The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 2: Len Lets It Slip Out

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: Len Lets It Slip Out - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Len sat up immediately and said, ‘Can I have a hug?’ ‘Of course you can,’ Lewis told him, ‘Any time.’ They hugged and with their heads on each other’s shoulders Lewis said in his ear, ‘I know you feel embarrassed at your body’s reaction to my massage but there’s no need. It’s actually a good sign.’

‘I’m sure you know,’ Lewis said, ‘That every boy’s cock does that frequently, I know mine does. But what you might not know is that your body wouldn’t have let that happen in front of me unless your subconscious had told it how relaxed and safe it felt with me.’

‘Now I’m also sure you know that once you stiffen up it’s almost impossible to make it go down again. So, unless you want to pack up, I’d suggest you accept what I’m telling you, lie down, relax, and let it do what it wants.’

‘As I’ve got more sex questions, one thing it’s not going to do is go back to sleep. But every time it waves about it will be your body saying to me, ‘Hi, I’m feeling more and more relaxed with you so we’re likely to succeed.’

Len held onto him a bit longer as he thought through what Lewis had said. He was amazed how much at ease he was feeling with Lewis already. Even with his now fully hard cock trying to escape from his trousers he felt strangely relaxed.

He started to release his grip on Lewis who copied him but made no attempt to move. Len knew it was up to him to lie down when he felt ready. He took a deep breath and lay down flat.

Looking down his front he saw a big bulge in his trousers. Lewis smiled at him. ‘Very well done,’ he told him, ‘That’s a major step forward. I’m going to start at your waist and resume.’ As he put his hands on the very top of his trousers and massaged, Lens cock moved around. Len went red but stayed relaxed. ‘He’s only waving to me to say hi,’ Lewis told him. That made him grin.

‘Now you are even more relaxed, can you answer the earlier question?’ Lewis asked as he massaged over the front of Lens trousers including his now very active cock.

Len had to think for a moment then he answered, ‘Yes, I felt a bare breast a couple of times and one of them put their hand between my legs over my trousers and felt me throbbing.’

He still felt embarrassed at Lewis seeing and feeling what his cock was doing, but he was surprised to find it was giving him lovely feelings. ‘How long is it since you left school?’ Lewis asked. ‘Just coming up to three months.’ Len replied.

As Lewis moved down his legs, he asked, ‘And are you still a virgin?’ ‘Yes.’ came a prompt and firm answer. ‘See,’ Lewis said, ‘You had no problem telling me that. How many people in the world know for sure that you are a virgin.’

‘Just you and me.’ Len told him. ‘How do you feel having told me something so intimate?’ Lewis asked as he started back up. Len considered it. ‘I can’t understand why,’ he said, ‘But it doesn’t seem to bother me.’

‘That is an excellent sign of how much you are relaxing with me,’ Lewis told him. ‘It bodes well for our success. When you had the sexual experiences of kissing, feeling breasts and having your cock felt, did you experience any pain.’

‘No,’ Len said sounding surprised. ‘Not even the slightest twinge?’ Lewis asked. ‘No, definitely not.’ he said. ‘Should I have done? he asked. ‘No not at all.’ Lewis said. ‘Now I’m not going to ask you anything about it at the moment, but just answer yes or no to this next question.’

As Lewis massaged over the front of his trousers, Len’s cock was still fully hard and seemed to kick against Lewis’s hand even harder. Len found the sensation rather nice.

Did the unexpected sexual experiences you have had in the past few weeks give you some pain?’ Len’s heart jumped. He couldn’t possibly know, could he? he thought to himself. ‘Yes.’ he said sounding really down.

‘Sit up and have a hug,’ Lewis told him. ‘Once in each other’s arms Lewis told him, ‘Whatever you had to suffer wasn’t your fault. And I’d bet money on whatever it was that I have had more than one person in here who has suffered something identical to what you suffered or very close.’

‘We’re not going to go any deeper into that right now,’ Lewis assured him. ‘But soon you will feel able to tell me what happened to you. When you do, you will feel able to talk to me about it as easily as if we were talking about what you had for lunch.’

Len doubted that, but he was certainly feeling a lot more at ease with Lewis than he could have possibly imagined. ‘Lie down again,’ Lewis instructed.

As he massaged from his waist upwards, Lens cock continued to flex in his trousers. ‘Did you tell the job centre you had started work?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes,’ Len said, ‘I couldn’t get to them when they were open, so I rang them at lunch time the day after I had started.’

‘I had a job getting through at first, then I couldn’t get through to the man I’d spoken to originally. The lady I finally got to speak to looked me up on their computer and thanked me for letting them know.’ ‘No one seems to stay there long.’ she commented as she hung up.

‘I don’t suppose that surprised you, did it?’ Lewis asked. ‘No,’ Len said, ‘I couldn’t imagine anyone staying there very long.’

As Lewis took his hands off his head, he told him he was really progressing now. ‘You mentioned pulling down ceilings,’ Lewis said. ‘So, before we continue with more massage and questions, I would like to check your chest and breathing. Some building work can result in dust getting into your lungs.’

‘What I will ask you to do, is to stand up with your hands on your head. Then take a very deep breath and hold it. Whilst you do that, I will put my hand on your chest and tap the back of my hand. That will sound your chest and tell me if it’s clear or full of dust.’

‘Now although I’m hoping to go in for medicine, I have no qualifications at present, so I can only examine you with your full consent. If you agree, can you stand up and take your top things off.’ Len stood up and pulled his shirt off. His cock had softened quite a bit, so his trousers didn’t stick out very much.

Lewis sounded his chest in several places then told him to turn round. Then after several more very deep breaths, Lewis sounded his back in several places. The sounds told him that Lens lungs were clear.

‘That’s great, thank you,’ Lewis said, ‘Your lungs sound nice and clear. Can you lie down again as you are.’ When Len was settled, Lewis sat back at his side. ‘Can you tell me.’ he asked, ‘Did the nephew help you remove the plaster?’ ‘Now I think about it,’ Len told him, ‘He did sort of, but it was mainly me. Although he did muck in and help clear it up.’

‘How many hours in a week would you estimate that you worked with the nephew actually knocking off plaster?’ Lewis asked. Len thought hard then said, ‘Last week I worked with him on two days for a total of three hours each day. So, actually knocking off plaster would have been around two hours each day.’

‘So just answer yes or no for now,’ Lewis said, ‘Was the other hour connected to your problem?’ ‘Yes.’ Came a very quiet and sad sounding reply.

‘Well done,’ Lewis said, ‘Thank you for telling me that. Now think about where you were working. Was it always in the same house?’ ‘Yes.’ Len said. ‘When you went there each time, could you tell if any more work had been done since you were there last?’ ‘I didn’t realise it at first,’ Len said, ‘Then when I noticed and commented about it, Butler said the house was only used to provide work when there was no other work available.’

‘Did he tell you why you were stripping it out?’ Lewis asked. ‘He just said all the old plaster was perished and the whole house was going to be replastered.’ Len said. ‘It’s a big house, it has about five bedrooms and three floors.’

‘Ok,’ Lewis said, ‘We’ll leave that there for now. Turn over, and we’ll continue to get you relaxed.’ As he settled in place, Lewis rested his hands on the back of his head. After he had massaged for a few moments, Len said, ‘Go.’

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