The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 1: A Surprise for Liam

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: A Surprise for Liam - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘Strip off and get onto your bed,’ Lewis instructed as he pulled the duvet off. Liam did, lying on his back with his cock sticking up in the air. Lewis stripped off and got up alongside him. It was the first time Liam had seen Lewis’s cock. They turned to face each other and had a naked hug. As both cocks met and flexed happily together, they both enjoyed the feelings.

‘Do you feel ok doing this now after everything you’ve been through tonight?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes definitely,’ Liam said, ‘It seems strange, but it feels lovely to be so close, not a bit like being with Ivan.’ ‘Always remember that.’ Lewis told him. ‘The golden rule of all sexual contact. Consent and pleasure.’

As Lewis reached between them and took hold of his cock Liam hesitated. ‘It’s ok,’ Lewis told him, ‘If I’m doing it to you, it’s ok to do the same to me.’ Liam took hold and felt it throb in his hand. Holding each other’s cocks, they had another kiss.

‘Ok,’ Lewis said, ‘Relax now and let me send you to sleep.’ Liam rolled onto his back. Lewis sat up on the bed by Liams knees, his feet up towards his head. As he took hold of Liams cock with one hand Lewis played with his balls with his other hand. Liam reached out and held Lewis’s cock, then closed his eyes and drifted off into a realm of pleasure.

Lewis stroked gently and slowly to start with, looking at the happy smile on Liams face as he did. His own cock was throbbing happily in Liams hand giving them both some extra pleasure.

As he started to increase his speed very slightly, Liam began to make happy moans. They continued and increased in volume as Lewis increased the speed of his stroke. At the same time Liams grip on Lewis’s cock changed gradually from a hold, through a gentle squeeze, then into a slow stroke.

Before Lewis could get too worked up, he felt Liams cock swell in his grip. As Liam cried out in delight, his cock throbbed like mad, and he shot out four jets of cum.

Lewis kept stroking as he shot, then slowed down to a stop. He kept hold of it as it shrank then lay it down on Liams hairs. Liam had reverted to a gentle hold on Lewis’s cock.

As Liams hand slipped off his cock onto the bed, Lewis got up and fetched some tissues. He cleaned up Liams chest as best he could. Then seeing that he was now fast asleep, he covered him up with the duvet.

Putting his own shorts and T shirt back on, he got into Ivans bed, switched the light off and was soon asleep himself.


Lewis’s alarm woke them both at half past eight. After a few minutes reluctance to get up, they both got out and had a hug. Liam of course was still naked. He thanked Lewis once more for last night and gave him a kiss.

Liam had told him they usually had breakfast at ten on a Sunday morning, so Lewis wanted to catch his aunt before she started cooking. They got dressed and Liam led the way through to the kitchen. His aunt was just arriving herself. She looked surprised when she saw Liam with Lewis in tow.

Liam introduced him as his friend from school. Lewis shook hands and told her, ‘I wanted to catch you before you started cooking. I have something very serious that I need to discuss with yourself and your husband, would you mind calling him to join us.’

With Lewis’s assured and authoritative tone, Liams aunt said, ‘Very well.’ and left the room. A few minutes later she returned with Liams uncle. Lewis offered his hand and said, ‘Good morning, sir, I’m Lewis, a friend of Liams from school.’

‘I have a lot to tell you both,’ he said. ‘Can we sit down?’ He pointed to the table, so Lewis and the two grownups headed for a seat. Lewis looked at Liam and raised his eyebrows. ‘I’ll leave you to it,’ he said, ‘Call me when you’re ready.’ He left the room.

When they were settled Lewis said, ‘I should tell you first of all that Ivan is in police custody and will appear in court tomorrow. Before I answer your questions.’ he managed to get in as they both opened their mouths to speak, ‘It would be helpful if you would let me tell you everything that has happened first.’

Taking their silence as agreement Lewis began. ‘I don’t know if you are aware of it, but Ivan is an alcoholic. It seems that he has tried hard to fight it, but his current job put him in a situation where he found it impossible to refuse going for a drink with his workmates. One drink of course is fatal to an alcoholic. For the last few weekends, he has come home drunk and sexually assaulted Liam.’ He paused to let that sink in, seeing the look of horror on their faces.

‘He threatened Liam with two things to make him submit. First with violence, saying he would either break his arm, squeeze his testicles or beat him black and blue. Second that if he told anyone, he would say it was Liam who came on to him. He told him that you would be bound to side with him because of your long association with his mother and Liam could well be thrown out.’

‘We’d never... ‘ Liams aunt started to say. Lewis silenced her by lifting his hand. ‘It sounded unlikely to me at the time,’ he told them, ‘And having met you now, I’m even more certain.’

‘But look at it from Liams angle. His life has been blown apart by the death of his parents. He tells me he has been very happy living here with you. But when you think about it, he relies on your goodwill for a home. He has no more relatives to go to, so any hint of a threat to that would understandably put fear into his heart.’

‘After the attack last Friday and Saturday, Ivan sobered up enough to realise something of what he had done. He went out walking all day Sunday, didn’t touch a drink all day and was very apologetic to Liam. He promised not to touch him again and they even shook hands on it.’

‘Even so, Liam was scared all week thinking about what might happen yesterday and Friday. On Friday, Ivan made excuses to his workmates and came straight home from work. It seemed he was keeping his promise.’

‘Then when he discovered Ivan was working a half day yesterday, Liam knew it would be much harder for him to avoid going for a drink after work.

His worry showed and friends brought him to see me because I have a reputation for getting people with a problem to tell me all about it. Liam told me that when sober, Ivan is a nice person who he likes. He didn’t want him to get into trouble.’ ‘I told him that Ivan had a serious problem and needed professional help.’

‘We agreed on a compromise. I gave Liam a recording device to put in his bedroom that would record everything that was said. I could also listen in via the internet at the appropriate times. If Ivan kept his promise nothing would have happened, and I wouldn’t be here now.’

‘If Ivan assaulted him like he had done previously, we would first discus it in private with Ivan. After showing him all the evidence, we would have insisted he got help for his problem. If he had done that, Liam would have willingly put it all behind him.’

‘I have more experience of these matters than Liam and was sceptical. Because of that, last night when Ivan came home drunk, I was sitting in a car outside here with a friend just in case. Liam had lent me his front door key and given me a plan of where his room was.’

‘When Ivan staggered past us drunk, I was concerned. So, I signed into the internet and listened in to Liams bedroom. There was silence for quite a while, then we heard Ivan come into the room. He ordered Liam to strip off and we heard Liam protesting as he attacked him.’

‘I could tell that his attack was the same as previously, so we held back. But then it became clear it was now going much further and Ivan was in pain. ‘I let us in, and we went straight through to Liams bedroom. I opened the bedroom door to see Ivan raping Liam.’

I had put my phone on video as we came through the house, so I took a video of my first glimpse into the bedroom. That video of Ivan raping Liam is now police evidence. My friend John, who is himself a policeman, ran past me, pulled Ivan off Liam and arrested him. The four of us then went to the police station where Ivan was put in a cell and Liam was checked over by the police doctor. Liam and I also made a statement.’

‘When Liam and I returned here about two am this morning, you had not disturbed, so I spent the rest of the night in Ivans bed so I could have this conversation with you this morning.’

‘The reason I am telling you about it rather than Liam is because a rape victim, particularly a male, is always very, very, embarrassed about it. When Liam rejoins us shortly, I would ask that you do not ask any details. I would also suggest that as much as is possible after today, you forget it ever happened and don’t mention it again.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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