The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 1: An Illuminated Vagina
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: An Illuminated Vagina - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘I was so delighted to see there was no trace of a single drop.’
‘It wasn’t until I was having a wee that my eye fell on the top of my panties. I was looking at the tiny manufacturers label. It registered in my mind as being out of place, but it took a while before the penny dropped. I had my panties on back to front.’
‘So, I kicked my jeans off, took them off, turned them round and put them back on. When I got dressed everything seemed comfortable once more.’
‘It wasn’t until I was in bed that night that it hit me. I could only remember ever putting my panties on the wrong way round twice in my whole life. When it had happened, because they didn’t feel right, I had realised immediately and changed them round right away.’
‘I wondered how on earth I could have gone all morning at work without noticing. Then I started to wonder, ‘What if Fred had taken my things off whilst I was asleep.’ I don’t know if you are aware of it being a man, but if someone stood in front of you and put your bra on for you, it wouldn’t fit the same.’
‘But I dismissed that on the grounds that it surely would have woken me up, so the risk for him would be far too great. But since then, I’ve been having some strange dreams.’
‘Can you describe them to me please?’ Lewis asked. ‘I’m lying on a mat on the floor,’ Tracey said. ‘A naked man is having sex with me, and another naked man is standing watching.’
‘Then the second time several nights later, I dreamt it again. But this time they had changed over. Whilst the second one had sex with me the first one watched. The third time a few days ago, I dreamt they both took turns having sex with me then they stood looking down at my naked body before playing with a breast each.’
‘Did you recognise anyone in your dreams?’ Lewis asked. ‘No,’ Tracey told him, ‘They were just men, it didn’t even register if they were old or young.’
‘Have you had any other unusual thoughts or feelings?’ Lewis asked. ‘No,’ she said, ‘I could be imagining the whole thing, couldn’t I?’
‘It has to be a possibility,’ Lewis said, ‘But we can easily put your mind at rest. Apart from the strange dreams, have you had any nightmares?’ ‘No.’ Tracey said.
‘Have you had any aches or pains of any sort since the first massage?’ Lewis asked. ‘On the last two occasions, I thought my vagina felt a little tender,’ she said, ‘But I probably imagined it. Oh, and my arm had a tender patch after last time.’
‘Ok,’ Lewis said, ‘Before we decide what to do about it all, there are two things I’d like to check. One is to examine your bad shoulder. The other is to examine your vagina. Are you ok with me doing that.’
‘The second one will embarrass me a little, even with you,’ she told him, ‘But I can cope with it.’ ‘Ok, sit up please.’ Lewis said. He moved back to the side and said, ‘Would you like a hug first?’ ‘Yes please,’ Tracey said eagerly.
As they hugged Lewis told her she had done really well to tell him everything. Then they had a kiss.
‘Show me where your tender spot on your arm was.’ Lewis asked. She put a finger on the spot. ‘Ok, take your hand away now,’ Lewis said. He examined the area carefully with his fingers and his eyes. ‘Do you feel any pain whilst I am pressing in?’ he asked. ‘No.’ Tracey told him.
Lewis could feel a very faint lump inside her arm. It was the sort you often get for a week or so after an injection. When he studied the skin, he thought he could just make out a pin prick mark but couldn’t be certain.
‘Ok, lie down now.’ he told her. He went into the shop and brought back the small torch out of the drawer. ‘Now, what I’m going to do,’ he said, ‘Is ask you to draw your knees up and apart and pull your knees up towards your head. That will lift your bum and the opening to your vagina up off the settee.’
‘I’m going to sit a bit further down the settee and put this torch in my mouth. It will shine towards your vagina so I can use my fingers to open it up to see inside it. Are you ok with that?’ ‘I’ll try.’ Tracey said, feeling surprised that she could even consider it.
She pulled her knees up and Lewis leaned over and switched the torch on. He held it between his teeth and gently parted the opening to her vagina with his fingertips. Far from feeling embarrassed, Tracey loved the sensation of his fingers on her opening. Lewis could see inside perfectly. He studied it for a few moments then got up and told her to put her feet down.
‘I can’t see anything in there that you need to worry about,’ he reassured her. ‘Sit up again.’ He sat back at the end of the settee and Tracey lay her head back on his lap without being asked. ‘Have you ever used a vibrator?’ Lewis asked.
‘A what?’ she replied. ‘A vibrator,’ Lewis said. ‘I’ve never actually seen one either, but I believe it’s a plastic penis with a battery powered motor inside. You put it into your vagina, and it vibrates on that lump that I stroked before. It’s supposed to give you a similar sensation as a hard penis would give you as it slides in and out.’
‘Well, I never.’ Tracey said looking most surprised. ‘Mind you, having experienced the lovely feeling I got before perhaps I can understand that.’ ‘Do you know what a climax or an orgasm is?’ Lewis asked her.
‘I vaguely remember the words from sex education at school,’ she told him, ‘But I didn’t understand them, and I was far too embarrassed to ask.’ ‘Well, when a penis slides over that lump when you make love,’ Lewis told her, ‘It produces a feeling just like my finger did.’
‘But because it keeps going, it makes your body go into a spasm called a Climax or Orgasm. That sends an absolutely wonderful feeling through you. You should experience that every time you make love. But if you wanted to, you could put your own finger on it like I did and give yourself one.’
Tracey immediately relived the sensation in her head that Lewis had given her briefly and wondered what ecstasy she would have felt if he had carried on doing it.
‘Anyway,’ Lewis continued, ‘My conclusion is that there are only two possibilities to explain your blood, your clothes and your dreams. ‘One is as you yourself suggested. That the blood is from your period and the rest you have imagined due to a number of circumstances.’
‘The second is that whilst you were asleep, Fred in some way managed to undress you, rape you and then dress you again. That sounds almost impossible and most unlikely, but it has to be a possibility no matter how remote.’
‘If it is the first one, no harm is done and you’ll soon forget it, especially once you finish your massages, if indeed you decide to continue.’
‘If it is the second one, it doesn’t seem to have done you any serious harm so far, so stopping it will be an instant cure. But there is another thing to consider.’
‘If Fred is somehow doing that to you, the chances are that he has done it to others before you and will do it to others after you. If that is so, then we should try and put an end to it. But that would require you to submit to one more massage session.’
‘That one however, would be different, I’ll explain why that is so in a moment. The benefit to you of doing one more massage is that it would put your mind to rest. You would actually know if you have imagined it, or if you have been raped.’
‘I presume that if you hadn’t been persuaded to come and see me today, you would have gone along for your next massage anyway?’ ‘Yes, I think so.’ Tracey said.
‘Well, if you agree,’ Lewis said, ‘Nothing is going to happen that wouldn’t have happened anyway. I’ll call at the hospital on Monday at a time you tell me. You can show me the storeroom, preferably without anyone seeing me. I will fit a recording device in the room.’
‘When you have your next session with Fred, everything that’s said, and any noises made, will be recorded. I presume the hospital has Wi-Fi?’ he asked. ‘Yes,’ Tracey told him. ‘Do you know the password?’ he asked. ‘Not off the top of my head, but it’s in my phone.’ she said.
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