The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 6: When Bad Gets Even Worse

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: When Bad Gets Even Worse - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

He pointed to his cock. As I hesitated, he pointed over to a three-foot-long garden type cane in the corner. ‘That’s what you’ll feel on your bum if you’re not careful.’ he said.’

‘I took hold of it. It throbbed in my hand, and I felt disgusted. He put his hand over mine and started moving my hand up and down, so it slid up and down it. After a few times he took his hand off and told me to do it myself. ‘If you want to keep me happy,’ he said, ‘Keep going at a steady speed and don’t stop.’

‘He closed his eyes and put his arms by his side. I kept going for a while then he started making some grunting sounds and his cock was throbbing in my hand occasionally. ‘Go a little faster.’ he called out. I did and he started to cry out happily. Then his cock swelled in my grip and as I kept stroking it, he cried out even louder as some white stuff squirted out of the end in four big jets. It all landed on his chest.’

‘As it stopped squirting his cock went soft in my hand and he called out ‘You can stop now. Go and get me a cloth to clean me up.’ I went into the bathroom and brought a flannel and a towel and some toilet paper. When I offered it to him, he ordered me to do it.’

‘I had wet the flannel so I mopped up what I could with the paper then washed his chest which had some hairs on but not a lot. Then I dried it.

‘That wasn’t bad,’ he said, ‘Keep it up and we’ll get on well.’

‘I’ll have egg and chips for tea,’ he said, ‘Call me when it’s ready.’ Then he turned his back to me. ‘What did you do?’ John asked. ‘I took the towel back to the bathroom. Washed the flannel out and flushed the paper away.’

‘Then I went and got dressed before going to the kitchen. I laid the table and prepared the dinner. There was bread in, so I did a plate of bread and butter. When the food was nearly ready, I went and knocked on his bedroom door. After two knocks and no response I went in.’

‘He was still naked on the bed and asleep. I nervously shook his shoulder. He looked startled to see me as he woke, then as I said, ‘Dinner is ready,’ he sat up. ‘Thanks.’ he said. He got up, so as he started getting dressed, I returned to the kitchen.’

‘We sat in silence eating, then he said, ‘That was ok, at least you can cook. I like sausage and bacon with fried bread and one egg for breakfast at seven o’clock before I go to work,’ he said. ‘Here’s the address of your new school.’ He handed me a piece of paper.’

‘If you go and see the headmaster the lady from social services has arranged it all.’ ‘Do I need a uniform?’ I asked. ‘I have no idea.’ he said ‘You’ll have to find out. Tell them you can’t afford one and they’ll have to supply it.’

‘I went to bed that night and cried myself to sleep. I wondered what was to come. It never occurred to me for one moment that it might be even worse.’

‘For the first week there was just the two of us. I cooked all our meals and cleaned. He went shopping the first week. He never asked me anything about school. I had to play with his cock three times that first week, but he didn’t touch me again.’

‘Then Saturday night he was out, and I’d gone to bed. About one o’clock I was wakened by noises and heard voices. I got up and peeped around my bedroom door. There was no one in sight so I went along the hall.’

‘The voices were coming from Uncle Colins bedroom. I listened for a few minutes and heard him and another man talking then noises which sounded the same as Colin had made when I fired him. So, I decided he had a friend firing him and went back to bed.’

‘The next day I got up at eight as he had told me breakfast should be ready for nine on a Sunday. I set the table for three but only cooked for two not knowing if his visitor had stayed.’

‘Then a man came in and said, ‘Good morning,’ sounding quite surprised to see me. ‘Hi, I’m Brian.’ he said shaking my hand. ‘I’m Charlene,’ I told him, ‘I live with Uncle Colin.’ ‘He never said.’ he told me. Then Colin appeared. I served them what I’d cooked and put more on to cook for me.’

‘Colin never said a word to me until they got up from the table as I was sitting down to eat. ‘Brian will be staying,’ he said, ‘So there’ll be three of us for meals.’ ‘Ok,’ I said. Brian stayed for four months. He was nice and his was the longest stay of them all. I didn’t see much of either of them except at mealtimes. They were either out or in the bedroom.’

‘At the end of the fourth month they had a blazing row and Brian left. I never saw him again. That night I had to stroke Colins cock again. The next three weeks were just the two of us. Every other night I had to stroke his cock, then clean him up afterwards. Then one night I was sitting in the lounge reading. He walked in naked which I was getting used to.’

‘He sat in the armchair and ordered me to come over and kneel in front of him. ‘Stroke it,’ he ordered. I picked his soft cock up and watched it grow as I stroked it. When it was hard, he grabbed hold of my hair with both hands and told me to open my mouth.’

‘I had no idea what was coming so I did. He used my hair to pull me forward so his cock went deep into my mouth. ‘Stroke it with your mouth.’ he ordered moving my head up and down on it.’

‘I struggled but he had a strong grip. Feeling me struggling he said, ‘Remember that cane is waiting.’ He kept hold of my hair and moved my head even faster. Then as his cock swelled up and he cried out with what I thought of as his shooting cry, his cock squirted and filled my mouth up with his stuff. As he finished squirting, he let go of my head. So, I dashed to the bathroom and spat it all out.’

‘When I went back, he told me, ‘Next time I ask you to do that I expect you to do it yourself or else.’ I made myself a coffee to wash my mouth out. I made him one as well. I had learned that he expected one anytime I had one.’

‘I picked up my book, said goodnight and went to bed and read. The following week a new man appeared. On the fourth night he was there I was asleep when my light came on. I woke up to find a naked man standing at the side of my bed. He was tall and slim, and his cock was longer than Colins but quite thin.’

‘He pulled the duvet off me and said, ‘Get up.’ He grabbed hold of me and kissed me. Then he pulled my T shirt off. When I resisted, he slapped me hard across the face. He felt my breast very roughly then he pulled my shorts off.’

‘He threw me down on the bed and climbed on top of me. His cock had gone very hard. He forced my legs apart and thrust his cock up inside me. It hurt terribly going in and I was crying. Then when he was almost in as far as he could go, there was a searing pain which made me scream.’

‘It passed off in seconds, then he started thrusting in and out. It felt like his cock was covered in sandpaper it was so rough. I started crying louder with the pain, but he ignored it. Then next minute Colin came charging in naked.’

‘He took one look, then yanked him off me and dragged him out of the room. I felt grateful to him for saving me. I cried myself to sleep.’

‘But the next morning they both appeared for breakfast. I was astounded. Nothing was said, so I just did everything I normally did. When I got in from school that evening Uncle Colin said, ‘Don’t take your coat off we’re going to the doctors.’

‘When I looked surprised, he said, ‘If I hadn’t come in when I did you would have been pregnant. You’re going to go on the pill. We’ll tell the doctor your boyfriend was caught having unprotected sex with you. You will back up the story, because if you don’t convince him you’ll feel my wrath.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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