The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 6: A Life Changer For Vernon

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: A Life Changer For Vernon - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

They sat at the table and tucked in. Vernon chatting excitedly about everything they had seen that day. When he thanked John for the umpteenth time John said, ‘I appreciate your thanks, but I should be thanking you. I’ve had a lovely day too. You know what it’s like being lonely don’t you. Well without you I would have had a very lonely day.’

When they had finished, they both cleared the table. As John put things away, Vernon washed up then John dried. They made a fresh coffee and took them through to the lounge.

Sitting each end of the settee, Vernon told John that he had heard from Danny, and he was going to do his weeks work experience starting tomorrow. ‘I’m so excited about it.’ he said. ‘I’m sure you’ll be fine.’ John told him, not letting on that he already knew.

‘How did you get on at home when you mentioned your new friend Tom?’ John asked. ‘It was strange,’ Vernon said, ‘Shirley went quite pale, and Matthew looked really worried. They were both silent for ages afterwards. Neither of them passed any comment though.’

‘And did you manage to sleep uninterrupted?’ John asked. ‘Yes,’ he said, ‘No visitors.’ John smiled. ‘Do you know what hours you’re working next week?’ John asked him. ‘Eight until five,’ Vernon said. ‘Apparently if I was working their full time, I’d be doing shift work up to ten at night sometimes. But for work experience it’s just eight until five.’

‘Would you like to come round here for dinner on Friday night and let me know how you got on then?’ John said. ‘Yes please, I’d like that a lot,’ Vernon said, ‘As long as it’s not too much trouble.’

‘Of course not,’ John told him. ‘If he’s free, I’ll invite Danny too, then you can tell him all about it as well.’ They had both finished their coffees by then. ‘I’d better go soon as I’ve got an early start tomorrow,’ Vernon said. ‘Can I come and sit close to you for the last ten minutes.’

‘Of course, you can,’ John said and put one arm out. Vernon moved along the settee and snuggled into his side under John’s arm. They sat together for a while, content just to be close. Then Veron said, ‘I’ve had a lovely day, thank you so much.’ He lifted his head up and kissed his cheek.

John kissed the top of his head and told him, ‘I have too, perhaps we can do it again.’ Vernon settled back feeling so happy at the idea. ‘I think it’s time we moved now.’ John said after a while. Vernon stood up reluctantly and John followed.

At the front door Vernon threw himself into Johns arms and they kissed happily. John wished him good luck for tomorrow then stood and watched him walk down the drive. Closing the door, he returned to his usual lonely evening. He was used to it by now, but always after he had had company, he felt it more.

When Vernon got home, Shirley and Matthew were in the lounge and hadn’t heard him come in. As he opened the lounge door, he heard them talking. Shirley was saying something about getting Vernon’s benefits. Then spotting him she stopped speaking.

‘Hi,’ Vernon said, ‘Just thought I’d remind you that I’ll be out early in the morning to start my work experience. Goodnight.’ As he went out neither of them said a word, no good wishes for tomorrow, no enquiries about his day. Vernon went up to bed sad that they cared so little about him. But in bed his thoughts turned to the lovely day he had had with John. He went to sleep feeling very happy as well as excited about the following day.


On Monday morning, Vernon was at the garage bright and early. He introduced himself to Ken who then introduced him to Barney. Barney took him round and showed him where everything was and explained that he would be helping refill shelves today.

He introduced him to Ruth and Charlene. Vera wouldn’t be in until later in the day. Vernon was then left to work with Charlene. She was very shy and quiet too, so the only words exchanged all morning were brief instructions and questions.

At lunchtime the two of them sat in the restroom with sandwiches and a drink. Charlene had brought her own with her as she usually did. Danny had arranged with Ken to supply Vernon with food and drink, and he would settle up at the end of the week. Ken had told Vernon to take any food and drink he needed off the shelves and keep a list until the end of the week.

Although Danny had said he would pay for it, Ken had already decided that he would sort that out himself.

As Vernon and Charlene ate, they had relaxed enough with each other to exchange some family details and interests. By the end of their lunch break, they had both overcome their natural shyness with each other and were able to chat more during their working afternoon.

As the end of the day approached Ken sent for Charlene who in response to his question told him Vernon was a hard worker and seemed to pick up very quickly where everything went. As he was about to knock off for the day, Ken told him he had done very well for his first day. Vernon went home feeling very happy.

Later that evening, Ken texted Danny and told him. Danny was delighted. He thanked Ken who replied, ‘The least I could do.’ Both Danny and John had had a text from Vernon earlier saying, ‘First day went really well.’ xx Danny sent him a thumbs up back and John texted, ‘So pleased, enjoy the rest of your week, see you Friday.’

Shirley and Matthew didn’t even mention it.


Tuesday Danny had a text from Aiden. ‘Car is registered to a Graham Williams at this address.’ He added the details. ‘Couldn’t find him on any other records. Have asked for a copy of his driving licence photo.’

‘Matthew and Shirley have nothing outstanding but five years ago she was released from a three-year prison sentence for fraud involving benefits claimed from the local council in Eastbourne.’

‘Will update re Graham sap.’

Danny thanked him and said he’d be in touch soon.


Wednesday afternoon Tom texted to ask if they could meet up re Vernon. After a phone call to check, Danny arranged for them to meet up at Johns when Tom finished at six. ‘John knows everything I know about Vernon,’ he told him.

Six thirty saw the three of them sitting around the table in John’s kitchen with a coffee each. ‘I went into the benefits office yesterday,’ he said. ‘I spoke to the manager and told him I was investigating something that had shown up during another investigation.’

‘I asked him not to make anything known for the moment until I had chance to get all the facts together. He agreed so I gave him Shirleys, Matthews and Vernon’s names. He said he would look at the records himself and get back to me.’

‘He called this morning and asked me to call in to see him today,’ he said, ‘It seems that Vernon’s full name is Vernon Andrew Hardman. Shirley is listed as carer to Vernon Hardman and receive a carers allowance and is also paid his unemployment benefit direct into her bank. The total monthly payment she receives is one thousand five hundred and fifty-one pounds per calendar month.’

‘The reason she gets a carers allowance for him is that he suffers from total memory loss and needs twenty-four seven attention and minding. He also has to be helped with washing and dressing himself.’

‘Doesn’t he need medical evidence for that?’ John asked. ‘Yes,’ Tom said looking through his notes. ‘The medical certificate was signed by a Doctor Graham Williams.’ ‘Do you have an address for him?’ Danny asked. As Tom read it out Danny typed it into his phone.

‘There’s more,’ Tom said. ‘Also at the same address is a claim for Carers allowance for one Andrew Hardman of one thousand one hundred and eighty-seven pounds per calendar month which is paid to Matthew. Andrew is apparently totally incontinent and needs washing and changing six times a day. He also has to be helped with feeding. The doctor certifying that is the same Doctor Graham Williams at the same address.’

‘The manager told me they only showed up because he checked on Shirleys name and Matthew’s name. There was nothing in Andrews claim or in Vernon’s claim to arouse any suspicion.’

‘So, between them, they are getting two thousand seven hundred and thirty-eight pounds a month.’ Danny said. ‘What do you want me to do Tom asked?’ ‘Nothing for the moment,’ Danny told him. ‘Aiden is looking into a visitor to the house for me who strangely is called Graham.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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