The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 4: Ron Learns an Exciting Way to Get to Sleep.

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: Ron Learns an Exciting Way to Get to Sleep. - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

They both got back on the boat and Ron asked, “Where’s the best place for you to teach me?” Lewis said, “Let’s sit in the lounge first and I’ll explain it to you.” They settled in and Lewis explained that the system whose name he didn’t know, involved tensing muscles and then relaxing them, but in a specific order.” That sounds easy enough, Ron said, “I’m not always good at picking up new things.” “Don’t worry,” Lewis told him, “I’m sure you won’t have a problem with it, and I’m here to help you anyway.”

“Ideally,” Lewis told him, “You need to be lying down and if you can do it on your bed, where you will be most likely to use it, that would be even better. It is in several sections,” Lewis continued, “First I’ll tell you which muscles to tense, then you tense that muscle as hard as you can for five seconds, then relax. When you’ve done the whole body, we then do it again, but this time as I touch the muscle without speaking. I’ll explain that to you when we reach that point.” Ron said, “Ok,” then Lewis said “It’s easier if we can get at and see your muscles, so the ideal clothing to wear is just your shorts, or at least what you usually wear in bed.”

Ron said, “It varies, in the winter I wear more, but now in the summer I either wear shorts and T shirt, or just my shorts.” Lewis smiled at him, “Shorts would be best, but it’s whatever you are most comfortable with in front of me. After all, we’re trying to relax you, so it’s no good if you’re feeling embarrassed at me seeing you in your shorts.” Ron told him, “It’s strange, I am usually a very private person, but somehow I feel completely at ease with you.” Lewis gave him another smile, “That makes success sound pretty certain,” he said.

“Oh, I do hope so,” Ron told him, “I do hope so.”

“If you’re ready to start,” Lewis told him, “Go into your bedroom, draw all the curtains so that the room is dim, strip down to your shorts and lie on your bed. Give me a shout when you’re ready.” Ron said, “Ok,” and went into the bedroom. Lewis heard the sound of curtains being drawn and he sat down and took his shoes off. Because the rooms were so narrow and the bed went from one side of the boat to the other, he would have to get on the bed alongside Ron.

He had only just finished when Ron called out, “Ready.” Lewis went into the bedroom and closed the door behind him. There was an area of about two feet six inches square to stand in, the rest of the room was bed. Ron lay down the middle in his shorts. He was about five foot ten inches tall, heavy build, good shape but well padded. Someone who hadn’t exercised a good body.

Lewis climbed up on the bed and knelt alongside him. “First I want you to imagine you’re in bed and can’t sleep,” Lewis told him. “What we’re going to do next is, I’m going to tell you a muscle, then you have to tense it up as hard as you can and hold it tense for five seconds. I’ll count and tell you when to relax, so all your concentration must be on keeping the muscle tight. Ok?” “Yes, I think so,” Ron replied. “Let’s give it a try,” Lewis said, “Don’t worry about it, if we go wrong, we can start again.” Ron smiled at him. “Here goes, “Lewis said, “First muscle is your head.” He watched as Ron pulled a face as he tried to tense up all the muscles of his head. After five seconds, Lewis called, “Relax,” Ron breathed a sigh of relief and let all his head muscles go easy. Lewis didn’t give him any time to get comfortable,

“Both hands next,” he said, “Now” Ron clenched both fists as hard as he could. Relax, Lewis said five seconds later. “Both arms now,” Lewis said, “Don’t worry if you have to do your hands as well, all that matters is that you tense and concentrate on the muscles I say.” Ron tensed his arms, finding that he did indeed have to do his hands as well. “Relax,” Lewis called five seconds later. They continued like this, doing shoulders then chest, back and stomach. After that they did feet, lower legs, and thighs. Then they finished off with cheeks, hips, abdomen and genitals. Finally, Lewis said, “Now do every single muscle that you’ve just done but this time do them all together.” Ron tensed himself all over, it was almost like he was having a seizure. Lewis was half expecting to see steam to come out of his ears, he was trying so hard.

“Relax,” Lewis said, and Ron let out his breath having held it whilst he was tensing. “Now just relax whilst I tell you the next bit,” Lewis said. “You’ve just done the whole system,” he said, “The next bit is almost the same. This time there will be no sound. After all, you wouldn’t get to sleep if someone kept shouting instructions at you, would you?” Ron laughed, “No, I suppose not,” he said. “This time, instead of telling you which muscle, I’m going to put my hand on it,” Lewis told him. “Then when I take my hand off, you relax. It’s as simple as that, are you ready?” “Ready,” Ron told him.

Lewis rested his hand on Ron’s head and felt his head muscles tighten up. He counted five to himself then took his hand off. Ron relaxed. Next Lewis rested his hand on Ron’s hands, counted five in his head, then took his hands off. Then he put his hands on Ron’s arms, then his shoulders which were quite broad. Next Lewis placed his hands on Ron’s chest which had a very small patch of hair between the nipples, the rest being smooth skin. Next Lewis slid his hand under Ron onto the middle of his back, followed by his stomach which was well padded. Following his stomach came his feet, then lower legs, then thighs.

Slipping his hand under him, Lewis took hold of a cheek then each hip. Next, he laid his hand on Ron’s abdomen over his shorts. Then Lewis rested his hand between Ron’s legs, he could feel his cock which was limp but felt quite large. Ron tensed up and Lewis felt his cock move slightly as he did so, but it remained soft. Taking his hand off, Lewis then put one hand on his forehead and the other on his abdomen which they had agreed as the signal to do the whole body. Once he took his hands away and Ron relaxed, Lewis said, “Now just relax for a while and tell me how you feel.” Ron told him, “I feel very relaxed.” Lewis told him, “That’s good it’s mainly because you had to concentrate on tensing your muscles, it pushed everything else out of your mind so that by the time you had finished, your brain was at ease, your body tired and off to sleep you go. When you do it on your own, as there’s no one to tell you when to start and stop, your concentration is even more so which makes it even more effective.”

“Now,” Lewis said, “On many occasions, what you’ve just done will send you off to sleep, but there’s always the odd occasion when it’s more difficult. The next bit is to cover that.”

“In a moment, I’m going to ask you to turn over and I’m going to give you a relaxing massage from your head to your feet and back again. I’m going to do your back, then your front and repeat that three times. Then when you have a really difficult time, you can remember how you felt through all of my relaxing and by the time you get to the end of it in your memory, you’ll be asleep.”

“That sounds lovely,” Ron said, “I feel like I could go to sleep already.” Lewis smiled down at him, “You’ve already felt my hands on your body,” he said, “But relaxing you will mean you will feel my hands all over you, not just on odd bits like earlier. How do you feel about that?” Ron grinned at him, “I’m looking forward to it,” he said, “Shall I turn over now?”

Lewis nodded, “Whenever you’re ready.”

Ron turned over onto his front. He put his arms down by his side and lay flat without a pillow. Lewis put his hands on his head and massaged the top, down the back, down his neck and onto his shoulders. As he started down the back of his torso, Lewis asked, “How does it feel so far?” “Lovely,” came the instant reply. “Wake me up if I fall asleep, I don’t want to miss any of it, I’ve never had a massage before”

Lewis continued on down his back to the top of his shorts. Moving onto his shorts, he massaged both cheeks and carried on down returning to bare skin part way down Ron’s thighs. Reaching his feet, Lewis started back up. When he reached his cheeks, he asked, “Which part feels the most relaxing, over material like your shorts, or directly on the skin?”

Ron replied straight away, “On the skin, definitely,” he answered. “That’s usually the case,” Lewis told him as he returned up his back, “You’ll be able to increase the directly on the skin area next time I do your back, if you want to.” By now he had reached Ron’s head and was massaging the top. “It’s your front’s turn now,” Lewis said, “So turn over when you’re ready.”

Ron turned over and settled on his back. He smiled at Lewis, saying, “This is really lovely, so relaxing.” Lewis smiled back and as he put his hands on his head, Ron closed his eyes and gave a happy sigh. Lewis massaged his head, then his temples which he did for slightly longer before going over his face and round his neck.

Moving down his chest, he went through his little patch of hairs and around both nipples which brought a quiet ‘mmm’ from Ron. As he went on down over his stomach, Lewis noticed that there was no movement or noticeable change in the bulge in his shorts. Moving onto the top of his shorts, Lewis crossed from side to side as he moved down. As he passed over the middle and felt Ron’s cock under his hand, there was another ‘mmm’ from Ron but no movement.

Lewis carried on down to his feet and as he started up again, he asked, “Are there any parts of the massage that you don’t find relaxing or enjoyable?” “No,” came the immediate answer, “It’s all lovely.” As Lewis came up over his knees, he said, “Because I’m massaging over your genitals, you might find yourself getting aroused. If you do, don’t feel embarrassed, it’s perfectly natural for that to happen in a massage.” “Ok,” said Ron, sounding totally unconcerned.

Lewis carried on up his thighs, doing one up to the bottom of his shorts, then the other one the same. Then went onto Ron’s shorts and went halfway up each shorts leg then moved across into the middle. Moving a hand around over his cock, Lewis felt a slight movement and heard another ‘mmm’ from Ron. He carried on up, onto his abdomen which he stayed on for a little before going up onto his stomach, then over his chest, neck and head, with again some extra time on his temples.

“That was the first one, if you feel happy to do the next one, turn over when you’re ready, Lewis told him. Ron turned over onto his front right away. As he started massaging his head Lewis told him, “When I go down your back, if before I get to your waist, you say, ‘Skin’, instead of going over your shorts, I’ll massage inside directly on your skin. If you say nothing, I’ll do it the same as last time. Ok?”

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