The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 7: A New Life For Vernon

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 7: A New Life For Vernon - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

As he shot out of the door he went flying onto his face, tripped by the foot of Police Constable James Wilson who had been posted there. Having run off before, they were taking no chances this time.

James sat on Grahams back, put his handcuffs on him and arrested him. ‘Gavin Wallace alias Graham Williams, he said, ‘I’m arresting you for Rape.’ He read him his rights and warned him other charges might follow.

Aiden and Tom came out at that point, they hadn’t rushed when he had fled, knowing James would be more than capable of stopping him. They walked him back through the factory and took him back to the station.

After booking him in and leaving him in a cell to await interview, they went to Vernon’s home and arrested Shirley on a charge of fraud. Whilst they were doing that another two policemen had been to the sewage works where they found Matthew in his office. He was also arrested on a charge of fraud.

James and Aiden interviewed Gavin first. He was told that he would go to the Magistrates Court in the morning and because he had run away last time, he would be remanded in custody to await sentencing at Crown Court.

He would also be charged with the rape of Vernon, conspiracy to defraud the local council, impersonating a doctor and issuing false medical certificates to assist in a crime. After all that had sunk in, he was told that if he cooperated with the charges against Shirley and Matthew, he would be allowed to have everything other than his original charge taken into consideration.

Gavin knew that meant instead of him getting separate sentences for each crime, he would just get one to cover everything. That would normally be lower than the total of multiple sentences. So, he didn’t hesitate. He made a statement on the spot saying how Matthew and Shirley had asked for his help because they had the care of a youngster that they could force to sign anything they told him to.’

‘They kept his unemployment benefit,’ he told them, ‘But I got a third of the carer’s benefits.’ When asked about the rape on Vernon he said he was having sex with Shirley and Matthew wasn’t happy about it. Matthew knew about his past and told him he’d have no trouble forcing Vernon into doing anything he wanted him to.

‘I couldn’t resist it,’ he said. ‘I didn’t ask, I just took. He isn’t physically strong so he couldn’t object. I was concerned when he passed out with the pain though.’ ‘So did you stop then?’ Aiden asked him. ‘No, I was too worked up by then,’ he said, ‘So I kept going. Anyway, he came round before I’d finished.’

He was returned to the cell then Aiden and Tom interviewed Shirley. Once presented with the evidence from the council and Gavin’s statement, she admitted everything but said Matthew had forced her into it.

Once she had signed her statement, she too was returned to the cells. Next Matthew was interviewed. This time by Tom assisted by James. Aiden said, ‘You don’t need me, you’re an old hand at it now. Show James how it’s done.’

Matthew went down the same lines as Shirley. Admitted it when shown the evidence then blamed Shirley for forcing him into it. Once his statement was signed, he too was returned to his cell.

All three would appear at the local Magistrates Court on Saturday morning.

Meanwhile, at half past four Ken asked Vernon to come into the rest room with him. Ken put the notice on the door and closed it but didn’t lock it.

Once they were seated, Ken told him it had been a pleasure having him working there. ‘Everyone speaks very highly of you,’ he said, ‘So I would like to offer you an official one-month trial employment with a permanent job at the end of it. If you would like to, of course.’

‘I’d love it,’ Vernon said his face lighting up, ‘Thank you so much.’ ‘Now,’ Ken said, ‘I had a word with my district manager earlier. I told him I was going to offer it to you. I also told him I’d let you come in this week voluntarily, just to see if you were suitable.’

‘He immediately told me that as I was clearly happy with you, your months trial could start from Monday just gone. That means because you were officially working here, I can now pay you wages.’ He handed him an envelope.

‘You’ve done five eight-hour days, so at ten pounds per hour you have earned four hundred pounds. Danny had offered to pay for your lunches, but seeing as you are being paid now, I took the liberty of deducting the twenty-five pounds for your lunches for the week. There are also twenty-five pounds in other deductions which I’ll explain to you in more detail next week. So, there is three hundred and fifty pounds in there.’

‘Now, I can’t see any reason why you won’t be staying with us, so by the end of the month I expect you to have a bank account for your wages to be paid into and a tax code from the inland revenue. I’m sure Danny will want to help you with that if you need it. But always remember, I will help you too anytime you want, you just need to ask me.’

‘Next week you’ll work the same hours as this week, then you can start shift work after that. We’ll talk more about that next week too. Any questions?’

‘No, that’s all very clear, thank you,’ Vernon said. ‘Thank you so much for giving me the chance.’ ‘I was willing to take you on for this week entirely because Danny asked me to,’ Ken said. ‘I owe Danny a lot.’ ‘But you got the permanent job entirely on your own merit.’ He stood up and they shook hands. ‘Knock off now,’ Ken told him, ‘I’ll see you next week.’

As he went back through the shop Vernon saw Charlene just packing up ready to go home. He went over and told her, ‘I’m coming back next week.’ Her face lit up. ‘I’m so pleased.’ she said. ‘I’ve got a lot to sort out at home this weekend,’ Vernon told her, ‘But perhaps next weekend you would let me take you out somewhere to celebrate. I’ll ask you about that during the week.’ he said.

‘Whatever it is, I’d love to.’ Charlene told him giving him a lovely smile.

Tearing himself away, Vernon headed off to Johns. As soon as John let him in, he flung his arms around him and said, ‘They’re keeping me on for the rest of the month and if I’m still ok, I can stay for good.’ ‘That’s wonderful,’ John told him giving him a kiss, ‘I’m so pleased. Come on through and tell Danny.’

Danny was sitting in the lounge. He stood up as Vernon came rushing in. He gave Danny a hug and a kiss then his words tumbled out as he tried to tell him all his news at once. ‘I knew you could do it.’ Danny told him.

John had gone into the kitchen, he reappeared saying, ‘Dinner is ready, take your seats in the dining room please.’ Vernon said, ‘Can I help you bring things in.’ ‘Yes, please.’ John told him. Danny went and sat at the table.

John and Vernon brought the food in. They were having a breast of chicken in cream and wine sauce with chips and cauliflower cheese.

John had got a bottle of white wine especially for the occasion, so he poured three glasses out. ‘I’ve never had wine before.’ Vernon told them.

‘If you’re not sure how to eat or drink anything anytime,’ John told him, ‘The simplest thing to do is to watch then copy what everyone else is doing. But here with us of course you can just ask.’ There was silence for a while as they tucked in.

As they finished Danny said, ‘I have some news now.’ He had had a call from Aiden earlier. ‘Graham Williams’s real name is Gavin Wallace. He was arrested for rape of a teenager six years ago. He ran away before he could be sent to prison. He was arrested this afternoon and will be in court in the morning.’

‘Shirley and Matthew were both arrested this afternoon. They have been charged with fraudulently obtaining benefits. They had been claiming unemployment benefit for Vernon and each of them had also been claiming a carer’s allowance for Vernon too. That claim was backed up by a doctor’s report. The doctor was a fraud, it was Graham Williams.’

‘They are also locked up and will appear at the Magistrates Court tomorrow. They have been claiming two thousand seven hundred and thirty-eight pounds every month between them. It seems that Shirley has been in prison previously for similar offences.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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