The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 7: Carol Has a Surprise for Peter
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 7: Carol Has a Surprise for Peter - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Peter arrived at Carols at quarter to nine as usual on Saturday. He picked that time so he could get his four hours in and still be at the shop for lunch on the occasions when he was invited. He hadn’t had an invite this week, so he was a little disappointed, he really enjoyed the amazing experiences he had enjoyed so far and looked forward to many more. Still, if I haven’t had an invite this week, he thought to himself, that makes next week even more likely.
He let himself in and went through to the kitchen to pick up the keys to the shed and side gate. As usual Carol had left the biscuit tin and a cup on the table for him. Today however there was a note leaning against the tin.
I’m so sorry, I completely forgot to bring some cash home for you. Can you call back after you finish at Mikes? I should be home just after half four and I’ll settle up then.
Carol x
Seeing it signed with a kiss made Peters heart jump as he remembered the kiss that she had given him last week, not that he had forgotten the events of last week for a moment, he had dreamt of little else all week. Even now he was starting to stiffen up at the memory and the lovely picture it conjured up.
He went out back and did his usual Saturday tasks in the garden. When lunchtime came, he went up to the chippy and got himself a meal which he brought back to Carols and ate it at the table with a hot drink. When he had finished, he sat in a dream for a while, then clearing up, he went next door to Mikes.
His hours at Mikes were two to five as Mike did a few of the bits himself. He did the mowing and then weeded until he heard a distant clock strike four thirty. He carried on for a while, then cleared up and put the tools away. Going into the house, he had a wash at the sink, put the keys away and let himself out of the front door.
Going back next door, he decided to knock rather than let himself in, as he expected Carol to be home. A few moments after he knocked, the door opened, and Carol let him in. She guessed Peter had knocked because he knew she would be home and was probably being cautious after last week. She smiled to herself at the thought.
“Come on through,” she said and headed to the kitchen. “I’ve got the kettle on,” she told him, “I’m sure you’re ready for a drink after a hard day.” Seeing Peter hovering unsure of whether to sit, she said, “Sit down and relax, you should feel at home here by now.” Peter sat down pleased to see that there was no sign of any problem between them. Although it had all been sorted last week, it hadn’t stopped him wondering if things might have changed over a week.
Carol made the drinks and sat at the table with him. She passed him his money and apologised again for not leaving it out for him. Peter told her it wasn’t a problem. “So how has your week been,” Carol asked. “Pretty hum drum,” Peter told her, the highlight of the week was breaking up on Thursday for the summer holidays.” “What about your night times?” Carol asked grinning at him.
Peter blushed and said, “More exciting that they have ever been before.” Carol gave him another wicked grin, “I wonder why that was?” she mused looking like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth. Peter was starting to feel hot under the collar and he could feel himself stiffening up.
Carol suddenly asked him, “Have you ever written a story?” Puzzled at the sudden change of subject, Peter said “No, I’ve thought about it occasionally, but never got around to it.”
“I thought of one the other day,” Carrol said, “But I don’t know if it’s any good, would you listen to it and tell me what you think?” Peter agreed readily, with the bulge in his trousers, he didn’t want to have to get up just yet.
“That’s great,” Carol replied, “Come in the other room where it’s more comfortable.” She turned and headed for the front room. Peter got up carefully and followed her. In the hall alone he put his hand down his trousers and managed to push his cock to the side, so it didn’t stick out quite so much. He walked into the front room to find Carl sitting on the end of the settee. She patted the seat beside her and said, “Come and sit here.”
Peter went over and sat down hoping she hadn’t noticed anything. He had left a small gap between them, but Carol put her arm around his shoulder and pulled him against her. He relaxed into her shoulder as she said, “That’s better, now just relax and listen.”
“My story,” she said, “Is about a young boy of fifteen and a woman twice his age. The boy went to work for her on a Saturday doing her garden. The woman was very pleased with the young man she had hired because he did his work well, cleaned up after him and she felt able to trust him with a key to the house.” She paused and asked, “Do you like it so far?” Peter had no idea where it was heading, but he was nice and relaxed now and happy to be sitting snuggled up to Carol, so he just answered, “Yes.”
Carol continued, “All went well for several weeks, then one Saturday the woman hadn’t gone out as she usually did, so when the boy came to work, he didn’t know anyone was in the house. Later in the morning he went to the toilet, but as he went upstairs, the woman came out of her bedroom stark naked. He was shocked to find that he wasn’t alone in the house and embarrassed to see the woman naked, but he liked what he saw. Even so, he was a gentleman, so he turned his back right away.”
The woman hadn’t realised she was naked until that moment. She could see the boy was excited at what he had seen so she sent him to the bathroom. Now she had a problem, she didn’t mind the boy seeing her, but she didn’t want it to affect them and stop him coming to work. So, she had this brilliant idea. They would both strip off, stand looking at each other’s naked body for ten minutes, then get dressed. The plan was that then neither of them would feel embarrassed with the other in future, as they had both seen each other naked.
The boy agreed to give it a try, so they stripped off and looked at each other.”
“The boy was a virgin who had never seen or touched a naked woman before, so he loved looking at her. He got a full erection because of it. She had seen naked men before and had had sex, so it wasn’t a new experience to her, although she enjoyed looking at a new cock, especially a young one. Suddenly the boy got so excited that even though nothing had touched his cock the whole time, he fired.”
“He was so embarrassed, he managed to catch his juices in his hand and rush to the bathroom. When he came back, he was very embarrassed, but not at being naked, only at firing. The woman was thrilled to bits because he had thought her body so exciting, he had fired just by sight. The woman had never experienced that before and thought it was very special. She assured him she was pleased about it, not upset.”
“Then she felt so pleased she thought the boy deserved a reward for making her feel so good, so she invited him to come close for a hug. Feeling her bare breasts pressing against his chest and his now soft cock pressing against her hairs started to get him excited. Even though he had just gone soft after an enormous ejaculation, he started to swell up again.”
“She broke away at once, although she didn’t really want to. They got dressed and went downstairs and the boy told her that he would be dreaming about what he had seen for a long time. He also admitted that he would add onto his dream of what he had seen, some ideas of his own. Then the boy went home, and everything returned to normal.
“All that week, understandably, the boy had some lovely erotic dreams, but then the woman started having some too. She started picturing the lovely naked young body that had stood before her in her bedroom. She dreamt she was caressing it, sucking it, feeling it inside her making love to her. When she told herself that she shouldn’t be thinking such things about a boy so young, she agreed with herself, but she still couldn’t get him out of her mind.”
“The next time they met, everything was fine, all was back to normal outwardly, but in their brains great desires lurked, wanting dreams to turn to reality.”
By now Carol was stroking Peters head as she spoke. He was rock hard and cramped in his trousers, but he didn’t care, he felt wonderful. “That’s my story so far,” Carol told him, “Now I’m going to tell you the two endings I’ve come up with, then you can tell me which one you think is best, ok?” Peter nodded, he knew he was going to love at least one ending, even if it was only a story.
“The first possible end to the story,” Carol started, “Is that they stayed friends for ever after, carried on as they always had before but never mentioned what had happened ever again.”
“The second optional ending,” Carol continued, “Is that the next time they met, they sat close together and had a chat. The young man got so excited at being close to the woman that his cock was nearly bursting his trousers.” At that point Peter realised Carol had seen that he was erect at the start, but he no longer cared. “The woman hadn’t touched his cock, but she knew it was hard because of her and she wanted so much to feel it in her hand, in her mouth and in her vagina. So, after they had sat together for a while, they got up and went upstairs. They stripped each other off an item of clothing at a time until they were naked, then they held each other tight and kissed passionately. Then they got onto the bed where they both explored each other’s bodies with their hands and their mouths.”
“After they had had a lot of pleasure, the woman lay down on her back with her legs apart. The young man lay on top of her and as he lowered himself down, his rock-hard cock slid between her hairs, found the opening and slid right up inside her until he could go no further. He then made love to her, his first conquest. He was no longer a virgin, no longer a young man, he was a man.”
“After they had finished enjoying themselves, they parted. They were totally unsuited in age to have any sort of lasting relationship, so it never ever happened again, it all became nothing more than an enjoyable memory. They remained friends though and the man continued to work in her garden. Neither of them ever mentioned it again, to each other or to anyone else.”
“So,” Carol said, kissing Peter on his head, which ending do you think is the best one?” “The second one,” Peter said instantly. “I’m inclined to agree,” Carol told him, but what about the last bit, do you think the young man in the story would be able to cope with having his first sex, then having no physical contact with the woman ever again?”
Peter thought for a few moments, not about what he thought, he knew that right away, but he wanted to put his words together properly. “Yes,” he said, then went on to explain. “I think the boy would be so excited at having his first sex and experiencing a woman’s body, that it would never be forgotten, it would live in his memory forever. But he would be sensible enough to realise that it was pure lust on both their parts. They would love what they did but they would not be in love. He would know that there couldn’t possibly be any sort of permanent or public relationship.”
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