The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 6: A Big Surprise for Peter

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: A Big Surprise for Peter - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Saturday morning found Peter arriving at Carols to start his morning gardening. As usual, he let himself in the front door with the key Carol had given him. He walked through the house, opened the back door and went out into the garden, closing the back door behind him. He had picked up the key to the shed on his way through the kitchen, so he opened up and first off, as he always did, he got the electric mower out and opening up the side gate, he went out front and mowed the small front lawn.

When finished, he returned to the back and started mowing the bigger rear lawn. Halfway through, he had to go to the bottom of the garden and empty the grass cuttings onto the compost heap, before completing the rest of the back lawn. Having done so, he emptied the cuttings once more then put the mower away. His next job was usually to go around the lawn edges with a wheeled gadget that trimmed them neatly. Today was no different and it was a fairly quick operation. Putting the gadget back in the shed, he decided it was time for a drink before he went round picking up the bits that he had just trimmed from the lawn edges.

He went into the kitchen and put the kettle on, then made himself a cup of coffee. He sat at the kitchen table eating a biscuit from the tin that Carol had told him she expected to empty quite quickly, otherwise she wouldn’t feel she was looking after him properly. Finishing his drink, he put the tin away, washed his cup and as he was about to go back to work, realised he needed a wee.

Going upstairs to the bathroom, he padded silently in his stocking feet, having left his shoes at the back door as he usually did. Reaching the top of the stairs, he started to walk along the short landing to the bathroom when he got the shock of his life. One of the bedroom doors suddenly opened and Carol stepped out. It was hard to say who got the biggest shock.

Carol hadn’t gone out as she usually had to on a Saturday, so she had slept in. Waking up late and needing the bathroom she stepped out of her bedroom to find Peter on the landing. They both jumped and stood for a second looking at each other in surprise.

On top of Peters heart stopping surprise at someone appearing when he thought the house was empty, was the shock of realising that Carol was stark naked. He took her body in at a glance noticing her lovely shape, tuft of hair and firm breasts before doing the gentlemanly thing and turning his back to her.

Carol, being in her own house and stepping out of her bedroom, naturally felt completely at home and at ease, so it wasn’t until Peter deliberately turned his back on her that she suddenly remembered she was as naked as the day she was born. She looked at Peter standing with his back to her and said, “Well, that was unexpected.” Peter had gone crimson with embarrassment and stammered, “I’m so sorry, I had no idea you were at home, I was just going to the bathroom.” “It’s not your fault,” Carol told him, “I should have remembered you would be here.” As she spoke, she reached inside her bedroom and took the robe off the back of the door. Putting it on, she said, “It’s ok, you can turn around now.

Peter turned round slowly to find her standing in a white bathrobe, all fastened up. Carol smiled at him, then seeing his embarrassment, she told him, “Relax, it wasn’t your fault and no harms done. Then looking at the front of his trousers, Carol said, “You better go to the bathroom first, you look as if you’re about to burst.”

Peter suddenly aware that he had a full hard on which couldn’t be missed, blushed bright red and charged into the bathroom. He was so flustered he didn’t close the door behind him. Carol was puzzled not to hear his wee hitting the pan. What she didn’t realise was Peter was so hard after what he had seen, he couldn’t bend his cock down low enough to hit the pan. He had to drop his pants and sit down, even then he had to lean forward.

Coming out of the bathroom, he found Carol still on the landing. “Don’t go away,” she told him, “I’m bursting, I’ll be back in a minute.” As the bathroom door closed behind her, he wondered what would happen now. He thought he might get the sack, which would upset him, he was enjoying his Saturday job, as well as the extra cash. He tried hard not to remember what he had seen so he wouldn’t stiffen up again, but it was very difficult.

He heard the toilet flush, then the sound of water running in the sink. A moment later the door opened, and Carol emerged, still in her bathrobe. Peter avoided eye contact, still feeling very embarrassed. Carol came up to him and put her hands on his shoulders. “Look at me,” she commanded. Peter lifted his head and made eye contact. “You have done absolutely nothing wrong,” she told him, “This was all my fault and I think you were a real gentleman the way you turned around after you got over the shock.”

Peter felt better immediately, although having her hands on him didn’t help his fight to stay soft. Carol continued, “I’m really pleased with my garden,” Carol told him, “I want you to stay for a long time, so I don’t want this causing any problems between us, understood?”

Perter nodded, pleased, but still embarrassed. “I have an idea how we can make things better,” Carol told him, “Let’s sit down and I’ll tell it to you, then you can tell me what you think.” Carol led him into her bedroom and as she sat on the edge of the bed, she patted the bed beside her. “Come and sit down,” she told him, you can’t go all shy with me now.” She gave him a lovely smile as she spoke. At that point, Peter had to give up all attempts to control his cock which swelled up more than it had ever done. He hoped sitting down would conceal it.

“Was that the first time you’ve seen a woman naked?” Carol asked him. Peter nodded, not trusting himself to speak. “I remember the first time I saw a naked man,” Carol said, “I couldn’t get the vision out of my mind for ages.” Peter pictured the scene in his mind and his cock throbbed as much as the restrictions of his pants would allow. “There are two ways we can handle this,” Carol continued. “We can get up and carry on as if nothing happened, or we can try my idea. I don’t think the first option would work very well, we both know what happened, I don’t think you will be able to forget what you saw for a long time, and I know that what you saw made you erect so every time we saw each other we would be thinking of those two things. Would you agree with me on that?”

Peter nodded again. “So, here’s my suggestion,” Carol looked him in the eye and asked, “Did you enjoy seeing my ancient old body?” This time Peter spoke, “It wasn’t ancient, it was beautiful,” came his instant response. Then he blushed again, realising what he had just said. “I guess that means yes,” Carol said, giving him another knee weakening smile. “Thank you, Peter. I suggest that we both stand up, we both strip off, no touching, but we stand six feet apart and you can look at me for ten minutes without worrying or feeling embarrassed and I can look at you too. Then at the end of ten minutes, we get dressed and then we carry on as before.”

“You won’t feel embarrassed about seeing me because I will have seen you too, so one will cancel out the other.” Then she added, “If it works, but unless we try, we’ll never know. I’m game, how about you?”

Peter’s heart was pounding as he weighed it all up, he would feel embarrassed at stripping off in front of Carol, especially with a hard on already. But against that was ten minutes of erotic joy looking at that gorgeous body and burning the picture into his mind. Also, he thought to himself, one day I’ll have to strip off for my girlfriend, so it’s a sort of practice.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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