The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 2: An Unwanted Pregnancy

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: An Unwanted Pregnancy - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘That’s good,’ Lewis told her, ‘You’re showing an ability to trust someone after a few meetings. So, if the man at work did ask you out and you felt able to go out with him a couple of times, you should soon be able to relax with him.’

‘I hope so,’ she said, ‘I don’t like the idea of spending my life alone.’ ‘Quite right,’ Lewis said, ‘Humans are not meant to be alone.’ They finished their coffees so Lewis told her, ‘In a moment we will start sorting you out.’ He explained all about pass and stop and saying ok to everything. The questions and the massage.

‘Normally I would tell you that you can get up and walk out at any time without having to explain why. But here it will be up to you to say just one word, ‘Leave.’ If you do, I won’t question it, I’ll just get up and go. If that should happen, you can invite me back any time if you wish.’

‘Now stand up please.’ When they were both standing Lewis told her, ‘I’m heading for the door. When I get there, if you have taken your shoes off and are lying down on the settee, I’ll come back. Otherwise, I’ll just let myself out.’

He turned and headed for the lounge door. Looking back, he saw Jenny lying on the settee. He smiled at her and returned. ‘Are you ok if I sit here?’ he asked indicating the edge of the settee. Jenny gave him a big beam and said, ‘Yes.’

‘Well done,’ he said as he sat down. ‘Now remember that everything moves at your speed, not mine. We will not discuss the rape until you are very relaxed with me.’ he told her. ‘When we are through, I expect that you will be able to date happily with your friend from work or anyone else you choose.’

‘That sounds so good.’ Jenny told him. ‘I want you to turn over when you feel ready,’ Lewis instructed. ‘I’ll then massage the back of your head until you say ‘Go.’ When you do, I’ll start asking you questions about your life and also start massaging down your back. Remember those two important words, ‘Stop’ and ‘Pass.’

He sat and waited. Realising he wasn’t going to push her, Jenny turned over. Once she was settled Lewis placed his hands on her head and started massaging. Jenny felt his gentle touch and to her surprise it only gave her a feeling of pleasure. Although she liked Lewis, she had thought that such close contact might be different.

She enjoyed the massage on her head for several moments, then she said, ‘Go,’ firmly and clearly.’

As he moved down onto her shoulders, Lewis said, ‘Can I ask how old you are?’ ‘I’m twenty-nine next month,’ she said. Moving down her back he asked, ‘How long have you lived in this flat?’ ‘Nearly five years now,’ Jenny answered, ‘It crossed my mind to move after it happened, but then I said to myself, ‘Why should you it’s not the flat’s fault and I’m happy here.’

‘That sounds good sense.’ Lewis said as he reached her waist. ‘Where did you live previously?’ he asked as he moved down onto her cheeks. He felt her tense very slightly then relax almost immediately. As he massaged all over them, she told him, ‘I shared a flat with two girls from work for three years.’

Moving on down her legs Lewis asked, ‘How did you find sharing?’ ‘It wasn’t ideal,’ she said, ‘But we all got on well and none of us could afford our own place at that time. When I left, I was the last of the original three. The other two had moved out at different times. One had got married and the other moved in with their boyfriend.’

‘But the replacements fitted in just as well. I only left because I wanted my own place and by then I could get a mortgage.’ Lewis had come back up and was massaging her cheeks again, this time with no sign of any tension. As he moved over her waist onto her back, Jenny said, ‘You’ve got very gentle hands.’

As he massaged up her back, he asked, ‘Where did you live before the shared flat?’ ‘I was in digs whilst I did a short university course,’ she told him, ‘Then before that I lived at home with mum and dad.’

‘Do you have any brothers or sisters?’ Lewis asked as he massaged her shoulders. ‘One brother three years older than me,’ she said, ‘He’s married and lives abroad.’

Reaching her head, he gave it a quick massage and told her to turn over. ‘You’re doing fine,’ he said, ‘How are you finding it?’ ‘It’s very relaxing,’ she told him, ‘And you are so gentle.’

He smiled at her, ‘I’m going to go down your front the same now,’ he told her, ‘With more questions of course.’ Jenny felt excited at the prospect. After the massage on her back, she was sure the one on her front would be just as nice if not nicer.

Lewis massaged her head, then moved onto her temples. Jenny enjoyed that even more, it took her a while before she said ‘Go.’ As he moved down onto her shoulders he asked, ‘How did you get on with the boys at school?’ ‘Fairly well,’ she told him, ‘I used to get plenty of invites to birthday parties.’ As he moved down over her breasts she paused briefly, said, ‘Oh that feels so nice,’ then continued, ‘In my last two years at secondary school I went on several dates with two of the boys I liked most.’

‘When you left school,’ Lewis asked as he passed over her stomach, ‘Where you still a virgin?’ ‘Yes,’ she said, ‘Much to the annoyance of the two boys.’ Lewis grinned, ‘How did they take it?’ he asked as he massaged over the front of her trousers. ‘They were disappointed,’ she said smiling at the memory, ‘But they understood and were ok about it.’

‘In both cases, we carried on dating for a while after they knew they were out of luck, and we parted good friends.’ ‘Can you tell me how far you got with them?’ he asked as he moved down her legs.

‘With the first one, he caressed my bare breast inside my top and I felt his cock over his trousers,’ she admitted. ‘The second one in the last year, we got as far as stripping each other off and lying on the bed. I’d made it very clear beforehand we wouldn’t be having sex and he seemed to accept it but still managed to enjoy what we did. We both did.’ She added happily.

‘What did you do?’ Lewis asked as he massaged back up over the front of her trousers. She had a smile on her face and felt very relaxed. ‘We explored each other all over,’ she answered with a smile. ‘Then on the very last occasion I fired him by hand, and he gave me a climax.’ ‘Did you find it hard not to go further?’ Lewis asked. ‘Very.’ she said. ‘I think if we hadn’t left school soon after, it probably would have happened.’

‘Why were you so determined about it?’ he asked as he massaged over her breasts. ‘When I was fifteen my brother was eighteen.’ Jenny told him with a ‘mmm’ slipping out in between. ‘He got his girlfriend pregnant. They got to the stage where they had to tell both sets of parents. They had both been planning to go to university and had their careers all mapped out.’

‘Just as they were about to cancel their university places, Georgia had a miscarriage and lost the baby. They had both decided they would get married and raise the baby. I know they were sad, but I suspect they were also both quite relieved.’

‘They went to university after all, got their degrees, got good jobs and got married. Then they got a job abroad. They seem very happy together.’

‘I hadn’t even noticed she was pregnant and wouldn’t have known about it at all if my brother hadn’t told me. ‘Don’t let it happen to you sis,’ he said, ‘Make sure you get your qualifications first.’

As Lewis took his hands off her head she said, ‘That was very nice, I wouldn’t have believed I could relax so much now.’ ‘You’re doing well,’ he told her. ‘In a moment I want you to turn over and I’ll go down your back again. But before you do I want you to consider taking your top off so that I can massage your back directly on the skin.’

‘That will feel much nicer and will relax you even more. But remember, you only do what you feel at ease with. If you can’t do it, it’s fine, just turn over as you are.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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