The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 6: Vernon The Vulnerable Virgin
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: Vernon The Vulnerable Virgin - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘But I know you will feel better about it if I can prove it to you. Tell me first from what you have learned today, where about in a vagina is that special lump?’ Ken thought briefly then said, ‘At the top.’
‘And how far inside would you say roughly?’ Danny asked. ‘About an inch near enough.’ he replied. ‘Well done,’ Danny said, ‘That is quite correct. Stand up now.’
He told him to stand sideways between his legs. He wrapped his thumb and index finger around Kens cock up against his hairs. ‘Now imagine my fingers are a vagina,’ Danny told him. ‘You are in as deep as you can go. Would you agree that the top of your cock that my finger is touching is about where the lump would be.’
When Ken agreed Danny told him to do a few thrusts as if he was having sex. Ken did three before Danny squeezed his cock and told him to stop. ‘Look at where I’m holding,’ Danny said, ‘That’s the furthest you came out. How long would you say it was between my fingers and your hairs.’
‘About two inches,’ Ken told him. ‘So, that shows you that the only bit of your cock that gets the woman worked up is that two inches. Now change places.’ When Ken sat down Danny dropped his trousers and his shorts. Ken studied his cock with interest. It hung down soft and looked around the same size as his when it was soft.
‘Play with it,’ Danny told him, ‘Make me hard.’ Ken took hold of it, stroked it and couldn’t resist bringing his other hand up and feeling his balls. Danny was soon very hard. Now he saw it hard, Ken decided that Danny was slightly longer than him but a bit thinner.
‘Now hold mine like I did yours.’ Danny instructed. ‘When I start thrusting, any time you want, hold it tight as I pull out and say stop.’ As Danny started making the moves Ken was enjoying feeling it in his hand and took some time before he clamped his finger tight and called stop.
‘How long would you say the gap is?’ Danny asked. ‘Pretty much the same,’ Ken said, still keeping hold. ‘So, you who have never had sex,’ Danny told him, ‘Used exactly the same part of your cock as me who has had it lots of times. What does that tell you?’
‘As long as your hard cock is two inches long or more you can make love well enough to make your girl happy.’ Ken said a big beam lighting up his face.
‘Well done,’ Danny said. He sat back at the end of the settee and told Ken to lie down. As he put his head on Dannys bare legs, he felt his cock throb against his ear. He turned his head to look at it. Carried away with excitement, he kissed it.
‘That was nice,’ Danny told him. As he stroked Kens cock, it throbbed in his grip. ‘The first time you make love now,’ Danny said as he kept stroking it, ‘You can do so knowing that even if your cock was twice as long or twice as thick, it would still only make her as happy as you are doing.’
As he enjoyed Dannys stroking, Ken turned his head and took hold of Dannys cock. He started stroking it. As Danny speeded up on Kens cock, he started letting out some very happy noises. The more excited he got, the faster he stroked Danny.
Holding Danny made his special feeling come on very quickly. He felt it start then grow rapidly. ‘I’m coming.’ he called out moments later. He let go of Dannys cock and concentrated on enjoying the lovely sensation Dannys hand firing him gave him.
As he gave an ecstatic cry, he shot four jets of cum. Danny kept moving until after he had fired then slowed down to a stop. He held it gently whilst it shrank, then laid it down on Kens hairs. Ken gave him a big grin, said, ‘That was lovely.’ then turned his head and kissed Dannys cock again. It throbbed like mad as he did.
Danny mopped up Kens cum off his chest then asked, ‘Do you want to change places and fire me seeing you’ve got me so hard?’ ‘Yes please,’ Ken said delighted at the unexpected opportunity.
They changed over, Danny taking his top off as they did. As Danny laid his head down on Kens soft cock, Ken took hold and started stroking. Dannys feeling kicked in right away and grew nicely. Ken was clearly enjoying himself as he had a big smile on his face.
As he got close Danny called out, ‘I’m getting near.’ Ken went faster and locked his eyes on Dannys tip. ‘Coming now,’ Danny called out as a lovely sensation rolled through him. He shot three jets of cum up into the air.
Kens eyes followed the jet from tip to chest, fascinated. As the flow stopped, he wrapped all his hand around Dannys cock and held it firmly. He enjoyed feeling it shrink in his hand before laying it down.
Danny reached up for some more tissues off the back of the settee and mopped his own cum up. ‘Stay there.’ he instructed. He got up, went to the kitchen, washed and dried his chest then brought a cloth and towel back for Ken.
He sat on the edge of the settee and washed his chest and his tip, then dried it. Ken reached out and took hold of Dannys now soft cock whilst he did it. Putting the towel down Danny took hold of Kens equally soft cock.
‘When you do this with someone,’ Danny told him, ‘It means that any problem you have in the future no matter how embarrassing you think it is, you can come and tell them about it.’
They stood up and had a naked hug and a long kiss. ‘Thank you,’ Ken told him, ‘Not only was all that a valuable lesson, but it was also extremely enjoyable.’ They got dressed then after another hug Ken left.
Danny rang John and returned to work in the garden. It was still only twelve o’clock.
As he heard the church clock strike one Danny packed up to go in and have his lunch. Before he reached the back door it opened, and John stuck his head out. Seeing him heading towards him John smiled and said, ‘I was just about to call you in. The kettle’s on and we have a visitor.’
Walking into the kitchen Danny saw a young man sitting at the table. He guessed he was a couple of years older than himself. Slightly taller and a bit heavier than Danny, he looked well-built but slightly over padded at the same time.
He stood up and came over to shake hands. John introduced him. ‘This is Vernon,’ he said, ‘He’s a neighbour of my friend from the Civic Centre. He was out with George this morning and they bumped into Kens mum. She had told them how happy Ken was now and what a difference it had made to him coming to see you.’
‘Then I bumped into George and Vernon. So, we went for a coffee. George insisted on telling me all about Vernon’s life. I could see it was upsetting him, but George kept going on about it and saying he was sure Vernon must have some problems Danny could help with as he felt he had been much more withdrawn than usual lately.’
‘Anyway, he finally shut up and went to the toilet. Vernon and I looked at each other. I raised my eyebrows and Vernon said, ‘He’s a lovely man and he means well.’ I gave him one of your cards. ‘If you ever did need Danny,’ I said, ‘You can be sure that he would never repeat anything you tell him ever. He never tells me anything either and George would never know you’d even been to see him.’
‘He’d only just put your card away when George returned so we said no more. Then when we left the café George and Vernon went one way and I went the other.’
‘I went into one more shop then headed back home. On the way Vernon caught me up. He was on his own. I’ll let him explain to you later, I told him to just come in and meet you, then he could decide. I promised him that regardless of whether he stayed or not, George would never know he’d been.’
‘Danny’s about to have his lunch,’ John told him. ‘I’ll make us all a coffee and you can sit and chat to us as he eats. Then if you decide you’d like to stay, I’ll go out again and leave you to it.’
‘I don’t like to drive you out of your house,’ Vernon told him. ‘It’s ok,’ John said, ‘I don’t mind. I look on it as doing my bit to help. Anyway, it gets me out and about so it’s good for me.’
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