The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 2: Condom Capers
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: Condom Capers - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Vernon’s third week at the garage had been very different. He had started shift work, so he had only worked with Charlene three times. Plus, now that he knew what to do, he was expected to get on with things on his own. Even so they had managed to have their lunch break together on the three days they had both been on.
Charlene couldn’t miss how happy he was. Clearly, he was enjoying being in his new home. She was pleased for him whilst at the same time sad as she thought about her own situation.
Part of her couldn’t help hoping that a little part of his happiness was the same as her one and only bit. Happy at having met each other. She was so looking forward to the coming weekend.
As they chatted it was clear that Vernon was avoiding asking her anything about her home life. She guessed he was doing that deliberately because he sensed she found it hard to talk about. His consideration was one of the things she loved so much about him.
As she thought that, she picked up on the word she had just used in her mind. ‘Loved’ she mused to herself, then she admitted it to herself, I have, I have fallen in love with him. That made a big smile break out on her face.
Seeing it Vernon said, ‘You look so beautiful when you smile. What brought that one on?’ ‘I was thinking about the weekend.’ she said quickly. ‘I’ve got some gardening work booked this Saturday,’ Vernon said, ‘So is Friday evening still ok for dinner at home. Then a day out together on Sunday?’
‘Yes, that sounds wonderful,’ Charlene told him. ‘I’m so looking forward to it.’
Leaving work on Friday afternoon Vernon and Charlene headed to Johns. Vernon made no attempt to hold hands, but he put his arm in position. They hadn’t gone far when Charlene’s arm slipped into his and they walked the rest of the way happily linked together.
They went in and Vernon led the way to the lounge. As they went in, John stood up and smiled at Charlene. ‘Hello,’ he said, ‘Nice to meet you.’ He shook hands with her and then Vernon gave him his usual hug.
John chatted to Charlene and tried to make her feel at home. ‘I’ve invited Danny and Lorraine to join us for dinner.’ he said. Vernon beamed, ‘You’ll be able to meet my other best friend.’ he told her.
Charlene tried her best not to let her panic show at the thought of meeting two more strangers. Five minutes later Danny walked into the lounge followed by Lorraine. Charlene jumped as she was sure the doorbell hadn’t rung.
Vernon leapt up and ran over to give Danny a hug. ‘I’ve done three weeks so far,’ he said. ‘I love it.’ Danny introduced him to Lorraine who gave him a hug and a kiss.
Vernon took them over to Charlene and introduced them. Danny automatically went to give her a hug and a kiss. He felt her go rigid and backed off immediately saying, ‘Hi Charlene, it’s lovely to meet you.’
Then Lorraine went to do the same. Charlene went very tense but being a girl, she was able to relax a bit more. After Danny and Lorraine had given John a hug, they all helped carry the food through to the table. John had done them a Sunday roast with all the trimmings.
They sat at the table and tucked in. ‘You’ve been very busy.’ Lorraine told him between mouthfuls. ‘It’s great,’ John said, ‘It’s kept me occupied all day.’ ‘Do you cook?’ Danny asked Charlene. ‘Yes,’ she answered, ‘Quite often.’ She actually did practically all the cooking at home but didn’t say so.
Lorraine asked her about where she lived. Charlene told her where the flat was located but didn’t enlarge. Lorraine recognised the reluctance and steered her conversation elsewhere.
Both Danny and Lorraine as well as John persevered talking to Charlene and by the end of the meal, she was feeling so at ease with them she was actually laughing occasionally. Danny watched Vernon’s face as he looked at her laughing. ‘He’s really smitten.’ he thought.
After they had finished, they all helped clear the table. John was told to go and put his feet up in the lounge whilst Danny and Vernon washed up. Lorraine took Charlene into the dining room to set up a game for them all to play.
Lorraine opened the cupboard and showed her all the boxes of games. ‘Do you have a favourite?’ she asked. ‘I haven’t played one for years,’ Charlene told her. ‘I vaguely remember playing Cluedo with my relatives years ago.’
‘Cluedo it is then.’ Lorraine said fishing it out.
They opened it up and set it out ready. ‘We’ll have a coffee in the lounge first,’ Lorraine told her. ‘Then we’ll come in here and have a game.’ ‘I hope I can remember how to play it,’ Charlene said, ‘I was only little last time I played it. Aunt Em who I lived and was like a mum to me died a few days after that.’
‘Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that.’ Lorraine said. She took her in her arms and just held her. After a few seconds of tension, she relaxed and put her head on Lorraine’s shoulder. ‘I’ve still got both of my parents,’ Lorraine said, ‘I can only imagine how awful it must be to lose one. Danny has only got his mum left.’
‘Both my parents are dead.’ Charlene said. ‘Who do you live with now?’ Lorraine asked. ‘An uncle.’ Charlene said and Lorraine was aware of a shutter going down again. ‘Well now you’ve got Vernon,’ Lorraine said, ‘He obviously adores you. I can’t imagine life without Danny now.’
Charlene moved away, then giving Lorraine a brief smile, she said, ‘Thank you.’ Lorraine smiled back, ‘A hug is great medicine,’ she said. ‘I’m sure you’ll get plenty of them from Vernon, but I’ll give you one any time you want, ok?’ ‘Ok, thank you.’ she replied.
They went through to find the boys had washed up, put everything away and were making coffee. Danny gave Charlene Johns and asked her to take it through.
She took it in and put it down beside him. He was sitting at the end of the settee. He patted the seat beside him and said, ‘Sit here for a moment.’ He couldn’t miss noticing the scared look in her eyes as she did. ‘I just want you to know,’ he told her, ‘That as Vernon’s friend you are welcome here at any time. And if you ever have a problem, I’ll always help you if I can.’
‘Thank you.’ she said feeling a little overwhelmed. First Vernon, then Lorraine and now John wanting to help her. She felt a strange feeling going through her at the idea that there were actually people who cared what happened to her.
The others came in with their coffees, Vernon carrying Charlene’s. He sat the other side of her after pulling a small table out for her to put her coffee on. They all chatted generally whilst they drank. Danny and Lorraine talking about going to university and John and Vernon chatting about his work at the garage.
Then John asked him where he was thinking of taking Charlene on Sunday. ‘I don’t know,’ Vernon admitted. ‘I’ve never really been out anywhere myself, so it’s difficult to decide. My only experiences of outings are the one last Sunday with Charlene and my two outings with dad.’
Lorraine knew about the dad thing from Danny, but Charlene didn’t. She decided she must have misheard. Everyone immediately started making suggestions. Noticing Charlene sitting quietly Lorraine asked, ‘Charlene, how about you. Is there anywhere you’d like to go?’
‘I’m like Vernon,’ she told them, ‘I’ve very little experience of going anywhere. But I loved being out in the country like we did last week.’ ‘I’ve an idea for you,’ Danny said. ‘Get the bus from town to Loggerheads in North Wales and go into the café when you get there. They will give you a walker’s map of Moel Famau, the mountain it is at the foot of. There are lots of woodland and riverside walks and if you want to, you can climb up to the old watch tower on the top for wonderful views.’
Charlene seemed to like the idea of that and Vernon too. ‘I think going from here you’d get the bus for Llandudno,’ Danny told them, ‘But if you ask at the bus station, they’ll tell you.’ Lorraine had been tapping at her phone. ‘The Llandudno bus leaves at nine fifteen,’ she said, ‘And gets to Loggerheads at ten thirty.’
Vernon looked at Charlene who nodded enthusiastically. ‘That’s decided then,’ he said, ‘Thank you everyone.’ They went back to the dining room and started a game of Cluedo. To her surprise Charlene won the first game. When everyone congratulated her, she told them, ‘I remember I loved to play this with my cousin and his wife when I was a lot younger, but I can’t remember if I ever won any.’
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