The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 2: When A Dream Comes True

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: When A Dream Comes True - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

The feeling Julian was getting was tremendous. His cock was doing a mad dance. Lorraine kept kissing him as he did it.

As he took his hand away, Lorraine said, ‘When you have done that a few times with her blessing, the next thing you can try is to put your hand up inside her top and feel her breast directly over her bra. Then another time you can put both hands up her back and undo her bra. Don’t worry about trying, just do it slowly and gently. You can be very sure that she’ll soon stop you if she isn’t happy with what you’re doing.’

‘Once you have undone it, you can then safely move your hands around the front and caress her bare breasts which you will both enjoy. Get out of bed now,’ she told him. When they were both standing facing each other, Lorraine told him, ‘Give me a kiss and whilst we’re kissing, put both your hands up inside the back of my top and pretend you are undoing my bra.’

She pulled him to her and kissed him. Julian held her tight, then prompted by Lorraine he gingerly slid his hands up inside her top and slid them up her bare back. Feeling her lovely soft skin under his hands was so exciting.

‘Now pretend to undo my bra.’ Lorraine told him. He did the best he could. ‘Ahh that feels so good when it goes slack,’ Lorraine said. ‘If I haven’t objected by now, I’m not going to object when you move one hand round to my front and caress my breasts. So go ahead,’ she said.

‘Really?’ Julian said. ‘Yes,’ she told him. ‘Take your time and enjoy it.’ He started to slide his hand round to the front. ‘Keep going.’ she prompted him as he hesitated. He felt his fingertips touch the soft skin of her breast and froze. Lorraine kissed him again and said, ‘Don’t stop, feel all over it and rest your hand on it.’

Julians heart was going ten to the dozen and the feeling of her lovely firm, but soft breast was blowing his mind. Lorraine let him enjoy it for several minutes then said, ‘Take your hand out now.’ When he did, she said, ‘Now there is a very important thing to remember when you make love.’

‘You are not doing it just for your own enjoyment. It should be enjoyed just as much by your partner. I’m sure Danny will teach you more tomorrow but everything you enjoy your partner should enjoy too.’

‘You have just enjoyed feeling my bare breast. So, I am going to put my hand between your legs like I did last night. Is that ok with you?’ ‘Yes, definitely.’ Julian said remembering how exciting it had felt.

‘Whilst I do,’ Lorraine told him, ‘Why don’t you put your hand on my other breast?’ She pulled him close and kissed him again. This time he needed no encouragement. He slid his hand up inside the front of Lorraine’s T shirt and cupped it over her breast.

‘That was very gentle,’ she told him, ‘And it feels lovely.’ Then she resumed kissing him. As she did, Julian felt one hand move from his shoulder and slide down his back. When it reached his waist, it slid round to the front and started down. As her hand rested over his cock with just his shorts between them, it throbbed like mad. Julian was worried he might get so excited he would fire in his shorts.

Lorraine moved her hand around feeling it. Then she slid her hand further down and moved her fingertips between his legs to gently stroke his balls. Julian was struggling to keep kissing as well as trying to make happy noises.

When Lorraine stepped back and let go, she saw a very happy face. ‘Now,’ she said, ‘Think of everything I’ve taught you and everything we’ve done. Tell me if you think we have both had equal enjoyment or if one of us has had more than the other.’

Julian ran through everything in his mind. ‘Well, we’ve both had equal amounts of kisses,’ he said. ‘I’ve felt your breasts over your T shirt and then inside on the skin. You have felt my cock but over my shorts. So, I guess that I have enjoyed more things than you.’

‘So can you think of a way to balance it up better?’ Lorraine asked smiling at him. Julian went very red. ‘You could put your hand inside my shorts.’ he said. ‘That would do it,’ she said, ‘And it would give me a lovely feeling. But would you enjoy it too?’ Lorraine asked. ‘Enjoy,’ Julian said, ‘It would be absolute bliss.’

‘I think so too,’ Lorraine told him. ‘But before we do it like we’ve just done, do you remember when I handed you your shorts last night and I saw you naked?’ ‘Yes,’ Julian said, ‘You were the first girl ever to see me naked since I was a baby.’

‘Well, if you wanted to,’ Lorraine said, ‘Instead of me just putting my hands down inside your shorts, you could strip off altogether. Of course, if you did, I would have to make it equal by doing the same.’

‘You mean we would both be naked?’ Julian said open mouthed. ‘Yes,’ Lorraine replied smiling at his excitement, ‘Could you cope with that?’ ‘Oh yes, definitely.’ he said.

‘Ok, give me a kiss then.’ Lorraine told him. They hugged and kissed until Lorraine said, ‘Take two steps back. They looked at each other briefly, then Lorraine told him, ‘When I say turn, we’ll both turn our backs. Turn.’ she said.

When they were standing with their backs to each other and four steps between them, Lorraine said, ‘Now strip off completely, but keep your back to me.’ She stripped off and waited a few moments. ‘Now, still with your back to me, take one step backwards.’ She did the same.

‘When I say go,’ she instructed, ‘Take another step back, but be careful as we will bump into each other. Go.’ Suddenly two bare bums touched sending shivers of excitement through them both, but especially Julian.

They stood still enjoying the feeling. ‘When I say turn,’ Lorraine told him, ‘We will both turn, put our arms around each other and kiss. Turn.’

They both turned, held each other tight and kissed. Julian could feel Lorraine’s bare breasts against his chest. At the same time his very hard cock was throbbing against a nest of hairs. Knowing they were over Lorraine’s vagina made him feel like he was about to explode.

They stood locked together for a while. Then Lorraine said, ‘This time when I say go, we will both take two steps back. Then you can look at me as much as you like, and I will do the same to you. Go.’

They each stepped back. As they studied each other, Julian enjoyed looking at the first pair of naked breasts he had ever seen. But these were very special breasts. Not only where they Lorraine’s breasts, whom he had come to love dearly. They were breasts that he had actually felt.

His cock wasn’t throbbing anymore. It was so hard with excitement it couldn’t possibly move without breaking. Then he let his eyes move lower. The big clump of hairs at the bottom of Lorraine’s abdomen and going down out of sight between her legs had shortly before been resting over his cock. Behind those hairs he well knew, was that mystery as yet unknown to him, a vagina.

As he glanced up, he saw Lorraine was studying his cock. She glanced up and gave him a beautiful smile. As she did, feelings he had never before experienced swept through him and he exploded. Well perhaps not him, but his cock certainly did.

As Julian cried out in absolute wonder, disbelief and total pleasure, his cock shot four massive jets of cum towards Lorraine. As an amazing feeling flowed through him, he watched the four jets sail up in the air a little, head over to Lorraine and then curve over to land on the carpet between her feet.

The pleasure was still flowing through him as he stopped firing and shrank. Before he had shrunk completely, Lorraine had come over to him and took him in her arms. ‘Wow,’ she said, ‘That was amazing, I’ve never had an experience like that before. I hope it wasn’t too much for you.’

As she held him tight, Julian lifted his head up and they kissed. Then he said, ‘That was wonderful, I’ll never ever forget tonight.’ ‘You deserved it,’ she told him, ‘You were so brave. Now there’s one more thing I want you to do which will help you with Dannys lesson tomorrow, Put your hand flat on my hairs.’ Julian did, as his heart raced. ‘Now move your index finger around slowly and let it go through my hairs and find the opening to my vagina.’ Lorraine instructed.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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