The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 8: A Call From Grace
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: A Call From Grace - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Then as Paul felt his balls slipping out of Dannys mouth he was both disappointed that the amazing sensation was about to stop and excited at the thought of Dannys hand about to stroke his cock.
Danny lowered each leg back onto the bed, then he took hold of Pauls cock. As it throbbed in his hand, there was half an inch of it sticking out above his thumb.
As Paul waited for Dannys hand to start moving he felt an exquisitely wonderful sensation instead. Something lovely and soft and warm had wrapped itself around the end of his cock that was sticking out of Dannys grip. Then suddenly Dannys hand let go and whatever was round his tip started sliding down his cock.
As a fantastic feeling surged through him, he couldn’t stop screaming out and at the same time he opened his eyes wide. The sight before his eyes was unbelievable. Danny had his mouth around his cock and was sliding it down. As he watched, the rest of his cock disappeared into Dannys mouth and Dannys lips touched his hairs.
As his cock throbbed it was held firmly by Dannys mouth and stroked by Dannys tongue. He could see Dannys eyes twinkling at him as he looked at Pauls surprised expression.
He slid his mouth off slowly and said, ‘Relax and enjoy a new experience. When you fire, let yourself go, I’ll deal with the cum ok?’ ‘Ok.’ Paul said unable to believe anything so exciting could be happening to him.
He watched as Danny put his mouth back around his tip and slid all the way down. As Paul cried out, he closed his eyes and floated away. As Dannys mouth started sliding up and down slowly but steadily the feeling Paul was getting beat everything he had ever experienced before.
As his feeling kicked in and grew, he had no idea what Danny was going to do when he fired but he was past being able to care. He thought he should warn him, so he called out, ‘I’m getting near.’
All that happened was that Danny went even faster. As Pauls feeling went through the roof, he had no time to say any more. He screamed out in an ecstasy surpassing anything he had ever experienced as he fired five jets of cum into Dannys mouth.
As the wonderful feeling flowed through him in waves, he was vaguely aware of Dannys mouth still moving on his cock. Danny had felt his cock swell as his scream of delight started. Then as he started shooting Danny started swallowing.
Once his last jet had faded away, Danny went up and down a couple more times whilst he carried on swallowing. Then as he came to a stop, he finished off everything left in his mouth before giving Pauls tip a good lick.
As Pauls cock started shrinking, he kept hold of it with his lips, then once it was fully soft, he let it slip slowly out of his mouth and hang down between his legs.
As he moved up the bed and took Paul in his arms, he kissed him. Then as he lay on his back, Paul got up on one elbow, smiled down at him and said, ‘That was amazing.’ Danny looked up at him and said, ‘Consent and pleasure. The two requirements that should be present in all sex.’
Realising his mouth was empty, Paul asked, ‘What have you done with all my cum?’ Danny patted his stomach. ‘It’s in safe storage right here.’ he said grinning. ‘You ate it?’ Paul said sounding incredulous. ‘Gosh I have led a sheltered life.’
He lay his head down on Dannys chest and stroked Dannys soft cock. Danny stroked his head. After a few minutes Paul said, ‘Danny, how do you know that the cure you suggested would be enjoyable and not painful if it’s done properly?’
‘Experience,’ Danny said, ‘My pal and I tried it, once each way. I’ve also been present whilst other victims have taken the cure successfully.’ ‘Wow.’ Paul said going silent again.
Another short period then, ‘So if I tried it, you reckon I would stop having the nightmares for good?’ ‘Yes.’ Danny said. ‘Who could I get to do it for me?’ he asked.
‘It would have to be someone you trusted and felt completely safe with,’ Danny told him. ‘You’d have to feel comfortable being naked and erect with him and of course he’d have to be willing to do it for you.’
After another longer pause Paul said, ‘There’s only one person in the world who could fit all those requirements.’ he stopped. ‘Then why not ask him?’ Danny told him.
Another short pause, then, ‘Danny would you be willing to do it for me.’ ‘Yes,’ Danny said, ‘But there’s a condition.’ Paul sat up and looked at him. ‘Anything.’ he said.
‘If I do,’ Danny said, ‘You have to give serious consideration to doing it to me to make it even. There’s no pressure, you don’t have to do it if you decide no, but I want you to know you had the choice.’
That had never crossed Paul’s mind, he suddenly felt very excited about the whole thing. ‘Ok,’ he said, ‘I agree.’
‘We’ve both just fired,’ Danny said, ‘So we can’t do it tonight. Let’s meet again on Monday evening. Then if you still want to, we will do it then. We can discuss your loneliness then too.’
‘In the meantime, think carefully about it so you can be sure. Also, have a think about all the things you’ve ever thought that you would like to take up as a hobby but never got around to. Make me a list. I’ll explain why on Monday.’
‘Ok.’ Paul said and kissed him again. They got up off the bed and had a naked hug and another kiss. After getting dressed they went downstairs and had another coffee. ‘I shall be dreaming about today every night.’ Paul told him. ‘That’s good,’ Danny said, ‘It’ll help you sleep.’
‘Start telling yourself that in a few days your memory will be clear, and you will soon be starting a new life.’ Leaving a happy looking Paul, Danny returned home.
Danny spent the weekend at Lorraine’s then on Monday evening he went round to Pauls.
Paul let him in and greeted him with a hug and a long kiss. They sat at the kitchen table and had a coffee. ‘What have you decided?’ Danny asked. ‘I want to try it,’ Paul said. ‘With everything you’ve done for me I’d be daft not to try everything you suggest.’
‘Regarding me doing it to you, I’ve thought about it and I have to admit the idea has excited me a lot. But I will wait until after I’ve experienced it to decide for sure, if that’s ok.’
‘Of course, it is.’ Danny said. ‘Just remember there’s no compulsion, you only do that if you decide you really want to. The best guide is if you have any doubts, don’t.’
‘Have you done the list I asked for?’ ‘Yes.’ Paul said handing over a piece of paper. Danny glanced through it, ‘That’s good,’ he said, ‘We’ll come back to that later.’
They finished their coffee and Danny said, ‘Let’s go through to the lounge. Once in there he gave Paul a hug and a kiss. ‘Remember,’ he told him, ‘You can stop at any time. Let’s strip off first.’
Once naked they had another hug. The bare skin contact between their cocks was enough to make them both hard very quickly. ‘Go and sit in the armchair with your legs up on the arms,’ Danny instructed.
He put a cushion on the floor and knelt on it. ‘Let me tell you how it works,’ he said. ‘For the best result you should do this in a similar position to your bad experience. Sitting as you are and if you put your legs up on my shoulders when we’re ready to start, that will be close enough.’
He showed him the spray. Squirting some on his index finger he told Paul what he was going to do with it. As he rubbed it gently round his bum, Pauls initial reaction to his touch was fear and he went tense. But in seconds he relaxed. Then he smiled. ‘That feels nice.’ he said.
Danny did it several times, then put the spray to his bum. As he squirted it, Paul jumped and laughed as it tickled his insides. Then Danny stood up and Paul watched as Danny rubbed oil all over his cock. Paul’s cock throbbed as he watched.
When Danny knelt down Paul felt a little nervous again, but feeling safe with Danny he knew he only had to say stop if there was any problem. Danny put Pauls legs up on his shoulders and told him to wriggle his bum forward to the edge of the seat.
As he touched Pauls opening with his tip, he felt Paul tense up a little, then when he held it still without pushing in, he felt him relax. ‘I’m only going to press gently to keep my tip touching your bum,’ Danny told him. ‘My cock won’t start to enter you until you relax, and your bum muscles let it. I will not force my way in.’
‘I know.’ Paul said. ‘We can sit here for ages just enjoying the contact,’ Danny said, ‘So there’s no rush. Don’t try and make yourself relax, just leave your body to do it naturally.’
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