The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 1: Lorraine and Danny’s First Day Out

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: Lorraine and Danny’s First Day Out - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Sunday morning saw Danny wheeling his bike down the path. He had told his mum he was going for a day’s cycling with some of his mates, so he had a packed lunch in his saddlebag.

He was, of course, meeting Lorraine to spend their first day together as a couple.

About five miles from home, halfway between his and Lorraine’s home, there was a disused railway line that had been made into a linear footpath. They had arranged to meet at the start of it at eleven. Except that they would spend the day together, they hadn’t made any other plans.

As Danny cycled along the road, his heart was pounding at the thought of the day ahead and he couldn’t wait to throw his arms around her and kiss the lips he had been dreaming about all week, not to mention various other body parts!”

He arrived at the start of the old railway at quarter to eleven. There was a parking area with some picnic tables at one side. There were cars in the parking area, but no one was about. People arriving at the starting point tended to start the walk right away, whilst those starting from the other end, about twelve miles away, hadn’t yet arrived to take a welcome sit down.

He sat at one of the tables and looked around. The old railway had once continued the other side of the road, but that section had been returned to farmland and he could see some new houses in the distance. This linear Park had only been possible by a last-minute intervention from the local population and had proved very popular. From where he sat, he could see down the main road in the direction Lorraine would approach. Then his heart did a little flip as he spotted a lone cyclist in the far distance. He watched as they approached, his excitement mounting. Soon he could see that it was indeed Loraine and his excitement doubled, whilst his heart did all sorts of strange things.

Now she was close enough to spot him, she gave a cheery wave which he stood up to return. He walked towards the edge of the road, arriving as she turned in. Suddenly he couldn’t move, his feet felt like lead. Lorraine jumped off her bike and ran over to him. Throwing her arms around him, she held him tight and kissed him. As soon as he felt her touch, he seemed to unfreeze. He put his arms around her too. They stood and kissed for ages.

Danny said, “I’ve been waiting all week for that, I’ve missed you so much.” Lorraine gave him a radiant smile and told him that she had been the same. They decided to leave their bikes chained up in the parking area and walk instead of cycle. Lorraine had brought a packed lunch too and they both had drinks, so Danny packed them all into his haversack.

They set of on their walk, hand in hand.

To start with, neither of them spoke, they were both content to feel the others hand in theirs and just be with each other. The line took them through countryside, small towns and alongside a large river so the scenery changed frequently. They both liked walking, so the prospect of doing the full twelve miles and back again didn’t daunt them.

They started chatting about general things as they walked. Soon they reached another picnic area which had the usual tables, but had a large, grassed area with clumps of bushes, a pond and some slight hills. There were people around, but it wasn’t crowded and as Danny knew they were now halfway, they decided to stop for a break and a drink. They found a quiet spot sheltered by a tree but still enough in the sun. Danny sat with his back against the tree and Lorraine stretched out on the grass with her head on Danny’s legs. In between gazing lovingly at each other, they had a drink then talked.

Lorraine said she had found it so difficult not to tell anyone about them, feeling she shouldn’t say anything until her mum and dad knew. Danny said he had been exactly the same, so they decided that they would work out how best to do it during the day.

They talked and talked, Danny told Lorraine all about his mum and dad, how his dad had died just over a year ago and how hard it had been losing him. He told her what he hoped to do when he finished school, about his day out to Alton Towers with Lewis and his uncle Mike, how Mike had always been his favourite relative and he now looked on him almost as a dad.

Lorraine told him all about her mum and dad, what they did and what she had thought of doing when she left school. She told him about some of her relatives and that she too was an only child.

They discussed at what age they thought they might get married, how many children they would like, what sort of wedding, where they would like to live and many other things. Then they suddenly realised they had been sitting for nearly two hours. Time had just flown away as they planned their lives.

Lorraine sat up and put her arms around Danny’s neck. After kissing him, she said, “There’s really only one thing I want for my future life and that’s to spend it with you.” Danny hugged her and kissed her back, “My feelings exactly,” he said.

Danny stood up and held his hand out for Lorraine to stand too. Once she had, he took her hand, knelt down on one knee and said, “At some time in the future when we both agree it’s the right time, will you marry me?” Lorraine burst into tears as she said, “Oh Danny, I’m so happy, of course I will.” Danny stood up and they held each other close, kissing for ages.

They decided to stay where they were and eat their lunch, pooling everything they had brought with them. They no longer had enough time to walk to the end of the park and back, so there was no rush to finish.

Over lunch there was a further discussion about marriage and they both agreed that it would be silly to rush into it before they could support themselves. On the other hand, they wanted to spend more time with each other. There was also the issue of sex, or more particularly, where to have it. Eventually they decided they would get over the hurdle of meeting their parents first and see what their reaction was.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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