The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 8: James Gets His First Arrest

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: James Gets His First Arrest - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘Gregory having seen it too, has agreed.’ the DI told them. ‘James, as arresting officer you’ll have to be in court just in case. But it doesn’t look likely that you’ll be called.’

‘Because he’s got previous,’ he said, ‘He’ll be remanded in custody for sentencing at the crown court. He should get ten years at least.’ ‘What does previous mean?’ Julian asked. ‘It means he’s been in court before for attacking people.’ the DI told him.

‘From the date Mrs Jones thinks he arrived at yours, he must have only been released from prison a few days earlier.’ ‘I had no idea,’ Mrs Jones said. ‘He said he’d come to see his brother. Then when he found out he had died, he just took over.’

‘Well, you’re well rid of him now.’ the DI said. ‘You’re lucky to have good friends.’ he said smiling at Julian. ‘Yes, I am.’ Julian told him.

Back at Julians, Lorraine helped Mrs Jones change Gregory’s bed. ‘Julian mentioned you went to chapel.’ she said to her.’ ‘Yes, my dear.’ she answered. ‘Well, I should tell you that Danny and I intend to marry when we’re older and we often sleep together.’

‘It was obvious to me you were a couple the first time I saw you,’ she said. ‘Do your parents know?’ ‘Yes,’ Lorraine told her, ‘We often sleep together at each other’s homes with their blessing.’ ‘Then it is not for me to go against your parents.’ she said. ‘You’re very lucky to have each other, make the most of it.’

Lorraine gave her a hug. ‘Thank you,’ she said. ‘If you and Danny want to come to Llandudno in future,’ Mrs Jones told her, ‘You will always be welcome to stay here. I know Julian will always be delighted to see you anytime.’

When the bed was done, she wished Lorraine goodnight. ‘It’s way past my bedtime,’ she said, ‘And I need my sleep. We’ll breakfast at ten tomorrow, as we’re up so late.’

Julian had had a brief chat with Danny as soon as they got back, then he had gone up to have a soak in the bath. Lorraine went downstairs and found Danny sitting in the lounge with a coffee. He got up and kissed her, then went and made her a cup.

‘That was an exciting evening,’ she said, ‘I’m so glad I came.’ ‘When I asked Julian how he was feeling when we got back here,’ Danny told her, ‘He said he was so glad it was all over.’ ‘I told him I’d get all the memories out of his mind soon.’

‘You’ll never guess what he said.’ As Lorraine looked at him, he told her. ‘Julian said there was one memory he never wanted to lose. Being held in the arms of a lovely lady whilst he was stark naked.’

Lorraine smiled, ‘How sweet,’ she said. ‘It’s funny, I felt so sorry for him after what he’d suffered, I even thought of stripping off to hug him and cheer him up.’ ‘That would certainly have worked.’ Danny said grinning.

Just then Julian came in. His face lit up as soon as he saw them. They both stood up and hugged him at the same time. Julian didn’t want a drink, so they all sat down together.

‘I’ve been thinking,’ Danny said, ‘James will want to return home tomorrow as soon as the court case is over. How about we accept Mrs Jones hospitality and stay on a few days.’ Julians face lit up at that.

Lorraine agreed. Danny told Julian, ‘Off you go to bed now, you can sleep peacefully and dream of a happy life from today forward.’ He stood up and gave him a hug and a kiss returned by Julian with such happiness.

Then he turned to Lorraine and hugged and kissed her too. As they broke away Julian looked at Lorraine as if he was going to ask her something. Then he changed his mind and turned away. ‘I’ll come and tuck you in in a moment.’ she said. The beam on his face confirmed to her that that was what he had intended to ask her.

After he’d gone Danny grinned at her, ‘I think he might be in love with you.’ he said. ‘Do you mind?’ Lorraine asked. ‘No,’ Danny said, ‘I like him too and if I choose to have such a lovely girl as my partner, I have to expect others will desire her.’

‘That’s such a sweet thing to say.’ Lorraine told him. She got changed for bed, then went along to Julians room. He was in bed sitting up. As she walked in, he gave her a lovely smile. She sat on the side of the bed and took him in her arms.

As he nestled into her with his head on her shoulder, Lorraine kissed his ear and said, ‘I think what you did tonight was a very, very, brave thing. But it wasn’t the sort of thing a young boy would do. It was the action of a very grown-up young man.’

Julian felt very proud. Then his heart leapt. ‘So, I’m not going to kiss you goodnight like I did last time,’ she told him, ‘I’m going to give you the sort of kiss that a grown-up lady would normally give an equally grown-up man that she was very fond of.’

She took her arms away and sat back, then took his face in her hands. She smiled at him then leaned forward and kissed him gently on his lips. She held her kiss for several seconds then broke away.

Julian looked dazed but very happy. Lorraine stood up and said, ‘If you liked that kiss and think you could cope with a longer one, why don’t you get out of bed, pretend I’m your girlfriend and kiss me.’

Julian couldn’t move for a moment with excitement. Then he got out of bed and as he approached, Lorraine put her arms out wide. Julian put his arms around her and put his lips on hers. After his practice with Steve all that time ago and recently his kisses with Danny he was quite proficient. He launched into a full powered kiss immediately which Lorraine happily returned.

Julian was in a dream world having Lorraine in his arms in just her shorts and T shirt, kissing like grown-ups and holding each other so close he could feel her breasts pressing against him through just two thin T shirts.

Then he came down to earth with a bump as he realised that he had gone as hard as nails. Not only that, but it was pressing against Lorraine. Not just pressing but flexing madly.

As he was about to panic, Lorraine who had realised he hadn’t been aware he had gone hard, pulled him tight to her. She said quietly in his ear, ‘Don’t worry about being hard, that happens all the time to Danny when we get this close.’

‘I’m not offended. I take it as a great compliment that I have caused it. Now get back into bed.’ As he broke away Lorraine pulled the duvet back for him to climb in. As he lay down flat, the front of his shorts stuck up in the air. ‘That’s lovely,’ she said as she covered him up.

She tucked him in then sat on the side of the bed. ‘Before we go home,’ she told him, ‘I know Danny wants to get the bad memories out of your head. He’s good at that and he will succeed. Being close together like we have just been will also leave some happy memories in your head long after we have gone home. They will help you too. Happy dreams,’ she said and kissed him on his forehead before going out.

Back with Danny in Gregory’s old room she smiled, ‘I told him how brave he had been and gave him a proper kiss,’ she told him. ‘He went as hard as a rock immediately. I think he will sleep happily tonight.’

They got into bed, wrapped themselves in each other’s arms and were asleep in seconds. By then it was two am.’

The next morning, they all met downstairs for breakfast. Danny asked Mrs Jones if they could stay a couple more nights so he could make sure Julian was ok. ‘Of course,’ she said, ‘You’ll always be welcome here.’

Over breakfast she asked Danny, ‘What should I do about Gregory’s things, I don’t want them here?’ ‘There is no doubt that he will go to prison for a long time,’ Danny said, ‘So you’d be quite justified after what he’s done in putting the whole lot in the bin.’

‘However, I suggest that you let Lorraine and me go through all his things and put them into black bags, some for the bin and some could go to the charity shop. If I come across anything I think should be returned to him, I can pass it on to the police.’

‘That would be a big relief.’ she said looking very happy about the idea. ‘Well, how about we do that after breakfast,’ Danny said, ‘Then Lorraine and I will take you and Julian out for lunch. I’ll let James know where we are then he can come and let us know what’s happened before he goes home.’

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