The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 1: Ian Admits He Was Ditched
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: Ian Admits He Was Ditched - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Ian could see where the tiny bulge of his cock was normally. As a rule, the bulge was so small that it was hardly noticeable. But now it was twice its usual size and sticking up like a small tent pole. That was due to him thinking about his night in bed with Jacob.
‘I should be having a total melt down being like this in front of anyone,’ he told Lewis, ‘Let alone someone I hardly know. Yet for some strange reason I feel completely relaxed.’ ‘That’s excellent,’ Lewis told him, ‘It shows the massage is working well.’
‘Remember,’ Lewis said, ‘Every teenage boy in the world stiffens up when he thinks about sex. What your cock has just done is perfectly natural. Mine does it all the time.’
Ian knew that of course, but hearing Lewis say so made him feel a lot easier. Plus telling him that it happened to him too made it seem even better.
Lewis put his hands on Ian’s head and massaged before moving down onto his shoulders. ‘So, what did you do?’ he asked. ‘I lay totally still for ages,’ Ian told him. ‘I thought that if I moved and woke him, he would be so embarrassed.’ ‘Was he the first person apart from yourself to hold your erect cock?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes,’ Ian admitted. ‘Apart from worrying about how Jacob would react, were you enjoying all the feelings you were getting?’ ‘Yes.’ Ian admitted going bright red.
Lewis had noticed as he massaged down his chest that his bulge was moving around a little. It had also grown a bit more although it still looked very small.
As he massaged over his stomach Lewis asked, ‘How did you get away?’ ‘I very slowly put my hand over his hand and managed to inch it off over the end of my cock,’ Ian said. ‘It was a nightmare, every time I slid it off a little, my cock throbbed like mad with the feeling. I froze each time and Jacob made a sort of grunt in his sleep. Then I tried again. After three goes his hand was off me at last. I lifted his arm up and slid slowly away from him.’
Lewis reached his waist and massaged over his underpants. With Ian’s hips being so small, it was impossible to massage any of the front of his underpants without brushing against his cock which throbbed happily. Even Ian couldn’t stop himself making happy noises at the feeling. As he massaged directly over it, Ian’s cock flexed continuously and felt very hard. It was clearly not a very big one, but it was certainly very hard at that moment.
As Lewis moved down the front of his bare legs, Ian said, ‘Each time I moved my body away from him, he moved forward in his sleep until his cock pressed back against my bum. In the end the only way I could escape was to get out of bed. By now he was fast asleep on my side of the bed, so I went round and got into his side. I fell asleep soon after and there were no more problems.’
After slipping his trousers right off, Lewis started back up his legs as he asked, ‘What happened when Jacob woke up the next morning.?’ ‘His first words were, ‘How did I end up on this side of the bed?’ Ian said smiling at the memory.
‘You kept moving over to me,’ I told him. ‘In the end I got up and went round to your side.’ He looked concerned. ‘Did I bump into you?’ he asked. ‘What makes you ask that?’ I asked him. ‘Well, I had a weird dream,’ he told me, ‘Or at least, I thought it was a dream.’
As Lewis moved up onto the front of his underpants again, Ian’s cock was waving about. Every time Lewis’s hand touched it, even though it was through cloth, Ian made some very happy noises. He didn’t speak again until Lewis moved up onto his stomach.
Then Ian said, ‘That sounds interesting I told him, can you tell it to me?’ He went red, ‘I don’t know,’ he said, ‘It’s a bit embarrassing.’ ‘Well, if you tell me all about it,’ I told him, ‘I promise you I won’t be offended no matter what it is. Also, I’ll then tell you exactly what happened in detail.’
‘He took some time to decide then I think only because he really wanted to know what did happen, he began to tell me.’ ‘Just pause there a moment,’ Lewis said as he reached his head. ‘Turn over again, then when I go down your back, I’ll massage your cheeks directly on your skin unless you say pass when I lift the back of your underpants.’
As he massaged the back of Ian’s head, Ian continued telling him what Jacob had said about his dream. ‘I dreamt I was in bed with someone,’ he said. ‘I was up against his back all nice and cosy. In my dream I put my arm over him, and it felt so lovely.’
‘Then I dreamt he moved forward and when I moved forward, he wasn’t there anymore. That’s all I remember.’ ‘Turn over with your back to me,’ I told him, ‘And draw your knees up.’
‘When he did, I wriggled up behind him in the position he had been in in the night. As I put my arm over his waist, he was very quiet. Then a few moments later he said, ‘That feels lovely, but it actually happened, didn’t it.’ ‘Yes,’ I said, ‘And I thought that it felt lovely too.’ He turned over to face me and asked, ‘You didn’t mind?’
At that point Lewis reached his waist. He took hold of the back of his underpants and lifted them up off his skin. Ian was in full flow and didn’t pause. ‘No, I told him, I was terrified you might wake up because I thought you’d be embarrassed, but apart from that I could have stayed there all night.’
Then as Lewis slid one hand down inside his underpants and massaged his cheek on the skin, Ian stopped speaking to let out a scream of delight. When Lewis moved over to his other cheek, he let out another one. ‘Oh, I can’t believe how lovely that was.’ he said as Lewis drew his hand out.
As Lewis massaged down over the top of his underpants Ian continued. ‘Jacob went quiet again, then he said, ‘There was another bit I didn’t mention before, but I don’t know if I imagined it.’ ‘In your dream, were you holding something?’ I asked.’
‘He went bright red and said so quietly that I could hardly hear him, ‘Yes.’ ‘I’m going to tell you exactly what happened,’ I told him, ‘But before I do you should know that it hasn’t upset me in any way.’
As Lewis started back up from his feet, he told Ian that when he reached his waist, he was to say pass, down or nicer and explained the differences. Then Ian carried on with his story. ‘If you’d like to,’ I said, ‘Turn over again and I’ll demonstrate as I tell you.’ He turned over immediately. ‘I assume that you turned on your side in your sleep and bumped into my back,’ I told him. ‘Feeling me in front of you, you moved tight up behind me and put your arm over me. I was still asleep too.’
‘I demonstrated by wriggling up tight to his back and putting my arm over his waist and resting my hand on his tummy.’ ‘Is that when you woke up?’ he asked. ‘No,’ I said, ‘I don’t know how long you were there, or in which order the next bit happened. ‘My guess is that in your sleep you thought your hand was on your own front and you rested it over your cock.’
Lewis finished massaging his cheeks over his underpants then took hold of the back and waited. Ian interrupted his tale immediately to say, ‘Nicer.’ He started to speak but as he felt Lewis’s hand on his bare cheek again, he stopped and made a lot of happy noises as Lewis did one cheek after the other.
As Ian opened his mouth to resume his story assuming Lewis had finished, he felt the back of his underpants sliding down below his cheeks. Then he screamed with delight as Lewis put both hands on both cheeks and massaged them at the same time.
He was in raptures all the time and couldn’t resume speaking until Lewis moved on up his back. ‘But what you thought was your cock,’ Ian said, ‘Was actually mine. Feeling your hand on it, even in my sleep made me go erect. Your hand feeling me erect made you erect. So, I woke up to find you holding my erect cock and your erect cock pressed against my bum.’
‘What did you do?’ Jacob asked. ‘I froze for a while,’ I told him, ‘Then I took hold of your hand and managed to slide it gently off my cock. Holding your arm up, I wriggled forward away from you. But then you wriggled forward and came up against me again. After the third time I got out of bed and came round and got in your side.’
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