The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 1: Ken’s Two Secrets

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: Ken’s Two Secrets - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Ken looked at Danny in horror at the idea of actually saying out loud what had happened. ‘Pass.’ he said feeling so relieved he had that option. ‘Ok,’ Danny said, ‘We’ll carry on getting you relaxed and come back to it. Just think, when you eventually feel able to tell me all about that, you’ll have no difficulty telling me about your problem afterwards.’

As Danny reached his head, he smiled at him and said, ‘Well done. Now I want you to turn over again so I can go down your back once more. What I want you to do before you turn over, if you feel able to, is to take your top off.’

‘I can tell how relaxing you’ve found the massage and that will help you tell me more and more about yourself. If I can massage your back on the skin instead of your clothes, it will relax you so much more. Remember every bit more you relax makes it easier for you to let go of things you have kept bottled up.’

‘But it’s your choice, only do it if it won’t upset you.’ Ken lay still thinking. He looked at Danny and saw a happy and caring person. It suddenly hit him that he had just massaged all over the front and back of his body, even over his cock and he was still lying here relaxed. He should be having a fit of embarrassment, but he wasn’t.

He sat up and took his top off. As he lay down and turned over Danny saw a reasonably strong and muscular figure apart from his beer belly. He was around the same height as Danny.

Danny put his hands on the back of Kens head and massaged. Ken said, ‘Go.’ quite quickly, eager to feel the massage on his back. As Danny massaged the back of his now bare shoulders, he could feel how strong Ken’s muscles where.

‘That feels nice.’ Ken said as Danny asked, ‘How did you get on with the other boys at school?’ ‘They were ok,’ Ken said, ‘I played some games and mixed a bit, but I was always very shy so I didn’t make friends easily.’

‘Did you have any close friends?’ Danny asked as he moved down his back. ‘Not really,’ Ken said, ‘Apart from Chris who lived next door. We had grown up together, so we stuck together all through school. He was quiet and shy like me.’

‘Did you mix much out of school?’ Danny asked as he reached his waist and massaged his cheeks over his trousers. ‘Quite a bit,’ Ken said thinking back. ‘We each got on well with the other’s parents, so we spent a lot of time at each other’s homes.’

‘Did you go away on holiday together?’ Danny asked. ‘No,’ Ken said, ‘Neither set of parents were very well off. Holidays were a luxury we couldn’t afford. But one year when Chris and I were just coming up to fifteen, he and I went to stay with my cousin and his family for three days.’

‘Chris and I had to share with my cousin Tony who was a year older than us. It was the first time I’d ever shared a bedroom with anyone. Before we went the idea bothered me a lot, I almost backed out of going.’

As he started back up his legs Danny asked, ‘How did it go the first night?’ ‘Pass,’ Ken said immediately as he went bright red. Danny said nothing and just kept massaging. ‘How about the girls at school?’ he asked. ‘I know you never went out on a date with them, but how did you get on generally.’

Ken thought for a moment, his redness was fading now he knew he didn’t have to answer the previous question. ‘Ok, I guess,’ he said, ‘I didn’t mix with them much but there were a few who were really nice and spoke to me sometimes.’

‘How did you react when they did?’ Danny asked as he massaged over his cheeks and back onto the bare skin of his back. ‘I went tongue tied most times,’ he said, ‘But there was one, Elaine who seemed as quiet as I was. I always seemed to be able to speak to her after a few minutes together. She never seemed to mind if I didn’t say anything, so that took the pressure off.’ he added.

As Danny massaged his shoulders he said, ‘Elaine was probably longing for you to ask her out, but like you, she was far too shy to suggest it. Turn over now.’

As Ken turned over, he said, ‘Do you really think so?’ then went quiet as he thought how sad it was that neither of them had said anything. Danny looked down his front. He had a medium bush of hairs on his chest. His shoulders looked strong, but he was starting with man boobs to match his beer belly.

‘I’m going to go down your front again now,’ Danny said, ‘You don’t need to say go anymore, I know you feel able to say stop if you need to. When I reach your waist, I’ll get hold of your belt. If you don’t say pass, I’ll undo everything around your waist. That will release the pressure on your stomach as well as relaxing you even more. Also, it will mean that when you turn over next, I will be able to give you even more relaxing options.’

Strangely, although he was still too embarrassed to tell him some things, the massage was so nice he now felt fine about his body being touched. Danny massaged his head then moved onto his shoulders.

As he did, he noticed Kens cock was still slightly stiff. It hadn’t grown any more, but it hadn’t shrunk either. ‘Can you remember how old you were the first time you played with yourself and fired?’ Danny asked. Ken went red again and remained silent. Seeing it Danny added, ‘I’m sure you know that every single male does that regularly. I know I do.’

Ken had always thought that was so from snippets he’d heard at school, but he’d never been completely certain. Even after he started doing it himself, he had wondered if he was a bit odd. Hearing Danny saying everyone did it so openly made him feel a lot better.

He swallowed hard and answered quietly, ‘I was just short of fifteen.’ ‘Was that before or after your holiday with Chris?’ Danny asked remembering his age. At that point he had reached his waist and was holding his belt. At the question, Ken went red again, his cock went much harder, and Ken gave a gasp of horror as he felt it happen.

‘That’s great,’ Danny said smiling at him, ‘You’re really relaxing now, I’ll bet you never thought you could ever do that. Now look me in the face.’ Danny told him. When he did, Danny said, ‘You are erect. Getting erect is a perfectly normal and natural function. I know you are erect. You know that I know you are erect. I am delighted that you are erect because it shows how relaxed you are with me. So, in that case there’s absolutely no reason for you to feel embarrassed about it.’

As he had been speaking, he had taken Kens silence as an ok. He undid his belt and top button, then as he slid his zip down his belly grew noticeably as the pressure was released. Ken actually sighed with relief at the feeling.

‘Now surprise yourself,’ Danny told him, ‘Say out loud, ‘I am erect, and I don’t care because it feels nice.’ Ken had gone red again, but as he thought it through, he realised Danny was correct. He looked down and saw his trousers undone, the bulge pushing his shorts out of his trousers and Danny looking at him.

He suddenly felt a wave of relief sweep over him as he relaxed. He took deep breath and said proudly, ‘I am erect, and I don’t care because it feels nice. ‘Very well done,’ Danny said. ‘That was a major step forward. Incidentally, whatever the three of you did in your cousin’s bedroom, it’s more than likely that I have done it too, as well as many other teenagers.’

Ken doubted that, but for some reason the thought that he might end up actually telling Danny about it suddenly didn’t seem so bad.

As Danny came back up the front of his legs over his knees, Kens cock gave a flex. He glanced at Ken to see his reaction. Ken had started to look concerned, then he glanced up, saw Danny had seen it and grinned at him. ‘I am relaxed aren’t I.’ he said sounding very surprised.

As he moved on up his thighs Danny asked, ‘Can you answer my last question now?’ Ken looked blank. Then he remembered. ‘Oh yes,’ he said, ‘It was immediately afterwards.’ As he massaged over the front of his trousers as well as the uncovered area of his shorts, Kens cock was doing a lively dance.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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