The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 8: Rufus Shows His Bum
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: Rufus Shows His Bum - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Lewis sat quietly waiting for Rufus to answer. ‘Even though I feel so safe and at ease with you, I still don’t know if I will be able to tell you,’ Rufus said. ‘But I’d really like to try if you don’t mind.’ he said looking pleadingly at him.
‘Rufus, if you try and find you can’t, it will still bring us closer to each other,’ Lewis told him. ‘Then perhaps sometime in the future you can try again. If it takes one or several sessions, I don’t mind,’ Lewis said, ‘The main thing is to keep trying.’
‘So, if you want to try, I want you to go over to the settee. Take your shoes off and lie down. I’ll then come and sit on the edge of the settee and tell you what you need to do next.’
Rufus gave him a happy smile, got up and went over to the settee. He took his shoes off and lay down. Lewis went over and sat on the edge by his knees. ‘Well done,’ he said. ‘The hardest part of dealing with any problem is to admit to yourself that you have one. The second hardest part is to do something about it.’
‘You have done both by being here right now. The next even easier part is to tell me all about it, even if you don’t think it is at this moment. Then the easiest part of all is usually finding a solution.’
Rufus looked pleased to hear that. ‘Now,’ Lewis said, ‘Soon I’ll start massaging and asking questions. The massage is to relax you and as you already know me, I’m going to suggest that before we start you take your top things off. That will help you feel even more relaxed and the massage direct on your skin will be far more relaxing than over your clothes.’
Rufus had never had any sort of massage before, but he had seen them being done in films. It seemed logical that a hand massaging directly on your skin would be much nicer than a hand massaging over your clothes. ‘Ok, that sounds nice,’ he said. ‘All of my top things?’ he asked. ‘Yes, please.’ Lewis said assuming he meant his shirt and possibly a vest.
Lewis stood up to give him room. Rufus stood up and pulled his shirt off. He put it on the nearby chair. Then he took his trousers off, put them with his shirt and lay down, now just in his shorts.
‘Well done,’ Lewis said, ‘Do you feel ok in just your shorts?’ ‘Yes, I’m fine,’ Rufus said, ‘Although I don’t think I’d feel as at ease with anyone else.’ ‘Well, you’ve made a good leap forward Lewis said, ‘When I said your top things, I meant literally the clothes above your waist. But as you are, is even better and puts us further ahead.’
‘In a moment I’ll ask you to turn over. Then I’ll massage the back of your head. When you feel relaxed enough, say ‘Go’ and I’ll start massaging down your back and start asking questions. Nothing we do will take you by surprise. Every time I want to do something, I’ll tell you about it first, tell you why we are doing it and tell you what I hope to achieve from it. Even then nothing happens until you say it’s ok.’
‘That sounds ok,’ Rufus said. ‘Shall I turn over now?’ ‘Yes, please.’ Lewis told him. As he turned over Lewis could see that he was about the same height as himself. He had broad shoulders and slim hips. He was wiry rather than muscular. His shorts were snug fitting, but the glimpse of his bulge didn’t give anything away.
As Lewis rested his hand on Rufus’s head and started massaging Rufus didn’t hesitate. ‘Go.’ he said. As Lewis moved down onto his bony shoulders, he asked, ‘Tell me about your home, the sort of building and who lives there with you.’
As he moved down his back, Rufus answered, ‘It’s a semi-detached house on an estate. I live there with my uncle and aunt.’ As Lewis reached his waist he asked, ‘How do you come to be living with them?’ ‘When I was at primary school...,’ Rufus started to say.
Then as Lewis’s hands moved over his cheeks, he went rigid and stopped. As Lewis massaged his cheeks, he remained silent and tense. When he moved onto his bare thighs, he relaxed and continued, ‘ ... my mum died and dad couldn’t cope with it. He just became a recluse and he faded away and died a year later.’
‘Aunty Irene took me in, although it was clear from the start that Uncle Fred wasn’t happy at the idea. She has never shown me affection, but she has always been kind to me.’ As Lewis started back up from his feet he asked, ‘What did Uncle Fred do to hurt you?’ ‘He wasn’t averse to beating me,’ Rufus said, ‘Although it was always when Aunty Irene wasn’t about and after he had been drinking.’
‘How did you guess?’ he asked. ‘Experience at counselling.’ Lewis told him as he returned onto the back of his shorts. Rufus went tense again, so Lewis waited until he moved off onto his back before asking, ‘When did he first start doing other things to hurt you?’ ‘About a year ago.’ Rufus answered sounding down.
As Lewis moved back onto his shoulders, he asked, ‘Can you tell me what things he did to you?’ ‘Pass,’ Rufus said, then added, ‘Sorry.’ ‘No need to be,’ Lewis told him, ‘It’s early yet, say pass as often as you want, we move on at your speed not mine and you’re already well ahead.’
As he spoke, he massaged his head, then took his hands away. ‘Turn over.’ he instructed. As Rufus settled into place, Lewis could see his ribs and all his stomach muscles. ‘You’re doing fine.’ he said smiling at him. ‘Now I’m going to go down your front just the same. With more questions naturally.’ Rufus managed a grin at that. ‘Say go when you’re ready.’ Lewis instructed as he massaged his head.
Rufus said ‘Go’ immediately, so Lewis moved to his temples and massaged them for a few moments before moving onto the front of his shoulders. ‘Can you tell me how the first time he hurt you other than beating, came to happen?’ Lewis asked. As he moved onto Rufus’s chest and massaged through the medium patch of dark hairs, Rufus said, I’d had several beatings. He always grabbed me and took me into the lounge after Aunt Irene had gone to bed, so I knew when I was going to get a beating.
Then one night he told me I had to suck him otherwise he’d beat me, He stripped off and grabbed my head. I had to suck him. It took ages to get him hard and ages for him to fire and then he shot in my mouth. He held my head and told me he’d keep me there until I’d eaten all his cum.
It was better than a beating, so I did. It happened a few times over the next year, but after the second time he made me strip off too. Then a few days ago, I came in after Aunt Irene had gone to bed. Uncle Fred didn’t hear me coming in, he’d had a few drinks and probably thought I was already in bed.’
As Lewis massaged over his hard stomach he continued, ‘I went into the lounge and Fred was watching a porn video. His eyes were glued onto the screen, so he didn’t notice me. I stood at the door for a few moments watching it, then just as I turned to go out, he spotted me.’
‘Come here you.’ he said. ‘He was never nice to me even in his speech.’ I went over very reluctantly. I knew if I didn’t, I’d get a beating. He grabbed hold of me and... ‘ he broke off looking near to tears. ‘Pass.’ he said.
Lewis put his arms out and told him to sit up. As he did Lewis took him in his arms and hugged him. ‘Don’t worry,’ he said, ‘I’m sure you’re not going to tell me anything I haven’t heard before. But you do it in your own good time. Just remember that nothing in here will hurt you.’
Rufus had gone very tense as Lewis held him, but now he could feel him relaxing. As he did Lewis could feel his hands moving slightly. ‘If you would like to hold me too, that would be nice.’ Lewis told him.
Rufus immediately put his arms around Lewis and moved his head onto his shoulder. Lewis felt him relax as if all the tension had gone from him. Then he said quietly, ‘This is the first hug I’ve had from another man since before my dad died.’
Lewis stroked his bare back and the back of his head. ‘We’ll have lots more during the session,’ he said, ‘And if you feel you need one at any time, don’t wait, don’t ask, just take it and I’ll happily respond.’
Rufus kept hold and may well have stayed there all night. Lewis said, ‘I know some of the massage is bothering you, but we have to keep going to overcome it before we can achieve anything. So, lets carry on, but remember a hug is yours whenever you need one.’
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