The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 6: Tyrone Meets His Match

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: Tyrone Meets His Match - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  


Thursday morning Danny went to see Ken at the garage. Ken had told him he was the only one of the three managers on duty that day. Ken brought the original clock into the restroom with him at Dannys instruction.

Danny packed up the radio alarm and hung the clock back up. ‘That’s it,’ he told Ken. ‘I think you have a good idea what they have been up to, but I’m not going to confirm or deny it. What I can tell you is that very shortly Peter and Gerard will be leaving. Whilst there’s no guarantee you will then get the job, Gerard will not be applying. Also, Peter will have given you an excellent reference.’

In response to Dannys question, Ken told him Peter would be on duty from eight until ten tomorrow and Gerard would be on at the same times on Saturday. Ken was back in on Sunday.

‘As soon as they have both left for good,’ Danny told him, ‘We will meet up and I’ll give you the lessons I promised. Now what have you been doing about your diet.’ ‘I’ve cut out beer altogether,’ Ken said. ‘I told the darts team my doctor had said if I didn’t, I wouldn’t last out the year. So, they are all being very supportive.’

‘I’ve been checking my weight and it’s definitely going down.’ ‘That’s good,’ Danny told him. ‘Just remember, even when your weight goes down, it’ll still take a while for the stomach to disappear.’ Ken gave him a hug. ‘Thank you so much,’ he said. ‘Even if I don’t get the manager’s job, at least if Gerard doesn’t get it, my present job should be safe.’ Then he showed him out.

Returning home, Danny looked through the video’s he had taken in the restroom. He picked out the most revealing shot of Peter and Gerard together, then one that showed Peter mainly but with Gerard in it. Finally, one that showed mainly Gerard but with Peter in it too.

He saved the three shots as stills, then transferred them to his phone. Next, he edited all the restroom videos into one, excluding everything that wasn’t Peter and Gerard. The resulting video he transferred to his phone.

Then he made a voice recording on his phone of Peter and Gerards conversation about Gerard’s doubtful Degree. Also, Peters comment about lying on his reference about Gerard standing in for him.

All set now, he thought through what he was going to say and do.


At nine o’clock Thursday evening, Brian picked Lewis up from outside the shop. Driving over, they parked down the road from Mary’s. They were able to park a good distance away but still see her front door.

They chatted generally as they waited. Brian had brought some chocolate bars with him which they nibbled at as they waited. It was ten fifteen before they spotted Mary and Tyrone going in through the front door.

Once they were inside, Brian drove the van over and parked as close to the front door as he could. Then it was more waiting.

Tyrone had collected Mary as arranged at seven o’clock. He had taken her to a nearby restaurant and had been both a gentleman and good company all through the meal. Mary was beginning to wonder if Lewis had got it all wrong. But then during the meal she had realised that Tyrone was pumping her for information about herself without giving much away about himself.

After the meal, he had driven her home. ‘Would you like a coffee?’ she asked, as she would have done to any date. ‘Yes, please.’ he answered. They went in and she took him into her lounge then went and put the kettle on.

Returning shortly with the coffees, Tyrone was sitting on the settee, so she sat at the opposite end. They chatted about their evening whilst they drank their coffee’s.

When Tyrone got up as if to leave, she stood too. He came over to her and as he came close said, ‘Thank you, it’s been a lovely evening.’ He reached out and took her in his arms, giving her a kiss on the lips.

Mary returned his kiss, something else she would have done with a normal date. Then instead of breaking away, Tyrone kissed her again harder. One hand came up between them and he took hold of her breast quite roughly.

‘Hey,’ she said, ‘What are you doing?’ and struggled to break away. ‘You’re going to have the night of your life,’ he said, ‘Come.’ He took a tight hold on her wrist and started to head for the bedroom.

‘Now just hold it there,’ she said. ‘You’ve gone too far, it’s time you left.’ She dug her heels in. He took no notice and dragged her on. Although he was much stronger, her resistance was making it difficult for him to move very far.

Without warning he relaxed, then gave her a hard smack across the face. Mary was startled and it took all her training not to react as she could. It had hurt, so she had no difficulty putting on an act and crying.

‘Shut up,’ he said, ‘Or I’ll give you something to cry about.’ She gave a couple more sobs then stopped. He dragged her into the bedroom and told her, ‘Strip off, or I’ll rip every shred of clothes off you. Believe me that could be painful, and you never know I might slip.’

He reached into his inside pocket and pulled out a knife. That was the last straw, Mary let her training take over. She spun round and pulled him towards her, ducking down as she did.

Tyrone suddenly found himself flying through the air. He dropped the knife and crashed into the solid bedroom wall. His head hit the wall first and he collapsed in a heap on the floor. He was completely unconscious.

Mary rolled him onto his front and tied his wrists together, then his ankles. Next, she tied a rope between his ankles and his wrist. Finally, she put a blindfold on and a gag.

Looking round she was pleased to see that apart from a slight mark on the wall where his head had hit, there was no other damage. She stepped back and looked down at him with distain.

Then returning to the lounge she rang Lewis. ‘He’s sleeping like a baby,’ she said, ‘Come and get him.’ Then she went and opened the door. Lewis and Brian were already approaching.

She showed them Tyrone and related what had happened. ‘I gave him every chance,’ she said, ‘Whatever happens now, he deserves it.’ Lewis and Brian rolled him into the body bag, then Lewis used one of the hypodermics that Brian had given him.

That would ensure he stayed out of it for a good half hour. ‘I’ll give you a hand,’ Mary said. ‘Brian and Lewis took hold of the straps at the head of the body bag. Mary took the ones at the foot. Brian had opened the back doors before they came in, so Tyrone was out of the building and on the van floor in less than a minute.

No one seemed to have seen them. Lewis shook Mary’s hand and thanked her for her help. ‘We have no idea how many he’s raped previously,’ he told her, ‘But you could well have saved hundreds more.’

Mary watched the van drive away and wondered briefly what would happen to him. Returning inside she had a drink then sent a report through to Major Edward.

Brian drove to the garages, backed up to the middle door and opened it. He typed in the alarm code then opened the inner door. Lewis had opened the back of the van by the time Brian wheeled out a low hospital type trolley.

They dragged the body bag onto it and wheeled it inside. Brian went out and locked the van up, then closed the up and over door, then the inner door behind him.

The LED lights made the inside as bright as day. Between them they dragged Tyrone off the trolley onto the big wooden table. They opened the bag and rolled him out. He was still out cold, so they undid all the ropes then strapped his head, shoulders and chest down to the bench with the leather straps that were attached to it.

They left the blindfold and gag in place. Next, they took his shoes, trousers and shorts off. There was a strap that went round his waist so that was fastened, then using some of the other straps his legs and feet were fastened so that his knees were drawn up and his feet were wide apart.

Lewis put a disposable glove on then pushed several pieces of tissue up his bum to stop any leaks whilst he was unconscious. He fastened a flexible tube round his cock which was large but not as big as Lewis’s. He put the other end in a bucket they had found in the garage. Now if he let a wee go it wouldn’t go all over the place.

His cock was tied up so that it lay stretched out on his front pointing up towards his head to keep it out of the way of his scrotum.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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