The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 2: Raped Without Knowing

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: Raped Without Knowing - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

When he left the hospital, as it was almost on his route Lewis called into the police station. He was delighted to see Derek on duty. ‘Hi, Lewis.’ he said, ‘No school today?’ ‘Special leave,’ he told him, ‘I have a very understanding form master.’ ‘Does he know what you’re up to?’ Derek asked grinning.

‘Nothing precise,’ Lewis told him, ‘But he’s picked up on a few odds and ends.’ ‘What can I do for you?’ he asked. ‘Can you tell me if either Tom, James or John is off duty this Wednesday between two and six pm, please.’

‘I’m sure Tom is on duty,’ he said, ‘Just let me check,’ he looked it up on the computer and said, ‘Yes, Tom and James are both on duty, but John is off.’ ‘Great, thanks.’ Lewis said, ‘I’ll give him a call.’ ‘I’ll bet whatever your teacher thinks he knows about what you get up to, it’s nowhere near the reality.’ Derek said laughing. ‘I hope not.’ Lewis answered with a grin.

As he walked home, he texted John to ask if he could spare some time at the local hospital from three pm tomorrow for a couple of hours. He had just reached home when he got a text back saying, ‘Yes certainly, where shall we meet?’ ‘Could you collect me outside school just before three?’ Lewis asked him. ‘Or I can meet you at the hospital at three.’

‘I’ll be outside the school at quarter to three.’ John sent back.


At morning break Lewis had a word with his form teacher and arranged for him to leave at twenty to three. When the time arrived, his teacher called out, ‘Dentist Lewis.’ ‘Thank you, sir.’ Lewis said as he got up and left.

John was outside in his car so as they drove over to the hospital, Lewis explained a bit of background. Then he asked John how he was getting on. ‘I’m still doing a lot of boring stuff,’ he said, ‘But since I got my first arrest, I’m getting used on investigations more often.’

‘That’s great,’ Lewis said. He directed him where to park near the kitchen door. It was a no parking area, so John put a note on the windscreen saying ‘Police Officer on Call’ just in case.

Lewis signed into the radio alarm at quarter past three and checked. The room was in darkness. He propped his phone up on the dashboard so they could both see it. Then he chatted to John to find out a bit more about him.

Suddenly they were both aware of the phone lighting up as a man Lewis assumed was Fred came in, followed by Tracey. Fred asked her how her shoulder was doing and as she told him she started taking her top of.

‘I assume she thinks it’s just a sound recording too?’ John said grinning. Lewis nodded. They watched as Tracey lay down and Fred massaged her shoulder. He looked as if he knew what he was doing, and Tracey seemed quite content.

After about fifteen minutes Fred told Tracey to turn over on her back. As he massaged the bad shoulder, he told her to turn her head away from him to stretch her neck muscles.

As she did, they both spotted Fred stretching an arm out to his bag and pulling out a small box. He opened it with one hand and they could see clearly it was a hypodermic syringe.

He was still working on Tracy’s shoulder with his other hand. They saw him dig his thumb into her shoulder a few times, and as he did, he popped the needle into her arm and pressed the plunger slowly.

As he pulled it out, they could see Tracey go limp. Fred put the hypodermic back in its box. After checking Tracy’s eyes, he surprised them by standing up and doing something on his phone. He went over to the door and undid the bolt, then he stood with a hand on the door handle.

A minute passed then they heard a quiet knock on the storeroom door. When Fred opened it, another younger man slipped in, and Fred closed and bolted the door again.

The two of them then went over towards Tracey where they both started stripping off. Once they were naked, they knelt each side of Tracey and pulled her trousers and her panties off, then undid her bra and removed it.

‘Your turn first today,’ the younger man said. They had both gone hard by now, Freds cock was medium sized and slim. The new man’s cock was a little longer and thicker but smaller than Lewis’s.

Fred took a Durex out of his bag and put it on. Then he lay down on top of Tracey and lowered himself into her. He kissed her breasts a couple of times, then put his head on her shoulder and started thrusting into her. He was soon going faster and faster. Then they heard him call out as presumably he shot his load.

He kept thrusting but slowed down to a stop. Then after lying still for a minute or so, he pulled himself out and stood up. His condom was hanging down full of cum. He slid it off his now soft and very small looking cock, putting it in a tissue before putting it in his bag.

As he was doing that his partner had put his own condom on and was kneeling between Tracy’s legs playing with her breasts. Fred was just standing still watching him. As they got out of the car and headed for the door Lewis kept watch on his phone. As they let themselves into the building, the other man was lowering himself down into Tracey.

As they walked quickly up the corridor, he also kissed Tracy’s breasts before starting to thrust in and out. At the door to the storeroom, Lewis switched his phone to record then slowly and quietly turned the handle.

As soon as the handle was as far as it would go, he nodded to John who was carrying a flat screwdriver. He reached over Lewis and pushed it into the slight gap between the door and the frame. Lewis had pointed out roughly where the bolt was.

As John used the screwdriver as a lever the door started to open. The screws were pulling silently out of the plasticene. Once open far enough Lewis released the handle quietly then aiming his phone, he pushed the door further open.

The new man was still thrusting away like mad whilst Fred was still standing naked watching him. Lewis filmed what was happening as John took it all in. Then pushing the door wide open but still filming Lewis said, ‘Ok.’ quietly to John.

John took one step into the room and shouted, ‘Police, you’re both under arrest.’ Fred turned with a look of absolute surprise, which quickly turned to horror. The man on Tracey didn’t seem to have heard. John put his handcuffs on Fred and read him his rights.

Lewis put his phone into his pocket and went over, grabbed the other man’s shoulders and yanked him backwards. He went flying back, his cock still hard and crashed down onto the floor.

John came over, pulled him to his feet and arrested him too. Lewis noticed the younger man had left his condom behind inside Tracey. He didn’t think he had fired yet but wasn’t going to take any chances.

He pulled a pair of disposable gloves out of his pocket, put them on and called John over. John had returned to the door as they had arranged. He had got the key from outside and locked the door from the inside.

‘John, I’m going to rescue the condom,’ he said. ‘You need to witness where it came from, ok?’ John watched spellbound as Lewis moved Tracy’s leg to one side then used his fingers to open her vagina. John had never seen a vagina before and was fascinated. Lewis put his fingers inside, found the condom and pulled it out.

John tore his eyes away from Tracey and pulled an evidence bag out of his pocket. Lewis dropped the condom in it and John sealed it up. He demanded the younger man’s name.

Writing it on the bag, he put it on the table. Meanwhile Lewis had collected Freds condom out of his bag, still wrapped up in tissue. That went into another evidence bag which was labelled with Freds name.

Tracey meanwhile was still out for the count. John put Freds bag up on the table, then he searched the younger man’s clothes. He put everything he found in an evidence bag. Then handed them to him. Get dressed he ordered. He studied the name tag the younger man had around his neck. ‘Peter Andrews,’ it read, ‘Pharmacist Assistant.’

Once he was dressed John took the handcuffs off Fred and put them on one of Peters wrists. He had by now searched Freds clothes, so he told him to get dressed.

Once Fred was dressed, John put the other half of the handcuffs on him. ‘Now,’ John said, ‘I’m going to take you out to sit in my car. Because you’re behaving, I’m going to put this coat between you to hide the handcuffs in case you pass anyone. If you don’t behave, I’ll blow my whistle and make sure all the hospital staff come and see you both in handcuffs, understand?’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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