The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 6: Julian Gets A Clear Scan

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: Julian Gets A Clear Scan - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘I thought it was only going to happen once.’ Gerard said. ‘You want the reference, so you have to keep me happy.’ the older man said, ‘No one’s forcing you.’

The younger man looked resigned and went over to the armchair. He knelt down with his head on the seat. The older man opened a tin of Vaseline and poked some into his bum. He had gone hard. He wasn’t over big, Danny reckoned he was just slightly larger than himself.

He knelt down behind the kneeling man and put his hands on his hips. As he pushed his cock in, the younger man cried out with what sounded like a happy cry. Then the older man started thrusting in and out steadily.

After a while you could see him speeding up and his thrusts in getting harder. Then he let out a long cry of, ‘Oh yes, yes, yes.’ Clearly that was what Barney had heard through the grill the other day. As he came to a stop, he lay down on Gerards back.

Several minutes later he got up and as he turned to face the camera you could see his limp cock hanging down and a single drop of cum dripped off the end.

Gerard got up and as he turned his cock was bigger than Peters and very rampant. Looking at it, Peter said, ‘There you are, you’re enjoying it too.’ He took hold of it and it flexed at his touch.

‘I’m going to give you a special treat today,’ Peter said, ‘You can go up me, I’ve often wondered what it felt like.’ ‘I don’t want to.’ Gerard said. ‘Tough,’ Peter told him, ‘You do it or I won’t be pleased. You wouldn’t want that would you.’

As Peter gave him the tin and moved over to the chair he warned Gerard, ‘Just mind you make it enjoyable, not painful,’ he said, ‘That would be very bad for you.’ then he knelt down.

Gerard pushed some Vaseline into Peters bum plainly doing it far more gently than Peter had done. Then he rubbed a bit over the top of his own cock.

Kneeling down behind him, Gerard put his tip to Peters bum. He must have been pressing very gently because nothing seemed to happen for a while. Then he started moving nearer to Peter very slowly as his cock penetrated deeper and deeper.

Occasionally Peter would let out a cry of ‘oooh.’ Gerard froze each time then when he was certain it was a happy cry, he resumed. Soon Gerard was tight up against him. His cock would now be in Peters bum as deep as it could go.

Gerard took hold of Peters hips and waited. ‘Ok,’ Peter said, ‘You can try moving now.’ As Gerard eased out then pushed back in, Peter cried out, ‘Oh that’s lovely, keep going,’ Emboldened by that, Gerard started moving in and out, still slowly but steadily.

As Peters noises grew, Gerard speeded up, then as he neared his end, he called out, ‘I’m coming any minute.’ He lost control then, no more gentle thrusting, he started thrusting in like a bull at a barn gate until with a scream of delight and a final hard thrust he shot his load.

As he came to a stop, he held himself in as long as he could, then stood up. His cock now very limp hung down soft. On Gerards face was an enormous beam of pleasure.

Peter stayed kneeling for a while, then he struggled to his feet. ‘Are you ok?’ Gerard asked nervously, aware he had let himself go a bit too much at the end. Peter looked at him expressionless for a moment or two, then a beam lit his face up. ‘That was amazing.’ he said.

‘Our next meetings will be the same, both of us going up the other. Make it as nice as that and I’ll write you the best reference anyone has ever had.’

‘Thank you,’ Gerard said smiling at him, then the two of them put their arms around each other and kissed. As they were getting dressed, Peter asked, ‘How did you manage to get your degree?’ ‘What do you mean?’ Gerard asked.

‘You never seem as if you know half of what you should.’ Peter told him. Feeling safe with him now, Gerard said, ‘I had two people who fancied me at uni. One was taking the same subject, so he was always eager to help with my assignments. The other was a tutor, so exams were never a problem.’

‘So did you have to encourage them much?’ Peter asked sounding interested. ‘Not a lot,’ Gerard said, ‘They were both so eager to go up me, I made them wait for long times in between to keep them in excited anticipation. I think in five years I probably only had to let them up me about ten times each.’

‘So that’s why you were willing to let me do you,’ Peter said, ‘You’d done it before and enjoyed it.’ ‘Yes,’ Gerard admitted. ‘But you were the first I’ve ever gone up. That was very special.’

Then they went out and the room remained empty for the rest of the day. Danny made a recording of their meeting and filed it on his computer.

That evening the second of the month showed Julian sleeping peacefully in his bed. As he disconnected, Danny started to wonder about whether Gregory might attack on the Thursday evening, the fourth, instead of waiting for the fifth.

He decided not to take the chance and texted Tom to see if he could come with him Thursday night as well, just in case. Tom messaged back an hour later. ‘Sorry, I kept Friday free but my shift for Thursday’s been changed, I’m working.’

Now it was in his mind Danny was even more concerned and determined to go to Llandudno just in case. ‘It’s ok,’ he said, ‘I’ll see if Aiden can come.’ ‘I know he’s on duty Thursday.’ Tom sent back almost immediately.

Danny decided at that point there was nothing else he could do. He’d have to leave it until Friday as planned. After all he consoled himself, Everyone of Gregory’s previous attacks have been on the fifth.


Danny put in another day with Paul at the garages. Early on they had a delivery of re-enforcing mesh in sheets sixteen feet by eight feet. Yet another driver was asked to unload them with his grab straight up onto the roof.

They spent the rest of the morning spreading them out and tying them together with wire wherever they overlapped. By lunch time the whole roof area was covered. After their usual chippy lunch, they propped all the sheets up off the roof on lots of one inch square and one-inch-thick timber blocks.

Then they returned inside. The bench was nearly finished now. Paul had completed insulating all the walls and was busy covering the insulation with waterproof boarding. That evening he checked the restroom camera and saw nothing untoward. Later he checked on Julian and found him sleeping peacefully.


The next day they were at the garages early. First off there was a concrete pump delivered. They just had time to set it up when a ready-mix cement wagon pulled up.

The driver emptied its load of three and a half cubic metres of concrete slowly into the concrete pump. That pumped it up onto the garage roof. Paul stood on the roof holding the pipe and spreading the jet of concrete around as best he could. Because the mesh was up on the one inch blocks the concrete filled a layer of concrete under the mesh and then over it. That meant the finished slab would have the re-enforcement in the middle.

Danny had a garden rake and was helping spread it out. As soon as all the concrete was out of the mixer, that wagon left. Once they had all the concrete reasonably level, Danny and Paul tamped it down with a long plank, working from one end to the other and tamping the last bit whilst each was standing on a ladder.

Because they had no pressured water supply, they had rung the hire firm as soon as the concrete arrived. They came before the pumping was finished and took it away the moment all the concrete was on the roof. They would clean it out at their yard.

When the concreting was finished, they spent the last hour working inside. Danny finished the bench by bolting leather straps to the top at appropriate spacings so that a body could be held securely in place. Then he returned to helping Paul. They now had the chemical toilet in place surrounded by a wall and a door plus a small sink.

They had put a bigger sink in the main area. Both sinks were fed with water pumped from the rain collection tank. Lighting was in and the battery plus spare was on a shelf in the entrance area.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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