The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 8: The Victim Is Found
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: The Victim Is Found - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Then lifting Lewis’s limp cock up, he slid his foreskin back and wiped the tip as lightly as he possibly could. Lewis cried out in delight at the feeling and Gregg saw from his face how much he was enjoying it which gave him pleasure too.
As his foreskin swallowed the tip, Gregg lowered it down onto Lewis’s hairs. ‘That was lovely,’ Lewis said, ‘Come and lie down here.’ He turned on his side and moved as close to the back of the settee as he could.
Gregg stretched out alongside him, and they wrapped their arms around each other. Greggs hard cock was flexing against Lewis’s soft one. ‘That was an amazing experience,’ Gregg said, ‘Thank you so much.’ They had a long kiss.
‘Stand up now,’ Lewis instructed. ‘It would be very bad manners of me to leave you hard after that lovely fire you’ve just given me,’ he said. ‘Go and sit in the chair.’
Lewis put a cushion on the floor and knelt in front of him. He had a quick play with Gregg’s cock and his balls then told him, ‘When you feel yourself near to firing, tell me, but under no circumstances try and move or stop firing. Just let yourself go and leave it to me to deal with any cum, ok?’
‘Ok.’ Gregg said, not really knowing what he meant. ‘Close your eyes and relax.’ Lewis told him. He held Greggs cock at the base and moved his head down until his mouth was a few millimetres away from his tip.
Then he moved his head down in one smooth movement so that his lips touched Gregg’s tip and slid right down to the base of his cock. He took his hand away when his mouth was halfway down.
The feeling it gave Gregg made him scream out in ecstasy and open his eyes. He watched in amazement as Lewis’s head went up and down, sending beautiful feelings through his cock. At that point he understood how the young boy he had seen had enjoyed his firing even in the terrible situation he had been in.
After his previous experience with Lewis, it wasn’t long before his feeling kicked in and grew rapidly. He knew he would be firing very soon and despite what Lewis had instructed, he was concerned about shooting his cum into his mouth.
But a few moments later he could do nothing but scream out, ‘I’m coming,’ as he shot three loads of cum accompanied by a fantastic sensation. He felt Lewis’s mouth still moving on his cock as he fired, and it kept moving when he had finished.
As his cock shrank, he felt Lewis’s mouth still moving and the sensations going through him were still lovely. Even his now soft cock was sending out lovely sensations.
Then Lewis started to slide his mouth off very slowly. As he did, he was licking Gregg’s tip which sent shivers through him. As his cock dropped out of Lewis’s mouth, Gregg felt sad that his wonderful experience was coming to an end.
Lewis said, ‘Ok, get dressed now. Then there’s a couple more things I need to know. As he turned to get dressed Gregg suddenly clicked and asked, ‘What happened to all my cum?’
‘I ate it,’ Lewis told him, ‘It’s an option when it belongs to someone special.’ Gregg was speechless, such a possibility would never have entered his head. Then as the amazement passed, a warm feeling spread through him to think that Lewis considered him special.
They sat at the table and Lewis put a piece of paper and a pencil on the table. ‘Draw me the shape of the pond as best you can.’ he instructed. Gregg did, ‘That’s easy enough,’ he said, ‘It’s oval shaped. Actually, now I think about it, it’s so even that I wonder if it was dug out, rather than being natural.’
‘Now put a ‘G’ where your house is.’ Gregg closed his eyes and pictured in his mind where he had dug out the bank, then marked it on the drawing. ‘Now put an ‘S’ for Sarahs house,’ Lewis instructed. ‘Do you know anyone else who backs onto the pond?’
‘There’s Mrs Dyson next door but one to us,’ Gregg said, ‘I’m sure her garden would back onto it, but I don’t know if further along would. Then the couple the other side of Sarah, Bill and Jean, they would and their neighbours the Johnsons would too. That’s all I know.’
‘Now put a cross where you estimate the cabin is.’ Gregg closed his eyes again and imagined he was standing at the edge of the pond with his back to his own house. He tried to estimate how many widths of a garden he would have to move his head, before he was looking at the cabin.
He decided it would be three gardens to his right from directly opposite. He put his cross on and told Lewis how he had worked it out. ‘That was an excellent idea,’ Lewis told him, ‘Well done.’
‘Right,’ Lewis said, ‘I might need to come and see the pond for myself. I’ll let you know if I do, and we can fix a time to suit you. Would your raft hold the two of us?’ ‘No.’ Gregg said sounding definite. ‘Ok, that’s not a problem.’ Lewis told him.
‘You have done everything you can now,’ Lewis told him, ‘So go away and try to forget about it until you hear from me.’ They had another hug and a kiss. ‘Thank you,’ Gregg said, ‘I feel so much better, I hope you can save the boy more suffering.’
As he was about to leave, Gregg paused and turned to face him. ‘Lewis,’ he said, ‘Would you, er, er... ‘ Lewis waited patiently. ‘Would you mind if I thought of you as my special best pal now?’ he managed to get out.
‘I’d be delighted,’ Lewis said giving him a hug. As they hugged, Gregg said quietly in his ear, ‘If you thought that doing what you said earlier was necessary, would you mind being the one who does it for me?’
‘I’d be proud to,’ Lewis told him, ‘Just the fact that you feel able to consider it and ask me shows we are truly very special pals. Do you know what happens to special pals?’ he asked. ‘No.’ Gregg replied. ‘They usually stay that way all their life.’ Lewis told him.
‘That would be good.’ Gregg said and gave him a beaming smile as he left.
Sunday morning at home Lewis went onto Google maps and located a satellite view of Greggs house. He found the pond and saw that it showed the cabin. With a bit of manoeuvring, he was able to get the street address of the house with the cabin, as well as the two houses each side.
Armed with that information he delved further and found the local electoral register. Looking at the five houses, he discovered that four of the houses showed couples as eligible to vote. One house showed only a man. That house was the property whose garden had the cabin at the bottom.
Taking that as his starter, Lewis made a note of all the names and addresses with the single man at the top of his list. Then he watched the video right through. He couldn’t see anything that would help him, apart from the brief glimpses of their faces.
He went through it again and managed to stop it four times to get two full face views of both the man and the boy. He decided which was the best picture of each pair. Then after making a copy of them, he edited them to remove everything from them apart from their faces.
He printed a copy of each and put it in his pocket.
At first break Lewis wandered around the playground looking at faces without success. So, at lunch break he spoke to his form master. ‘I need to locate a boy who might be in danger,’ Lewis told him. ‘I’ve searched the playground as best I can without any luck. Before I try the other school, I wondered if you recognised him.’
He showed him the picture. ‘No, I don’t recognise him.’ he said, ‘Do you have an age?’ Only a guess,’ Lewis told him, ‘I would estimate at around fourteen, but it could be a year each way.’ ‘Mr Kendrick teaches all of that age group,’ he said, ‘Can I borrow this and see if he recognises him?’
Seeing Lewis hesitate he added, ‘Don’t worry, I’ll make sure he keeps it to himself.’ Lewis gave him the photo, plus his list of addresses. ‘I don’t know for sure,’ he said, ‘But he might be connected with one of these addresses.’
After lunch Lewis returned to his form room early. When his form master returned, he told him, ‘Before I spoke to Mr Kendrick, I went and saw the school secretary. I gave her your list of addresses and asked if any of our pupils lived there.’
‘She found that one boy lives at the address at the top of your list. But the names didn’t match. He is Joey Bates. He was fourteen last week and is off sick today, so I asked her if she had a photo of him.’
‘This is what she gave me.’ He returned the photo Lewis had given him and a new one. The school picture showed a much happier face, but they were definitely the same boy.’ ‘She didn’t see your picture.’ he told him.
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