The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 7: When Dreams Come True
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 7: When Dreams Come True - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘I thought I would dream it through again and fire myself.’ Paul said looking happy. ‘But it turned out even nicer, didn’t it?’ Danny said smiling. Paul opened his eyes, saw his smile, gave him a grin then closed his eyes again.
‘My dream suddenly changed to my bedroom,’ Paul said. ‘You were there with me, and we were hugging each other.’ ‘Sit up.’ Danny said. He moved to the side and took Paul in his arms. As they each put their heads on the others shoulder, Danny said in his ear, ‘Just like this, like we did the other day.’
‘Carry on.’ he said. Feeling Danny in his arms gave Paul the encouragement he needed to continue. ‘We hugged then kissed,’ Paul said, ‘Then we... ‘ ‘Pause there.’ Danny said. He lifted his head of Pauls shoulder, so Paul did the same thinking he had offended him.
He saw Danny was smiling at him and before he could move or speak Danny was kissing him on his lips. Paul returned the kiss happily. They kissed for ages then as they broke for air, Paul said ‘Wow.’ ‘Was it like that?’ Danny asked. ‘No,’ Paul said, ‘That one was far better.’
‘Did you enjoy the one you’ve just had?’ Danny asked. ‘Yes,’ Paul said, ‘Very much, it was wonderful.’ ‘Well, you only had that because you told me you had dreamt it,’ Danny said. ‘I won’t interrupt your story again, but if you tell me all your dream, who knows how much of it might come true.’
Paul looked very excited at that idea, and his cock did a dance. Danny returned to the end of the settee and as Paul lay back down, he took hold of his cock and started stroking it gently. After a few seconds enjoying it, Paul continued.
‘We undressed down to our shorts,’ he said. ‘Then we had another hug. It was lovely being skin to skin with just our shorts between us. My cock was throbbing against you and yours was throbbing against me. We each put our hands on the others bare back and ran them up and down a few times.’
‘You slid your hands down inside the back of my shorts and took hold of my cheeks. As you held them, you told me to copy you. I put my hands down inside your shorts and held your cheeks.’ Paul’s cock did another dance as he spoke.
‘Then you started sliding your hands round inside my shorts and told me to do the same to you. We each took hold of the others cock and felt it throbbing in our hands.’
‘We stopped and took our shorts off. Then we had a fully naked hug with our cocks pressed together. We got up on the bed and you lay on your back. I felt all over your body and stroked your cock and your balls. Then I sat at your side on the bed with my feet up by your shoulders.’
‘As I stroked your cock with one hand, I played with your balls with the other. You reached out and played with my cock. Soon you got so worked up you called out that you were coming. I went faster and felt your cock throb in my hand. As you shot four jets of cum up into the air, you cried out happily.’
‘I watched each jet soar up and land on your chest. Then suddenly I felt myself about to fire. Before I could say anything, I shot four loads too. You felt it coming and moved my cock over towards you.’
‘As I screamed out with ecstasy, you guided my cock so the cum landed on your chest with yours. We both lay still for a while, then as you had all the cum on your chest, I fetched the cleaning stuff and mopped it all up.’
‘We lay on the bed facing each other. We were wrapped in each other’s arms, our limp cocks squashed together as we fell asleep. At that point I did fall asleep and slept well.’
‘And the other ones?’ Danny asked? ‘The same, with very slight variations.’ Paul told him.
‘Have you ever had a dream like those about any other male?’ Danny asked. ‘No, never.’ Paul said. ‘If you had had a close friend at school from an early age, you might have actually experienced what you dreamt with him.’ Danny said.
‘It is quite usual for teenagers to experiment with close friends. Imagine for a moment you had known Barry for years and there had been no attacks. Imagine you had done with him what you dreamt of doing with me. If you both thoroughly enjoyed it, what do you think you might have done in future?’
‘Done it again?’ Paul answered with a grin. ‘Exactly.’ Danny said. ‘Now in effect you would be doing nothing different than firing yourselves. But having someone else doing it for you is so much nicer as you know. Now if you had done it a few times you would have got to feel very close to each other and may well have tried other things.’
‘The next most likely is that you fired each other by sucking.’ As Paul looked horrified, Danny said, ‘Apart from it being a lovely sensation for you both, it would have given two horny teenagers a better idea of what it would feel like to put your cock into a vagina.’
‘After that there is one more step that is even closer.’ As Paul looked puzzled Danny told him, ‘Putting your cocks up each other’s bums.’ ‘That’s gross.’ Paul said looking disgusted.
‘You say that because you have experienced two people raping you,’ Danny said. ‘Think about it. If you and Barry had decided to try it, what would you two have done differently?’
Paul gave it some thought, although still looking disgusted. ‘Well, we wouldn’t tie each other up to start with.’ he said. As Danny kept looking at him expectantly, he continued, ‘We wouldn’t want to hurt each other either, so we’d be very slow and careful.’
‘Exactly,’ Danny said. ‘First you would both have agreed to try it, so you had consent. Secondly you would have been nervous because it was new, but excited for the same reason. You wouldn’t have been scared in any way because you trusted each other. Thirdly, you would have thought about it carefully or researched it so you would know that you had to lubricate each other’s bums and cocks, so they slid in easily and painlessly.’
‘Finally, when you came to try it, whoever was going in first would touch his tip very gently to the others bum. They would then wait until they were ready before pressing in very, very, slowly and carefully. At all times they would be poised ready to stop or pull out at the slightest sign of distress.’
‘I suppose so,’ Paul said, ‘But surely no one would do that voluntarily.’ ‘Can you remember the feeling the first time you slid your cock into a vagina?’ Danny asked. ‘Yes,’ Paul said a happy glow lighting up his face. ‘Always.’
‘Well imagine how that feeling would have been if her vagina had had a firmer grip on every single inch of your cock.’ Danny said. As Paul tried to imagine it his cock throbbed several times.
‘Well, part of you has imagined it ok,’ Danny said laughing. ‘Anyway, if you had, you both would have enjoyed it. If you had done it and he was still available, I would have recommended that you asked him to repeat it just once.’
‘You would then have a happy memory of a cock up your bum. As your mind always prefers to remember happy things over unhappy things, you would only remember that happy experience ever after.’
‘Once you have sex, the memory usually fades quickly. Indeed, when you were having regular sex it clearly almost went. But a bit of your mind seems to be hanging on to it. All we can do now is hope that because you have shared what you suffered with me, it will release it from your memory.’
‘We can return to that on another occasion if it doesn’t. Now before we look at the third problem, your loneliness, I told you that if you told me your dream it might come true.’ Paul looked at him looking excited.
‘I thought it was a lovely dream,’ Danny told him, ‘I felt very proud that you included me in it. If you wanted to it can come true.’ Paul’s cock which had remained hard in Dannys hand throughout, throbbed once more.
‘What I want you to do now is decide, then if you decide no, just stand up and get dressed. If you decide yes, walk over to the door and hold your hand out to me. If you do that, I’ll follow you up to your bedroom.’
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