these nights soon after their relationship started and it didn’t bother her, just so long as he kept taking her out and he was happy for her to go out with her friends whenever he was going out with his friends.

The first time that Cora got concerned about these ‘boys’ nights was about a month after she had moved in with Caleb. His mates were coming round that Friday evening and none of her mates were available for her to go out with.

“That’s okay honey,” Caleb said when she gave him her bad news, “you can stay here and be our hostess for the evening, keeping us topped up with beer and snacks. Some of the other guy’s girls often act as hostess’ for us, they enjoy their man showing them off to his mates.”

“Okay, but I hope that you aren’t expecting me to me your naked hostess, that you’ll be happy for me to wear at least a dress.”

“Of course honey. You can wear as much or as little as you want, but it would be nice if you were to let them see that gorgeous all-over tan that is coming along nicely.”

Cora just knew that in spite of what he had said, he was expecting her to be their naked hostess.

When the big night arrived Cora put on a dress just before Caleb’s mates were due to arrive but the look that Caleb gave her made her very aware that he wasn’t happy so she reluctantly took it off, telling him that she was just trying it on to see if it still fit her. She then stood at Caleb’s side, totally naked and with a red face when his 3 friends arrived. She was embarrassed, this was very different to the accidental exposures to strangers that she had previously experienced.

Cora was a little surprised when none of the guys seemed surprised that she was naked, in fact one of them said that she looked better than his girlfriend and another accused Caleb of lying, adding that Cora had an amazing body. By then Cora was again wondering if she wasn’t the only naked girlfriend to act as a hostess for the ‘boys’ nights.

After the introductions Caleb asked Cora to get drinks for the guys and it was only after she’d put a couple of beer bottles down on the coffee table that she realised that the guys behind her were able to see her pussy between her butt cheeks as she bent over. When she bent over in front of Caleb he ran a finger along her slit causing her to jump and nearly drop the bottle that she had in her hand.

“Caleb, don’t do that, you’re embarrassing me.” Cora said when she stood up straight.

“Relax honey,” Caleb replied, “No one is going to rape you, we’re all good friends here.”

That reply worried Cora a little and she had a quick flash of an image in her mind of the guys there gang-banging her. She shook her head to get rid of the image, thinking that Caleb would never let anything like that happen to her.

The big game on the TV soon started and Cora was ignored for a lot of the time apart from when the guys wanted more beer or snacks. In fact it got to the stage that Cora was bored and actually wanting some attention from the guys. A couple of times she went and stood in between the TV and the guys and asked them if they needed more beer.

Cora soon realised that she wasn’t a priority to all of the guys right then, even though she was totally naked in front of them.

Although Cora had been embarrassed when the guys had arrived, she had also been a bit aroused. She couldn’t understand how her pussy had been wet and tingling as Caleb had introduced the guys to her.

It wasn’t long before the embarrassment diminished, even disappearing, and the arousal increased. One time when she was stood behind the guys, their concentration on the TV being 100 percent, Cora realised that the fingers on her right hand were actually absent-mindedly toying with her slit and clit. Cora quickly moved her hand away from her pussy wondering what the hell was wrong with her.

The match finally came to an end and the guys got more serious about their drinking and their interest in Cora increased. She quickly noticed this and she was surprised that she didn’t get embarrassed, quite the reverse, she was liking the attention that she was getting. Caleb called her over and told her to sit on his knee, which she did, facing the others and careful to keep her knees together.

Cora’s sitting there went on for about 30 minutes, only broken by a trip to the kitchen to get some more beers. When she got back to Caleb Cora didn’t realise that when she sat on his knee, she was a bit relaxed and didn’t clamp her knees together. It was only after Caleb put a hand on her knee and then started stroking her inner thigh that she realised that she had subconsciously set herself up for him to do that.

What’s more, Cora was enjoying what Caleb was doing to her.

The conversations went on, even including Cora when the subject wasn’t football, and before long Cora realised that the side of Caleb’s hand was actually rubbing up and down her slit and she was opening her legs to allow him better access.

“Stop that Caleb,” Cora whispered, “one of them might see.”

“That’s okay Cora, they won’t mind. It’s not like they haven’t seen one of us doing it before.”

Cora was confused, but she didn’t close her knees. She wondered if the other guys there had groped their naked girlfriends when the guys were watching them. Was it something that happened often?

Caleb continued, in fact his fingers rubbed her clit and penetrated her vagina causing her to get really embarrassed. The last thing that she wanted was to have an orgasm with Caleb’s friends watching.

Just as Cora was about to cum Caleb stopped, removed his hand and said,

“Okay guys, it’s time for the games to start. Cora, can you go and find something that we can use as a blindfold?”

Cora was now confused as well as still being both highly aroused and embarrassed but she got up and did as requested. Caleb was stood when Cora returned and even more confused when Caleb started putting the blindfold on her.

“At least I don’t have to see the faces of the 3 guys.” Cora thought, along with, “What the hell’s going on here?”

“Okay guys, you know how to play this game, Cora darling, I’m going to lay you flat on your back on the coffee table. Just relax and go with the flow. No one is going to hurt you, in fact you will find it a very enjoyable experience.”

Cora just couldn’t be any more confused but she went along with his instructions even though she would be naked on her back in front of Caleb’s mates.

“Make yourself comfortable Cora. Now just relax, I promise you that it will be very enjoyable.”

Cora just lay there with her legs closed. She was still aroused from Caleb’s previous administrations but that arousal was sort of in limbo. She both had and hadn’t wanted Caleb to make her cum but he’d stopped at the last second, denying her of the orgasm that she’d both wanted and dreaded.

Cora gasped and a hand rested on her stomach.

“Now Cora,” Caleb said, “this hand is going to explore your body. When I ask you, I want you to tell me who’s hand it is.”

Everything was sort of okay until Caleb said that last little bit. She’d assumed that it was Caleb’s hand and that he was just going to caress her body and, at worst, continue what he had started earlier and give her the release that her body, not her brain, wanted. She had resigned herself to having an orgasm from Caleb’s fingers but at that time at least her pussy was partially hidden because she was sat on his knee. But now she was starting to panic a little bit. She almost prayed that Caleb was just messing around with her head, that it was his hand and not anyone else’s. Caleb wouldn’t willingly let any other man put his hands on her naked body, would he?

The hand caressed around her stomach in circles. Cora was tense because of the fear that it wasn’t Caleb’s hand. Slowly that tension decreased as the hand gently moved around. She gasped a little as the hand slowly went over her bald pubes but didn’t touch her slit or clit.

The circles went up a little then slowly got bigger until the hand touched the bottom of her tits.

By that time all the tension had gone out of Cora and she was starting to enjoy the feelings. It was a bit like having a massage at the spa that she and her friends had gone to about a year ago, but this hand belonged to a man.

The circles got bigger, taking in her whole breasts and the front of her slit. She’d gasped when the hand slowly moved over her nipples and again when it rubbed over her clit.

All Cora wanted by then was for that hand, that she really did hope that it belonged to Caleb, to move down and rub just little circles around her clit. She became oblivious to her surroundings, imagining that it WAS Caleb’s hand and that they were the only ones in the room.

What Cora hadn’t realised was that her legs had involuntarily opened wide to give the hand better access to her pussy, but the hand was teasing her by rubbing over her clit then up and over her nipples then back down to her clit. Again and again the hand did the big circle teasing her until she just wanted the hand to finish her off.

Finally, the fingers of the hand invaded her vagina, the thumb rubbing her clit, and the orgasm that had slowly built up inside her right from the front door opening and her meeting Caleb’s mates, exploded out of her. She screamed. “YES, YES,” as she totally lost control of her body, it shaking and jerking.

The waves of pleasure started to subside and embarrassment started to take over.

“Oh my gawd,” Cora thought, “what must these guys think of me, it’s a good job that I’ve got this blindfold on because I never want to see any of them again.”

Then after a couple of seconds her thought added.

“I really do hope that that hand was Caleb’s.”

There was another few seconds silence then Caleb asked,

“So Cora, who do you think that the hand belonged to?”

“You of course Caleb.”

“Wrong, no Cora, it wasn’t my hand.”

Poor Cora was mortified. Someone else’s hand had just made her cum in front of the love of her life, not to mention his mates. Cora’s face had more heat in it that even her pussy at that moment.

“No Caleb, stop messing with me, that was your hand.”

“No it wasn’t Cora.”

“Seriously, that wasn’t you hand Caleb?”

Cora was in denial. She knew that Caleb wouldn’t lie to her but she just didn’t want to believe it.

“Come on Cora, have a guess.”

Cora was stunned. How could Caleb let one of his mates do that to her? But she knew that she would have to say a name. Was it Harry or George or Jack? Cora hadn’t a clue but she had to give a name.

“George.” Cora quietly replied.

“Wrong.” Caleb replied. Then without even a slight pause, “I guess that we’ll have to start again and see if you get it right this time Cora.”

“WHAT!? Caleb no, you can’t be serious, please don’t do this to me.”

“Cora darling, don’t try to tell me that you didn’t enjoy that, that was one of the most intense orgasm that I have ever seen you have.”

Cora was again mortified. This couldn’t be happening to her, but at the same time it was a good orgasm, one of the best she had ever had. She lay there wondering how, or even if she wanted to stop what was happening to her. Before she could come to a conclusion she felt another hand of her bare stomach.

Cora gasped again and suddenly all thoughts of stopping what was happening to her disappeared.

This second hand wasn’t as either gentle, or patient, but Cora was still on a bit of a high from her first mystery hand induced orgasm and as the hand went down to her pussy Cora realised that her legs were still wide apart. Or had she closed them after the orgasm and then opened them again for this second hand. Cora just didn’t know and she rapidly wasn’t caring.

Her second orgasm wasn’t as intense but never-the-less, was good, in spite of the circumstances.

As it subsided Cora again heard Caleb ask her who the hand belonged to, but this time Cora was both hoping that she got it right and hoping that she got it wrong. As she waited for Caleb to tell her she again wondered what was wrong with her, she was half hoping that another of the guys would do the same to her.

Cora always knew that she liked long sex sessions and liked it when Caleb made her cum multiple times during their love making, but this was different and she was starting to realise that she was enjoying it. She wanted to kill Caleb for doing this to her but at the same time she wanted it to continue and culminate in Caleb fucking her brains out.

“Harry.” Cora finally answered, but this time she was hoping that she was wrong.

“Wrong.” Caleb replied, “oh well, I guess that we’ll have to have another go.”

Cora didn’t get the chance to decide if she wanted it or not because another hand was immediately on her bare stomach.

This third hand wasn’t much for the preliminaries and after tweaking her nipples a couple of times it went to her clit. The hand’s owner obviously liked playing with clits because it concentrated on that part of her anatomy and again it didn’t take long for Cora to feel that wonderful feeling of an orgasm building and then arriving.

This time though, as soon as Cora’s orgasm hit her, the hand’s fingers started finger-fucking her. Rapid thrusts and withdrawals kept the orgasm going on and on. Cora was sweating long before the fingers finally stopped and withdrew leaving Cara to slowly come down from her elongated high.

Totally exhausted, Cora finally said,


“Wrong my darling.” Caleb replied. Then added, “Would you like a rest before we go on to the round 2 of the game?”

Cora knew that she should have exploded at Caleb for putting her in this position but all she could manage was a quiet,

“Yes please.”

Caleb pulled Cora up into a sitting position, Cora not even thinking about closing her legs. When Caleb took the blindfold off Cora she opened her eyes and saw the 3 guys sitting on the sofa at her feet. All 6 eyes were glued to her still pulsating, spread pussy.

Cora should have closed her legs but she didn’t, she just didn’t care. Also, she was sort of liked them looking at her pussy.

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