The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 5: A New Desk Sergeant

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: A New Desk Sergeant - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Monday evening Lewis got a phone call from Tracey. She sounded so excited. ‘I went to the hospital today,’ she said. ‘I was terrified. When I saw the girl on the desk,’ she said, ‘Ah yes, the Chief Executive Officer is expecting you, please take a seat.’

‘I sat waiting for ten minutes, then another lady arrived in a sister’s uniform and sat by me. We smiled at each other but before we could say anything an older lady appeared behind the desk. She looked at me and asked, ‘Tracey?’

‘When I stood up and said, ‘Yes,’ she told me to come on through. ‘I won’t be long Sister Cooke,’ she said looking past me to the other lady. She led me through to her office. ‘I’m Margaret Wall,’ she said shaking my hand. ‘First of all, let me tell you how sorry I am for what you have suffered.’

‘I’m very grateful to Lewis for sorting it all out,’ she said. ‘I understand the culprits are now in prison. After this meeting I won’t mention this ever again. But let me tell you that if it causes you any problems in the future, please feel free to come and see me. Also, I’ve had a word with the kitchen manager who Lewis spoke to. He assures me he is the only one who guesses that you were the victim, and he won’t tell a soul.’

‘Now, the lady in the waiting room whom I’ll call in in a moment, is Sister Cooke who is in charge of nurses training. She knows nothing about what happened. She will take you over to her unit and show you round’.

‘If she thinks you are suitable, she’ll arrange for you to start nurses training as soon as possible. If she decides you’re not, then come back and see me and we’ll think again.’ She pressed a button on her desk and soon after Sister Cooke came in.’

‘This is Sister Cooke from our training unit,’ she said introducing the other lady who also shook my hand.’

‘Sister Cooke,’ she said, ‘Tracey has been working in the hospital for a while in the kitchen. She took the job originally because she couldn’t get in to train as a nurse at the time. I’d like you to take her with you, show her your unit and if you think she’s suitable arrange for her to start training.’

‘Mrs Wall shook my hand again and wished me luck. I followed Sister Cooke out. She took me over and showed me the training unit. There was a course underway at the moment so after she had showed me round, she took me back and introduced me to the tutor.’

‘Tracey is hoping to join the next course,’ she told her, ‘Can she sit in with you for the rest of the day and get a feel for it?’ She agreed and I sat with the trainee nurses.’

‘If you want to join in Tracey,’ the tutor said, ‘Please do.’ I stood up and said, ‘Thank you. I’d like to.’ Then sat down. I’d never have had the confidence to do that before.’

‘Anyway, the Tutor treated me like one of the others. I joined in making beds, visited a ward and helped out with some patients when we saw round the geriatric unit.’

‘The day was over before I knew it. When everyone got up to leave, she asked me to stay behind. ‘How have you found it?’ she asked. ‘I’ve loved it,’ I told her, ‘It’s what I’ve always wanted to do.’ ‘Well, I’ve been watching you,’ she said, ‘And I think you’ll fit in well. You go over and see Mrs Wall and I’ll give her a ring.’

‘I thanked her and went back to admin. I had to wait for about fifteen minutes, then I was sent into her. ‘Sorry to have kept you,’ she said, ‘Please sit down. I know I put you on holiday for a fortnight,’ she said, ‘Have you made any arrangements?’ ‘No.’ I told her. ‘Well, if you can return to work a week today,’ she said, ‘There’s a new course starting. If you report to Sister Cooke, you can start your nurses training.’

‘I felt my face light up, ‘Oh, that’s wonderful,’ I told her, ‘Thank you so much.’ ‘I can do nothing more,’ she said, ‘The rest is up to you. I’ll see you get credited with the weeks holiday you’ve just lost.’ she said smiling, ‘Then you can use it in future.’

‘I thanked her and left. So, a week today I start training as a nurse, just like I always wanted, and it’s all down to you.’ ‘I’m delighted for you,’ Lewis told her. ‘Don’t forget your list.’ he told her as she hung up.


On his way to school, Lewis texted John Sergeant. ‘Hi John, can we meet up for half an hour when you can, nothing urgent I just want to clear up a few points about when we rescued the young lady last Wednesday.’

When he glanced at his phone at lunch time there was a message back from John, ‘Is she alright?’ ‘Yes, fine.’ he replied, ‘It’s nothing she knows about.’

‘It wasn’t until he was leaving school, he got another message back. ‘I’m on duty today until six. Can meet any time after that.’ ‘I’ll come over to the station for six,’ Lewis replied. ‘I’ll be in the canteen. Don’t worry if you get held up, it’ll keep.’

‘He got a thumbs up an hour later, John evidently having a problem finding time to use his phone.’

‘Arriving at the station at quarter to six, Lewis found a complete stranger on desk duty. He didn’t want to make a fuss, so he said, ‘Good evening, Sergeant, I’m Lewis. I’m meeting Constable John Sergeant at six, is it ok if I wait here.’ ‘Ok,’ the sergeant said, ‘Do you want me to try and get a message to him?’ ‘No, it’s fine, thank you,’ Lewis said, ‘He knows I’ll be here.’ Lewis sat on the bench and looked through his phone.

Ten minutes later he heard a voice saying, ‘Hi Lewis, are you waiting for me?’ It was the Super on his way out. Lewis stood up and said, ‘No sir, I’m waiting for John Sergeant.’ ‘Why aren’t you up in the canteen?’ he asked.

Then he twigged. ‘Ah, of course,’ he said looking at the new sergeant. ‘Sergeant Wilson,’ he said, ‘Let me introduce you to Lewis. If you haven’t heard of him yet I’m sure you soon will. Whatever he asks for, do your best to oblige, including letting him through unescorted.’ he told him.

‘It’s not the Sergeants fault,’ Lewis quickly assured him, ‘Seeing he was new I didn’t ask to go through. I was quite happy to wait here.’ I think we need to see about getting you an official pass.’ the super said as he left.

‘Thanks for telling him,’ Sergeant Wilson said, ‘This is my first day here and I don’t want to fall out with the chief.’ ‘He’s strict,’ Lewis said, ‘But he’s very fair, he wouldn’t blame you for anything without making sure he had all the facts.’

‘Shall I let you through?’ he asked. ‘Yes, please.’ Lewis said, ‘I may as well have a coffee whilst I wait. Just so you know,’ he said, ‘I’m just a schoolboy, my privileges here are purely based on goodwill.’

Whilst Lewis was sitting in the canteen with his coffee, Tom came back into the station. Sergeant Wilson asked him, ‘Tom, do you know a Lewis?’ Fifteen minutes later the Sergeant was fully versed and most impressed.

Half past six John came into the canteen. Sitting down with his coffee he apologised for being late. ‘Don’t worry,’ Lewis said, ‘I’ve been working on my phone. All my homework is done ready for school tomorrow.’

He told John about Tracey starting her nurses training next week. John looked very pleased, ‘That’s really great,’ he said, ‘She was telling me how much she hoped to do that one day. She deserves something good happening after what she suffered.’

‘I get the impression you quite liked her?’ Lewis said smiling. John went slightly red. ‘Yes,’ he said, ‘I wasn’t sure at first if it was just desire with having seen her naked.’ He looked round to make sure no one could hear, then lowered his voice even so. ‘Tracey is the first naked woman I’ve ever seen.’ he said.

‘Have you ever told anyone else that?’ Lewis asked. ‘No,’ he said, ‘I’d be far too embarrassed. But you’re so easy to talk to. I realised that the first time we met, I felt so comfortable telling you all about myself.’

‘You said, ‘At first,’ Lewis said looking at him. ‘Yes,’ John told him, ‘She’s so beautiful, but I’ve realised since that she’s such a nice person too. We talked quite a bit when I took her home. I just wish I’d met her some other way.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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