The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 2: A Reward For Len
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: A Reward For Len - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Then as Lewis put his head back on Mikes shoulder, Mike started moving his hand even faster. Soon he was going ten to the dozen and with a scream of ecstasy Lewis fired.
As Lewis’s scream of delight echoed around the room, four jets of cum shot out of the end of his cock. Because of his position, it all hit the underneath of Mikes chin.
As it all ran down Mikes chest with some going on Lewis’s too, Mike kept stroking until Lewis had finished firing. Then he kept hold as it shrank. They managed a short kiss, then Lewis got up and passed Mike some tissue.
Lewis went into the bathroom and cleaned up, then as soon as he came out, Mike went in. Mike had a lot more cum on him, so Lewis got dressed then went through just in time to open up the shop.
Mike joined him ten minutes later. Lewis gave him a big smile. They had a busy afternoon as usual, then at ten to five Len arrived. Lewis waved him through to the back and indicated three coffees.
When they were able to close up at last, Mike locked the door, and they went through to Len. There were three mugs steaming on the table. As they sat down, Mike asked Len how his first day had been.
‘It was great,’ he told them happily, ‘I’ve learnt loads already. I even did overtime today,’ he told them. ‘I’ve mixed concrete and laid foundations for an extension.’
Lewis and Mike smiled at each other seeing his enthusiasm. ‘Ernie told me that I’d done well,’ Len continued, ‘And I’ve loved every minute so far. I’ll be happy to go to work every morning now. I never ever felt like that at the last place.’
‘Did you have any problem telling your mum about your move?’ Mike asked him. ‘No,’ he said, ‘I told her I had decided they were never going to teach me anything about building, so I had been looking for another job.’
‘She knew all about my advert at the builder’s merchants anyway. So, I told her I’d had a reply, met the builder and liked him so I was starting Friday. ‘He’s picking me up Friday morning,’ I told her, ‘Because he thinks you should meet him.’ I think that impressed her right away.’
‘Then when I got home Friday night, she told me she had liked Ernie right away and was sure that he would look after me. Then when I told her I would be earning an additional hundred pounds she was even more delighted.’
‘Trouble is,’ he said grinning at Lewis, ‘Mum now thinks I’m so clever to have organised all that myself and end up earning more money. So, I’m getting all the praise that’s due to you.’ he said looking at Lewis.
Lewis smiled at him, ‘Don’t worry about it,’ he said. ‘You make the most of it. In my experience the praise will make your confidence in yourself increase as if you had done it yourself.’
Mike had finished his coffee so he stood up. ‘It’s time I went home.’ he announced. Len got up and gave Mike a hug which Mike returned. ‘Enjoy your new life.’ he said. He kissed the top of his head and headed for the door.
‘I’ll just see him out and lock the door.’ Lewis said. In the shop he gave Mike a hug and a kiss. ‘He’s a lovely lad,’ Mike told him, ‘I’m so glad you picked up on his problem.’ Lewis locked the door behind him, left his key in the lock and returned to Len.
As soon as he came in Len threw himself into his arms and hugged him. ‘I’m so happy,’ he said, ‘And it’s all due to you.’ Then he gave him a long kiss. ‘For a hug and a kiss like that, it was worth all the effort.’ Lewis told him laughing.
‘Come and get comfortable,’ Lewis said as he sat on the end of the settee. ‘Shall I strip off?’ Len asked. ‘Not yet,’ Lewis said, ‘I’ll explain in a moment.’ As Len kicked his shoes off and lay down, Lewis rested a hand on his head, and one on his abdomen.
‘A few questions first,’ he said. ‘How’s your cough?’ ‘Oh, I’d forgotten about that,’ Len said. ‘I coughed when I got up Thursday morning, but I haven’t coughed since.’ ‘Ok, that’s good.’ Lewis told him. ‘It might still happen a couple of times over the next few weeks, but then it should disappear. If it doesn’t, either go and see your doctor or at least let me know.’
‘Now you are in a new job, are there any problems arising from your old job, or changing jobs, or even your new job, that we haven’t already dealt with?’ Len thought carefully. ‘No, none, and as far as problems with my new job go, I can’t imagine ever having any with Ernie,’ he said smiling.
‘Ok.’ Lewis said. ‘Then the only other thing to do today is to update your sex education ready for when you get your first girlfriend.’ Len was excited at the idea but couldn’t help feeling sad that Lewis hadn’t mentioned his other suggestion. ‘He’s probably changed his mind,’ Len thought, ‘And who can blame him.’
‘There are many ways of teaching sex,’ Lewis told him. ‘I could just sit here and talk to you and tell you what and how you should do it.’
‘Or I could ask you to strip off and use your body in the lesson. Then we could see and feel some of the things happen as we were talking about them.’
‘But the way I’ve chosen for today,’ Lewis said, ‘Is more practical. I am going to stand in as the girl. We are going to go right through all the stages together, actually doing them as we go along. Kissing, caressing and stripping each other off.’
Even through his trousers, Lewis couldn’t miss feeling Lens cock shoot up hard and start throbbing at that suggestion. Then Lewis continued, ‘As we will end up with both of us being naked, if you still want to, I will keep my promise to you.’
Lens cock felt like a machine gun going off against Lewis’s hand as it reacted excitedly to the idea. ‘I’ll take that as you still wanting to.’ Lewis said with a grin.
Len couldn’t speak he was so worked up already.
‘Stand up.’ Lewis instructed. They had a hug and a kiss. ‘That is the first step,’ Lewis said. ‘As your dates continue and you both feel more at ease with each other you will put your hand up between you. Place it gently on her breast and feel it over her clothes.’
‘Do it on me,’ he instructed, ‘But I’m afraid you’ll have to imagine the breast.’ Len put his hand up over Lewis’s chest. Even lying it on a flat male chest, it made Lens heartbeat increase.
They moved on through under the clothes, undoing an imaginary bra and caressing an imaginary breast on the skin. Then Len took Lewis’s top off. As instructed, he imagined studying a pair of breasts then he stroked them and kissed them.
Lewis took Lens top off next, explaining about sharing everything. They had a hug and a kiss. Then as Lewis cupped his hand between Lens legs and felt his cock throbbing, he told him that his girlfriend may well do that at this stage.
‘She may of course be more forward and do it sooner or perhaps still feel too shy.’ He told him. ‘If she doesn’t, you might like to consider reminding her about sharing all the pleasures and suggest she feels you anywhere she likes.’
After Lewis explained the next step’s, Len removed Lewis’s trousers. Then whilst still kneeling in front of him, he felt and kissed the front of his shorts. Lewis followed by doing the same to Len.
Following another hug with two hard cocks throbbing like mad, Len led Lewis over to the settee. Lewis guided him through everything until they were both naked and Len was kneeling between Lewis’s legs, sitting back on his heels.
Lewis explained about putting his condom on and why he should never put it on when he was soft. Len lay flat on top of him whilst he explained about letting her get used to his weight.
Then as Len lifted up and lowered down, Lewis took hold of Lens cock and guided it in between his thighs. As they lay there with Lens cock throbbing between Lewis’s legs, he explained about the lump.
‘Imagine,’ Lewis told him, ‘You had cut out a heart shaped hole in a piece of wood that was just big enough for your cock to fit into comfortably. Can you tell me where the dip in the top of the heart shape would be pressing on your cock?’
‘On the top, in the middle, just in front of my hairs.’ Len answered. ‘Now as you drew out and thrust back in, can you tell me how far along the top of your cock that that dip would travel.’
Len thought for a few moments. Never having had sex he tried instead to work out in his head how far his hands travelled on his cock when he played with himself. Then he answered, ‘Between two to three inches.’
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