The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 7: A Learning Curve for Liam

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 7: A Learning Curve for Liam - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

On Saturday, Liam had arrived at the shop at five to five. He waltzed in looking very happy. He gave Mike and Lewis a cheery wave and Lewis indicated he should go through to the back.

When they closed the shop and went through, Liam had made three coffee’s and had them ready on the table with a spoon, the milk and the sugar. ‘I didn’t know who took what.’ he said.

‘You look a bit different to how you were last week.’ Mike said as he shook hands with him. ‘A lot has changed,’ Liam said as they sat down. ‘Last week, Lewis got me to tell him what was worrying me. As a result, my attacker was locked up last Saturday night and appeared in court on Monday.’

‘The Magistrate sentenced him to twelve months in prison. Then he told him that reading what his victim had said in his statement, he accepted it was a result of his alcoholism. So, he suspended it for two years and put him on probation providing he attends a recognised Alcoholics Anonymous course.’

‘Are you happy about that?’ Mike asked him. ‘Yes,’ Liam said, ‘He deserves a chance. But there’s more,’ he said. ‘When we returned from the police station Lewis stayed overnight and spoke to my aunt and uncle the next morning.’

‘As a result of that, they asked me if they could adopt me. So, I’m getting a new mum and dad.’ ‘That’s wonderful,’ Mike said, ‘Well you deserve it. Doesn’t that take a long time.’

‘Again, thanks to Lewis,’ he told him, ‘I am already calling them mum and dad and they are calling me son. It’s lovely. But by next week it will be all legal. Lewis sent us to see someone at social services who filled in all the forms for us. Then he signed off on all the requirements and submitted it to the court. The three of us have to attend a week on Monday for it to be finalised.’

Mike gave Lewis a big beaming smile, ‘You never cease to amaze me.’ he said. He stood up saying, ‘It’s time I went. Liam I’m so happy for you.’ he said. Lewis saw him out then returned to Liam who threw himself into his arms.

After a long hug and an even longer kiss he said, ‘I owe it all to you. When I went into school last Monday, Dudley and Michael came over to me at first break.’ ‘Well done.’ they said. ‘What for?’ I asked. ‘We can tell by how happy you are that you must have taken our advice,’ they said. ‘No need to say any more.’ and they went off smiling.

‘Ok, let’s get you settled and relaxed.’ Lewis told him, ‘Then you can tell me how you’ve been, and I’ll give you the lesson I promised you. The settee awaits.’

As they went over Liam asked, ‘Shall I strip off?’ ‘Yes please,’ Lewis told him. Liam took everything off and put them on the chair. Then he turned to face Lewis who was sitting on the end of the settee. He walked over unphased about his soft cock waving about as he walked. After lying down with his head on Lewis’s lap, he smiled up at him.

Lewis massaged his head gently with one hand and rested his other hand still and flat over his cock and hairs. ‘That feels nice.’ Liam said.

‘How have you been sleeping?’ Lewis asked. ‘Sunday night I was so excited about the adoption I dreamt about my future and slept well. Monday you’d let me know about Ivan’s sentence and his mum called to pick up his things. I was happy he was getting the help he needed, and I slept well.

‘Then Tuesday I went to sleep ok, but just after midnight I woke up in a sweat dreaming Ivan had dragged me to the edge of the bed and was raping me again. As soon as I woke up, I put the light on, and I was fine. I left the light on and soon went back to a peaceful sleep. Wednesday and Thursday I slept fine. Then last night I had a similar nightmare.’

‘Ok,’ Lewis said, ‘Regarding the nightmares there are three cures. Two definite and one is probable. One is regular sex for a while with your girlfriend. That is not likely to happen just yet.’

‘Two is to experience having someone you like and know will be gentle with you, put their cock up your bum. That will show you that it can be done without any discomfort and in an enjoyable manner. Your brain will only remember that happy occasion afterwards, not what Ivan did.’

‘The third is to just put up with it and hope that it will fade over time. Now the last option would be unlikely to work if you had had a full dry rape. You would have experienced severe pain and several days of internal stinging. That would have been due to Ivans dry cock scratching your insides, then his sperm getting in the scratches.’

‘However, although you were scared, because you were prepared and oiled, your discomfort was relatively small. Your pain was practically non-existent, and there was no stinging. Also, because we were outside ready, the whole thing was for a relatively short period. So, it is quite possible that it could fade over the next few months even if you do nothing.’

‘So, the decision is up to you. If you decide to do nothing right now and see how it goes, there’s no reason why you can’t come back if it doesn’t work.’

Liam gave it all some thought. ‘I’d love to do the first one,’ he said, ‘But I agree that is not an option at the moment. The last one seems the easiest but there’s no guarantee. I’d really like to get rid of the nightmares now not later. Having only experienced being raped when oiled and prepared, I think I could cope with reliving it to get rid of the nightmares which are frightening me.’

‘But how do you ask someone to rape you?’ ‘It wouldn’t be rape,’ Lewis told him, ‘Because you would both be consenting. If it was done properly, you might even find you enjoy it. You can ask anyone who has a cock, but ideally it needs to be someone you would feel at ease with being naked and erect.’

‘It would also need to be someone you trusted enough to feel sure he wouldn’t hurt you. Also, that he would stop the moment you asked if the need arose.’

‘Only two people have ever seen me naked and erect,’ Liam said. ‘I would only feel at ease and trust one of them to do what you suggest.’ Liam smiled at him as he spoke.

‘I don’t think he would do it for you.’ Lewis said. Then as he saw Liams face fall he added, ‘Unless you asked him.’ As Liams face brightened again he asked, ‘Will you do it for me please?’ ‘Yes,’ Lewis said, ‘I’d consider it an honour being asked, after what you’ve suffered.’

‘Stand up.’ he said. Once they were both standing Lewis took him in his arms and they hugged. ‘The two main rules for any sort of sex,’ Lewis told him, ‘Are consent and pleasure. Everyone should agree to what is being done and everyone should enjoy it. It will be up to me to do it so that you don’t just suffer it, but actually enjoy it.’

‘To enjoy sex, you should also share all the experiences with each other as equally as possible. So, we are going to work together to complete your cure. First of all, we both need to be in the same state of undress. As you are already undressed, I want you to undress me. While you do, you can explore anywhere you like in any way you like.’

Liams cock which had still been hanging down limp suddenly started to stiffen up. ‘Well, someone likes that idea.’ Lewis said smiling.

‘Take my top off please,’ he instructed. Liam lifted it off and put it on the chair. Then they hugged. As Lewis ran his hands up and down Liams bare back, he told him to do the same. He did and was clearly enjoying it.

Lewis let him enjoy the experience for a while then said, ‘Now take my trousers off.’ Liam stepped back and undid Lewis’s belt and top button. He looked at him for reassurance then getting a nod and a smile, he slid his zip down.

Lewis’s trousers slid down to his ankles, so Lewis told him to kneel down and take them right off. Once he had put them aside, Lewis said, ‘Now pull my shorts down and explore.’ Liam took hold of the legs of Lewis’s shorts and pulled them slowly down.

As Lewis’s hairs were uncovered, he watched fascinated. Then as his cock started to come into view, Liams own cock went to fully hard. As he pulled the shorts down to his ankles, he saw that Lewis was still soft. He helped him step out of his shorts then took hold of his cock.

His touch was enough to make Lewis start to grow. Liam watched spellbound as he both watched and felt the cock in his hand go from soft to fully hard. Once it was solid, he held it with one hand whilst he felt his balls with the other.

That was enough to make it throb vigorously, a sensation which they both enjoyed. As he studied it more than he had had chance to last Saturday night, he decided that Lewis wasn’t the same size as he was as he had thought. He’s about half an inch longer and slightly thicker he decided.

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