The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 8: An Arrest For Lewis
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: An Arrest For Lewis - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Monday and Tuesday the following week during lunchtime at school, Lewis kept his mobile with him until the last minute, then checked his messages before returning it to his locker. At afternoon break he went to his locker and checked. Still nothing.
Wednesday lunch time, Lewis was on his way back to put his phone in his locker before returning to class when he did a last check. There was a message from Len. ‘HOUSE’ being collected in twenty minutes.’
Lewis rang Ernie whom he had asked for help and put on standby. Lewis had already spoken to his form master so he knew his sudden absence wouldn’t raise any question or be recorded in the register. He went and stood outside the school gates.
It was half an hour before Ernie drew up in his truck. ‘Sorry,’ he said as Lewis got in, ‘I had to use up a bit of concrete before I could leave.’ ‘It’s no problem,’ Lewis told him, ‘Nothing’s likely to happen in the first hour.’ He gave Ernie directions.
They pulled up just past the gate to the house. Lewis checked his phone and saw just an empty bathroom. Len had managed to place the holdall in an almost perfect position.
As they waited, Lewis filled Ernie in about what had happened without going into too much detail. By now it was an hour and a half since Len had sent his text. Then they saw the front door open. A young man they assumed was Butler came out carrying a bag of rubble which he put in the back of his car. Then a few minutes later he returned with another one. Followed two minutes later with a third.
‘It seems a strange way of getting rid of it,’ Ernie mused, ‘Given how much of it there’s likely to be. Especially as you say they’re dealing with skips all the time.’ They sat and chatted for a while then fifteen minutes later Butler appeared three times in quick succession with three more bags.
Then ten minutes later Butler appeared with another bag. Then after another ten minutes he appeared with another one. ‘That looks like they’re finishing,’ Lewis said. ‘That’s early, so it doesn’t look good for Len.’
He propped his phone on the dashboard and set it so that the picture remained on the screen permanently. Five minutes later Butler and Len came in, took their boots off and got under the shower.
‘Well, I’ve never heard of having a shower with your clothes on before.’ Ernie said. ‘Apparently, it’s to get rid of the dust.’ Lewis told him. Then when they stripped off Ernie looked at Butler and said, ‘Lucky sod.’
When they started spraying and rubbing each other Ernie said, ‘That’s not going to do anything that washing yourself wouldn’t do, apart perhaps from the middle of your back.’ ‘My thoughts exactly,’ Lewis said, ‘I’m dying to know what this special soap is.’
Then as they finished their last stand under the shower, Butler turned it off, grabbed hold of Len and turned him so his back was toward him. ‘I don’t want to do this,’ Len called out, ‘It’s not right.’
‘Shut up and enjoy it.’ Butler said as he could be seen lifting his now very hard cock up and lying it in Lens crack, before pulling him back against him.
As he reached round and took hold of Lens cock, Len called out, ‘I don’t like that, you shouldn’t be touching me there. I told you last time I only put up with it because of your threats.’
‘Well, the threats are still there,’ Butler was clearly heard to say, ‘I can still squeeze your balls until they pop or break your arm, so you had better do as you’re told.’ He had started stroking Lens cock and his hips were seen to be moving back and fore.
‘You’ve gone hard,’ Butler said, ‘So you must be enjoying it.’ ‘I’ve gone hard because you are doing things that you shouldn’t be doing to me,’ Len said, ‘Anybody would. I’m sure what you’re doing is illegal.’
‘Well, if you tell anyone I’ll say it was your idea,’ Butler told him. ‘I’ll say you kept grabbing hold of my cock because it’s so big and yours is so small. I’ll say it was jealousy made you do it. You’ve no proof either way.’
By now he was going faster on Lens cock and even faster against Lens back. ‘Let’s move over to the front door.’ Lewis said. As they arrived at the front door, they both looked at the phone.
They were just in time to see Butler take hold of his cock, aim it at Lens bum and thrust it home. Len let out a bloodcurdling scream, as it tore into him. ‘That’s tearing my insides apart,’ Len shouted, ‘Stop, please stop. You must be doing me damage.’
Butler was thrusting away like someone demented by now. He’d given up stroking Len. Evidently, he was now set only on his own pleasure. He had a hand on each of Lens hips and was really ramming his cock into him hard.
Len sounded as if he was in absolute agony and was doing a grand job pleading for mercy. All of which Butler ignored. ‘Are you ready?’ Lewis asked Ernie. ‘Yes, let’s stop him.’ Ernie said, eager to go and save him. He knew nothing about Len having been oiled.
They opened the door and rushed through to the bathroom. Ernie as instructed raced up to Butler, grabbed his shoulders and threw him back onto the floor.
As he hit the floor Butler looked completely startled. Lewis went and stood in front of him. ‘Butler Greatbanks,’ he said, ‘I am arresting you for the rape of a minor.’ He read him his rights fairly accurately having heard it so often by now.
Butler was horrified, he started crying. ‘It wasn’t my fault,’ he said, ‘Len begged me to do it.’ ‘I don’t believe that for one minute,’ Lewis told him. ‘Anyway, it wouldn’t matter if he did. How old are you?’ ‘Twenty-one.’ Butler replied between sobs. ‘So, you are an adult.’ Lewis told him. ‘Len is sixteen so in law he is a minor. That means you have just raped him. It’s a long term in prison for you, my lad.’
‘Get dressed now, both of you.’ Lewis instructed. Once Butler was dressed, Lewis pointed to Ernie and said to Buter, ‘Now show the sergeant here the concentrated soap you use in the spray.’
Butler, who had stopped crying but was looking very scared and unhappy, went over to his locker. He returned with a normal bottle of Fairy dish washing liquid.’
‘So, the showering ritual was just a ruse so that you could see and feel all over your assistants?’ Lewis said. ‘Yes,’ Butler admitted. ‘I suppose your uncle was happy with the idea because it made sure no one wanted to stay too long?’ Butlers look of surprise at Lewis guessing answered that.
‘It was all his idea,’ Butler said, ‘He knew I’d always liked playing with cocks so he said it would keep me happy, keep me out of trouble and give him a good turnover of labourers.’
‘I can understand him wanting to keep you out of trouble,’ Lewis said, ‘But why did he need to keep changing the labourers?’ ‘I don’t know,’ Butler told them, ‘He never told me. I think it was something to do with the dust, but I don’t know.’
‘Is that why you didn’t do any of the pulling the ceilings down?’ Lewis asked. ‘I don’t know,’ Butler said, ‘But it was Uncle Jeff who told me I was only to knock plaster off the walls.’
‘That still doesn’t excuse you raping Len,’ Lewis told him. ‘How many others have you done it to?’ ‘Three,’ Butler said, ‘But the other three left before I got that far.’ ‘How far did you get with each one?’ Lewis asked.
‘The first one left after the second session, the second one left after the first session and the third one left after the third session.’ Butler told them. ‘And if they hadn’t left, would the same thing have happened to them?’
‘I don’t know,’ Butler said, ‘But it’s possible, I just got carried away with Len because I liked him as a person too.’ ‘That’s a terrible way to treat someone you like,’ Lewis said, ‘The poor lad was terrified.’
‘I’m sorry,’ Butler said looking at Len, ‘I would never have done any of the things I threatened you with.’
‘Butler, I believe that your uncle, knowing what you were like, used you for his own ends.’ Lewis told him. ‘That doesn’t excuse what you did, but it does mean that your uncle shares some of the responsibility.’
‘Give me your phone.’ Lewis demanded. Butler handed it over meekly. ‘I think you deserve a chance,’ Lewis said. ‘There might be a way of keeping you out of prison. Sit on the bench and don’t move until we return.’
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