The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 1: Vernon Wets His Pants

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: Vernon Wets His Pants - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Vernon’s cock was standing up rampant, in full view and waving about very happily. As Danny and John studied it, they could see it was average size, fairly similar to Johns and a fraction smaller than Danny’s. As Danny took hold of it, Vernon smiled at him and said, ‘That feels lovely.’

When they both put their hands over it and all four hands massaged his cock and his balls, he was making a lot of happy noises. Then when they moved round and included all over his hairs and up and down both of his groin’s he was screaming with delight, making it very clear he was loving every minute.

‘Now Vernon,’ Danny said, ‘You are very, very, relaxed with both of us. You’ve told us an awful lot about all the things that have happened to you, and you have accepted us as your friends.’

‘Because I have helped a lot of people with problems and difficulties in their lives, I know that Matthew, Shirley and Graham made you do a lot of things to them. I’m equally certain that they made you let them do things to you too. Things that if you had been given the choice, you wouldn’t have done. Just answer me ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ for the moment, ‘Is that true?’

‘Yes.’ he said without any hesitation. ‘Thank you.’ Danny said, ‘What I want you to do now is to answer some more questions and then tell me everything that happened when they were in your bedroom. Do you think you will be able to do that?’

‘Yes,’ Vernon said. ‘I can’t think of anyone else that I’d ever be able to talk to about some of the things that happened, but I know I’ll be able to tell my friends.’

‘Well done,’ Danny said. ‘Before we do that, would you like another hug. You can choose if it’s just a hug or if it’s the same as the last one?’ ‘Oh yes please,’ Vernon said sounding excited. ‘Can it be like the last one?’

‘It’ll be very slightly different,’ Danny told him, ‘But I promise you it will be just as nice, and the end result will be exactly as you are hoping for. Just let me slip these off so you can stand up.’ He took hold of his underpants and slid them down to his feet and off. Then they all stood up.

Vernon was now completely naked, and his cock stuck out hard in front of him. Danny and John still had their shorts on but they both had a very large bulge sticking out in front of them.

‘A three-way hug first.’ Danny announced. They all came together and hugged. Feeling his bare cock against the others shorts sent exciting feelings through Vernon. He wasn’t sure if he’d understood properly, would John and Danny take their shorts off to match him or had he misunderstood?

He soon found out. Danny backed out of their hug and told him to give John an individual hug. He did and again it felt lovely being so close. As they hugged, they ran their hands up and down each other’s backs as they had done previously.

‘Put your hands down inside my shorts and massage my cheeks,’ John told him. His cock gave a lot of throbs as he did. With a hand on each of John’s cheeks, his cock wouldn’t stop throbbing. ‘Now, move your hands to the side and hold my hips.’ John told him.

‘Keep going round to the front.’ John said as soon as his hands reached his hips. ‘Feel free to explore and touch anything you bump into.’ John said. Vernon reached his cock and carefully took hold of it. His own cock was doing a dance.

He thoroughly enjoyed himself feeling John’s cock in his hand, feeling it throbbing and also holding his balls with his other hand gave him a lot of pleasure too. ‘That’s lovely,’ John said in his ear, ‘Now can you please take my shorts off for me.’

Vernon needed no encouragement. He kept hold of Johns cock, let go of his balls and used that hand to slip them down. Once he had uncovered his other hand still holding John’s cock, he let go and knelt down in front of him.

Taking his shorts right down, he helped him step out of them. Then still kneeling he examined the hard cock in front of his face. John had rested his hands on Vernon’s head and was massaging gently. Vernon moved forward and kissed the underneath of Johns cock making John cry out happily.

It also made his cock throb hard enough to whack Vernon on his nose. That didn’t seem to bother him. He stood up and they hugged. This time with two bare cocks happily locked together and throbbing gently.

After a long kiss John said, ‘Go and give Danny a hug now.’ As he turned Vernon was thinking he might get to repeat all that with Danny. But when he turned round, he found Danny standing waiting for him already completely naked. His face lit up and he went into his open arms. After a kiss and a long hug with their cocks introducing themselves to each other, Danny said in his ear, ‘Kneel down now and have a good look at my cock. Touch anywhere you want to, ok?’

‘Ok.’ Vernon said feeling so excited. As he knelt down, his own cock was leaping about all over the place. Once his face was directly opposite Dannys cock he studied it fascinated. It was standing hard and straight. He reached out and explored it with his fingers making it flex in his grip which felt lovely.

He decided that John was the same size as himself, but Danny was very slightly larger. He felt all over his balls and gave his cock a kiss, this time managing to move before it hit his nose.

When he stood up, they had another three-way hug. They all enjoyed it but it was clear to John and Danny that Vernon was enjoying it the most. ‘Right,’ Danny said after a while, ‘All take one step back now.’

They stood looking at each other. ‘Vernon put your hands out and take hold of my cock with one hand and Johns with the other.’ he instructed. Both their cocks throbbed at his grip. ‘Now John, you do the same with Vernon and me.’ he said.

John took hold of Dannys cock partly over Vernon’s hand and was the first hand to hold Vernon’s cock. Then Danny took hold, one hand on John’s cock partly over Vernon’s hand and one hand on Vernon’s cock partly over John’s hand.

‘This is a very special position,’ Danny told Vernon. ‘It’s a position you probably will never experience ever again. It’s a position you could only be in if you were sharing it with very special friends. Remember it anytime you feel down in the future and let the memory cheer you up.’

They all let go and had another spontaneous three-way hug.

Following Dannys instructions they resumed their positions on the settee. Vernon had his head on John’s lap, but this time with his hard naked cock flexing against his ear.

Danny was sitting back at the side of the settee facing Vernon. ‘As we talk,’ Danny told him, ‘Feel free to put your hands anywhere you want.’ ‘Thank you,’ Vernon said. Then he reached up and put one hand at the side of his head and pressed John’s cock harder against his ear. He loved feeling it throb through his hand and his head.

With his other hand he reached out and took hold of Dannys cock. He was content to just hold it gently whilst he listened to Danny. Danny rested his hand by Vernon’s cock so that it was standing up between his thumb and forefinger, his palm was resting gently on his balls.

‘You are not over bright, as you put it.’ Danny said. ‘But that is not because you lack intelligence. It’s because all the things that have gone wrong in your life have robbed you of a lot of knowledge. Once you learn what you’ve missed, you will be as bright as any average person.’

That sounded so good to him. Vernon just knew that his life was going to change for the better from today onwards.

‘It’s clear to me that there is a lot of basic knowledge you lack.’ Danny continued. ‘Knowledge about how your body works. How a woman’s body works and above all what you should and should not do with your own body and other people’s bodies. As I said before none of this is your fault, if no one teaches you, you cannot learn.’

‘Before I start increasing your knowledge, I first need you to tell me everything there is to know about your life with Matthew, Shirley and Graham. If you find something you need to tell me too difficult to say, don’t worry. If I see you are struggling, I’ll help you out, ok?’ ‘Ok,’ Vernon said. ‘Thank you.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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