The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 7: I Need Help
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 7: I Need Help - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘Experience,’ Lewis told him with a grin. ‘Both ways round.’ ‘Wow, Len said looking at him in surprise as his cock did an excited dance. ‘But you need to be aware,’ Lewis told him, ‘That if you were doing it voluntarily with someone you liked, your bum and their cock would be well oiled first, so it slid in painlessly and easily.’
‘If Butler gets carried away and just does it, he will force his cock in as it is. That would be excruciatingly painful, not only when he went in, but as he did his thrusting and often for many days afterwards.’
As Len looked horrified, Lewis told him, ‘But for now, get dressed and then we’ll decide what to do.’
Len stood up, his cock sticking out hard. As Lewis stood up, Len put his arms around him and hugged him. As his cock throbbed whilst squashed between them, he said, ‘Thank you so much, just having told you all about it has made me feel so much better.’ He kissed him and Lewis returned the kiss.
‘Get dressed now,’ Lewis said, ‘I’ll make us another coffee.’ He went and put the kettle on.
Soon they were sitting at the table with a coffee each. ‘I need a bit more information first,’ Lewis said. ‘When are you seventeen?’ ‘Two months this Tuesday.’ Len replied.
‘When you ring in and they send Butler to pick you up, do they always tell you he is coming?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘What’s the quickest he’s reached you after that?’ ‘Fifteen minutes.’ Len replied after thinking. ‘When you are working in the house, is the front door locked?’
‘No, Butler usually puts it on the snip ready for when he carries the full bags of rubbish down.’ ‘Is the bathroom door ever locked?’ ‘No, it’s only ever pushed over.’
‘When Butler has carried a bag down to the car, what’s the shortest time afterwards that he has taken the next one down?’
‘Except at the very end, he usually takes three down one after the other. Then it’s a good fifteen minutes or more before the next three.’ Len replied.
‘Since you have been working there, have you noticed any difference in anything about your body?’ Lewis asked. ‘No, oh except when I first get up in a morning, I seem to cough a lot at the moment,’ Len said, ‘But it soon clears up and I can’t say definitely that it wasn’t happening before I started work.’
‘Forgetting his threats for the moment,’ Lewis asked, ‘Has Butler actually hurt you at any time?’ ‘No, never.’ Len said. ‘Have you ever seen him putting the special soap into the spray gun?’ ‘No.’
‘What is the earliest time you have gone into the bathroom when you finish work?’ ‘Two o’clock.’
‘Now,’ Lewis said, ‘The simplest way of stopping it all as far as you are concerned is for you to simply leave. But my impression is that even now you wouldn’t want to do that.’
‘Not until I can find an alternative job,’ Len told him. ‘Ok,’ Lewis said, ‘Whatever we do is your decision. Now let’s look at things in order.’
‘The first thing we need to do is to stop Butler forcing you into doing things with him. That is easy enough, I’ll come back to how we do it in a moment.’
‘Stopping Butler is important because if he’s doing it to you, he may well have done it to your predecessors too. He would most certainly do it to whoever follows you. You have coped very well with it. Someone else might not. People have committed suicide over less.’
‘When we have the evidence of what Butler is doing to you, there are two options. We can show it to him and demand he stops or else we will inform his uncle and his girlfriend.’
‘Or we can have him arrested and charged, because you are still a minor in the eyes of the law. That means that whether you allowed him to do what he did to you or not makes no difference, what he did is still illegal. So, he can’t argue that you agreed to it. It also means that your name can not be used in court, so no one will know it’s you.’
‘Neither of those should affect your job. But it is always possible that his uncle knows exactly what he is doing and approves. So, any action at all could put your job at risk.’
‘I rather suspect that the bathroom changing, and the special shower spray is simply a ruse, so Butler gets to see and feel your body.’
‘There is another factor too. The work you are doing at the house could be dangerous to your health. Although I haven’t seen them, from your description of them you are not being supplied with the proper safety gear for working in a dusty environment.’
‘If that is so, then the sooner you stop working there the better, before it affects your long-term health. In an old house there’s no telling what is in the dust.’
‘Another matter to take into consideration is that to get another job you will need a reference from your present employer.’
‘My instinct is that Butler should be arrested and charged. Apart from anything else that would explain why you didn’t have a reference. But the final decision is yours. If you weren’t bothered about your job, what do you think should happen to Butler?’ ‘I want him to stop,’ Len said, ‘But I’d prefer it to be just that without getting him into trouble.’
‘Ok,’ Lewis told him, ‘If that was your choice, this is what we would do. I will give you a holdall to take to work with you. You can stuff some clothes in it and tell him you’re going to friends straight from work.’
‘As soon as you know Butler is coming to collect you, send me a text saying ‘HOUSE’ Then by the time you finish and go to the bathroom, I will be outside ready to act if necessary. Who knows, perhaps if you object strongly enough, Butler will see the error of his ways and stop.’
‘When you go to the house and go to the bathroom to get changed, you put it on or under the bench with the end I will point out to you facing towards the shower for best sound quality. That will record everything that’s said.’
‘I’ll teach you what to say whenever he wants to do something, so we will end up with a recording of him forcing you. But just in case he forces you to repeat what he did last time and gets carried away, I’ll be outside with a friend ready to come and rescue you.’
‘The holdall will have a mobile phone in it as well as a recording device. Through the mobile phone I will be able to listen in to the bathroom. I will then know immediately if you need help.’
‘But you must understand that however well we plan, there can be no guarantee that it won’t affect your job. However, the alternative of doing nothing would in my opinion not only lead to you being raped on your next visit, but every time you go afterwards as well.’
‘If you so choose, when we have the evidence, I will arrange a private meeting between Butler and myself. It’s up to you whether you come too. I will show him the evidence and tell him that unless it stops completely without any adverse effect on you or your job, the police, his uncle and his girlfriend will be informed.’
‘He doesn’t need to know that we don’t intend to go to the police. If he agrees, then I will impress on him that the only reason he hasn’t already been arrested is entirely down to you not wanting him to get into trouble. That should keep him ok with you if you have to carry on working together.’
‘So, your first decision is, do you carry on as you are, or do you stop him?’
Len didn’t have to think long before he replied, ‘It has to be to stop him.’
‘Ok,’ Lewis said, ‘I’ll text you tomorrow to arrange to meet briefly to give you the holdall. Now when you start spraying each other ask him why it’s necessary instead of just having a shower. When you’re rubbing the soap over his cock say clearly, ‘I shouldn’t be doing this it’s wrong of you to force me.’ Then when he wants to start stroking you, tell him you don’t want him to, you don’t think it’s right. Try and get him to threaten you and then say clearly that you’re only giving in because of his threats.’
‘When he wants to stand behind you, tell him you were scared when he did it last time because he seemed to lose control. Say, ‘I’ll stroke you if I’m forced to, but please don’t do that.’
‘Now, if he forces you and tries to put his cock into your bum, object loudly and struggle. But as soon as he’s threatened you, give in and let him. The minute he attempts to go in you, we will come in and rescue you. But in a moment, I will show you what to do so it doesn’t hurt, just in case. But even though it doesn’t hurt, I want you to scream out in pain every time he goes in, just to make it seem you’re in agony. Can you remember all that?’
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