The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 6: Trying Something New

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: Trying Something New - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

During the week Lewis had rung Sheila, the lady who had been teaching him and Ella. ‘I’m asking for two friends who want to start at the beginning,’ he told her. ‘We started a new class Tuesday just gone,’ she told him, ‘But send them along, I’m sure they’ll be able to catch up.’

‘I’m seeing them on Saturday, so I’ll contact you after that if I may.’ Lewis said. ‘I’m home all day on Sunday,’ Sheila told him, ‘So ring anytime. We start at seven o’clock upstairs at the Civic Centre.’ she reminded him.

Lewis texted Tracey. ‘Thanks for the list. Can you keep Tuesday evening free for a seven o’clock appointment,’ he told her. ‘I’ll be in touch over the weekend.’

He had previously checked the duty roster John had given him. He was on days. ‘Do your best to keep Tuesday evening from seven onwards free.’ Lewis texted. ‘I’ll explain on Saturday.’

Saturday soon came round, and they had their usual busy morning at the shop. At lunch time they were glad to close. Lewis had slipped out to the chippy at ten to one. They had their lunch and sat drinking their coffees afterwards.

‘I might have a visitor this evening,’ Lewis said, ‘But I’m not sure if he’ll make it for five, so I’ll hang on until quarter past.’ ‘Ok,’ Mike said, ‘Any news of Tracey?’ ‘Yes,’ Lewis told him, ‘Her problem is all sorted and next Monday she is starting her nursing training.’

‘I can understand you sorting her problem out,’ Mike said, ‘I sort of expect that now, but how on earth did you get her into nursing training?’ Lewis grinned. ‘If you act confident enough you can get in to see anyone.’ he told him. ‘The hospital admin where most cooperative.’

‘You just walked into the hospital as a total stranger. Then you suggested that they put a kitchen hand on a nurses training programme. So, they did just what you asked.’ Mike said grinning at him. ‘Well, there might have been a little bit more to it than that,’ Lewis admitted, ‘But the main thing is she starts training on Monday.’

‘You’re incredible,’ Mike said, ‘Come here.’ He put his arms out and as Lewis went over to him, he hugged him. Then he gave him a long kiss. ‘You deserve a reward,’ Mike said, ‘You can do anything you want.’

‘Well, there is something I fancy trying,’ Lewis told him, ‘But it needs someone with a giant cock, do you know anyone who could help?’ Mike laughed. ‘What do you want me to do?’ he asked.

‘I’d like us to both strip off,’ Lewis said. ‘Then I want you to put your cock between my thighs from the back. You’re long enough to stick out in front of me alongside my cock. I will then hold both our cocks with both hands and try and fire us together.’

‘I’d never have thought of that one,’ Mike said, ‘It sounds lovely.’ They had another hug and a kiss then started stripping each other off one item of clothing at a time.

By the time they were both stripped to their shorts they each had a large bulge in the front. Mike being so big was even more pronounced. They had another hug then they both slid their hands down the others backs.

Carrying on down inside the back of their shorts, they held each other’s cheeks. That made their cocks throb like mad. Then they moved their hands round to the side and into the front between them, still inside each other’s shorts.

Reaching each other’s cocks, they took hold, which made them both throb like mad. Then they each kept hold of the others cock with one hand and did their best to pull their own shorts down with the other.

It was great fun trying. They got them part way then stepped back and took their own shorts right off. After another close hug, both cocks enjoying being skin to skin, they took up their positions. Lewis stood with his back to Mike and his legs apart.

Mike moved up close behind Lewis and slid his big hook shaped cock in between Lewis’s legs. Then he moved forward until his hairs were tight up against Lewis’s cheeks. That felt lovely to both of them.

Lewis drew his feet together, which gripped Mikes cock between his thighs. Looking down, Lewis saw his own cock fully hard and sticking up at an angle of forty-five degrees to his body.

Underneath his own cock, the end of Mikes big hook curved up touching the underside of Lewis’s cock most of the way. Mikes tip stopped about an inch back from Lewis’s tip.

Lewis wrapped both hands round both cocks, interlacing his fingers to do so. As he squeezed their cocks together, they were both flexing in delight. Mike put his arms down Lewis’s side and round under Lewis’s arms. He placed his hands flat on Lewis’s stomach.

Then Lewis started moving his hands up and down. The two cocks in his grip loved it. Both their owners were crying out in delight. Their cocks were throbbing like mad and the feeling of Lewis’s hands moving up and down on them was lovely.

They enjoyed the sensation as well as being together so close for a while. Then as Lewis moved his hands faster on their cocks, Mike called out, ‘My feelings started.’ Lewis went a little faster and soon after he called out, ‘Mine too.’

He kept to the same speed for a while then went a little faster. ‘It’s growing fast,’ Mike said, meaning his feeling. ‘Mine too,’ Lewis said. He went faster still, then Mike called out, ‘I’m going to come at any moment.’ Lewis said nothing. He felt the same, but he was too busy trying to move his hands even faster.

‘Now!’ screamed Mike and as his cock swelled, Lewis shouted, ‘Now!’ and his cock swelled too. Then almost together their cocks pulsated, and both cocks sent out jet after jet of cum.

Lewis could see both tips and Mike looking down over his head could also see them. They both watched all the jets shooting out. Mikes of course were greater in quantity and shot a greater distance than Lewis.

But the usual lovely feeling of firing, plus feeling each other’s cocks touching, plus being naked together all over, plus their own cock feeling the others cock pulsating through direct contact made the overall sensation something unique and wonderful.

They were both making a cacophony of happy sounds which faded as they stopped firing. Then as Lewis slowed his movement down on their cocks, they both started shrinking.

Lewis had put a wet cloth within easy reach, so he took hold of it and wiped both their tips. Then once Mike had moved back and his cock had dropped loose, Lewis turned to face him.

They hugged and kissed and caressed all over each other, including the two very limp but very happy cocks. They agreed it had been a lovely experience which should be tried again in future.

They had been standing facing the armchair, over which they had thrown an old sheet. That had two very big wet patches on it. They rolled that up and put it in the bin.

Then after a last naked hug and a kiss they got dressed. The church clock was striking two as Mike opened the shop door. Five customers were already waiting. The afternoon was hectic as usual, and they were both pleased when five o’clock came.

Mike shut the shop and they went into the back room. They had a hug and a kiss, then Mike said, ‘See you next week.’ and Lewis saw him out. Once he had gone Lewis sat in the shop rewinding returned tapes.

Five minutes after Mike had gone, there was a gentle knock on the door. Lewis looked up and saw John’s face through the door. He waved and went over to let him in.

He closed and locked the door, pointing out his key in the lock and explaining about no one being able to come in, but he could get out.

They went through to the back room, switching the shop lights out. Lewis made them both a coffee. Sitting at the table Lewis explained about asking him questions, getting him relaxed and saying ‘Pass’ or ‘Stop’ at any time.

‘This is the third step you are starting today, out of the five.’ Lewis pointed out. ‘You admitted to yourself that you had a problem, that was step one. Then you decided to do something about it, that is step two.’

‘Step three is to relax and tell me all about it, and that’s why you are here today. We will move along at your speed, not mine, and if necessary, we will spread it over as many sessions as it needs.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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