The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 1: Poetic Justice
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: Poetic Justice - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘He backed off me for a moment or two,’ Doreen continued, ‘Then suddenly he thrust hard against me, ramming himself fully in as hard as he could go. I was still very sore from before, the pain made me scream again, this time it was muffled not only by the gag but because my face was on the ground. He got hold of my hips and again he was like a wild animal.’
‘Because of the position he felt like he was deeper inside me plus he must have torn some of my insides previously for I was stinging as well. It was excruciatingly painful, but this time I didn’t pass out. Soon he was going away even faster, then he gave a sort of a grunt and an extra hard push. I felt a wet warm feeling inside as he came. I remember thinking at the time I wonder what diseases he has just filled me with.’
‘When he stopped moving, he stayed inside me for a while, still holding my hips. I felt him shrivel up and slip out, but he still knelt there holding my hips for a little while. Then he backed away and stood up. I heard movement as he got dressed. I thought this is it, he’s finished at last, but will he kill me before he goes. I remained still, not that I had much option.’
‘Then I felt his hands by my neck, I thought perhaps he was going to strangle me, but instead he started undoing the belt around my mouth.’ ‘I’m going to take the gag out,’ he said. ‘If you make a sound, I’ll use the knife.’
‘He pulled the cloth out of my mouth, it felt so good being able to breath freely once more. The last thing he said was,’ ‘I’m leaving. If I hear you calling out, I’ll come back and kill you.’ ‘Then suddenly he was gone.’
‘I was still alive, the tension left me then I burst into tears. I don’t know how long I cried for, then I heard a voice calling,’ ‘Hello, are you ok?’
‘I shouted out, ‘Help me, please help me.’
‘A middle-aged couple came in through the bushes, the lady screamed when she saw me, apparently there was blood running down my legs from the damage he had done inside me. The man summed it up quickly. He told his wife to go back to the path, so she didn’t trample any evidence then he undid the cords holding me, gave me his jacket to wear and helped me out onto the path. His wife put her coat around my waist, and I sat down in the warm sunlight, frightened, very sore, but so happy to be alive.’
‘The man rang the emergency services. Fortunately, we were not far from a road, so police and ambulance arrived quickly. I was wrapped up in a blanket then carried to the Ambulance who then brought me to the Accident and Emergency department at the hospital here.’
‘That’s all I can tell you,’ Doreen finished, ‘I hope it helps.’ ‘That was excellent,’ Aiden told her, ‘You’ve done really well.’ He gave her his card. ‘If you think of anything else give me a ring. I’ll type up your statement then bring it back to you to sign. Is there anything I can get you or can I contact anyone for you?’ His offer declined Aiden went back to the station.
Back at the station he was informed that the swab taken from Doreen when she was admitted had given them the DNA of the attacker. Unfortunately, he was not identified on the national data base, but his DNA did match the DNA recovered from three other rapes over in the nearby city. One of those victims had had her throat cut. The other two had been very badly beaten.
The sample from Doreen would be tested for all sorts of infectious diseases, but it would be three months before all infections could be ruled out. However, the same tests had been carried out on the first victim which was over three months ago. Her results had come back completely clear. So, unless the perpetrator had picked something up since, she would be ok. One other factor that had been found via the DNA was that the attacker was of Muslim origin.
Aiden returned to the Hospital to get Doreen to read through then sign her statement. When she had done it, he broke the other news to her. First, he told her the hospital had managed to rescue a semen sample from her. He explained that this had shown Muslim origin, also that it was not on the police data base.
‘The sample will also be tested for diseases,’ he told her, ‘Unfortunately it will be three months before the tests can give you the ok. However,’ he added quickly, ‘Another sample from a victim of the same attacker showed clear. So, the likelihood is that you are ok on that score.’
‘Tell me about the other victims,’ Doreen requested. Aiden said, ‘Are you sure?’ ‘Yes,’ came the firm response. ‘There are three that we know about, all in the city suburbs,’ Aiden told her. ‘Two were badly beaten up, as well as having relatively minor internal damage like yourself. The third one,’ ‘Go on,’ Doreen said as Aiden paused.
‘The third one,’ Aiden continued, ‘Is dead.’ ‘How?’ asked Doreen. ‘She had her throat cut,’ came the reply. ‘It was done by a knife similar to the one you described. From our assessment of the scene and the body, it was done during or at the end of the second rape.’
‘I have no doubt,’ Aiden told her, ‘That you escaped with your life because of the way you dealt with the situation.’ Doreen nodded, ‘I agree,’ she said, ‘Although it’s not entirely down to me, being tied up the way I was, most of the time I couldn’t have fought back even if I had wanted to.’
Aiden thought it best not to mention that they had not found any traces of cords being used on the previous victims.
Detective Sergeant Tommy Bell was stationed at town police station. He was one of the lower ranking officers in the Supers group. Not because the Super deliberately made it elitist. It took quite a few years of observation on the job before he felt able to risk inviting anyone to join him. Tommy had impressed him early on, so by the time he set up the group, he was already on the Supers list.
One of the things that had impressed the Super was when, as a detective constable investigating a string of burglaries, Tommy had arrested a suspect then searched his home. During the search he discovered a set of military medals that he suspected had been stolen from a local boxer, now in his seventies, who had had a distinguished career during World War two.
The culprit claimed he had bought them in all innocence from a collector. However, he couldn’t remember who the collector was, how much he had paid plus he had no idea what any of the medals where. So why would he be collecting them. It was even more strange as one of the medals was the Victoria Cross, a very special award that anyone with the slightest interest in medals would know.
However, nothing else incriminating was found so Tommy had had to let him go, pending further investigation, feeling that one set of medals would not be enough to secure a conviction. He was quite convinced that he had the right person, as he had a record for burglary stretching back years.
Tommy wrote up his report, then went to see the victim. Showing him the medals, he had confiscated, he recognised them instantly. As some were engraved with his name, Tommy had no hesitation in returning them to him immediately. He explained that he had taken them off a suspect that he was certain had carried out the burglary, but there was not enough evidence to secure a conviction.
‘I’ve just written up my report all about him,’ he said, patting the folder he had brought in, ‘I’ll give it to my superiors but I’m sure no further action will be taken even though we’re sure that he is responsible for many other break ins.’
‘I’ll need your signature on a receipt for the return of your medals,’ he said. ‘I’ll just pop out to my car and get the form.’ Leaving his folder on the table he went out to his car, sat in it for several minutes, then returned to the house with his form, which the boxer happily signed and thanked him.
Tommy picked his report folder up, which he noticed had moved slightly from the position he had left it in. Smiling to himself, he departed, feeling sure some retribution was about to fall on the burglar.
A few weeks later, Tommy had to go to the local Hospital to interview an Accident and Emergency nurse who had dealt with a road accident on her way home from duty.
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