The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 1: An Item Goes Swimming

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: An Item Goes Swimming - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Mrs Adams was then informed that the money would be seized whilst an application was made to the court under the Proceeds of Crime Act.

Prior to bringing her into the room, a further one hundred thousand pounds had been quietly removed by the officer in charge as a donation to Detective Superintendent Hopkins’s operational fund.

In a cupboard under the desk, they found a couple of boxes of yellow plastic discs, along with a machine for loading information or reading the discs.

The system had been that dealers would call on Gerry with cash. He would then print the amount they had brought him onto a yellow disc. The dealer would then leave with nothing incriminating, so no risk to Gerry.

The dealer would then call at the second-hand shop where he would present his disc. The shop keeper would put the disk in his machine, read how much it was worth, dispose of the disk then supply the dealer with that value of drugs.

Finding the cash, plus especially the machine and yellow discs at Gerald Adams ‘s home confirmed without a shadow of doubt that he was the main supplier for the area. Everyone knew that even so it would be hard to get a conviction. The twelve jurors of the group were contacted with the details and asked for a verdict. The reply was a unanimous guilty.

The group had only one sentence and that was termination.

Earlier in the week an unmarked van had turned up unannounced and fitted some unnoticeable but very high-tech security systems to the three garages. These were silent operating and if they went off, there would be an immediate response from the nearest patrol car who would secure the premises but not enter. Paul was given an alert tag too.

Meantime, Paul had got a new job to do out in the grounds of a very large house in a country area way out of town. The house had a very large lawn and tennis courts.

It had an even larger allotment area to one side which had a massive greenhouse and several old storage sheds. Then around all of that were wooded areas also belonging to the house which itself was away from the road up a very long drive.

The house was called, ‘Forest Glade.’ Paul had worked there off and on over several years, but this was the biggest job so far. Now that their children were growing up, his customer had decided to have a swimming pool built. Not just your average oblong pool though, this one was going to be pentagon shaped.

A pentagon has five equal length sides. It would be the same shape as the USA Department of Defence in Virginia, built during World War Two. They had arranged with a specialist firm to install the pool which would be in concrete with a tiled surface.

However, due to a large workload, the firm had asked if they could get a local contractor to prepare the ground and excavate the hole. Paul had been their obvious choice. Paul had just bought a second hand JCB ready for disposing of items at his new home, so he didn’t need to hire one for the job as he would normally have done. He had demolished the greenhouse and old sheds the previous week and next excavated the hole for the pool.

He had hired a dumper truck as well as roping his friend Mark into helping him. Mark drove the dumper, removing the spoil as Paul dug it out. Having such a huge area of ground, the spoil was able to be spread around on site, so Mark just had to drive from the edge of the hole and dump the soil in heaps spread out nearby. Paul would level them all off when the hole was finished.

It took the two of them the best part of a week to excavate it all. The pool company had sent plans for him so he could see where he needed to run trenches for water supply pipes, electric cables and a drain.

The drain was a sump, down in the bottom of the pool which would have a pump in it to either circulate the water through a filter or to drain the pool if necessary for maintenance or to lower the water in winter to prevent frost damage.

When they had finished, Paul paid Mark off and then requested the return of the dumper which was collected by the hire firm. The following day he intended returning on his own to level out all the heaps of spoil dotted around over the old kitchen garden area.

Meanwhile, back at the police station, some of the heroin confiscated from the shop was removed from the evidence bag and prepared into three syringes. A normal addict’s dose, a quintuple addict’s dose and a fifty times the normal addict’s dose. These were delivered to DS Brian Johnson who was still holding Adams in his car.

By this time everyone thought that his location was unknown and untraceable. After the delivery was made and the driver had gone, Brians fellow officer took Gerry’s car and followed Brian as he drove to the lock up garages where ‘items’ were to be left.

Adams was told they had to make a pickup on the way back to the station.

Brian drew up as near to the garage as he could, then whilst his colleague opened it up, Brian went to the boot of his car, prepared a hypodermic, then opened the back door. He stuck it in Gerry’s arm firmly before he could realise what was happening. He struggled for a few seconds before going unconscious.

The two of them lifted him out of the car, putting him onto the bench in the garage. Handcuffs where removed, then he was fastened to the bench by the straps that were already fixed to the bench.

These were by his forehead, mouth, chest, wrists, hips, knees and ankles. A gag was pushed into his mouth with the strap around his mouth to stop him making a noise when he came round.

All done, Brians colleague took Adams’s car back to the Station, where it would be reported as found abandoned by the railway station, then impounded under the proceeds of crime legislation.

Brian remained at the garage. After parking his car out of the way, he returned to the garage, went inside, closing and locking the door behind him.

There was a light inside supplied by a car battery. Brian switched it on then sat patiently waiting until the effects of the injection wore off.

When Gerry came round to find himself strapped down, he struggled a little, found he couldn’t move or speak so relaxed. Brian stood up and moved round so he could be seen.

Looking down at Gerry, Brian said, ‘Gerry Adams, you have been found guilty of causing death and destruction to your fellow man by a jury of twelve just men. Their sentence is that you are no longer fit to live. You are to be executed by the same method of suffering that you have inflicted on so many others.’ He showed him the three syringes.

‘The first one is a normal addict’s dose which I am reliably informed will give you a quick short high, then pass off with little lasting effect. I don’t know this from personal experience, nor I am sure do you, but you’re about to find out.’

‘The second syringe holds a quintuple dose which quite frankly I haven’t the faintest idea what it will do to you.’

‘The third syringe holds fifty times the addicts normal dose.’ At this point he held it close to Gerry’s face so he could see how full it was. By this time Gerry’s eyes were wide with terror. ‘I again have absolutely no idea,’ continued Brian, ‘what affect this last one will have on you. I am led to believe that it will kill you. But how painfully or how long you will suffer I don’t know.’

‘Now, I once paid a drug addict twenty pounds to demonstrate to me just how he prepared his heroin and how and where he injected it. Then he let me watch the effect it had on him. That was interesting. You will have a much better idea for you will experience it all personally.’

‘I have already told you of my families experiences due to you, or the likes of you, so you will understand why I volunteered to carry out this sentence. But unlike you I am humane, and my concern is not pure revenge but justice. Yet above all I want to rid the world of such as you. So, I am going to give you just one chance to redeem yourself.’

‘After you have experienced the first dose, I will remove your gag. If you attempt to make a noise, it will be replaced immediately and never removed again. If you immediately give me full information about who, where and how you receive your supplies and pay your cash, I will throw away the other syringes and release you. If you do not, I will continue with the second dose. Do you understand?’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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