The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 7: An Admission and a Promise
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 7: An Admission and a Promise - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘Ok.’ I said warily.’ ‘Shall we get changed first,’ he said, ‘Then you can get into bed, and I’ll bring a chair over and sit at your side, it’s a long story.’
‘We got changed and I turned my back to change my shorts. I managed not to look over my shoulder, but he stayed clear. I got into bed and sat up. Ivan brought a small chair over and sat at the side of the bed level with my knees.’
‘I’m sure you’ve probably guessed,’ he said, ‘But I have a drink problem.’ I wasn’t sure what he meant, so I asked, ‘How do you mean, a problem?’ ‘If I don’t drink alcohol,’ he said, ‘I’m fine. But if I have a few drinks, I just can’t stop myself drinking more and more. That in itself is called being an alcoholic.’
‘But as you’ve seen, when I’ve had too much, I lose all control and my desires take over. I can’t remember everything that I did last night but with what I do remember I know it was things I shouldn’t have done. Things that put you through distress and probably fear.’
‘Sober, I wouldn’t dream of hurting a soul. I hope that would apply drunk too, but I really don’t know. I hadn’t had a drink for weeks when I came here. When I started, I deliberately kept away from having a drink with my workmates. But they finally persuaded me to go with them a few Fridays ago. You have experienced the result.’
‘I am so sorry for everything you’ve suffered at my hand. I’m disgusted with myself. I wish I could turn the clock back, but I can’t. I promise you that this weekend I will refuse to join them for a drink and return here sober. I don’t expect you to forgive me for what you’ve suffered, but I hope we can live in peace for the rest of my time here.’
‘Is there anyone who can help you?’ I asked him. ‘There’s A.A.’ he said. ‘That’s Alcoholics Anonymous, but that is total abstinence. It’s fine in theory and I have tried. But when you work with people who go for a drink after work as a norm, it’s almost impossible to refuse.’
‘I was terrified last night,’ I told him, ‘I didn’t like what you were forcing me to do, and at one time I thought you were going to break my arm. But as assaults go, I guess it could have been a lot worse. So far you haven’t done any lasting damage. But I’ve noticed that it is increasing in severity each week. I can’t let it go on. I’m prepared to let the past go but if it happens again, I will have to do something about it.’
‘I understand,’ he said, ‘And I thank you. It’s far more than I deserve.’ He stood up and put the chair away. As he was clearly heading for his bed, I called him. ‘Ivan,’ I said, ‘He turned towards me, and I put my hand out.’
‘He came over and we shook hands. ‘Thank you so much,’ he said, ‘That means a lot.’ As he turned away, I saw him wipe his hand over his eyes. He got into his bed and immediately turned his back to me.’
‘I called out Goodnight,’ and switched the light off. That was last Saturday. All this week everything has been fine. Things have been a little strained between us, but we’ve been speaking. As the week wore on, I started to worry about last night.’
‘But he came home early and joined us for his evening meal. Then stayed in all evening. When we went to bed, I congratulated him. ‘It was so hard,’ he told me, ‘Everyone at work was trying to persuade me to go to the pub with them. In the end I told them I had a hot date and they dropped it then.’
‘But this morning I woke up and he was getting dressed for work. Seeing me awake he said, ‘I’ve got to do a part day today, eight until two. They crop up from time to time. Enjoy your swimming.’ He knew I was going swimming with some of the team this morning.’
‘So how are you feeling about tonight?’ Lewis asked. ‘Scared,’ Liam told him. ‘If he finished work at two pm, he’s going to find it extra hard to refuse to go for a drink with them afterwards.’
‘Ok,’ Lewis told him, ‘Thank you for feeling able to tell me all that. There are a few things we need to do. Am I right in thinking that if none of the bad stuff had happened you would like Ivan?’ ‘Yes,’ Liam told him, ‘We seemed to get on well, considering he’s so much older than me.’
‘So first off, we need to stop it happening to you ever again. Then we need to get Ivan to get professional help with his problem. Finally, after its all sorted, you need instructing on how to make love properly.’
‘Will your aunt and uncle be at home all evening from this moment onwards?’ ‘Yes, usually.’ Liam told him. ‘Do you have Wi-Fi at home and know the pass code right now?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes.’ ‘Do you have a front door key?’ ‘Yes.’
‘Ok,’ Lewis said, ‘It’s too short notice for me to stop it happening tonight, if indeed it does. But what I can do is make sure it can be stopped should it happen. Suppose Ivan did succumb to drink today and repeated what he did last time he attacked you, no more no less. Knowing what he was going to do, could you cope with repeating it all if it would bring it to an end once and for all?’
‘Yes,’ I suppose so.’ Liam said after thinking it through. ‘Ok,’ Lewis said, ‘I need you to draw me a couple of plans of your home, and also to learn how to handle tonight. Get dressed now, then we’ll have another coffee whilst I explain.’
Liam stood up followed by Lewis. Liam turned to face him and gave him a hug. ‘Thank you so much,’ he said, ‘I feel so much better already.’ He kissed him and Lewis returned it.
Whilst he got dressed Lewis made them coffees. As they sat round the table Lewis put out a pencil and some sheets of paper. ‘First, I want you to draw me a rough plan of your bedroom.’ he told him. ‘Show all the furniture and label what they are as well as any shelves. Get their positions in the room as accurate as you can.’
Liam busied himself with drawing. Lewis went to the cupboard and took the radio alarm out and put it on the table. When Liam gave him his plan, Lewis asked, ‘Now draw a plan of the mobile home just showing all the rooms and doors.’
Whilst Liam drew that, Lewis studied his bedroom plan. The internal door was in the end wall near one corner. The bedheads were up against the wall directly opposite. Between the door and the end of that wall was a worktop for a desk or dressing table. There were two bookshelves up near the ceiling that went across the whole wall, from the door to the corner. An ideal spot for the radio alarm.
Lewis could even see two double electric plugs spaced out just above the worktop. When Liam gave him the other plan, Lewis studied it and saw that to get to Liams bedroom they would enter through the front door, cross the lounge, go through another door into a small hallway, then through another door into his bedroom.
‘Is there an alarm on the house?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes,’ Liam said, ‘But it’s only ever used if everyone is out.’
‘Now,’ Lewis said, ‘If Ivan manages to control himself, nothing will happen tonight. If he attacks you again, there are a couple of things I can do. But I won’t do anything without your consent. I can have him arrested for assault. That will stop him attacking you. It will also make it likely that he will be forced into getting some help.’
‘If he’s arrested, your name or address won’t be revealed in court because of your age, but clearly your aunt and uncle will know what’s happened. Unless Ivan gives up very quietly, it is unlikely that you, me, him and a policeman will get out of the house without disturbing them.
‘Would I have to go to court?’ Liam asked. ‘That’s very unlikely because there will be other evidence,’ Lewis assured him. ‘That evidence is likely to make him plead guilty.’ ‘Is there anyway of stopping him without him having to go to court?’ Liam asked.
‘It might be possible,’ Lewis said, ‘But that would depend on an awful lot of luck and Ivans full cooperation. If you agree to my recommendation and have him arrested, you will just have to accept that he would go to court, possibly even to prison. But at least he would get the help he needed. Nothing else can be guaranteed, other than we try.’
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